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yI~ ~ a <br />e ~a~ ~a 11.P ~~ ~'e..~ <br />'~°tzi5 rrr~ar~tt;a~e ~~zcle 'u~nc~ ~~nter~:cl iz~tE:f t}~is .. ;~~zd cl~z~~ c~~f.nwNrrvez~b'er <br />.. _.~„b _.~_.. - <br />Ic~__$.~_.___._; try atz,:9 lz~twc:er~ U, Watt~cgr~ and Carc~:te Wa.t;C.azn, ~lzzsl~~nd and Wife <br />(hereinafter reler~r,.r~ to as r~zortga~or} 4t~~c C:,€lrrzrrz~c;rcial !~dr~~tiE:woal H'anlr ~+ "Cry t~"c.~zz~~att~V <br />(hereirzafter ref~;rred to as <br />nrzart~a~;c:ej, wlzo ry~aiz~t.~ziz~s an ofi'ie~ at~~ A~rlcc: cif' ~?i~sbnes~'t ..~.:.~~'t.~~_..~..~~.~..,".~?p~~,~..,.~~,_,;.;_- street in Cir~ansl Isiazxci, <br />Nfall C'aztnty, Ne~b~raskao <br />'4~1tTNF?6:SE'rN, that: for the ~;c--ns~deratic~rl her~irsalter ~~tat~tl rcc~pt cif ~vl~zic:lt is lzert~hy acknar>vl#~d~ecl, the e~zortl;a~tzr <br />claw hereby zr~ort;gage, sell, ~rat~zt, assign, arz~l ~:c~t~vey tizzatcz t[~c; rr~art~;a~,c~e, its s-ai:ce4tiar5 ~,nd assigns, =til t7f the ~'ot- <br />~owizag t~escribedl frrezpez'ty situa e~f and lat:iz~g .izz size C~.tzrzzay al' ~Ha~.1 <br />State caf 1'~eiar~~s~:a. <br /> Th~.rtec:r (13) ~u~,~ex ~l~e~*, ~~~~ being a ti:act <br />a:E land aampri~f:n~ the Ha~'th. H~.~.f taf the Na'~th Half of the North Half of <br />tl~~> Sout< ~ua7°ter (~Tlj2 ill/2 N1/,~ Sl;"/ l/4~ the North Ha:l_f of the South <br />Ha]_f of tl~e Nczrth Ha1.f af; the Borth Half of the ~c~u.hea~t tEUarter <br />(t37_~? ~'l/2 Nl/2 S1~ l/4) and the Sarzth Half o£ the Northeast C~uartrer <br />( z7_/'2 N~' ~./4) except the. north. f~C~ act'e.s thereof, a1;1. in Sect3a>a. :l.l, <br />~'oGrnsh~' ll North, Raarige l0, West of the w"itMh P» , 3:n Hall bounty, <br />Nef~rask~ sa~:d trat:t conta~.ning 49 » ~+~.4 acres naczr~ or 1~ss. <br />ta~ettzer with alll,th+~ tnemertts and ap~ttrtena:zaces th~rett? l~elanging, a:ll the rents, issues anci fyrtrfit;~ therec,l', and all <br />t~aserrzents, rigbtsb r+~yiiti~s, rr~iner~~, coil ~r:d gas r~~#~ts arzd facafts, water, water ri~-t.~, grad wat~'r stctc:, :rid ~zzctuc~irz <br />ail i~+:ating, pltxtnb%tz~, refreratitn, lighting, equiX~n~ent and all futures of every descrit~tio~t ~aelotx;izzg to the <br />rnurtgag,o7 nary car hereafxer-attatted therett~ or used fin ctzntaec:tic~rt with tlxe prert~iscs het+eirt describ+~d and t1 i~i~clitiota <br />tEzereta the fc~ll~~vvin~ clescribe°d properties wltiGh ark and shall be r~eerned to be fixtttre~ and tt dart of the realty; anti <br />ire a portion c~i' thy' ~erzarity f°c~r the 'tndebiedness herein :stated. (~f noa~e, stag ~"none"'~ Nt7E <br />T_o have and. to hold tt-s~ came until the xvlvrtgagee; as herein prt~~idetl <br />tiG iiauit~ap~t3~ l:i ~up~iurar ` [&Ii%t E~it;~a~$SGIS a3f st[1U S1lS tfTe rz~nt L£I $etl¢~X4tI Cf7n'~ey S~.z~.t ~~i°C3t7L1'E4~; Z~~~t ttlr <br />same is free froze all ~:ncuznbrances except a,s kzereinal~a~'e re~;itecl; szz~cl that 'vlc~rtgaQ,~r ~~.ovenaazts to ~~~arrarzt and <br />defend the title. afares~€ici thereto znci every part tlztrec~f again5fi the claiz7~s caF z31I persozzs r~'harrtticze er. <br />This irzstruzxzent is ~ivcn to secEZre tl~e payznezzt dxf a pr~inissczry note ~lateci _.~~t~mh.~.~_~_~,.~_~--_------- --._..~.~..._.. <br />xT <br />in the ~-rineif>ai! ~,urtl #.7f ~.~~~.x~.~.~t,~_,.~______._._____~_s.__N~.___..__._, ~ii;nQd h ~ Rol h_i)~..__and Cn~ce~~:e watt_.on _ <br />in behalf cif ___~l~t~~.1~v~~__ <br />alsa, a such ~<atz~ or zac~te~ may tram tianz: to tixn~: he anc>di,iec~, r"erzc>~d t~z~ e:~teazr~ed in ~ritii~,~, <br />;ri tiaceven,t th,e tiiie i;a said real estate is transferred, ~rt° cantz~~cted to be tran:~ferred, Pram the iznei,rsil~nec,( fi'z~r arzy~ <br />reason ar by ~~zn~Y n~etl~zod wha~ts~>ever, the entire iarinc~ipal sung arzd accrue.'d irlti~re5t shad at once:. bec~oarse sau~:zzzct <br />pag~a~;ie at the eleErtiptt of the &ztylcter herecsf, t~a.ilure to e>~erG i~r< this z~ptic~rf Eae~°a.usc a#' tz-azas~fez- of tide ~zs ab~~~e state~~ <br />irz at-c it~starzcc shall tact catYstitut.e a ~vaiv~s of thu ri~lzt t.~a ~xt:rcisc the sa~rrt~ its tfz~ ew~nt a~f :~x-iy w,.zbskc~u~nt rz~za~zsl'~z°, <br />t. The rriart~~igar cavena~nt~s arzd a~ree;~ 4t5 t~czlla~~s: <br />a. ~t°t~ i;~?r~zrtrptly pay dlt~' in€lei~te:dness €~~i~iezzcecl by 4aicf }~rc~rni4;saz'y ztr~ti ti,t tt,tx iszz'z~.w <3tal is? tft~ €zz;zz~ttl~r <br />tk,~r~».iz~ t~rL~s~,~ir~ecl, <br />.~ <br />1J. ~5,~ ~'@~,4' ;~~1 t~t~~~,siS~tR`.?`~Y~~~',~~t'~, 'r~tit,er 4'%itl:''~, anal zyti~~r t~t3~'t,';rta~~#t;l~t's3t 4:"I IXtLifllzl~),in ~:_~izl~'.t',.5° ;[11'i";, tax. <br />k.~"i~C~~~~~i1$~'s, adJr w~'~44".~1 ~9r#;~4'Iti~~td f~Y~'7 t'6t~t ~~4:~4 IT~e~~la,° ~'It;°r~1S1~t°.~(7~'c'., itl~i:~ '~`t~~ ~:,I"i?3A~~'i~4 ~,:~i;"~?A s'C" ~ ~~i' E"?fi> [~t:i~ 1"'+::E;'t~~ti <br />tlte;rt;f~tr ~,~! ~~~ize ~~t.i~ zr,~art~tt;a~z»•: <br />., ~'t:".~ t;+r'.i~' '~1:2t='I~"! +.'±t~#:~e~4'~ €~Y4(~ ~~~°5.R ~'t°; llic9l~' ~"tk° ~XtitdYt'tR,~ !;t ~f"!#;: ~`s~'!'~2~'`~?~t'>;3 tif16.~ ~~34ii9xi.ti?~asai'iGr' t i y~i~{ 7"~St>~...~,;~\; <br />d3¢a:~i~,3.At"~~"~ tk'4~; i~:a,',4s c:}~ .;~C.tW +l~t'~.'pY~rd;`~' ~'~D~C'3i(A'~`,~4,1 ~?`u {3€x". CCi~3t'dw~3~..~' i:?t ;¢1$: E:t`,i1Ci't1C',3 t)~ :f a,~'' `'}~ :k~~ (? .i+#' ttii$E.'E~it`ttl3L':,;w <br />.. <br />„ _ <br />:, ~ ~ -.. , <br />~iL,~t'~~+~` .,,~,a"i~i.,t.i. T:;36 $3_d~~:~e~4E .a~~~ ~~'~'1` k}~~~I~~`I~:',k.ft. ~t1t,', Y`s i ,] i 1! tC +„yiE4~' 2 +i'r ,~-tk t} 'SF } t 9' S is? : ~i <br />k ~~ Y ., ~s'f .:'i°~3;f's: <br />