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~~. t~'~nnderrrnatioit, In the ~ve~ntthe l~ropertyr orany part theseof~ shall be taken by eminent dornain,the Mortgagee <br />ins c>rnpd~aer~~d to c~r~llect ar~cl receive all.. campertsati€~ri which may be paid for any propexty taken ar far damages to praperty <br />ncrt taken, ~€nd ~loi~@e shall apply such compensation, at its aptan, either to a reduction of the indebtedness secured <br />d~ereby oa~ ttr repair and resterre the praperty ~a d~ttraaged. . <br />~".~. ~. I'c=rfarct~artce by ?t~ivrtgagee, Mortgagee rnay, but shall have na obligation, to do ar~y act:. which the Mo~ga~or <br />leas agreed l~u t fai.l:s to da, and Nlartgagee may also da any act it deems necessary to protect the lien her+etaf. Mortgagor. <br />a:~ees to rQlaay, upon demand, any siurns so expended by the Mortgagee far the above purposes,-:and any sums so upended <br />by the ia~l+artgagee shall be added to the indeebtedness secured her~eiay ;artd became subject tc~ the lien hereof. Ntvrtgagee <br />shall rat ire:ur any ;personal liability because s~f anything it rriay do ar aranit to do hereunder. <br />~. il;efault; ~ssignrr~ertt of Rents. "I"irne as of tn-e essence hereof, and upon Mortgagor's default in any cca~er~ant <br />or agreerr~er~t o>F this Mc~rt:gag'e, includitng covenants to pay when due the sums secured by this Me~rtga~;e, the ~liortgag+ee shall <br />ise entitled, ai; its sale option and without notit~, to declare all'sums secured by this Mortgage;to be imarrediately due and <br />payable and tray commence foreclosure of this Mortgage I~~* judicial prc~ceeciing~; and, :provided further, that upon sr~c~i <br />default the Mortgagee; ar a receiver appointed by;a court, naay at its option aril without regard tea the adequacy of rite <br />security, eater upcan and take p+sessiion of the Property and collect the rend,<issues and praiits therefrazn anci apply ti~ern <br />first to the east of ccsllecticsn and operation°':af the Property and then, upau the 'indebtedness secured by,this Me~rtgagee <br />said rents, issues and larafts being assigned "'ta the Mortgagee as further security for the payment of the indebtedness <br />secured herek~y. <br />i tl. 'ly^ansfer of lPraperty. if all or anyr part of the Property is sold or transferred ~v€thout the express written eurx- <br />ser-t of the I~lortgalee, Mortgagee may at its_sate optiic~nx declare all sums;secured`by this Mortgage to be immediately daze <br />ar~d payah~le. <br />~1. Isut~ure Advances. Llpan request of `Mortgagor, Mortgagee may make addiitional and futura advances ts~ <br />Nlc~rtgagor. ; advances, with interest thereon, shall: be this Mortgage when: evidenced by prcanaissory notes <br />slating that s,~ici ~aates are secured hereby: At na tirne shall the principal. amount of the indebtedness securer3 by this <br />Mortgage, n~o-t including stems advanced to protect of this Mortgage, exceed the original iVote. <br />12. Misce~aneous Provisions. <br />Via} .Any forebearance in exercising any right ar remedy shall. not be a waiver thereof, <br />thy) ill remedies provided herein are distinct and cumulative to any other right afforded by law ar ~qulty <br />aid may be exercised ceincurrently, independently or successively. <br />(c} The covenants. and agreements contained herein shall bind,. and the rights inure to, the respective <br />smtecessors and assigns of .the Merrtgagar and the Mortgagee. <br />(d} AJI caver:ants and agreements of the Mortgagor are joint and several., <br />le} The headings ;of the ;paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only. and shali',not be used tta inter <br />prat ar define the pravisiorls hereof.. <br />~.3. Release. Upon payment cif all ..:urns secured by this Mortgage, Mortgagee shall disclaaxge thin Mortgage and <br />shall execute srnd dtsliver a satisfacta~y release therefor. <br />ll~ "W'ITN~~S Wl~k;R~+C}l~", IVldrtgaga~r has executed this a tin the .3.,..,~.~... day of ..:bll.~~.r~.~..„~...,~_,9 ..,,:_. <br />f~~ ~,;,,,.~-..- <br />.,~. t <br />,. <br />.~.. <br />~. <br />,.~-~ <br />~' "~ <br />State ~f 1V~~liras~ka, Ha1~. - - -~--,....~ .~..Caunty ss; <br />t)n this _.~:.3~d ~ day of ~7'~nu~rv _~,_.,,~ _.~,.~ 19~..,w, Paefore me, the undersigned, a .Notary X'~.iblic <br />duly catr~missiaa~ed d qualified fax said county, personally carne S~~art; ~ . ~~~'~'~~ <znd K ~~r~ ~: <br />_-_£'~~~~c~~---~._.._._____ --~--~-~--~ ,~.._~.~.~.,.~...~.~, to a known to be the <br />identical person(s~ wixase narne(s} area subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknavrledged the execution thereaf_ <br />tai lac e._ __. t ~"~. ~~'~_._~_ _--__~ ._.__ voluntary act and daed, <br />t~Vi tress rr~y hand ar-d notarial seal at ~ C~ r fir} cl ~ ~, ~. ~ ri d z 1~E,,~,. ,,.,~,~,,~~ in s8~id coutlty, the <br />date aforesaid . <br />,.~., <br />~, . <br />r ~_ <br />t1'1 9.13J11~tlli)Ai+`)t 19Rf G7L ~IL C."l. <br />,~ ~ <br />~--- ~ <br />__._____._ ~..~_.__.__.4__~_.__.____...._._._._.__ (tiu"~~cs. 1!~ule~w 'PT~ta C,lrte Fte~setv~,~ ~++sa I.t~-~1~et i3~d B~tecearal~'1~X) ,...,.~..°~..°.»,..~°.~.~..~,,:.:_,.WW..,,..__~._.~.,__~_~_....._..~..~ j <br />'^~ 'K~ ~y fi~i <br />a14 ~ ' <br />F , <br />~~ •... <br />ryt M1 <br />1 r ,~ ~ ~ l <br />~.E~ r ~ .. 1 ~~,! <br />,~ <br />~ }z~ p:, <br />~b,= .Q f''t'r~r' B s R, ~iKP9'fE "~9 <br />