<br />I_,errde:r's written ~r~;rec~sa~erat ~~. a~atalicaFade Faw, '13aarrrawer sh«xll ptsy `tine arrsattint raf alF rrtrartgage ittsurance Iara;mitsrxts in the
<br />tnarrrrer fl'vvi~a~c1 ilnder traragrrrlrh 2 het'aa~f,
<br />.any ~Iaraorltlts c:disburseci fa,r l_,ersd~r• Farrrstaarai tra iFa%s ~«tragr«rpla "?" wit it-tta*retrt thereon, :shall 8eccrme additicrnaF
<br />~,,,, irrc:Tedatedsaes±, cbf Y3nrrc>v,'~r secured 1-,}~ this l~tortage. Unless ~c9rr~rer asyd t.r~rader «t,grera~ to cattier terms of fraysnent; such
<br />amcartnts ~,tasrl~d b~c laay~IhFe z9E7~,rr Iiotice. f°r~~ra~s F,c~rar~er to ~carrr.`r~+rer r°~c~u~stin~,ts«ay~acrrt th~re+nf, end shallb~~r irtt~r~5t fr€am~he
<br />rate crf dishr.rrsc~tnerst ~t the rate taayab]e f'r9:araa time tta tisna otr orttstkrrading ~rin~ai~al`unr3~r the l~l"ote unless payment cif
<br />intP~rest at srrr~h rate ~a„nts[cd 1?e c~ratrar}~ tr7 ~~~r[a9icahtc law„ in ~~hich trr~rri'srrch'amcrr~rnts `shall Faear i'tatereSt ztt the highest rate.
<br />daerttaissibFe trr°iel:~r ap~~FicataFe dza~~. ~c~thizr~; c~~stt~rinect ira this"~arag; s~tah 7'shalF rwrgarire TWen+~er to incur any expense ctr take
<br />ars)j actiarr heretzradr;r.
<br />~. gr>'s#Seeth'lan. t_erader- zrray rrrtake~ ,:ar eaaase; tra tie cnar,~ereastana~kiFe errtriews cs~,tart and in~eraioras of tF~e; ~`rolaerty„ Iarovirlecl
<br />shat I,erlcder sh~r~ld give f§carrc~~ver~ 9u~tice ps'iur te;r tarry st:trh ins~er:tirrt~r specifying re-ascanahle c;az:rt±c iheretar related to Twe,rrda;r';
<br />itaterest in the 3~rcaperty.
<br />°~. ~"+~nelrrrrraratianaa. °Tlac prc~c~eerl~r ~aC cant/ iia~alyd tar r:~airr°t f'car-rlam«tga~ta, r3ir~;ct car ~nns~gtxe°ratiai; in rMann~ctirrn with any
<br />crandertrnatiari tar ~bthe.r takinu cad'th.a~ @'rr~p+`.rtx; cat° hart thcreraf, tar frar'crartvegr«tncr;~ ira ii~tt at" cortclettanatirata„ sre ha*ralay as~ined
<br />:Iran ,~,hstli be cr«aieF tcI L,r,aader.
<br />Trr the nc'Errt ;~f a tcrtad takiri, <tf -ih~ t>t-t~~a+~rty', ti~~ ~arta~:~c;c~~ ~i'rali hc~ «ap~iiecl tca the srtrt~ts sr~;~:rrrr*r1 t~;y t1•tis l'~1~7rta~e
<br />with the cAt~s, it .rny, tr<tid tra l3~rrrowr. Iri the ev~~trt crf «.a Tram"r«ad t«atcit#g rat` the T'rofaerty; trnlcss l~carrrawcr «rnd Tender
<br />otherwise: agr<~e iza ~~~riting, tha~re shall l~~-appla~cl to the srtrta:s secttrecl .Fay this I~laartgagay srteh Farr~Trrartirait caf the proca;a;d
<br />its i~ ecttl:al to t#r~tt l?t~.~pactirrra wh~i~cta the ~an~r~urat of the srrna'~; sea~trred by this ~I°~ortga~;e irnr>7erliat~ly pricar ~to the date of -
<br />taking hears tca the fair rraar~l•;et value of the f'r9?perty isaarr•tediatr~:ly p'ricar tca itae cl«ate of t«r~Cin~, with ti'tc traal~nce c+f the prcac~~c
<br />paaitF t« ~arrtr~e~r•
<br />Tf the F~°rraperty i~ alaanr~tarred F~v ~i`at`rCrvver, or if. rafter noticaM lav T,endcr tra Trarrowawr thttt tkre cotadena5r of'Fa;rs to rtaakc
<br />alt ;Iwared r9r settle a. c:dairr~r fc~r damias;e~, Borrower fails tra reslaond to T.erader wifihin ~fl dams zaftr:r the date such noti~c is
<br />n-tailed, l:.endcr is ;rrtthrari~cd try ~ollee~t a.rtd «r~ply the laror;eedtr; «rt T.,ender'~r captiotr, either to restoratosa car repair raf the
<br />Prca~rty° :,r tc~ t!he s~rrRas secured h~ thin ~Irartgag+~.
<br />l3rtless 1,9~ra~ier and ~rarrraw9~r ~,tlaerwi~e: a~rtw~ in writrsa, r-t~ry~ x;rrte~h «tfrlalicKsti+nrt raf ~arrsce~s tea larartcai shall nc~t t~xterac~
<br />..car iaostpan~:. tare dote date`raf t`,aa: raaonihly installrttrsnts referred to in lartragr«r}ahs F «ttrd '~ herecaf tar changa; tha> amount raf
<br />stsr;h itlst<r'ldtraerrts.
<br />Yt~. ]aanrrraa~ver Nnt Released. l~~~rttensirata of the titaae fear «symetrt car mradificzrtirasa raf <rmorti°r..atian raf tFta: strtms secrsred
<br />by ttais ~virartgma~~e grar-tawd Fay .aatttier to «rrry sr,tccessor in itaterest cat' T~r~arrower shadd tart raFaerate to re'de;ase. ir°r «rny trrartner„
<br />thr: ti:tFaiFity rats the rarignal' ~iorrower «attd T3carrower"s sa.tccesrars in interest. T..etader shall prat Fae ra;gttirawrl tra comma~race
<br />prrlr:cec3%n~s «a~~airtst sa#ch r*cica~essor car reftase to eattenrl tiraae t'car ptryrrtrwrrt car r,therwise rsaradify ~rmcartization raf the sums
<br />sec~itred by this Mcrrt~agc ley raMasota raf «tray dem~anrl rrtadc by the original 13tarrovrjer• ztnd T~carrower''s srtcr:e:s;~ors in irata:rest.
<br />I1. .~°ortse;~trattc~t b~+` tnrd+~r Neat at'W~ti!ver. stay frarlacaratace hyr l:.r;cader in r;xercising <rny right tar renaer3y haMretsnrFa~r, or
<br />ratlset^lr.~ise aitorded h~9 apple"caFal 1«rratr, shalF rant lee «r wttivr~r cad' tar rarecFarde the eaeerc3sa~ raf «any such right car remaady.
<br />'F'1taW prracurerrrer-Gt t~f ii~surtttt~aW tar thaw payment e~f taees tar cattier iieras car charl;~a~tr hy~ T.ender sh«rll not he t w«riva~r <°a'f I..~rarFl~r"s
<br />ri~lat io «tccetc:r«ste the rrrattarity of the: it~tdelataelna:ss secttred by this ~~lortgagas..
<br />~~'. Rcmiaa+lles Caamaulati+vr.. ~lF :rarrrtedies prravided in this Ik~Frartg~age stra distinct anrF cun~arrlativ to «rzay other right or
<br />ra;mardy~ tlrlr~er this 3VTrartg«rgc. or at~'crrded lay law tar equity. «tstd may hr° c~~cra:isat>cl crasacctrrawntly„ independently tar sctcca:ssivawly,
<br />13. :`succ'ess'prs atnd ,A-ssins Be-a#n+d•, J+raint zrnd 5eavear~aol T.az~Iriliityl t:;t~ptiana>!s. "1"lYt» r°ova~nants asad ags•eemaxnts tea„rein
<br />r~i~tsta,ined shtrll t~inrF, «ttrd the rights hera~crnder shall intsraY tra„ the rc.spe:ct.ive stace:ssrars «+nd assigns of T"ender arnd l3orrowa;r„
<br />st.ihjetrt to the provisiians of paragraph 1'i' hereraf. A11 covrgtt«tnts zrnr3 «tgreema~nts caf ~at+rcawe°r sN~r~ttl ~a gcaittt «at~t~i stover«sF.
<br />"T"haw capticatas acrd ttaw~dirrgs caf rhea paragr°aphs od" this i~lrartgage rrre for r:onva;niencaa rarely ;rnrl «rre ttrat tra e rued to
<br />~ inte,rpret or da„fieaa~ the prravisirans laerecaf„
<br />14» Nr7tl~Caa~« Eatertpt flat army naatice rrwrltrira',d t.rncler «tpplir;rrFade law ira Fee given in arsrattsa;r m:^rnnr~r„ tal «any nraticaa tra
<br />~earrrawer prrtvia~ded fr~r in this 1-vTrartgagc shall lar~ giva;n lay sxt«siling .arch rrratic~ by certifia~d raaail «srldrtssr:d tca Tlrarrrawer «rt
<br />the ~'roperty ~~cldres>a tar at such ratlta~,r ;tddres~ ats T3orrcawr rtaay design<rtr; day ncatice tra l..t*nrler «rs prravidd ha°reast, aratl
<br />{~~! any saotice tra T.crdtar shalF lee giva;n lay„ certtied rrsail, return rc;+rcidat ra:grrested, tra l.erarlr:r's «sdclress ;stated herein rrr to
<br />saich other «rddr?r:ss «rs T.,errda;r may designatat Fay ttratir:e tra F~rarraawrtr «ts prravirlawd herein,. ~~ny ra<,s icrw prravia~ecl fret in this
<br />lVlrartgage sFsal'l lee dce,med tca have. Faeen iven tea orrcawer car F.awrsdaa~r when ivr^n in the rnann~r rlcir;natawd hera~irs,.
<br />g g
<br />15 ~t-11Eer~trm lirdla~r't~ta~e ~'.ove"c'et11~ haw; ~everalMallity. `T'his farm caf narrrtgage conabiraes uniform r:overaants for raation«al
<br />tssc and non•u'riiforraa covenant> ti~'ith tirnited v«ariatioras by jtlrisrlictorr to ccanstita.rte a rxnif~arm ser:asrity insirr.rrraent covering
<br />real property. 1!'his li~i°ortga;ge ahall be gravc;rrarwd lay the l<sw of ilea jtarisrliction ira wF7aa~Ft the; Property is lcac~ated. Tn the
<br />ev~rrt that aiay~ provision or cFau;~e of this l~lortgage car the prate crasat~icts with applicalFale law, Brach crantlir;t shall prat ad~awct
<br />attar pr~avi~iclns raf This Mortgage tar the: Note whir;h c«rn he giva;n i.fTer:t withortt the conflicting provision„ «3nd tra th%s
<br />end that prrrvisions of than Mortgage and the l'~rate ;rte clecdared to he s~va>rab1~,
<br />1a5. 7(iarr~or~er's {C'apwr: F3orreavwawr shall Fee ftsrnisFter.F a ccasafearrraecF grapy ral` tkra~ P'~ota~ arrr! a~f this 1~1C~rrigagr; «st tTra~ tirraar
<br />of .~xeccltic~n ter Gtftcr recordation hereof.
<br />1~. ~'rarrst~er r1k tFtK Property, Assuptiorn. Tf all`crr an Ia;art of the Property or a:ta interest therein is sold or transfa~rred
<br />by l3orrawe~r ~a~ititc.Itlt i.esrder`s far~r urrttatn consr:nt„ e7rc;rsriirtg c':r') tlae creation of a lic:rr or a;ncumlaraiace ~rabr>rdirs«rte to
<br />this. '1~cyrtg~zge, :'h) ttrev crt'atia9a of a latlrcFaase money sects. ity °r"Iteri;,;t for hrrrrsehoFd rl~+pli~rrxrr:s, fe3 a trrsr9azfr:r Tay deviser,
<br />de~,cerrt ca*~ lay ~alaerati~-9n ~a3 law IIpiIIa ttrer death of a jra'irrt tetaairk i7r i.l i the grant eaf alny te~~ri:l'tolcl interest of three years ~ar° Tess
<br />valet .~arstairrira~, ~an apricrrz to }arlrc:hase. C_c:rtuer rttay„ art T.ta~der', .?l*tic>n, dec~lareall that sisrns~ ;t~t.rred Fay this Mo~ga,a~ tcx ba:
<br />itnsaae~diatel}'~ ci~nc~ <9rrd payais4e,. l:.ender shall f~ave ~a~aiv~d st:c[~r ;altiti.~ara to accelt;rzaaa if, 'pricer to the sale tar tr~~ns~er, I_e~nder
<br />and the. ¢re«-sarr d~~a tivtrarta tree T'rop~..rty is to he Bald car *ransferred re,Etcla agreettt~rat in avritingthat the credit raf su~ela ~ersoh
<br />is s«rtisfactc~ry to T.endcr and that tine isatere5t laay'ak;dl= z~r< t'a~: s;zrrs ~ectrr4d b~ tlai~; '~~r~rfga#;~ shall be at su~la rate. ~s t.~~csd~r
<br />shalt reque;~t, if d;.crt.iier has wai~•eci the c~ptiail icy aci:ede:rartt larcavi~~ea3 iIa 3:hisp~rragraph i~, and i~ ~orro~rer's stic•cesso7t in
<br />interest has e~eLalted ~a w~itten~ <tsstszrapstirarr agreetr~erat accelatecl ixa ~+:ritirr~ by tuetzder~ T~e+~er sF==-all release Rrarrrrwer front all
<br />nhligatiasas rrr>~{er this ~ilrrrtgate. arrtl the i~ots<.
<br />if T.esac~~er r ~erc:~ises srrc~tr c.,p8,iarY t~~ acs:eicratc.. l.:r~Iacl=:,r si.a[i tr~r~ril ~c~==rrusve~r tratics.~ cbf ~teceleration i'n «rtc~~r~anee ~.~,'itll~
<br />paragraph l_4 hrtr+r~af. Srrc:h~ rlCrtice s:±aail f,rcavi~e .r tseriiari .r4' ni1i ';ass than ~rJ a.~ays Pr°c+<t~t tine dat+/ tlar: Ia,~tit^e is I.}iii~rF '.4°itdrira
<br />LYr3rt,.ra iSr31t'f3wi'f' r3"r~y l1"t~ t~I¢: '>r.4rra5 {3~C-3~T.et7 {,rLik;. rT tg~t'rc7~A'Er t~r71S tt? ~ =ry S''~Ii.:il .~L1r1'I;i ~~rlaC f.?.9 e}li €:.X~'ir3"crtlf?ri r,e~ ti.tI~ [1 ;7i'r>t?il,
<br />Le;a;arler ~Fa dti, ~withar.tt furthc;r ~tztatic:e c~~r .fc:.trr~€rad i~r9 €3c,r~z°u~v~;r, izrui~~:c; atr,r ~ tzaas~cties t~acrra3tte~d by l.~~t°a~r~tai~ i ~ hc:r~.~~f.
<br />~€~~-~~r't-ca~az'~ ~_'a~vt:_~ro~i~rs. iPr'IIaC~'~r <ara~§ l~_.ertder f~arri#aer ~:9°,vt~°rrz4rlt~ ~Irad ~~rc€-,~ ~t~s as~llr3~us~
<br />t£l. ~elr~lie~rsrtlanl Reet3eaife . $~~::rpt as Ixra-~°itier~ is ~et~rat;r~<tplt l~ here~ut-, ~~as~ 33arrav~Q~r"s hz~~~ait aaf ~xt~ c•av~arsl~t ar~
<br />:~t~~eer~e+~trt aaf I~+~>"rower in tta,ts ~147Eear'it„a~e" irrcaer~lirrg~ ilre ~arv~=mart#s tea ;,~~s ~ch+e~sr duaa ~rsrv' ~u3ns ±~,ee~~nr~l Fsy t~Fy i°~Tart~~g~.
<br />T.+r~~dea` Tt~tesr ado aet:ce'le±ra#ian ~h~11 rresa_il rroticr: r~ta li3ar~rn+rvcr ~s pr-ebr;isletl i~ tstrrs~g~ra~pli ~~1 la~r~f sped€yixr~: ttA >the ~rera~c8>!;
<br />f,~) lTtc~ ae°~t~re r~qutrerCl da ~.~~ wtr~=i~ hre~a~aab f 3;: a rfa#e, scat t~~.~; r9aarr ~~tt ~-~y~~ frtara~ ttre ~~~te #-h~~ arvte~-e is ~~re~iic:r~ ~#~~ ~crrre~~~°r,
<br />lay wrhtc:h ~#~r tar+~~c~ rr;<u~s~t ifwt ~ca~~d, ~rret f~) tea[ tailcrr;~ !sr errs<~ ~~u-°3s trr~~cir .~i€r oar ir. ~ae-~; Ede at~fi~ s~eri~c~f xr~ rFa~ ~~rtie~s~
<br />>:~~~; t~ult ~~t;~t^~~~~rz~trl~ar;I rxf tkre s~errn °ti~eae>;re'tt ~y' ti>:i~ i~.'~t~rri~a~e, b'a~rrz~ieabras'e t~!y te>!rtticis~f tar~ae~eeeii~.~ aar-tG ~at~ ai€ etre 1t~r~3t-cr~ay.
<br />'~`#t~i eauti~r~~'><furftl i"urtRr~e' i~€vrrr>< t~e~rc~c»+~a- eak' a~~ ~`tg#r~t trr a-erirt~;t~+rrr zii'tcr ~~~+~e^#~rs>:~tic~rr s>rr~ r~~ ~zg#et ?e;r aa45~rt ira itr~ Vicar+r^~3:e~;~zr€~~
<br />»~', ~t9r[ec+~r3,tr>t~ ter.; n'MCax~.I:i•~vt~arr'. csk a t'i>~t'acrtt Barr ar9~y <rE1~e:>i' ~rtr:t'~rr~e:~ aF ltcasrre~r~e~~r tea ~a+~a~~ter~~ttrrB ae-rt# t"ersr;c-i~as+~re', ifi ttt~: tarerucgr
<br />%4 a'ra;9~4 ~wrrr~r# aura ~;rr' he^tic~9G~rz eFa~ ef~t~ ^s~vre.itir+~cd irr tlat~ r>;rrtie:c:, l,~szeYCr ;tt t.a"ara~~r's ~rtr#i+ara srrzry ~3~a~Ftara~ aail caC t#a9~ srrrrns s€~t°t<ir-erl ha%
<br />tilt,fr~ ~nt9~,~gu: t~;I tnrtr~Fs~t~~l;y rF~r+r; arrrt ~~~~c~Frt~ Frw4farrs.s8 d'rIS•aFicr' r.It~trra+-rta:l K~rrrF tr:a«a'~ tg+rr~.c•e~rsr~ dam ~ardii>i:icii l'aretr.~~t~r9in~. I_.~°rrrtr:¢'
<br />~ltarl lr~ t~artlrtl# t~, >z'atl:i~ce an ~rsa~la Fs~a'crc~a~diti~ ~sli c~~~rers~~ erf f€ar~~~laasraea=, isa~iatdierE~,, lat«: azrst lirrrita>ci te:re x,~ra~9ts abi' Y'~ca.:arrt~a~xrt~r`y'
<br />~~rid~#r~~., allE~tra#ct±t «~-~el t%tla;~ t~~aa~t~a
<br />l l~rt4><+w~~'.tI l~ti9~tat fry 1#~ir~s~s#~, r~~~si.44°~tta~„tk~d~r;a~ i.+, ~ ,,
<br />s ~.i€.r~': ,YL~.1`4f'1<.„',tttn7 1 s ~~'F£ ..1P;'!5 =L'€t.:i!" 9,~ r'?ir' 3rt9w +brt9~d3~?s„
<br />a -r
<br />l:~kDBe~i~~.`~ ,sii~},d ;'b~'~~~' tees ~,S~t?k S9? ~ridr:i: ,+Gi'y~ J>rs.95,'x"wS"1Hr9p>'~ ~95",~~kt~'s 1, .Y ~ t'j't1.~t:'~ ~ti i.lilr,"!"6 Pro F_ '"~,~4;rri',t~tt it~;r;'gral~3r"vlft..~ ;i;5 .,rye, ill.d~i3'
<br />