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4~a _ ~, .~ <br />i3 '~ `' ~. ~.. "` <br />a4. "i'trat th€ tilortgagor will ke€p ehe buildings upnn said. gr€mises in Loud repair, and n€Ether commit nar permrt w~ast€ <br />anon said land, nar suffer the said pr€mis€s to be used for any unlawful purpose. <br />1 t. That if the pr€nais€s, or any part thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent domain. ar acquu€d for a public <br />use, the. damages awarded, ih€ proce€ds for the taking of, or the consideration for such acq_uisitian, to the extent of the. faro <br />amoarnl of ind€bt€dnes upon this mortgage and th€ note which it is given to s€cure remaining unpaid, are hereby assign€d by the <br />Mortgagor to th€ Pv[ortgagee. and shall be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee to b€ applied by the latter on account of the next <br />maturing:instaliments of such indebtedness. <br />3'?. The Mortgagor further. aterees that should this martt;are and. the not€ secured h€r€by not be eligible for in- <br />surance under the t~'ationa( 1-fouling .pct within S z.xt y Days from th€ da€e iaereof i :vritten statement of any officer <br />of the Department of F3otasrng and Lrrban 3~evefopm€nt ar authoriz€d agent of the Secs€tary of l-Iousing and Urbana <br />L7€velopm€nt dated subsequent to the Sixty Da;ts time from the date of this mortgage, d€clining to insur€ said <br />note and. this mortgage. being deemed conctusiv€ proof of such ineligibility), the Mortgage€ or holder trf the not€ <br />may, at its option.. declare all sums s€curr€d hereby i.mna€diatel}° due grad payable. <br />13. That if the Mortgagor fails to make any payments of mon€y when the sam€ becaame due.. tar fails to conform to and. <br />cnnrply with any of th€ conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage, or the note which it s€cures, then the entrr€ princi> <br />pal sum and ~acc:rued interest shall ac once b€cume du€ and payable, at th€ el€ction of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage may <br />thereupon be foreclosed irnrn€diately for the whole of said money, int€r€st, monthly payments, costs, ground rents, tax€s and <br />the c<rst of exten.drng the abstract of title from the ilat€ of this loan to the tinr€ of commencing such forecloser€ suit., and area- <br />sonabl€ attorney"s f€e, all of which shall tae irtclud€d in the d€cr€€ of ~ortelosure; and tfi€ contract emhodi€d in thisrnortgage <br />and the note scour€d h€r€by, steal? in all resp€cis b€ governed, cansiru€d and xtijtadged by ~th€ laws of tti~€braska, wh€r€ ttr€ <br />same is m~}de. <br />The ccavetaarats.her€in ccintatn€d sha[1 tar~aad, and ih€ b€n€tits and advvcantat;€s shall insure to, th€ r€sp€ctve heirs, ex€cut~ars, <br />administrators, successors and assigns ~tf th€ parties taer€to. bVE?eaacver arsr,d, the singular nutnber shall include th€ plural.. the <br />plural th€ singular, and th€ use of any Bend€r shall be aapplicable icy ai] i`€nd€rs. <br />'I'h€ fore«+orng conditions, all and singular. being p€rfonn€d according to their nartural and legal import, this conveyance <br />shall be void and said pre;mis€s r€.1€as€d at the €xpense of th€ Mortgagor; cite€rtc~is€ to b€ and s•€rnain in full ;`orc€ and €lfect. <br />1'~ W'I'E"su kSS 4V}-lE€21/()F. the ~9ortgagc+r?s) have he9~eunto s€t their hand~;s) th€ day .tad year first <br />abbot bkrrtt€n. <br />In pres€na"€ of: <br /> 1 <br /> <br />~4EhVY~ D. NlLSO~y <br />, <br />~ <br />C^7AND1'a c.. 'dELSUn; <br /> f ti€,yl. ~ <br />~ St.a1,. <br />acs.; aa.asss <br />~~ <br />ST.4'1 i~ f?E '~,°&:Hlh'.~~SKi1~. ~ M~MrftNll'-~4h1tNi1~ <br />ss: tAi1RM'~f. FiC1MprL1tA <br />t'(n.~~T~'t~h Haal ~11~w.~~~,,dl116 <br />tdn this ~~~ day of .January .:~.1). '!q 83 . b€for€ rne, <br />`a Notary T'ublic in and for said ('cstrnt}<, p€rsonatly ~am€ <br />~zervyn k3. 1elson. and Trianda f,; N~h~on, knr ,iaa~nd and ~ai£e . persa7nalic tome known <br />to b€ the identical p€rsiana whus€ name ~ are rfiixcd to ih€ above and fore- <br />gorng rostrum€nt ;rs Mortgagor. and they havo aeknowl€dged th€ said instra~ment and th€ <br />execution thereof to be their volurrtary .act and d€ed, forth: gurpos€s [h€r€in expressed. <br />In te_stinaony whercuf. I hav€ h€reunto set my Paand smd afTx€d hynata'r i kcal at C'=rand T ~1an~; Pveta~ra.ska <br />on the day and date last aiaov€ written. y ~ ,, ~ ~" ,~'~// <br />i~otarv I'antrc <br />,_' ~F <br />STA'FEL?p'~it#3~~SK,R s~s , <br />tiled for record this day of <br />at o`~.loclt <br />recorded in Book. <br />Page: oil <br />.4.E3. i~) <br />M..nd entered in mum€rical ind€x_. and <br />of Mortgag€s, on <br />R€gister oaf ,~3e€ds <br />