<br />~.~ ~ ~,~ ,
<br />Ls3.taa~~ar3u ~~`.n~r:r~~~r~~. ~sr+rlESwer and L.crader cov3enant and a:~rc.e as fcal:lo~ws:
<br />t. ~atYrra~eat ~€ ~a'E`irtt~igrai rarr~i Trtter+~t. f3crrra~vE;r shall rotraptly pay. whtwn rla:te the principal of nand interest on the
<br />indel~tr~dness; e~'idr'rECe~ by the ~Fatc~, prepayxnerlt and late chases as pra~vided in tiaEW 1'~ot axed the larincipal of atad nterr:5t
<br />_ _a an ~.ny ~°utarra:.A;claaElcras sacrarecl by this I1~cart~rr~e
<br />~. ~`a>teo~s tc>r 't''ar>r;es aanrl irestEirrt¢E>raca~, tabjet to applicrible laau or to «a wrmtten waiver izy I.;ender, Rcarrower shall pay
<br />tea Lersder aEa tl-te d«lf rrranthly rn~tallrrEesats of principal and interest are l~ayahsl~e sEnder flee l""icate, untml the '1*late is paid in €cill,
<br />«a sr_Ena (herein "Funds"> r;clual trs csea~-twelfth of the yearly taxes arEd ~ssessrrEents viitmt,h may attain pricarity rav+~r this
<br />14dortgage, artct ~;rcaund rents care the Property, if'any, plus one twelfth of yearly l~remiaam installiaaents fdr hazard `irESUrance,
<br />plus Qne-twelfth of yearly pre=nlsarva hst.alltnetats fr~r micartgae irtsratance, it any, all as'rea:sonably estirtaated initially and 9~resi
<br />tirsse ra tune 1~>d° Lender ~-rrE thy, b<Ei;~ raf 11ssessra~aerits aEad l:ailis and reascanakvic= estisaatetes th-erecrf,
<br />"l,he Funds. shalt lay laeicl in tan institutican the da;posits err «se.craarrats caf which «are itasurcd or ~uaratsteecl by a Federal ear
<br />state aiency (irvclasding T,r;nd~r if tender i~:such 4an institution). l.,ender shall apply rite Fwarlds tea pay said taxies, asst~ssr7nents,
<br />insurrnce prenaiiulaas anal ~t°ourxd rents. l.,ettder rai~ay taotchar~* l'or sas htaldin~ xsrsd applyita~ the l=tends, ataalyxit~; said account,
<br />ar rJr:rifying arlsi c:araapmling said assessments aracl hi'lit>; unless I..:eratlr }attys 13~arrower interest can: the THiands «and appimr~able Iaw
<br />perraaits L.erarleE• to rtaalKe such ;; charge: Porr~wer and l..cnder rn«ry apre+~ to writing at the tiEa~e daf execa,itmon of this
<br />Iv1ar°tl;age than interest` c+ta the I~tEEacis siiatl lee paid to l~orrower~ and saral~ss such agrt«enrtent is made car «appimcalale law
<br />regaaires ssach interest tc- lee paid, t.erEder snail aaot lee recittired to pay l3orrov~er iaray interest car earnings an the 'rands. I.,ecider
<br />shall give to l3carr~~awer, lwithaiaat claare„ an annual acca~untirag caf the i~aand:i sitow.ing credits rand rlebita to the Funds axed the
<br />purpose i~or ~a~hic~ta each debit tEa the ~'urttic was rra=tcle. "1'lae l^~Ewads «tre pNtwd~ed ;G~s acic#iwi~~raa# security 1"~ar the suarrs secured
<br />fay tialS s~orC~a&~P,.
<br />if the asa~raurat of tae iwr.ands held by I.eraaler, to~ctlaer with the future axaionthl,„ instalirrterats saf i'~unds payable prior tea
<br />the Blue d«Etes ct6' taxes„t;rsscssrnents, irtst,trancra prt.raaitams grad grotand rents, shall exc:eecl, the amoutat rerlttired to pay said taxes,
<br />asse~sraaents, anr,urance; prerttitams and ground rents «as they tall clue:b saacla excess shall h+e, at ltc~rro+~„er°"s cpl~tian„ c~itlaer
<br />prcanaptl}' repaid to 13arrcrer or credited- to I.3exrrawer otr t~ncantlaly instalirrtencs caf ~'iarads. if the ..:irnount caf the 'ands
<br />held lay tender shall' not lee sufhemertt to pay taxes, «assesstnents„ instrance prermiatms «tt•ad groaand rents as they k°all due;
<br />13c~rt~cawer'shall pay to L.a~nder any atxtutant necessary t:o :make a.ap the deficiency within ~(I clads :l~rona flee date notice is a•Eaaited
<br />by Lender to :~orrov~rer requesting payment thexeot.
<br />I~ on ~t trtt,nt ita fall crf all sums secured ka this 11!lort ra ~a„ l..ur'rder• shalt rota tl reft.aEad tr1 l3ow°rcawer cart
<br />p p' Y y ~ !~' p p y y Fi.rnds
<br />held by lender, :tf undtXr paragraph lli laereot tree 1''roperty is scalc# rar• flee property as aaterwise «acr~uirr:d by l..ender, I..ender
<br />shall apply, nca later than immediately prior io the sale raf the £'roperty car its «acgt>tisition lay l.etader, any 1°cands held by
<br />Lender at the time of appimcatioti its a credit tagaia~st i.he sums sectareal by this 3l!icartgage.
<br />~. Appl[et~tl~En of p"Eayra~ttrts, l::lraless al:Eplicable law provides catherwisc. all laaymnts received fry l.e;nder s,Ender the
<br />1VrJte and;pat°agraphs 1 and: 2 hereof shall tae aplalied lay 1_ender lust in p«ayEaar:nt of «xtaacacants la«ayalale to I..r~nder ray 13carrsawer
<br />~ under paragraplh~ hereof„ then to interest lt'ayalale c:an the dote, then tea tier, prmracipatl cat the l'+ic>te, «sracl then to interest «Erad
<br />pritacapal ama anrv #Futurt: Adva,races.
<br />q, ~fiargr~~; Lit4tits, Borrower ah«rll lacy all taxes, «assewsraactats ;tE'ad catlar~r eh<arges, fina~s attd irrapcasitiratas tattribtEt«tlale tea
<br />the P"raperty whtmch may attain. a priormty over this Mcartt;age> and ittasehc>itl payrraents rar „round rents„ if rang, Era flee naaEtner
<br />provided under patra~raph hcreo% or„ it rant paid ire sur,h manner, lay fir~arrower rxtaakin~; paymient, when dtte, c#irectly to the
<br />payee thereof: 1Barrrower shall prontptly furni:~la to i.ender all Eaastices cat iErttcrurtt»rE c:itta; twnder dais p<arttgraph„ «attd mart the ravt~nt
<br />lBarrower shill rrtakn laaymetat clmrectly, l~carrowc~r shall prcanaptly ttrrtaisl~s to i..ctader r°c°ccipts rev ideEa2amrtg such i•aaytaac;nts.
<br />13carr
<br />~ ower shttlL prcas'nptly dmschargt~ atay Nett wlaiah tans pricarity raver iisis Mortgage; larovirled, thst 1~;orrc>war shall ratat he
<br />required to discharge any such lien su lowag {ss 13carrower shall area ire writing tea the la«tyrnent of the kahlit*atitara sr~ccErect fay
<br />such Iien in a manner aeceptxtiSle tea 'Lr;nder, ar shall in g„racaai t''«aitlt a-.c~ratcst sE.ECia Hera fay, <>E° clefencl c.ntorr:r;ntetat rat: scECh .lien ire,
<br />legal proc.eerlin;s witic;la opertttc tea larevent the eattcarcr:~tna:nt real' the liars or 1"or•t'eittar~e cal` the l~ra~perty Oar a:Erav p«Ert tlaereaat°.
<br />I~ax>a..rrrit ~nsutra~ttre~ t3orrower shall krrr;p flee inapt°cavetaaersts ncaw existErag <`ar las~rr~.=at'ter c~rectecl cafe the iarcaperty insE:Err°cl
<br />against Ions lay i~ne, hazards. included within the term °"a~xtcndr~cl iova:r«age"', ianc:l ss.Eah other h«atards ;E",+ l.c;Eadctr raatay a'°esit.Eire
<br />and,in such arnrattrxts <tnd for such pc{rmods «as 1_et.tcler naaay tc:cluirrt; laE-raviderl„ fleet l~anr.icr shall Eac>i ra:altrirc. fleet flee «snaartant cart'
<br />such coverage excseed fleet atxtottrat of r;overage realtsiretl ice p«ay flee ^E.Et-as ~,erwxared fay this prig«tgc:.
<br />`rhe ittsuranee a;arrier prcEViditt;g the .insurance sit~tll lee chrasc:ra by 13carrowir stataject tea «apprcav«ai by l.aancler nrca»rided,
<br />that such apprci~val shall rtot be urtreasonat~ly withheld. All. pretaaiunas ore insurance p<°rticies shall tae l~air,l ita t(rc~ Eaaararaer
<br />prt~v~ded under paragrx~ph 2 ha:reof or, if not paid ire, such rtaarttaer, l7y 13r.~arrcawtr rrtalc.in~„ p«tyrttnt„ wiaeta clue, `:ir-city te-a flat;
<br />insurance carric,r.
<br />.~Il mrtsuranc~a polic.ic;s and renewals thereat siaall taa~ ire Lorna ,accept«able tea t..rr.rEric:t° «aracl sis.~r19 i9~~ lalde EE ^~t«ataclax>.l «laortg,«sge
<br />~ elattse in f~9vcar cafe and`in form acceptalale to tr~rader. I..crzder sla«sll havv flee rmght tra iscald the pc's1i,e areal retac:wals thereof,
<br />and'~orrawer shall realm tl fEErnish to Lender all renew«al raaaiices and all r'eceilats rat laaid larenairara'E~. in the cverat cal• loss,
<br />p p Y
<br />,~e~rEawer shall l~aarr, prompt 13a<otaae to the insurarar;+~ c«arrar:r «atad 1.erader°, l:,ender may make laraacat cat.' loss it taut ra~Eade promptly
<br />by Borrcawer.
<br />tJraless Lera~dtMr and, 1E3orrower a~herwse aagrec, ire writiEag, itasuraEaca: prcacer:cis shalt lee cappliecf tea .restoraimoEa car r+ep«air raf
<br />the l'rcaperiy ria,m.agr,tl, larovECiai such restoration or rr;paEr is ecoracarxaic.a.liy teasilalc°P <ar~cl the; aectst°ity of this Mioa.tg~ge is
<br />rEOt Ehe:reby' itaalaaired. ,lf such restoration or rap«~ir is Eacat a*a;oEacaraYic«ally te«asmiale ear it the. sec.aarity of this Mortg«sg,e: aiuid
<br />be irnpairecl, the insurance proceeds shall lat. applied tea. flee sums srrcEU•erl by this 1~1o:rtgagc, with the: excess, if rsny, paid
<br />try 13c>rrca4vel° li t;hu 1?rtafsr;rt~r is; abaradonecl lay 13orroaver, car it borrcawr~r tails tai respond to i.ender within :~C9 days l"rorEa flee
<br />d«sie rscatice i~ saa~zilecl b}~ L.C1EClr;r to $orrov~er tl-Eat tier" insuraEac~ c«trrier ratl'ers to settle «a claitaa tzar insurance taentii~>„ I,~:rac3es~
<br />is authari'rcci u~ ;,t?licct «awacl .ztapiy qhe insttt'anc:e l~roc~ecis aft l..erader's option eithet° to rE~sstoratioEa or repamr o.t the l'"roprty
<br />car tea the suraas secured fay dais i~1oCt~;age,
<br />Uaalcss l.erEC~,er ~Enc! 13urrta>.~'r:r taths~a°wsr~ agEec~ iCE ~~riting, zany scacl~ applmcatiota raf procr~eds to priEaa:ip«ai shtall scat c.xtetacl
<br />air postl3orau tree; <;iut3 date of the Inoratlal~' instasifnierlt~ ret~errcd to inparagrsaphs.l at'.~x ~ her~o~C car chaa~gr~ the ara~c•+uEttcrf
<br />such instAltraseEats. if cEnder r~«sra~r«rph i~ l:trecal the l'rc~tx,rt~' c~ rrc~yuired lay Lc-n~},c1', .r1:i right, title axed ;merest apt 13orlraa~'rer
<br />in ar-3d to arsy E~3stEI•«aE1i:e ptalicies arscl i[s ;rEU tc) tiaf~° pri5~ee~:s '}aereot; r~~;cElt3za arc>3:] d'<.rzPa~~~ ;c? itte ia'rv?~rrty prior tea tl~~: s;;1t*
<br />car ar;gsrisitiara sh~,,ll ~.«ass to luL.sdr'1• to the exti:nt tit t1.1e. st;rase sectar~.d fay t4ais .l'~'lc^rt~.~s~t; i~2~93-saediatel~~ prl+ar to such ~alr> or
<br />rsc:yuisition.
<br />+ji, t"rec[:r~~~ation arEd ~iaieateEaarECe i.Df t're>laeE'te'. I~~a4ehtalttsy t`'~tx-tic-ttnttiwsties; ~'!t#rrtaed ~:Jrtliit 1«e~•c:Ygprrtettta, 3orrt'wr~r
<br />siaalt deep the t'"'rr~ap€:-rty ire ~;cac>cl i°€;pair ~giaci ~c'ttsll scat ~~c>nar;~it cv<a~;c +,rr lxerit iirataairrrs,:-rat car r~~t~t~i,~~rar.i+~tx t^r1" rtat; 't~rolae~r°t}~
<br />Barad eta«11l c;rtrEat3;y wrtta tE7r; ~7roVISEr7.[ly 3t :x11'. °;N':`aSG 34 tlal~ ,~lC)3tE'»a~!~` '.4 l7ii ra ;t`~15t;Itt+ij it ti71ti 'lotr~~iLt_ ;ti + ~2 :, i;i?2t ?3i ;i
<br />(:r)CaG~.a~~'k13]]11iai Cyr h r7EfrlarSr::~3 LEr)~It t1eG't,1~ rnCftt, t7c'33 rcav,`<=r ;17":iE ta9,`rtti~6`ta1 4t~~ a;71 ~iSE'~l)l'~~'C ;v .`(?rt~~erl~rriS l1PZG~1Lt' the al[.i~~i1lYE~7!1
<br />tit ~;,,SVrvrli`4T3ti C:1"C:cI$lrEf; !3i" ii.',trY'Cr6ldrt~ trtC C-i`Ei4sa_1rlitnErlr7'1 ~5t" 1"~[~ii'iFl~'L'+ i;(l;i :<<.w`~:'tt)~FFt2~ tki, t~7w, ~y~-e:a'h~: ;:I2,i t'i'::i~iifG)I~ ;)f flax.:
<br />~.car,cloralEE:aEEEna c'~r i.l«trErae~d t;saat lt~F"ti.lc]larF~Aw-1zt, ~eiica '4)ir~trillt;Flf iiC)t'..rI?I~:SIf.`-;_ d~ :t t'i?S'si}+'~3~r}1tlli.ril2 i,?I~ 4 ~;~1c",li3S:'a.~ 1t211i ui;`v'i"!C)~iii3a~a"i(
<br />£Etlt°-r f;; G%Xr.<'l,f.tc-ci l)'f'' ~~b:tt'ity'+~'t;1 dill(a td:,Ut?8'C~i::i Is6.",walla' 't4',t~! f11P5 iiC~iP~'id~?s:, `.~]f,' i:)~:17<riet4 si[3C~ dt.f,;Ef'~~ili:if?.~ :+3 ~:tt~l `3i~li'
<br />5~•.Ed-~~.~ ~;'sf: 2rC.t:.~)r'1?~};'«E~k;li ~';tlli? <:i.ylti yt3~1:i ~;.dllfi.'C1i~ :lr3i..; ?:'.,!(~~.s{t;iTl~;.Cr3 tilt; a,t?~t:.(r~llli;~ <PI-i? titi~;t;ti231,~fli..', t'z~ Fai~eit, .~'+'"~i)1cC?~;t' :i`i ii i~'tt_. i~;t~t:'I
<br />~r'd.'rF9 23 ii«tTt ~9t.i'~ :a~.
<br />~. ~rIDtLL't'E[a-ra €at' ~s~'~attf'[""~~ ~i'1E'b:E3Ti'~#~. ;i 2~iti`I11,'.'~tt:i' ?F3-I~~; if) !'pi.iii~#Y~1 fFYi.; !','N5`d,;lt3iti ;-Sr:6i .2~,Ft'L',)13i.`i'ri~ <:e.?li,.@111:i~ iir slit:
<br />~~ .~, ,
<br />l 6')1' Et .Irl~. zliti;?t3 LFI ~"7r43iC£'Gi£1_L ~:, ;.iawltlalS:!"1 t,~ 'W4")9f~'ll 3'b7 t[c:rt~Cl~V .?{~'Z`~ l'1 1.-t'37~i;r `i 1111G:tt:'vl 933 ~l~C; 3:r i'~)L:3T\.
<br />1 lr,rd~t~, 'fJ4.4C r'lit lEnazEtt{~l rcl,, r;ril3r"!l.',6ti ~l£>i'latlrr, p';P"„71.6,',;36;1, :i?La?' =.'1d1("?!s.utw2;::.1{, ,~t ;t4 a'.+iik„i:?3iY,C2i~: t)~ P+F.'~?r.,:t;4ai??~.`~ ;10V1?i`ii'!; '
<br />... . ".
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<br />. e ~ P~;'Ei"1' ir1i~;3 _Z. !6. ,S.t i 1,'.t>'t'sl 32ti,2 ~ illit~.°^.i !±,~ P#iii-{3;'.>t?9~t9t~ ~°s
<br />Ih3:i~i33aa;i~:atC rfEa'~,r't7,s v :E ~
<br />? ~.~s.4 ,ii16~ i`,a6ti'»v` t11s4~1i c.1'4C:. t.el 1?~` Y;4 Yar i11 f,1 ;;'t~:-is-,. it _ ,. ,;- ,,;s ~~(
<br />a A j
<br />~.tsat; +~.ab ~t ~,3iI) ,~„~: r,et ai tlf,~'z' ,iti i
<br />E.iaE~];~dtl;rq`E +:~ ;S~Yi~irYt~ t;r4t," ik~add ',@'.t~:lG,r+`va,i lay, ~1i4ti +df irk 9~_~-~ t~iYr3 ~~:. ,Si:,~°. ,r ~,a; ~) ,, t -
<br />::
<br />.•. ~.
<br />tr !~„°~iF; -,.t,iy~ ~t4{tdPk~Lt's YFvldtrt_i rI ;;t:r2
<br />;;3~%ts. ~S~i#:''~'~ ;`rk t. r. liwtS t?S6t fi :3»~s3 14~Y~'4,` ;,IS S$z~- F4 ,t!d19"#,',Fh14. ii1. 36,F ,i.ia;;) :iEdi ,ti G~. r," ..~.r.~i~. i:l3,o~ {j1 ,!„a, a,i~e.tftil~; j;" a.rF€,Y ~.~c^iI~^~:1~"bt :tit?4l
<br />