<br />~:
<br />~ ~ 7. t.itlltdef9l117R6itF~]d. ^~ tl1@? eve-dt th't? t~perty, C1t" ~ffi1~,i~rt'ter~LJ~, ~)A~ll P ~;k'11 17:;x+` ~."~N~~I~T1t dtl~'n~~~7t~C~ ~~~'tp~~"+
<br />! dS E'rT1~tT~V~r(3d t;E) fl't7ppEr'C~ ansl. rE'CedV6' Gapl E'Cag7ll7t~Ckd3~t;-tb1'! bw~hirh 1`nay 1aa p~i)d fit7r any p'~t7perty taken tar i'c7r dama~+~s tr- i7rt7i7erty
<br />,'~i'`, n4t t~akCn, ~IiEI ;Slitart;gagee :~~trSill alapp~r Sd,14'p1 COx1~ll~wnfiatdTjt7, at ~~~ ~~ti~~, eitaller tC1t~ reduc~tiur+ cwti theiridebtedness se~;'lxred
<br />~~
<br />~ hereriy car to repair and restare Ghe prape~~.y sca damaged.
<br />'~ S, lBerforma~nre 13y l~Icrrtpagee. ?~~tart:gagt~t. Wray, laut `:~halr-l~c~~e rdt7 t~iaii~~t~i~7n., to dt7 any act hpt~h t1~te .NIoY't:y~a~r~r
<br />~ ~'
<br />' has agreed laut ±~ails to elr-, and. IvlartgageY rrday a1sEa t:ta gray act it ~~eF*~n7ds an~+r~eaa~t~y tea l,rcaterst tb+a iw+~~i heret', ~'tg«~grrr
<br />~ ~
<br />,
<br />~'"
<br />agrees i;ta repay, upord deanarld, <~ny sums se> exptr.ncted pa=,~ the l'1~ort~a~~,~ee for the a17ov+~ purptxses; udnd any sunASS sty e7tpcnric~ti
<br />' ~~ by the 14~tirtgat;ee er~all be ac9ded to the indebtedness secure her~rl~y and'iaeec~t~e sub~~~t ter^the lied' he~ai". tr'rttgeE~
<br />'Y! ,hall rdtat incur any persarral piabiiit,r lz€rcau~;e cat an5fthin~ it mar dt7 or-t7it tt7 dc~ hr~reunder.
<br />' ~, C?etault; t~ssi~nmer~t raC I$ents. "rune is rat' the fl>s~erl~e ladrer+f; ~t~d uarx ~+I~-rt~dla~z'a del~t~lt 1~ army ro~-e><~dt
<br />, ar agd^cernr~nt of this 1Vlrirtga~gE*, idafl~luding c+~brer~~tnir~ tea l~,av when<due the suxsaa ~~*c+ure~k by tl~la ~1ot't~are, tl3~e ~Ierrt:ga~ee shall
<br /> pae entitletp, at its sale E~pt;i~rl and wdtric7ut natic~, tO declare air Sums secured ny this arrtae~tEa be rrz-2refl#iatelw~ etue xraci
<br /> payable add may Catndx~ence ~'arecit~sure t7t' tlaiz~ iwiurt~ae 17y -~udic~iai ~rrexceedin~s; andti- prta~ided ~uxi;tdtsd`, ghat tdppla sut'h
<br /> dtafadilt the Mrartgar;t?e, tar a receiver alaptair~ted ray a ¢;t~urt, n~~y at its tapt~it~n and rerith+~ut regard tc7 thfl~ ~desr4nat~y al' the
<br /> security, t,nter tdlatan Hand take psessitan otw the 'i~rpperty and cr7ilect the reruta, issues a~xd prt7~lts there~rr~rn and ~pppy t.#~erda
<br /> first trEb tide Cost: of ccallectic7r- iirld tapE:rat~t7n t~f tlhe r'rr7perty a:nd tr~en upt~n the Indebtedness seiCured lay this it4ortgags~e~;
<br />~' said rents, issues and. ~artat°Its p~ei~tg' ~~igrled to the Mr#rt~I~;gee as further secuty ft7r tie p<tyrrdent Eaf the indC~htedr~+~~s
<br /> secured lierehv.
<br /> l0. `l`rallsfier of Prbrty. rt' all'rr any part Eaf the iadrt7perty is said rIr trad:~sfedrr~ed wltlda7dxt thb ~~Kpr~~~s 2~riL€.~~n r•rs:7~
<br /> sent of klie i'Itartgltgt,~e, NIc7rt~age~ ;may at its sole aptlrn, deeis~re l~li sums,~ecured by this ;1+rt~rtgn~E= tta t7e izrl~xaedyatNpy ~tfl~fl~
<br /> and payable.
<br /> 11. F'ut~ure .~:dvances. [Tporl request. +bf tt;rtga~car, ~tc-rt~agee° may rw7r~ke additi~al°aal and fcd~ure ~ai~~a.ncrs rt>
<br />i IN? Secured i7y t11IS 1~Urte when e~viddenced by prtYSnlSSO'~r'y f'tt3d.~'*,
<br />with Interest tilea~t7la, s11ai1
<br />MtDrtgagt7r
<br />SuCI~ advances
<br /> .
<br />.
<br />,
<br />.9dating i~h,at said nvte~ are secured ~a+~reby. At Ixa tune share the principal arsaourtt tai the irtdd~btErdalcs:~ st'CUrtxfi 1-ay lial5
<br />~~ Murtgag?e, not i~nniudn~ sums advanced to prc7tect the security oaf this ,~rlt7rtga~e, exceed t11e t7ri4nal l~t7t-~,
<br /> t.2~. lVilsdceiianec-us !'rvvlstAna»
<br />t.
<br />` ';` ~!
<br />(a) any-farebearance in exercising any right cAr remedy shale Y~t7t be a waiver tllerrer~'.
<br />'~ (b) t~11 :remedies presvided herein are aistinct and cutnuiative tta any rather right at`~carE~eci lay 11+~~ ~~z ~'cl~s~cy',
<br />~' and may i7e exercised t.olycul+rently, indt?pendentry or successively.
<br />~ ~t'} TIIe eovenant~~ and agrernent5 cc7ntalned 1Aereln shall bend., and t,1ae rights Inu tt7, t~aE= r~rsl;~ckۥaaLCT
<br />`~~e
<br />ri Successors.and assigns of the Mortgagor and the l4?lr-rtgagee,
<br /> (d}', ~.i~;cc7venants and agree;nnent~ t7f the lVtortgagor are jtaint and Severer.
<br /> (e~ : 'i'I~e headings .of tht p~ragrapl15 of this Mortgage are for ccpnvenience r~rrapy and shall ncx lat^ lbad`E Ica idzt~>r-
<br />7 ~. ~' peer or define rite provisions hereof.
<br />x
<br />~~
<br />i,
<br />
<br />1~3. itel~ase.' "lrpon pay~nt of i surris: secured by This rortgage, l+~fiortgagee 511aii discllaxgc~ this tc7r~gagc and
<br /> Shall e7C+ecsut+a and deriver a satisfat~to~~y reieaSC* therefor.
<br />~' ~
<br />
<br />~4~~ ~!
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<br />,~ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,..._, to me Ittlowrl to bMe e
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<br />~p itrentit:al persan(s) ~vlnose rdalne(s) are subs~rilaed to thflx faregE7ing instrument ardd aCknowiedged,the execution. therec7f
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<br />to patA _II ~~~ -C_~~ I~~7° ____., valuntdry clCt arid-..,deed.; -
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<br />~~; ~'ditnfl?ss my hand anti natarial seal at -t"zt~cl~ld Il~xlr~_ in said county, the
<br />I~ date. ofar+esaid r
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