<br />~o~°r~~,
<br />`t"itis Mrart~ag;€~ i c*tYte?reef intcs t~a~tweera ,.~~atl;,~~~,-.~i.. s~A~ ,~~:~...~~~.~-~'~.~..~..,k._,,~~~~~
<br />-- - (herein "`Mort~*a~or") and
<br />_'I~£~.-.f~~TLI~I~~?VL1.-_]~TA'I'IC3~~L T34I~T~ C)F ~r~~ ISIS
<br />_ .____v ____._ ,..,~._..,_,._...,e,,,.._.._.._. (herein "Mc~rt~ag~e"j.
<br />iVlaartga~or i~ indehta~d to lVtart~~gee in tine i,rinc:ipal sum of ~ s~.a;.S~'{~~~..`._.v.~.~. , tavtt3en~eCi b~ M~rtg~~;c-r's nat,e
<br />dat.er~ .._._~~2,3-~$~-._---.----__...._ (herein «Note'') ~-a~pviding tsar p~yrreents crf pri~rcpai ~n+d interest, with the laatan~ae~ caf the
<br />indcahtedncss, if not, scione~r paid, duce anr3 pay~bi~ c~n~.._.____-11~~C) +~~
<br />'Ta sec~t;~rc~ they paytns~ni at' the Notr=, with<irlterest as prt~viderl thq~ren, the ~~yrn*Ynt of a41 eath~r surrts >h~ith inter°est,
<br />ad~~ancEd key iWlartgagr~r to prated t;he sert~ri~ty ~f t;his ~~Icart~e, end l;k~e ~i~rfoxrn~ncre f the ~s~vea~~nts at~d a~reFmc~ttts ai
<br />t.hEr ~Jlart~a~c~r ~ani,t.irtt1ri hcarein, Mdrt~a~ar dies herby t~orC~'a,e and convey tee iVl;ortga~ee t.l'ta} fcalfc>win~ descri&=tad
<br />prc,perty tc)daate~~ in .-__._ ~I~I_~I~__ Ccavant~, I~It?br~ska.
<br />'i'o€;~thE;t+ with ail hufdin~t* ir~trcauernertts, i"ixtnrs, strtaets, afteys, p~assa;a~a~s easerr~ent,i, rights, privtfi~te^:; and
<br />appurtettanccs tocatect i,h~recin cir irs ~araywse ~~rtainin~ thereta, road tht~ r~:4rtts isstje:; and praf,'it5, rev~rsic~rxs arcd r~rraainders
<br />thexc~of; irtciucfir~t;, tzut hat finlited tai, he~~tn~; end ce~rxlin~ equipment and such ;perscartaf prcrperty~ tizat is atta~~ited to ti.e
<br />ianpravcrment,5 scz as tea cxaAtst-f.ute ~-#'i~ur~*e all cif ~rhia°h, inc^Iudfn rc~~ia~*~emc~nt:~;artd-ad~iit,ia~a~ t.h~rt~ta~, is t~f~ret,y rit=ctara~d
<br />to f:ae a part. at f,hc; ra:~,~zl r~st~tt~e secured byP the l%en of this M+art~a~e atizi a,ff af' the fart>r~ini; ttc~rt~ rc,trr~ t.c~ tit r~ir~ ~A~ t.h~~~
<br />«,Prrape~rt:~~„
<br />~~~,rt:f;af;c7r ~uri.hcxr cc~nven~nts end arer~a~, with MearC„~;at>aa, as f'e~ff<aws:
<br />L i''ayznertt: ~"Y'a pap tote in~ebr~~~~e~s ~~txd the ittte~rta;~t, t}te>~r~~~~3n ;~s pray°~ic~d in this M~~a+~ ar~ci thin ~1c"-t~_
<br />2. 'I'itic. ?~~isari~a~ar is i;he avun~er at the ~'rcaperty, tirtws thta rt~ht ~anrf autharity to tns~rt~a~e t~cy ~'r~peri;~r, r;ztd
<br />v~arrant~:; t:htat~ tf7e. Tien cxr~*atted hcrrei~y A~; a tir5t Bpd pri~x~~r lit.;ta-irn tht> i~"rc~p~rty', t~~~+~t:~pC a~+ away r~th~~rtivisc~ kt~ :~c~t, 3'fari~k- ht.~eit~.
<br />t. ~ `I'1'at f'ropert~~"is suhjeea; t~ a Mt~rtat;e wh,~~rein ...-,' .
<br />is thF? i~exrt.~;~t~ee, recardcd a4. Iiauk .~...___....____ , ~a~~ ....~,___ ....~ .: c,t" flat Mca~r~a~~c, ita~a~a4rds c~f ._.~._..._.,__.~~~...______~.__._....._cauaats-,
<br />T~faahraska, ~,vhicia Mcart~aga~ is ~~ lien prir,r tea tfar~fiabn t`r~'attt'd hi~rt~bti~:
<br />f~..l C)ther priar iie-as der t~fitettlnbrax,c c ~..:w:..,: _...>.~.. .., ...:,rr,_.,, ._ _ v. ~....._.,.__...... ~_ ..._ „_.... _,.~..~.. n_. ~,~.._ .._._.~.__,_._~.~
<br />;i. °t'atxes, ~a~ssrrtetsts. `i'o pay when due alit taxes, spc,riai rty~ess:n~~rtis ~ttad all cutter cttarge~: aagaitast ti~~~ Prape,~rty
<br />ancf, ttpan ~~rit;tcsta dercaatrci by Ivtort~'a~ee, to add t~ the pavntet~ts rc-gaited uncfc~r ! ht~ ?~~ate~ sea: ~tred heret~y, such att~zacint as
<br />rna~ybe sufftciE~n-t to enahlt~ t.ht: 1Vicartga„c~ia to pay sui~h taxes asSE~stY~ei~i:;~ c,,r <athe4~ cktar~ts as thYV ~#~c~e~~rne c's.tte.
<br />~. ~Insurar~ee. `?'a ke.np thc~ itnpravaamcuts nakv cat rtereafter laca2r~d can itte real e,t~9t~:r dcasa:rikaed ht'rein ir-5urza~ci
<br />a~aizzst datna~e'r~y fire acid such ocher hazards a~ .'Vicart:;at;t~e Ttitay re ~i~tire, i~~~ zaxrtattnts <trad Witt, cc,trtpzat~,t=s uec~~s>ta~ld> to i.lie
<br />IVIc~~rt~agei*, axed with fors pa3~abte to thin i~Icrrt,t;agek~. do case of fsass za,ader >>u~h paliciz>s t.ht~ ~lart:~agee is aut}ta:i~t~~d to
<br />;~ciauss,, a~i~-ir~ci~ anci€°~~rttpraraiise, in its ciisa:~reiiat~, aii cfairrts thereunder a€. its s+afc~ c,piiort~ acttilcar~ra~rd t;c,E>iY,t3erstxt7lti the
<br />pre>r~eeds t® tl~e retitaration of the i'r~aperty ar taport than itidf~rbt+~dttess seeura>nt #~e:rebv, hui paytnt:t~ts }~terectrider shall €°an-
<br />tinuc~ urttif t1tf~ _auarss secured hcarebv titre pain in #'itll.
<br />a. i_~ hscre~~r ~'~r"faxes and Insurance. N~it,wititstaridin~ artytttir?g c~cat~tainecf it~~ 4aara~'rttt~ahs 3 anc3 ,,t ha~rta3t' to ttae
<br />cvritrtiry, ltAs~r~t~ai;c~r sixafl pa~~r ta7 the iViart~agee Fit ttxe~" tithe «i pay~in~ tflc ttacanthfy ir~tstalfrnersts c,t prittcipai t~tid interest,
<br />a~tt~-tw~fl`tfi tfc itae ysaariy ;;Qa'xes, a5s~ts;~txaetats, i~azard insurance pre-nliutrtso ~ncf t;r~,unc3 r~t~t,; (if a~rrr~ whie;}t rtt~~y attain Gs
<br />pri+3rity c,ver ~Ei"iis ~4«rtga~e, aii t>5 r~asaa-taialy ~~stin~ated frorra t,irne tai tirraea key' th~~ ~art~~i~e~. I'tae 3rnfaitrAts ~;c, paid shtai3 k~e
<br />kxc'sd~ $~y d,i~t: It+[c?rtt;ai;~~ avithout ixttf=xE~st and ap~piiEkt4 tt~ the pa,~yrrt«~nt of thr~ itssrrts m r~spcca. tat ~rtaic~h such :irtttauatts wE~re
<br />d~~pQSit.r~d. 'i'f'-c* auerts taai~i ±:oMcart~ae:e: hers~~tn~icr ~rca pted~;ed as adciitia,arta.t sc~~curity~ i'~~r i,ft~a~ ;tta~c~~katecitte5s sarctared tw this
<br />;~IC~xt~tt~e. z'~'~ct~°t~;a~txr ~;f~tiilipaV i,~a YV[cjrt~~tac> tEte 1t~aaunt a>Y any ~iet`ieaic~t~t~y h€>f ~K~rra~r~ tlt~~ a~~tu;~i 4~a~;a ~;, <Zti.>c~5kttac~nts, iyt~ttras~c~a~
<br />~,.m,~ trre~~rt~aznr.~saa~E~.i ~~rcautttf ra,=nts :~rtcS ttt~~ clepasits h~reurader wit#~itt ~zf) bays attar detxtancY i:~ ntaatc= taptxrt ~Mz~;°tt;~sf;c,r~ ra~rctttestita~
<br />pit;>'rtt~9°!~ t.tt€~r~ya>~
<br />~. }~.~~~,~.ir, ~9~i-ti~csna~~~,a,e s~rtcf C,r~a~ 'i't~r i:at°artiptay rcp~tit, ia,~,,t+.arcr or rt>iatiifti ~t~t~, t~.att#f~3.itt~!~ cit° ir~tatarraet~tt~a~tat<, t~~s~,~ tar
<br />itt~,tt~alt,e~x' €aa~ f,i~ib~ 6'~i~e~a~~rk~rty~; t:a~ l~;nt~}a 1h~a ~pz"e~p~rt~ its iX~€t€~ carrdil.i~ratt ar~d r"t>p~ir„ a~ril,tar.aett vv~t:~t«s, E~tt~sai g"rc~e~ l"rcat~t rttt~a,hitnia~'s car
<br />a;ti:frc r1it~rir~ nc,~ t~~,pa~r~;~;:~ly =,utad;~r~inad.r,r,.f d;~, tic Bi~i`~~ tte~rccat'~ ~r~tcat tea r~tui:c~r, :~etCter. akr p~rsrtil. t=,~~a~~ tatti:~;~rt~a~ t.<ti ~-~.,.i;t, rtaar r~> a~_tst~trirt~
<br />€~fi r:)i[ ILr&,~,lsaF~~ €i~'~e) 'Cal 1F' KFI,' ~;~~4~' ~'~~'aApi~~t~;,~ ~i6~ elrlf ;naPt car S)t2li~~t~Lpk~t t,cP ~da.t; ;5~£~~ t.x,) ~'c~~sl~?~f~,' ~+1 i+. fl ~P~f rk't~kB3X~4•IIts'nt'~ t [ fr~a=:v 44~st.f~i
<br />