<br />6. is h ~aiis -~ pad- any sxxm or keep any ctavenant provided for in this mortgage, the IViortgagee, at
<br />i ~s ons icm, ~ ,;~ pa,; ?_• ,-ierr`orm the same, and all e~pendittlres so made shall be added to the principal sum.
<br />o;z-ing o*.~ ~E r• ;al,~~c, note, dial be secureca hereby,.and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />~. fo:• in the F,r?:!_eip~l ~r_a'ebtedness.
<br />. L"; oa, }•ecrur:,t e,, the Mortgagee, Mortgagor skxall execute`and deliveZ• a supplemental Hate-or notes
<br />*~r ~%~e s.sc:~ o• sax-i t:c?vanced b3> ~tartgagee far the-alteration., modernization, or impx~ovement made at
<br />ti-u i4l ,,-~ ~ b«,:-'; ;•«~~uest; ox• for maintenance of said Ixremises, ax• for ta~:es or assessments against the
<br />sz~i_~e, ~~n«l *'oa~ arty ~;ti~~~~• purpose elsetivhere authorized llereundex•. Said note or notes shall be seciirecf
<br />ize~ e f i,rs a x;uz~ir, ~~ its, and asfull~- as if the advance evidenced thex•eby were included in~ the note f x•st
<br />re~c~ ~s,ec~ at;i~~e. ~aiil supplen?exatal note ox° xxotes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin'-
<br />ci}gal ;nciehtedrsc,;~ arxd shall be payable inappro~:imatel~ equalrnoxxthi~ payments for such per%odas may
<br />[%e ~~, < <~r u,x?r1 by tlr.e I~"lortgagee and :~7•ortgagrxx•. Failing to agree c>n the maturity, tlae whole of the sum
<br />nr .,ux~s sc: ~utvance~d shall be due and payable thir:•ty (~0} days after demand lay the Mortgagee_ In-no
<br />e. ~..•t shz11' the maturity e~:tend laeyond th:e ultimate maturity of the xxote first described above.
<br />8. He hereby assigns, t~ansfers and sets otter to th:e Mortgagee, to be applied to~,vard the laayment of
<br />the note and ail. sums secured. hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of tixe terms and condi-
<br />toxas of this ;mortgage ox• the said note, all the rents, revexxxxPS and incamc? to be cleric>ecl f'x~om tE1c>, more-
<br />gaged pren9ses dzxring surh tinge as ~hc; max•tgage indebtedness shall remain xSxxl;>aicl ;and the i~'lortgagee
<br />shall Have po,~-er to appoint axxy agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same arul c=o1-
<br />lectixag the rents, rep=~~nues azx~d ixicorne, and it naay day out of said in~:omes all ixecessary commissions and
<br />expenses inetxrred in renting and managing the same and of c,alieeting rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />renxainin~, ifa~ny, tee be applied toward the clisclxarge~ of said mortgage indelatc~dness.
<br />~. He ~R~i~.Il cont;iixxfousl~.• nxaintain hazard insurance, of such tyke or tyf~es and a.moimts as iVfortgagee
<br />may fxoxn tirrle to time ~•c~clxiire, oxx the improvements xlow or hereafter or: said premises <axxcl except when
<br />pa,°xnentfor all suclx premiums h<xs theretofox°e been made under (a) c~a~f Iraragraph ? laerenf, ~rili pay
<br />la1°onaptly avhen <lue ;xr1y premiums therefox•. Lrpon default l;laereoi', Mortg<tgce may pay the same. All
<br />insurance shall bee ,1x•r€c~cl i~~1 companies al~~px-oved by the Mortgagee and t;he policies and rene~s~als th<.~reof
<br />shall lac held ksy the :1Tox•t~rslgee andlxaveattached tltea•etp lass payable clauses in favor of and i.n fbrm
<br />acceptable to tllel~'fortgagc~e. I`n event aaf loss Mortg~gcr ~,~ ill give irnmediate~ raaticc }ay mail to the i~fort-
<br />gae, avho may make proc.~f cif loss if~nat made promptly by Mortgagor, alnd cacl3 insurxrnetix tx}rnpan4~ c::on-
<br />cerned is lacrebk' auchox•ized rand diree~ted to make p<xynlettt for sraCkt loss directl,t- to tlxe s4:Tortgag~.=t instead
<br />c>f to the ~lortg<lgor R1nd the 1lort:gagee jointly, and the sxsux~anee prac~eds. car zany l~xax~t thereof,
<br />may be aphlic~d by the Mo7•t~~agee <zt its option ell.hex• t.o the reductic;n of the: indeiate,ineas hera:~by ser.,ured
<br />or to ~he x~c stor,:ltie>xa ox• r•clx<abr of the prolxerty daan~~aged. In e~~anC +," forc~clr~sure t~l' tlx is tnos•tgag<:, or ether
<br />tx<cu;.fer o#~ title tc> the dnortg<lged prcrperl:y in ~::«xtixxguisllment of the indebt<xlress .~ec~ureel hereby, all
<br />~•'`~' 1, titles ~tnd is: ~~c•,yt~ ut the Mortgagor sn and to any iYxslu°arlce Ixolieifs the3~ in i•c>tce shall pass to the
<br />laisECh.:serot l;tant~~.
<br />1. t}• A4 lclelitior .1 rand culiatca al seceax sty i'•os tl~c, l~a~-rrtc xt rai the nou c <sc? +l~ed, tend all sums to l>econae
<br />duo under this r°nox Ii~ag•e•, thr lslox tg<lgor lrerc•b~~ <lssigns to the, llortgaga.c~ :.ell lease bont~sses, profits, reve-
<br />x2t~ses, x-oyalt~ei~, }~iglu5, .:uc9 c,tl~ser ben~~(iis accx•lzing to tlxe: iltortgagor antler an~• nand sill esil and gas '«•.~zs<>s
<br />x1oti~~, c~r~dlerin},~ ttxe~ ls!•e: o#' this mortgage, exec•ute~d vn said Ixrc~rnise~s, ~~•i111 thc= ril;ht to receive zmd ~•~ ~,;fr.
<br />for then same .~irxil app3y t1lc~rn to said rode«bLerlness <zs Drell l>efoxe. ~1s <az`tca clef~autt in tlte> c~orxditioc7s of it~is
<br />ntvt t~;age, r.u1d the llvrt~;~ 1gre2 cnati• clemancl, s11e>. f~or alnd a «_«i~oti~< i <rzxy yt7cli I>xti~s3ic•rsts ti~•1~~ n ~luc zitid ISad•-
<br />abk, taut shall not bay ,•caclutt•~~cl so to do. `['his assignxne•nt is to te1^rniz~satc un+ k,e<~oxne null and avid upon
<br />release of this nxortg;,age.
<br />1.1. H+ shall xocrit cornm~t <~,r p~xmit caste; and shall xnauctaixl the ps~opertr iz~s as hood ct.rnr:litiox~ as at
<br />p~t•escnt, .rr . «rr~,abl~ «~ear and tear ~xceaatec~l_ upon zany i`aiture to so nxalintazn, i1'fox•t~•a~ree, at its opt~iozl,
<br />many cause s~•~sunltb~e xxxaiutenance wort: to be performed at the cost c>#` Mox•tt;~agor•. .any <lnxcssuxts Ixaid
<br />th~'r~?Y'oi` b; xYl.Ok`Lgd ~t~e ;,11111 taeax 111tk?rf~t 1L tl1E' rate pYO4`x(I@Ct tt7x' to r'.f7e. l,)PIY1.Gtll7al encfi:date?<;ineSS, shall
<br />tlcc~reupoxl b~ c~xme a Marc of the indebtedness sc«ctn~ed by this instrument, «ataolc~ and ou a pax•ity ew•itl~x all
<br />~nc~ r indebtedness ae.cured herelay, and shall be; payable thirty t.3OJ days at"te s~ cla>xnand.
<br />1?. If the ~,prenxises, oa xny }cart thereof, be condernaxed ux~3der the Ixo«•er <xf eminent domain, or
<br />acqu~r•>d foa• ;~r public use the damages au>arded, tlxe pr~aceeds fox° the to#~.ii~1g of, oz° the cons~cl<~.,ratioza for
<br />such ac.quisiti+an, to tl1e; extent c;f tlxe full. amoulat of tlae ~.•emaixxing uixpaidsneiel,tci3ness rescui•ed lay this
<br />.I,cx,th,lg~, or hez~eb~ assign~tl to the Mortgagee, and shall b~ pxaid ~~'ox•tlawitlt to sr3id ~tor•tgag~e, to be
<br />ap;?s~c,l c~~ accou„t s' tht~ last maturing ilastaIlnxents of such indebtedness.
<br />. ~ .`' tFU `ii ~.r>; ~ 's to xnalte axis payxnexxts wlaexi dace, or to conform to anal comply ~~?th. any
<br />t n « n ,r + i F ~- t'ne «'e ~nxit.z~n~d ~v_~ tlzie sb~e~r ta^ ~~~p ne ths~ rn1~.c ~ ~ ~ ,~ i t' ftz~,
<br />,
<br />It ll~ .~ , oz '.ii [ x .ti Lk -~ N, ex £.4t Slxall. 3L (3 nC~1 ~lei't)Tlle tl t7e? an«I YI.1 kc l)4 :~f~ the r•larfirsxx ~sf 3, z~-.
<br />t..,,
<br />1~::t `}? t e u, i rt =.;~r•t ~ ~~. ..«,reul c7_. lac fsireclosed irnxrxediatc~h~ f`or the whole e,f the Indebted-
<br />. <'S ~~~;ti ~ t ~ '~ tlti + « 74 ~ ~ 'Ftl3l}~ tl"te xlbstx'a€;t rf title frc~na r7@ ildte f3F Y,hlSC1tG:'t-.
<br />+ ~-,~ t> r _' 13 _' ~„lr il _ :•: t , «.I_ i. ___.:,~.«.11e attl?I'nCy'S S~e'?e,. a!?fl 1#11y SEIxY1S 23$itl by tl?@~~~tf, <.,;1-~`
<br />~~ n« ,~ ~ z; °~~~ ~,« ~ ~ ~ ~ «ai ~e 4f the indeut<
<br />dne3s ., ;:~ ~ ~k3 , ali s
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