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~- „ <br />~~~~~:~ <br />~~~~ <br />~1~i:s "~Icar~:~;age is en~er~d ilztts between ___:_____'~~'~~rt ,~. Pasc.t~e and ~'a:r~tt Ram ~a~ct~t? <br />~r,,... ---.~___._____ ~ __.~ (hernia "Nftartgagt~r") an~i <br />F I~'I~ I' CJ ~T3 TS BA1' ._.:._.~ (hea~eira "M~rrtgage~"). <br />triortgagor is iricit~btpd tA~ ~Itfrtgagtae' in f;he pria~ci,pai gum c~~' . "~'~ - ftf1~ _ t~~ __..~ , evc~ences~ by ~artga~ar's note <br />~~~ted .____.~~ ~ 3 l8 3 ~.~_ ~~~r~ir~ "N+~t;e"} ~-'r+nvidng fcar p~yrra~r~ts e~~ principal anti ~r~#~z~st, ~t~th the baisnc~ of thy; <br />frtrlelatecl~t~ss, i~ n~'~t stp~IZer l~aitl9 tlue a~ad 1?ayable ~at~.._...w...,.~?:.:.....~.,...~:~....~.....~.,.~.. <br />'~~~ s>v~~ar~ #:~I°e~ ;~c~t~, vvat~. iriter~s#, as pr~~ided'i;here~n, t'h~ pa'y~ent ~P all c~tt~~r :~~ar~~, with' ~nter~~~, <br />advanced l:ty I~lcartg~gee to'prtytervt ttxk? seei~it~ ~a~ u'his 14~e~~'tl;agt~, anal :he ~ert't~rrri~ntAe^ of the ct~vena~t~ ak#ad agre~+ent~ of <br />the t'~tlrtg;tg~~r ~ontair~ed' I~'ernir~: ~„I~Ic~~tgags"ir dries hereby s~~.r~rtgt~e and c:anve~ tta l~Jfc~rtgagee the: ~t~llta~ring ct~rk~ri~-ed <br />~prc~pt~rty Ikac;ateei an _t1~1. __._~:.:.~..~;:__.._.. ~;ur~t~t; ebral~~k: <br />11nd~i~~i.ta~cf ~~rkt~-l~al.~ .i~~trt~rast:. in l~.a~t~~ra ~e k'a~c:~~~~ t~wx~tr~r~~h~~s c~~ the prcr~a~'~~:y <br /> ~}e~l_c~~: <br />Tl~e ~~dSt. C)ne Ff[i.l i' cif the Nei~th~~s~. Q~.~a~'t•"~:r (l~,l~ltit~~~~,) <:~#~ ae~ctr~t~x~: "I'~~=1-rfi:y '?"eta <br />x;32) in Tc>~Tn~1~~p 1J';i.e~rert ~i3~ l~lcar~l~, ,.~nt~ '~'w~<"1.v~} ~~.) let o tk~e ~t:iA 1'.M« ~ <br />i-iatl Cc~unt~}`? N~`h~:a;ka:;~€ce~;t ~ trac:t tai I.a'tad may paati,~.~l.a~1y de;acrl~~~~ <br />in ~2tI~ t t,7 a~.,~ ,I~e.~d- x'ece~rcld :i.n 13t7c~1~ ~.5~7, ~n~ 3~~i <br />'~'eaga~tl~er ~~rith ittl l~uilt~ing~, rnprt~vements, ~ixttrre~, sheets;<alleys pa~~age~vaysr ea~ents, ri~t~ privi~~g~s and <br />appurtenant=}rs It>catet~ th~x~c~I~ or in ,znywi~e p~?rtaiE~ir~g ther~?tp ante.-the rents, issues end prafitta, reveit~ns ~rici rera~airbders <br />E:i~exerat; ina~~ltacling, lout aacat li~itec! tca, heatinaiad ta~~?i~i~g ec{uipeu~t and;~ueh~~ersrsta~a'1 p~rapert~ t~iat is~;~tt~act~eti t~ t.tze <br />imprc~vernESnts se>ck."~ ts~ },t~IZ~iitut,e a ti~ture~ ail c>l" ~vlai~;la., inclttdittg replacements and addititans hereto, is 11relay tltclarecl <br />~;~ k~e a part tai' the re~ru esl,~t~ sk.€t!ured I? tlae lien:... t~f tkiis 1Vtortgage and all cif the ~vrt~~oist{~ being rekrred to herei~~ as tl~e <br />IVloxt~agrar ?'ur'ter ec-rzvenants as~d r~'rees, with IVilortg~gee, a~s ;i'ollaws. <br />~, 'a~rrn~nt. Tca pa~,tlae indbted36ess arid. the intere:~t •theretar- as provided in this l~'Ie~rtga~e sand the Note. <br />~. "I"ltl+e~ fv~tlrt~~gtrr is the owner of #;}9tx l~re~pert~v, ~~ the rigl#t ~d. utarity tc, rntxrtgage lrktt* 1'roperty> and <br />- ~varral~~s that tlzt? ?ien i~reatecl t~€~rt~b;~ is a t"ilEStx ~It~ lar'st~x' lien op t,lae 1'ropert, eetapt as rraa~ ottxerwis~e be ~~ forth herizy <br />Ci '1.~:'I]e t'rtapt:rt~ is suk~~ce~i to a 1'~nrtg~tgta ~rrr~~n.,....,,....,,~..._,~~...~~.~..~..~,:~~..,~....._,......,._.~...~..:_.~..~.~.....~4..~..~:...., <br />is the i`Vltrr#,gz~ge~:, t~t~r.Farcled a#. ~o~k ____.._...~:,~...~... , ~';~e;~.__,.:~... tat'.ttza> f~~t~rtgnge ~.e~ar+~,~ ref`,~~....:_~.._.~..._._Gt~atnl+~,: <br />~~+~Izras)ta, ~uri:tiet~ ~![t~rt:~;age is ~ lieza ~G~riot~ tea t'r~i laei2 cxe~~tc~c9 her~eb <br />r~! #:~t~her prit~r Bens ~}r stkc°~ambraracs's: _.~::.A...;.~~...._.~..w~~.._;.:_..~.,.__~.~~,..w.~...r...~..~...~._.~...~.~.~.~,......~_~...,~.:,:~,...n.,....,~.~.~..~.~,~~.,...w~...:..~,~. ; <br />3.. FPa~esn .~ss+~slsrrtertta. 't'() pa~% aviat~t~. d~z±• al't tars, speria~ assesst~E?tits a!z{~ a~, e`stizYr charges agai:is#; i;lte isrc~,pery <br />;end, upc~tz written cleYxz;and hy° :~!lort.gag}se, t(> add q.~ t..h~z I'ear~'rt~etrts rt~a'tuired ~.artcler ti~z: i'~It>#~e set;~tre~rl E'z~~r(~.tzy, ;~tz€;lz atz~<au~t as <br />rt~a~r be su1°#~tt:ient tts ezYable the Mortgagee i:~ pa5' suet t;~.~es, assessrt~~Iat~S ~r rat9~s~r :~~€arg'}=. a~ they~~ bec~~rne dt3e. <br />4.. insurance. 'I`cz deep the iu~pruv+~A~E€nts Iz€~~ €~r ~a~xeai't~r #c~~at~d ~,zt.~€~ ~~~ai estate de5crib~>d I•€~rnin insut•tad <br />~igainst dalxtage ~~' fi~reanetsaxch tstlzer ita~ards ~ wfvk°t,ga:gee a~zrx~t re~uil~e, irs xrxtou~,~ anti vrith c-{~Ix~pariie;;acceptable tez tT~e <br />lHartga€gee, ,arid v~ritiz ir~ss pa~;~able tc~ tktc i~Tcartgagee..Yrt .ease ~~a#~ t~s:; (.ndet' ~~~td~ta I»lic~iat, ~i~e i4'lcartgagee e;~ aut~i(a'ri~ed tca <br />a«:ijust, €~olit~ct a~rtd cc;xnpr+~trtast,^, i~t i#.s di:~creti~}*_, ~rli };lait~~s tlterek.Iltcierr at: zA;.s stmt €~ptse,I,» ~tt[.1~rat'irt~ci <c)¢.~pl`° t};(3 <br />s i a t^ t ,. ~r,.,.,,....~~. ,L, .-t ,.t~.d -7..nY-< .-y~=„r~.-t }s~~r«ik~wr &t:~$ rtv~~rrWun4s 6ts~ru~~rer3c,r wh~ii .°nr:_ <br />~i[()(:~CU98,i..i. C~ti~ .6.'k:1L(.7214i Vtd i~1. 1.lEC a kv~ci 4Y iii° s.~p~e.~ii c, x¢ i.c4e aatae.,a,., .. ,,. s.s...u , y.. ~ ,. <br />tir~tte 4ttatal ~tlte suns seeureP.l 1'~.t~rt~by arE~ paid in ~~a~.f. <br />s. '.~' ~u~r(sw P^'a~r "'axes anti Cnsurxrt~kr. f~Ttmt:v~stlstita.rsdi~,g acrd thing c;t~l'tt,~9n~t~ i~a paragrapl~~; :~ are€;l ~~ he€•(at;t t{~ tize <br />c~~7tr>'> 'NSr,~rtg~a~;c~r s1~afl ply hex tl~e i'~eart~,agee at tt~4~ tirzse c31° l~ayit'~g tine ~x~i~nth(~< irr:~tal~lrrtt~€zti ~r.i` pr~rtc;pa.t atttti irtte~res~.~ <br />~rz~e-t~z~xlftu €st` tl~e early t~axesy a.~,wt:~ss>xte~~ts, kt~a~arti >~sttcat,r.e prezrzi€aa~zs, ar~c~ r'c~utzd xez~t~ (if` a-~i~>) ~'tii(;i~Q t~aa}~ tef~iain a <br />~irit~ri.ty ~ve~ t,his ~rl(~rig,~ge~ alt as I"emsc~nal}iv }~stzrnatt~€~ Eger}xI tirrl}y tss #~~z~+ t.~~' t,ikr~ ~tra~'hgagx~e• `I`t~e ~trrt~tt~7t;~ s}a irtic~ sY€add ~e <br />helt$ kzy k€~ae f~itar#;gaget~ ~vitla()u3: irl4,erest an~a ,~l>trtiek~ t,c) alter traylrkNrat caf' I;f~~ a#:txrrts ktk I~`upa;(`,{, E;€} wi~i(:€~ <tt~~lt z~ttt«unt.~ ~~~rt= <br />tlepts;~it<~tl. `k"ixta Beltran paid #a ~c~r.igag~+er I~E~~°ECtrrt~~?r a~t> ~l}>tigt~~3 ~; fat#tlE;ie3lz<'tl ~~€.~c.t~~-tty F€zr t-~e is~debt.}relt}}~=; sc~ctzreRd 1,~~ t.#~is <br />l~t?~"t~2Yf~gf?,.:s~+~4)iC'1~,~,gt3~ r,~~~b.~l ~~~y' ~tk ~~~C~;~;~tI~F'}' ~.~4.' slt'C2,C~Cdd?t, d'~~" 11Y1a' ~l'~I~;AE!Cl~~% `fat?«44'C."F'.I'! ~~~4f' +31:~,ib.ii~ z.eSA}xsi5 k9.d~i4°`v;ikiJ@~Ik~,;i, 3llal.i5~i~4'}' <br />~~~•••••. Cf"t']~it$Tt'L~ `.~`:~'&~. rtBUrd~i r~I!`k"~ w#.`~f~ t~I4_' S~fv~ d}h~t,k ~"IL'~(?},1C1~9;i 'vV1t~~~~3 ~~.} :~a'I~t.i ;;St~~:€'I` C~??t~3~~5?I. k'.i }I1~rl`•~d,' ~:3. ~{iI"1 ~+~i?r4~' <k t}~' ~E91 41ik'~~Ix1I? <br />l~~yrtA~at~ ~h~~rt=~s-; <br />~i~. ~~8~~, 311i#~~~ta+iRXI4."~' 'c~~lCl ~f~• ~~~~ ~'4u4}17'l~it,tw t'c'~;a~yY, ~i'SGQJY'k' },t~' a~'t3u~~d F}/`s'~' )414~:~i~1};4 .so" !?'?t~)~aZ,ot~€Ikt;~kr3:~'S Ilib4"~ {:a l'' <br />l~art~r~lt~r ~:sr;; t.tar~ Ixrtape~r'#~~r P.s~ .~~x(~I tiiia i'ra~pt~I~t4' art gc.)t3aa k~rkklii[~:ik~I"4 :~k'S€~ P'~'°t:~ib4t', `.ti'1~,~fkA?~~. ~`~`PEa~ 314it«« i~lY~"Y.' y~i°i~s3'Y'l k3~K-`. &•~tla~ltEtt'.;'yi tA$' <br />i3t•~t:~ a$C?~E9~ r;.t3~, ~e7f.g?~~:ti~~;ti! w~6~Y5,}rC~t'I'ka`ztF,"t~ ~.t3 ~.$lt: i1F,%II €t~ar}'.:'l~~ tld;r~: y,~r Ii1~Y~~"~ *1J~I~}A k' d)1 ~?f?ed74e~; f1~'# ~ 1lc~<ltF{~t* Iti:D ?et~$, ~"vraf y{3 t~~3tyie <br />1'~~2 i"P:1' H$Y$~r"t~kY ~h:~' ~/~.~134t' }"i~ $;~~":' 1"}1"A'~p4.'.rt~,' ~:~~' a~i`v' L1i`~ (:}1'' ti?I~k1.7~A,tlx tt9 +'w4 $, .it;E~'a ~+.~ i.`s,7:?t~.5~,! ':4ke,~'X z~~e ~t`t!{~11cI"t`k"74tiC~4;i E3~ fi!'4b' bA'?~•ai <br />