~r.i. 1'tar" ~;~~"~ti»"! >t'L~~1T-1PW ~7~ it~S{' 1I1(~t~`tSlf'in~1t°',~, i~l`fi,"t5~,~ '~?~°t.9i?~;°{d~ liJTl(iit ~~~1+' Ce'ikllt'~~t 1?~ ~~Y3,",~ FS°~a~i41~!1i3Jd'1', :<'. ~s{t,'~i'1'~t~p.~~
<br />csr :~1~.`~is-=n`+, :~~~i9~Y~'ift~l>: ~,lrKai~ +:~,r.'~'eltE` 1r1tf t~i'1iv~'r ,i <;tFi?t,irlil~°r1tS1~ 'I)i)i'Ik~;a~,Pt' t~; '.1i4'"Ir~h 3~;tt:', :,,fir°lrf)l" _ii~C`v ,tclclrlu:la~~;-
<br />irnprt~~~d~ra~~t~~s, ,~r f~~s~il~tasac~r~f~ iTii~9t~~~ #3~ t~~° ~~i-r~C3c~i'I't~ }ic't~c~ro;if~siv~~ ~.lr~~°~~i~~t'~~ .~<<~t ,~31 ~~[~~~,i~i9~ :~x°~~~~irc°s~ }~~v' i! ~g~~a~p
<br />thcs,i~elc^ 1s~rs~~:~1~ ~~1~-1I 131 ttrrrn sa'is.~3~,e~:tc~r~' try is~it~r~~rati~~~c4. }'~itl~rc:R~ri7a~r~i•, ~.t~c-ai1~t s~ri+;~,t~t+~s~~KSr i:TS~~ t~~ =,:eir~{.° ,~t~iv ~a.tc°i:xaiit
<br />ira t.h~~ ~+~svas~;tal ~~1 ,.~ t~~ia~r ~ar i~'ifc°~1l)i~ er7~-ei~eYl7r,rrtt•c~ <~sa tt~a• ~f'F~i~~a~°3-tv {9c~~+:rtt~tit°~{ tay~ 9hi~ siZ~ii~aie~i~~s39, ts~t~at#!As~?~=~ tFS~:~~°
<br />by ~~*r~cs ary t~;.~r~~~r~ijit ii~~~rt~~~,e' tca +~lrt'c• ~ijc~4~ si~~t~;ee~iPw brat I~~ItSt`i~ss~.~~' i~~ ~+~sal trlsii;r~ie~~~~ ~~~ t9s~ °,~r: a~iecl ~-q~a~. i..e~9~;~r~~;a°~,
<br />shall i•re~'t~tai~a ~"IflTI ~~k~ tfFC° it"~ete+~a1~"`~~~ `~<"~:Fia-r'cl t~V ahis 1t9:~t.rt~eMTtt'r11, ~aa~5~e~;t t;"r thr• ~;#riat° tc~rraa~w taa~~t ~;sfit~eei<~ti~.
<br />. The rights created by this c:tanveyanc;.e shall renraain iaa ta:ail f>~rc't~ ;eric'. eitf.•~t tiF~lairag taaay jr>7,t{-;'cars€~,s~c°rtr ~~r
<br />extnsin of t'h~~ t.ir± caf the ptaynaer-t caf tlae iaatlehtedness evidenced i:F>~ •,:sis:~i ~tt-ralisscary racatt~ s>r eli~erb. +yr ,ss2}.
<br />~t#rt ti~rwr ~e~~#rred i{rrei~iy~.
<br />t. "1"o c~ontinuausiy antairatain h~ay~arti instarante, tat" such type tar types aaad in sut~h :srrisaTarat~ r~s tt3~ raessrt~~Ke~,rt~
<br />may f"tom tita~ae to tita°te regtaire an the iltatarovemet~ats tata~v crr hereat'ter tart ;,iici pt'+r~"ir"rr~-, ;ss~~! :. i!i ;,irk, ;~r~~aTttst~~~
<br />wiic~ia clue at'ay prerrritams tart"car, fill rtsuz~a~nc~ ~~ra#11 is ca~-•ri~~~! in r~c~>r~air{r,ni~:~ .r,<c~;g~t~rf>I # riy~~r~~.r~~{~ tNra~,S af`r
<br />ptalicies and reaae~wals thereat shah tae held by mortgagee aatd leave attae~hed ,hcr~'i~a #cr~;ti tsa~,ai~9s; s.9ie9•>~~~~ iri t;r~~tar
<br />of and in faun accetatable to the anartgatzee. lea e4Pent cat ions, mrartgagtar will t:":i~~ ifnrsl~cia-t+w` rar~ticc: iqt 3,Mritiiete
<br />to rratartgagee, and anort~agee txaay m~itc° larc~c~f czf a~~ if neat t•r~a~cic rc~~tty i~ a~tarr~sr~.~sr. ~~~nd ~~+~:tx ia~~tr,r:~nc°~
<br />~ctarnpany ctant.etrtaed is iaerelay authoa:ied and directed tca raa~-ke taayment tar suacta ta5s ciarres;tl~• i~) rittftts=.:at+cz.
<br />instead caf to rntartgagrar and mortagee joia•rtly, rand the insurance laros:eedti», tar taray laser t~t~rt'tat sraa> txe ~tsgali~d
<br />1'ay mortgagee apt its option tither to the redus~tion of the iaadebtedi•aess irrµreb ~&"caared sir #~.~ tlat° r~wtcsr,~tissrr ~~r
<br />repair of tfie ~ar~aperty daaraaged or destroyed. [ta ewertt of i'oreclosure tsf this rraort.~,age, sae other ±.rirwtroat'i~r ~7! tlc
<br />tta ~s~aid property in extingtaishment of the indebtedness secured iaerebya all right:, title, aaad iratcrest :.~~ ttae
<br />rxaortggar iaa and tr, any iaasurans:e paiic:ies then in force shall pass to tlae paarlaaser car tnt~rt;~a~tt~c tsr„ ,ea tia+ta
<br />option of the imortga~ee, may lae surrendered fear ~ refund.
<br />. 't'ta kt;ep ail. buildings and other ianprovements on said taroperty in ;Ysacad repair anci ~~~rx~tac::ta; ?~x
<br />permit, corramit, car staffer rao waste, impairment, detericaration raf` said taroperty car {says part thtrecjt; ia~ t3ac L,-riFat
<br />of t~ilure of rise mortgagor to keep the lyuiidings on said premises and those 4°~-eca~cl ate sabti ~rerrri~~~~, cry
<br />improvetrients~ thereota, in good repaix, the mortgagee may make sash repairs a,s in its, discretion is r~ra:ai ~aceaa~
<br />necessary for tlhe proper fareservation thereaat; and the tali aanoaant raf each and every rata ~aarnerar ~teii;il t-~r
<br />immediately glue and payabic; 4and shah lae secured lay the iesn raf this mortgage.
<br />h, Tta tatat waiueatariiy ca•eate or taermit tics he created agtainst the taroperty sub~e~ct to this raac?rt~,aa~s .taa4 larr~n
<br />car ir.°ns irtterio~r tca the lien caf thi;~ r•t~carta~,c: ^~ithcaut ~.rratteta ~c~aaasertt of the n~YCarttzee; end "mis~~~+'s, ''~r+, ii~tsra°
<br />ga~e;car gill keep taatd rraaint.ain the same tree franc the claim tit iali t°rerscaa•as suptalyin~ itabcar csr r~~cefi~zis ~c~: ,~Xn~
<br />struction oi° dray and ail buildings car mprtawt~merats now being erected or to be ~~rc}ate ar- star re~~~.~.
<br />i, "To a~cat rent. tar assi;gza any racer raf the rent caf said natartgagtsd progaerty ter deaaa~~iF~;a, :~~ ~~°eaeaa,~~, ;r~
<br />substaratialiy alter stay kaaiilr~in~>, withcrut the writteta r:anserit of the raaorta~ee,
<br />j. Ali awards saf damages in canncction with away coaademnatian t"car taubiic ease t;~t.. car injury t,a <sr~ti rrt the
<br />property subjjea4t to this a4acartgage are hereby assigned. and shall be taaid to antart~',age~-'a who array app# tiac; ~~aatre to
<br />payment of s~h~e installments last, due under said mate, and mortgagee is hereby atatlaori:~,ed, in the n~anae of tFa~e
<br />mortgagor, tea execrate and deliver wand acttuittances thereof tend to appeal from stay .such award.
<br />k. The a~raortgag,ee shad. have the right tca iaaspect the mortgaged preanises at any reasonable tirxae.
<br />1. To co~m,ply with the provisioaas of any lease if this i~tortg;age is tan a leasehold. if dais '~ttartgage ~, ors ~-
<br />uaait in a condominiuan or a planned unit deveiopnaeratx l3arrcawer shall perform all tat` l3arrvv~es-'~ 4~hli~atiaans
<br />iall~Cl~i ritC tti':»~.Iice[itirrl?!t tua i:rt7YGAli~sl4°~ L~rCtttlti~' Ur" (7vCra.et~ tsac A0.DSSUUilstassusts ua ~ltiasrteu taiAai ti~+~~cau~,aianc`i1t.~~a
<br />by-laws .and regulations of the candoaniniurn tar planned unit development. and constittaen# documents,
<br />I Default in any of the covenants or conditioaas of this instrument or of the mote car loan agewbrraent secured herelay
<br />sh~Ii terminate the anortgagor's right to possession, rase. and en~taaneaat raf the propertya at the opticmn ol" the
<br />mortgage+~ crr asstgtras (it being agreed that tlae anortgagor shad have such right until defatalt). i.~pcara stay such
<br />cletault, t}ie rnurtga~lee shall become the owner of all of the rents and profits acuring after default as sc:ci,.arit~.~ tsar
<br />the irStiel~aedrlcss set:ured hereby, with the right to enter upon. said prtaperty for the purpose of ~.oliectia•a~; stash
<br />rents anci prcifits. Thais instrument sha11 operate as an assignment of any rentals on said propert~~ €o that +e~tent,
<br />^~` SF rY~a ~~~.....- ,^d .., S'...elt.~ ,,,r.. ~. 4+x xlr, t.,. ..,..,.+L ......,., ...... ..,„,......o., 1. L... .-1...~. r.r t.y ~~.^a r~F.^sw+n+ •r. +~xsr3 .~e~ara-r,s~+~. asMitie ~n an n; ,r^m~
<br />a~ ciaa. ~.xvr~aic,.acV~ M~6t3La.#.La#. Saat4t aiixaa .ass [aa43A'\ talx,)r a.7Ci''~'ltY «tiCa hiRls+a3 uuad sea au a.uaaa vaaaa au aaxawa e,uaxa}s a .. sass ..aa.-, +.+.
<br />€he~ E:ianciitioris c7r at>ree~rrler~ts cc~r;;.tained in this mortgage or the notes which it secures, theta. the entire pr`sn~:et?;~i
<br />>tarn ~ir3d accrt;ie~~ tr:tc'rest silaCi at once bectame due aa~d payable and draw '~.,.._,.., per cent 1~~~~~1 anteri:~~t
<br />ttac,reatter t~nti'E paid at the election of tlae mortgagee; grad this mortgage may thereupon be fc~reciraseii iiaaaat~ediat~;l~'
<br />fur the whale c?f the irictehteclnres~ ~~ertl?y secured, iiacluding -the cost caf extending the abstract cif ?itlc~ "rora~ the
<br />dare ~t this €ricDri~a~~;e tv ttse tune t~f 4c~rnrraencing suci: wait... ~~t:e~aa (16.x}
<br />~. Ira the ~k'>`~ast cat' a fcar~cic~sure «r ~~etaisir as. prcavdecl, herein, the Kn~-srt~;~~ee shall at once be entitle tc~ tlae peas-
<br />~z:~sit~bs, ss~~, axrci ~aiaayrtytni css~ rite rtat cstare aore:~:~iT3 t?nd tsa the r~a°a*. iss~arsa royalties, atad s rt?tit~ ~tieretaf,
<br />1rC~Lr1 t~1~ ~itii.a'UIIn~ {1t ~~1C~k i-F~ht4 i$n4i Cidlfirk. €~Z~; ~~ri!~~Tit;'e' tat forL~!Staf+a ~ Tf.?i,:it~~Cftid~;` r~~ Fiii~ q~~?s`~ti•±%iafl5, Ott;,»,
<br />sr~ail <at t,?Sf::E` ~'.~~' C'~f:siYZ'if't~ T~Z.1 [~St all~i't4yii~i~` ii~TC'Tl F:°P,~[It."(. 6.3~i1'~tl ii:IleefL" ~i„tt~l 1~C~1'a"iS ~.' C*•2 +i7l~i ~~{)~1~Ck~ll;°S1 t~"~`'
<br />cai4~r~;cd ~~.! it2s;tf1ki3f~K'€rg ~k1i ~riY.3})~731)t'isltt i~9gai ~~CC3.:t".%:~1T2~,', s`ei'~Ti~.~aH3Lf ~ 5~~'~ib~S ltd=" I~;C' ;?i!~{~lil1.
<br />h ° y ,
<br />lit ~~rd'le,o'i''l.l'~+ ~.Si lt'v '+%f~i;'t)t 'F re1~k ~'*s'Y'!iTGY3~R' tS, .la~~,t3Sti~-iEl~;:. ~~ef~ ~h~' }"~fS_i,_`i3;Is? ,?6ii;S_i,i$~'1~t~ .;'taRi2 1=~ l~~;~tiZ`r,~ ~if"st tt~
<br />r'v3j t~+>~ ~tt4~`:~stiii L:lrt~"~sl~tisr"s i}i ~~~3€~ ~»~1$i~ ~`3~ i~~.t:"fit_~"S 'tSfs.:E:7t'Tt=t3 '~ t'!C tE~?ti'fr..~;tii°~ 3 =: ;~7"~ i`ilp~~`s.~~r~ ,fr ,~d.~`'t~ai;2~k' y";"
<br />' ~,
<br />`'iSn,3t~3~tTlE?za~m~ Sdi~„~ ~'t~?~'?~314', ..s.x~~Sa 50t ;:4 r~if4~' t~L~ ld~tkff~~F~~!i1?IC'?~ aS:ii~:C. F2:"[rk~~, .__^_.. ~?114 `, .r'v~ .r~ ,--!~f!si?~ iii
<br />a`.V 5-.2'=a 1, ?~y1 :9~~` T~Z3 .i•1:: tTt 's'23->A.~iS !, ii'a3. i$oE4~ 4.'C3#.[i~~t', li:~::`3f`f. ;. `.,.
<br />