i_ Y ; rnaa'ttta praor to its due date fire annual tauartgage insurance premium in order in provide such border
<br />tic;ith funds to pav such preini;rm to the Secretary of floustng and ltrban 1>evele;pment pursuant to the
<br />1~'atioral I-lousing Act. as amended, and applicable RegulatioaYS ihereundcr; zar
<br />ti {il;l if and so long as said ;ante saf even mate and this tnstrunaent are field by the °recretary of Housing and
<br />~?rban i3evelopment, a r'aionthly charge (ua ti~t~ ra,~"u r,~tortgcr,~c a'nsurancc' prerniurnl w}Yis;h s~t~?alt be in an
<br />amount equal to one-twelt~ih (lJl~i ©# one-Bali (1/mj per centuna oC the average ciutstanding baiarce
<br />due on the ante com[ruted withnu't taking into ;lccoutrt delin~uencics ar prepayments;
<br />fib) A sum e~giaal tc~ t'he ground rents,af any, next dull, picas ih~e premiwaas that will next necome due anc~i payable rxr
<br />policies of fire and oLEaer laa2arct iaisarance eos~ering t}'ae aaaartgatled property. plus .axes a:~d assessarenis next s;ue
<br />on the znarigaged property /afZ as estirrtat`ed fig tae ;4~1<>rtg~~tc/ less all sums a?rea~tdy paid tl'isr~Pnr davicled ray life
<br />nuaxYber of auonths to elapse 'irefoa~e one month prier tc the date wl~ien such griaua?d rents, tire,trriurns, taxes aril
<br />assessments wi~Il become delinquent, sancta sums to he held i~ay Mortg~t~,ee. in tr?ast to pay said ~~round rents, pre-
<br />mii.uT?s. taxes and epeeist assessments; and
<br />(c) All payments t~aeniioned in the two precc~dirg subsectaaras ut~ this par at;r~alih asaad sit payrncrus tci be nridc: carder
<br />the Hate se~eured hereby shall he addeia together. grad the aggregate e?miyiim. theaeot allall hf paid lay the hlortgagnr
<br />eerie month an a stogie paynaeat to he applied li}~' lire Ia2orts~agee to thw fs~llowing items in tt?e order set €arih:
<br />{[) t?rernium it.arQes iat?der lire ccaeatracr rti~insuraltce w~itht €he'3ecretury of 1~3;xssing.artc3 I?ri3lrr ~crvelopmz:nt,
<br />ur maarthh,~ chargc,~in ileac sr,* rrtrn't,:;~r~,Se irasarrafacc lire°rtaitintl. <s itle ~:asc eery lac;
<br />{lt) around amts, taxes, assessrtx.nts, Lire and other i~az.at,t i asia::aaace S~rentuana5.
<br />(hli) interest c>aa fire note secured tacreby; anti
<br />~lVl at?:aordizlati<.an oftlae pri,ncipai o1 s,?sid note.
<br />Amt deticiecrcy ia: itie atYasxant c~f any such l,crcratc arYUa?this pa_eaaent slat?ii. %irilc~a irtade g:,;sd 'fay 'tkae iv4iart-
<br />gdgt~' ^iini tC} tlaC Bile date let t}ll' lCR[ fiiiCl7 l+.iVrt7Glrt. :-Gi7!it tLitC fIl A".'i'r3i, tat +.hfaUtt II r1(iCr ?#115 fl3irrt[;agC. iliC
<br />;1 rrtt?:~~~~ uaay colttc•t a 'Rate ,~taa I;e" neat f:a s KcG•sc1 ,,..Nuts t-t;tj ;';r e.rst~ ,i+rll.ar f`~1 t ;+i ti;a,•ka F=ayrrtt?t r,riirc
<br />Pisan ~_ncen d 1 > } ~; ,<'s in a ,var. to ~,ueei t!u csaa~a e~paa~sc iitv.>Ivei: !rt fiend?in>, +is;iinc#uci t , av;raents.
<br />%>. Cflart iC rhe~' u>t<ti crf tltt~ payment:~ naadc try t}ie ltnrt<>a~ptir under; ~ + ir( iaar:af;raspta ~' s.rret'edin~~ -bait! a'sca~«~d
<br />true :?mount of pu~nient_s at;tu:tllp raaade hy. the llnrt.~nigee [rte' ,rroianti tarot=, ttl~e~ .ind a:-:-e-=taaent- iYr it?~urtznrt~ tare-
<br />^altian4, as thf. rape many bc~, rttc•h exct5s, ii~ ehc lean iti F:tsrre°art..it r#acr ulatic:ata cif ttrc' ;1lortpugar. titaali fic• c~redttecl he'
<br />the tlort~,?~€'e tarn ~tth,equent pac~ment~ to tea :Yacacle h~- the' tliart~ra«ur. ur re~funstr,~d t<i ths• ~tnrts=aa;=or lf, i~aratsc'~a~r. £tn~
<br />^atint#tlc lis4ntt~nt.~ cnadc 1>c the :61c>rtgal;+~ir sanslcr r ,sl i's~,ir.?,arapi? .' I+rrs~c:cl?n.' ~kaati ni+t lac ~:a.lt#is•iirnt to I~i.at~ arotsratl
<br />trot, tat€*-_, ,tnd a~Me~;ma~rlt~ ar in<atrani'e i~ra°emiun?-. ;ar t!?t' ra~c' mta+, he slat*ri ;he ~t.irne wiia.l9 k:€~t°uaire titre and taut.
<br />;i1~ie. then they 'Iturl,gt~or ,Plait ta•ai>,~ ;€r star llprti!adrr and ;itarauart rat^t•i~n-;arc ti~, m.rhr lira ttii' tk~fit•dent.•a~, ,an car tYe['v,re°
<br />tkic ii?t<~ cr~hert p:ati~mrnt t~f .-tech :;I~rurrci ri'na~. ~axc ~. a.~,-c~,";aaa+^nt~ ar in,urant~t~ priaratium~ .<hall far ilax•_ 'If ..L am~
<br />tinir tht~ lltart-,~~agt~r' -hall ts~nrit~r t;Y thex lliarttraf~ti~c•. iru ,at•e~rrd,tnel> +titla ~It!~ gsru~.i-rt~n~ u( tht• titatr~ -i•t~urf~el #;a+ri~frti,
<br />;tell pa}'mater oI thir r~rmtire ~niteirafec?nt~-- ri,lsri,~i,rrt<~e3 thc•rt~P,a,,, the' liter?<~:atpRt~ ~l,ra'si. in c+ianriatint~ tht~ ;~tmrittrYt+:f ~itth
<br />tnt3ePricclttess, c~eedltt iss rile ,ic~sruiae cat liar l9c'rrir~agcrr a! ;Y:?~traeaa?~ ,static .,octet r'%a s: ixcasls.a~sraa <+ s>f ,i.irat;ril>h :'
<br />herateuf +4hic~h tl?e lilsrrtaa;~et~ hst:- nut. iierarnie nhiiwsnt.eci f,l lrac iu tJ?<~ "i•rri'da,r+ es4~ ilsru.;iiar .rtd 4 r4rsra 1ac~,r Itipnterat
<br />:utii a~ns tea;u-;at~c' r€~~niainin~ ita ihe• 9?stad- ;ica-riauru#atiri'3 ?sncirr• t#ti~ larr,roi~itm~ ~rf r;~; a,t fYZira~r;;pia :' t~a~ri"~i~ !( tha~~?'
<br />=li.ali Ire ,1 tGe$tiutt ttrsdtrr -ttxr nth they laa'tt+i-}ttn~ ui flit, nuari~;?tC<' rY~aitintr ire a tauiaiir >•;lit' ,:f ihc, .,'t,mi•.i.- t•uiearrti
<br />ht~ei%b)'. irr it lilt liort~~a~<'r tintRtriraas tht' i;reoirirrt~ nthivaci i ;;tts•t ariatatt, the' Oiurt...a~+>c. ,'rialk .z,;}iRc.:+i t;le tianf~ n!
<br />Cite f~bmant'17€~rnient ul~ ~ui•h uroe~cedin~T~, s;r :at tRrr iinrY• tlsr~ nrtziaorie s- ;;thr~rari-e' :ac~yuiac'd, !tai lanlaSa+'c' r?u:n ra~inuir?-
<br />iri;* iaa rha~ 9'naati a<°cuniuiaacc- under ~ % eat tiara~frsiatz ~_' irrc ? a~tiiass.. ,-~ 's rrs•cii t a~rtiiaa-t ?he :rt,iirt;nt :,f €ariraa t3a:xi t#?can
<br />rc^ma.ininr isnpzaid aiaida~r ~rritf n+s?<~. ,toil -is:ail its-uhiE~ric ari}u~i rear ir;icmonrr staii~h ~~h:aft 4t;?si• iatien nizrdct irsxit~r %ai
<br />of pari,~:::lsh 't,
<br />:1. ~..a `he 'ctoti.:--.~~~~ Dili fazes _:r~ucuacs :crniw. ;.3a,_ ..i..e~.,s?actit,. .c,~.ar i;+tes, anal islhcrr .,caccrn.I,enCaa ~=r st;ariic;~,i;
<br />ik.-tyc~. _ -. , a x2y :.. ':,~n,, tar ca,uc:Y %~es7si~.;nr? ha ;+iaY t•~caen r~[adta P,Gveinbt's:.,_ arrca in cielault tlaere<ii the R-itrrt .,a e r'ISti
<br />pa; the ae. ;and ttrlt the `cic',a~tltagc>r soli ,~ns.art,;;y ;4une~er lire ~ 9a~c?a! ref eipts tPtc.efor to irYe lcartgag:_r.
<br />~. i~t.c `,itvt>~as,rr *...., i ,r- aft t..xc5 :cha'~ nrr,u ?~e i.c~irci i+nt;n thc° '~tiYrtt:a~rt;ez~s na'icrest an ~ arai ~ :tails: arc; -
<br />:aa,nts, and which teas tie is•+ied ritxm t1ai, ;;ac+ ~. s;e ur the clet~t cured hereh~, rout uni~: ti+ rlae crx . , .gat t ~. _ ..
<br />;.
<br />cd !~~~ i.?es~ ana tank .o the c=t.rent th<.t ,urh :., _ . *a?.,ke this ~>aot a.>.ua'iuusl, l~~ut e.~:Jtidira~, in; in~u^,ke rr;rl,
<br />in'tpused cart 'tisnr'tg'gi:c., reel ~:viii laic tnc ~,, c,%ipt 4hc~w~~rse ~ucfa (?a~;ucnt w;eh t?ie ?t9+ir'tz;agea. 1 ;~c;n - =+iata~ i ~ ~~ unucr-
<br />t,in.r,~.:, yr ;f the .'~t a; E~a~.c's~ > ~~:..;;.t, ,,,a k „avan~ t'r'±e wh<r1c ui <aa} ,carticxt ; 1 ti
<br />,., ..~..., _ ... , _ ,?t_t e*.r i?i r: 'r~tr a to aatc?re-
<br />r,~~cs, car upon the tercet rr r,! ci' any cc~c;rt c,e,-rt•e proaroihitin~ ttse a~aprnz•+rt ins t.;s ~aiartpagcit~+.ar anc-such ,..res. c;r Ei ;ach <ati~
<br />s~r decree irrsnvic9es that tine aruot.nt ~o paiel ha ahe 'vti~ta„astt~r „'rail 9~e creditedsa,? arse rni.Yrtt,,ige iiehs, ,r?c FvFc res;ati~ee shalt ha4~ai
<br />the right to gibe ninety <taf,'s' u'rit~ten iu>ti;e t inc ;r~a~ n,a .rf ihi -~cutg .z,cd s~u'eraaYxes, rei;uirin:? the pescment of t:`as cr<<tcage
<br />de't)t. if suc}a nsYticc hu giveta, rite stead debt s%aatf t~c~i cane tt;;t. Kati aisle <anii +:t>I!~ ctthic' =?t the etpiratsctra ci s:_sid ninetl +:<?~;.
<br />...
<br />ta, i hat rho?aId he i'aal *ca r sip' :,r ti stmt cir keep .sea L, ,::.i:.art ; ruvitted fiat irr thus `agartkaf;i:, %hen she tiirtf;ataec :.t ,ts ;,-r_
<br />tia>ri. niz?y pzr,r or ~rer~orrn ttte stiraae, .:nd asi e.aprruitarres st; taussie siiai he adder io €lae nr 'a~,pai si€nr i;wing c,n the :loin e ?tote.
<br />>t?zaif be secured hereb}~, and shalt bear interest at the r Irt.:ct ieactka in the staid recite. t3ntii pairs-
<br />°'. "That lee heati~} aligns. transfers rest sets c,rer ae> the :Gliart~agee, to ire ::pp#ieci tusvard the p:ayniert, ;>i the =.uric ~..~ . t,li
<br />sU=gas s€eiireu hershy rr, case tai a e?efault its the •:.r~YCiininsc ;at rata}< c,f the terms rind cc~r.uitiian:; r t skis lv^art~age ~ t}:~ ~ :;.::(
<br />araate. all the terns. res~~enuc;> <saaci incorns to lee uva. ~ :,! fro ~r the ,i>~ tgagr~ts prefasis~5 durang such tiaaic as the ~xiarL~;age .n..',!~ ,.'
<br />eels shall rerntain anapaid::inci the '~tort,~agee ::hat, have #Aower ti? ap pcsiYta troy r.~,rnt irr t;f„ents it ralt?g desire i'iar trte purpo~;. a>f
<br />,~r,,,,,,s ,,..,:. ~,.:~, ,_. ± ;t . _.*?$[ ~g ah~^ rnr ri.a::; ~_ ,,3ecaine itie reran.. reveniFes tiY;ti incv?raw, anti it era, rely taut c~i s .w sst-
<br />coanes al3 expenses c?f repay . ;i„ =sr~mise , t?rid nectrssary cunantissicYr+i art<i cxpearses incurred in re?rtin;~ tea .,,an~i~~ir~g the
<br />settle and ref ccatleeti:'?g see i!s ~-c.1~ aa: the btiiazsce rerriainir?f:, its any, ti> i-+e appsaeci QsYwarti the s'ischl,rge cif saiu rnearttage
<br />a nti~ LY ttir GS (6ci s .
<br />Vii, 3`ia.lt ta.G: ~'iti t<5;L`j? IhE', iftiprt%L`t r'l?cots ric.P t~~ exa:,iiaa~?, i;r~ her Cdr ik: Y' f'I"EGit'. (i C. Ya ;, ill; n"I 1.1r tf.a~;t LS n1"O7ert}`, a<; 5?r;ed T.., r;:?a~a' he
<br />aryuired frcrn tinge to tithe by' the l'loi•tgag,ce xrszinst ivss i;y. rsr'e t?aid c}firer haraards, casualties .uac? sonUrs~sencic. ,?, s.aca
<br />slnaoiints trot[ ftrrr s~i;:h periods xs nza;' be reuuired t?t the ?vtt~rt€:an!te tine wilt p<ts p:<,mptiy . •~a'hr+t u c , :±i,y preattiuna: a,ri sc:cii
<br />insixrztnce ,:rravisic t ',tr pcyn:ent t,r avhic#a his rio? laeen i;?ade hcreinbe{or~. ,-ati ;r?surane.c s!«iii be sasrriesi ire ansat<.na,.s <<i?-
<br />ttrc~wed by the tde, ,:< <zac] the po;rcies attd a'tnewala tiaere;.rt sfiail be hctti b„ the "ticirt~,!g.. r;4 havi at..?ti?e'.tf ehe'c't(> is ss
<br />p<tyalate claus~r 'n .itiursrf reel its fcrrrn accepiabla to the tv9csria~aaec . In event of tits ''v3sart~.,. ~ c~.t.. ti,r ;riiatiedi'ate ;uxicr V,i-
<br />mail zo tt, ;iSr, ~; r ~ , ~sho mny raaake nrc3ok ;af ties if oat rnarte ;~auavaptly~ by hitartgagui, .~ .;h snsurance csanat , sy : ~_:r?-
<br />~ernrd i t;z-. , :, :n.' -triteci grad dtrectecfi tea zarake nay`n:c,ni fz>; such 1o.s c.rrci t.,y tc~ the 'r4 ~ in cart c+t ?ia ?tie ( t~:::;>r
<br />.ti3£1 ita~ ~'.~ t. ~:: ~., i :llt.l}-, i#ntltfaE' litsuril.rict prcae: t.?:dS a3i':i ny part tl3i`.re a$. m;y d' lEr .'~i~:. ~. `• ',vi t3it Lei l,ee tat 3':.s tai:' f=an `iil3t'.r
<br />-~r_a~_ r ;..!t}<taadenteciaicsshec~~bysc:cirretds.r x~ttrercait+rkititin st ~n,iit ~ sv-•rst _.
<br />~" i', -. nr i~thcr transf.t ;~ tiii_.c: P+ae; rauartf;ageU p a^err~' „e !ir;_ .. ,i ,1-fnti .cup _ ..
<br />'+ . ~:. ~ ,.at =~l Fh. yic=,. 'r ra ~•tu ti+ <;nr'~ ira;tx~anc t•caiiciz tt~ ~:s ;~ ~ ~. ~ . ~ i ,- ~ ., ~ it, ~,
<br />_-..... i .., . ''i_. .~_iirlt~ I;tr~ n.s t'lT3 f; tit : dt3c riatte ~,. _. _ 'e:Y ; n45
<br />~~ ~ d gar th ,sip +~
<br />,, ~.~: rice ., ,:,:. ~-;.,. ,
<br />