.+~ 'J .A. j'u .i
<br />To Have ~?.rzi To Hiii,D the same unto the 14iortgagee, as ]zerein pa-avidecl. Mortgagor represczits ta,
<br />and covenants with, the i4lortgagee, that the Mortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises;
<br />tl>.at ta,ey at•e f?~ee frarn encumbrance, except as hereinother~i•ise a•.4cited :that the 1Ltartgagar ~i~ill ~varraazt
<br />and ~~ fen;, the same agaitzst the la~~'fial claims of all persons ~chamsoevez•. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all. i° ~,h~a of i~omestertd, all marital rights, either in law or negaitc, and a}I other contingent interests of
<br />the?t'lai•tgag~r in and to the shave-described premises.
<br />lr'RnviDED r~.]':vVA."4'g; slid these presents <az•e executed and c}eliverect upon the following conditions, to
<br />unit:
<br />lV2artgagar agrees tci pay to tlae .M'aa•tgagee, or order, t}a e aforesaid principal sum with interest from date
<br />at the rate of ~~' l-u~ pez• centtzzn { U~ kzer anntzzn on the unpaid balance until paid...
<br />The~said principal and %ntea•est shall be payal3le at t}te oce a Fa.drs t Pad °al Savzn s
<br />in Lincoln, RTe:zraska , or at stack otlaerplaee as t`die`afnial~z~abP~k~~~Z$z'~zay.Se'zn
<br />writing delivered ax• mailed to the :Ltortgagar, in mazztltly installments of 't'hree [luzadred Ninety and
<br />Dollars ($ ~39i~. 8#i ),commencing an the first flay of t~ e~ruary , ~ 9 gg ,and continuing on
<br />the first day of each month thereafter until said zzc>te is fully laaid, except that, if not sooner pazd; the final
<br />payment of principal and interests}call be due and laaya:ule on the first clay of January , 2013 ; :all
<br />aecorcling to the tez•zns of a certain l>a°omissory- zzotc~ «f c:vezt elate hi}reovith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />The Mortgagor further agrees
<br />1. He will pay t}te indebtedness, as hercrinbet"ore pravidecl. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br />time, tivithout premitz:nz or fee, flee: entire izielebtedness or any paa•i: thereof net less than t}ze amount of ozae
<br />installment, or one hundred dollars ($1UUA0), whichever is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited on-
<br />the date received. Paz~tial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the zaext fallowing installment due date or tizirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />2. Together with, and in addition to, t}ze monthly payments of principal aztcl interest payable under
<br />the terms of the note secured hereby, 1VIazigagar will pay to ~3oz•tgagee, zzs trustee, {undez• the terms of this
<br />trust as hereinatfter s~tateri) an the lust clay of each month a.zntii said note is fully paid:
<br />(rr) :~ sum. equal to the gz•rxznd rents, it zany°, nt:xt clue, plC.zs the pz't~znitnzas that will next become due
<br />zznd payaable ozz l~xal~icies of Tire and e~athcr hzzzard instzraance covering the mortgaged property,
<br />lzlus tuxes rand <tsessmtnts neat dzarr ern the anorC~tagecl praliert}' {all as estimated by the i'~1ort-
<br />gagiie, and e}1' ~i•luch the a"4lartgagc>i• is ne>tiiicd) lass ztil sums already l~iaid therefor divided key
<br />the rzuznlzc:r of months to f,iapse~ 1>efot~e' fine nzr,'.enth pz•iar tc~z the date when such ground x°ents,
<br />larcnrzhzzns, tzzxcs zzucl aaesszzac:nts ~i~ill br~conte dtlinquc:zzt, such sz.anas to be held by iVfortgagee
<br />in tz•ust to pay srzicl lrround rents, pre~zniums, t ax<~s etzzcl sliecial assessments.
<br />(7.>) '1'ht a~,gre~;zzte ezi` the tinicauzita liaay~ablc: lznz~su~znt to subp.tragrtzpla f~.) and those pay~~~zble rzn the
<br />note sr?,cured lzc•z E.ii}•, shall be pa.ici in :z sirzglc ]rai`ma:•ztt ~>,:tt'3~i znantlz, to be <tpplied to the follotiv-
<br />in~Y items itt the oz•dc~z• stated
<br />(li groz.zzul rents, tRttii~s, assessments, lire and c.~thez hazard insurance premiums;
<br />{ti) iztLcreYst on the'- nutc~ securr~d her<by~; aucl
<br />{tzI) zanzoz•tirzatiran of the principal ezi' sztid mitt.
<br />any detici~~ncy~ in thc~ <uaiount eaf :znv such aggee°k;•tttt.~ mcrzztlzli~ l,iay'zxti~~zzt shall, unless made goad
<br />by thc~ ~'1 r t ~.;;~zt• laz•ior to thc~ eluf~ dat.c~ «1° t4tR~ stext such. ptt;y~ nitnt, ~•onstitute Gen event of default
<br />rand<2r this znua•tg<tge. ~t J~1az tl;age_e"s optic>za, 13ortga~or ~~•ill r_zas;~ <t '"tats ckzarge" not exceed-
<br />iztg fgtai' 1)ril' ~elktiatYt {~l mac) C>t Rn1' 7I-:ititll PYlt:d31; n'heY2 bald T4aOr<' tl'tata fifteen { ~~) days after the
<br />due date.: tEie~i•e~ol' to cavc~r tlzcz +.~xira expense inL~c+lvci izt l~zandlingrlelinqucntpayznents, bttt stzcla
<br />"late <rhat ~,~~" slza}l uiot be pay~ablt Drat of tile: lzz'fzc•e<rc'is of any Sale mae'le to satisfy the i:ndebted-
<br />ness secur~~ei iit~re,Eiy°, unless sizcii I7eaceucls are suflicic^nt to disc}zai-ge the erztiz•e indelateclness and
<br />all pz°<)pi'r ~::osts and expe~ztses seczu•ed thezrelay.
<br />3. If the total of the payments made lay the Mortgagor under {a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br />exceed the amount of payments actually made by the :4lor•tgagec, as trustee, far ground z-eats, taxes ~,nd
<br />assessments or insurance premiums, as the case may be, such excess shall be credited by the iVLoa•tgagee
<br />iln subsequent payments to be :made by the iVfortgagar foa• sue}a items ar, at Maz~tgagee's option, as trustee,
<br />shall be refunded to ~Cortgagor. lf, howevex°, such monthly payments shall net be sufficient to pay such
<br />items when the same shall became due and payable, tczerz the ~!lortgagar shall lay to the i4lortgagee, rzs
<br />to°ustet, a,z3y aanutaz7t zii,cessary to mal;;e up the deficic}ncy si•ithin thirty {dp) days after ~r°ritte.n notice: front
<br />the Martg'agee stating. the amount of the del°zcieazcy, which zaotice zn<ty be given by mail. if at any time
<br />tlxe Martga~or .shall i.eni3er to the Maztgagee, in ac;e;ordanee a°ith the previsions of the note si;ctzt°ed
<br />here~s=, lull: payment of t}ze entia~e indebtedness represented thereby, rite l4Tortgag2e; as trustee, ah~.ll€,
<br />in tom;~utng the nmouazt of suelz indebtedzess, credit to the accauzat of the 'Vlortgagoi° stay credit balance
<br />aecumu.«terf uaader the p~:~ti-isfozas of {cz,) a~f paxagz°ap}z ~ hercaof. If tkz:erc shall be <t default uzader any
<br />of th ~ pr ~ i~ians ~°,f° +z pis , rtortgage resuitizag in a public. sale of tYte pz•ezzaises c;overecl hea,eby, or if .the
<br />'v;•or*g~h':e <i- yi3irYS rr.L ~res»ez~ty ath+z. wi:1e after default; the :~~ortgagee, <i,s trustee., shu,1} apply, <tt the
<br />~~ima nr the ~ >n~ine,~ . ~reut ,,~fi such .,~ ., ,,<"ngs, or at the: time the prcpea~ty is at.~ierwxise aerlui~red, the
<br />~3znaut~t tl?r1z ,c r~:iri ;e; ta; edit tn~ ',~ ,; got^ under (a) t>f para~,n`aph 2 pteeecling', as a creclitvn the
<br />;II:E?t'? ~± --(•`'1cEei F;tli? '1 l,j~it(i ;;i.--.( !.'>ti ii,i[~::.CC; ta. rile prznCtps,lthen Y'E'Inaning unpazdan seLd nt}tf...
<br />-.~ a.1.r-. T I ~ .:%"l ~i!--t.1' ~1'~)c~idi ~, n.l.? ~•'.Xf<`ll}}]li kL.,- :~OrC~ r`~C1L~ '.. ..~~ i+1.r2ngally }7f T,~£t~}f)I:Pm~Tkt ar E'f€tE'.n_.
<br />U:ii1 31. ~ ~~ _ `_ii .~ .I -.. ,. . a'. ~ ,~ t,~..~jni:y~ r+?' ~srT.'"h e~ ~ Y `..ii t~:? ...:'t ~ l~r~^c, }JV,:
<br />. _ - _ _ ..._,,. .~__~ apt. ~ ,:, . • _,,l ; nau.. ,
<br />l•°.i ~ ,7 ~.h ~l ~c .v iTt, (;~ i. _, r('e `ei Lilh ., ~.;iF ~"tl~.'i i Ldi C? C.}~ ~ pi+.~ i. '.i i_
<br />'~~Yd .jF, UI'~4?I} t, `d c,.
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