P~cw r~., exixr„ caf ~ i~;~~ra~*nt ~nfcarcin^ t~ris ~l~?rt~aee a" t<s~ Bcarrt.~+e~'1~x ~aays Lender aai sums +~°hic"ra ~~%c,crld h~.y t"rser~ due trnde.
<br />11Ti5 l'.ACy?:L4~P~r.~'. x~-;~, 7`:'C'~tC igre,'~. T?[-YCS? SL,iti.*'it'ti' Utz?TF" .~r~'2~+'at3(:1:`Y+. i[ r~ra~". i'!ad nn aCwelerr3tAr? C?.~;~^:I,3tT~Ci': C~~ ~3~at'rower'C'.tt'C'.6 all
<br />rrea.i~es ~f .nt ;,thw- ec~~"rn:rtt~ n- :~~ ~.=rnenr~ oF° ~3c~rrc~r~,^er ;.anxaaned in this ?~4oxa~a~e; f: ~ Bcrrrnwcr pats 'all reass~nsbie
<br />t?:L'~C'n.sw~ ?ncurre~:: "?"~' i,.Cr9Cifar lr; °"3fi~"~?^;° :}le a. C1w`~`tt~lrltS' ±3r,~ s"d~rV~e~1C:t1tS 1n':~ ~C,frrtYa~'e;' >:C1t7t11T1EtG~ tT1 t~15 7~~Ort~J~tr 3T1C~ lC:
<br />art%^".I??`' i_~'1l~Cr'c r~rnei~9~~ 2.S i,'?,''i"~'.'jt3~G' ;~ T",;..°i~!'r:ir.?" ~{ ~2:rt"C~`,~trtw'luGlra~. ~'tt~t nClt ~itT:7teC'tC't. re35~~ne"il:`~t' atti1rr7C'.''c ~i~~~5:r3ni'
<br />fdt 1~~~; rt~u"ez ~~~:~:~~s sue?; a:tic~n: as L.rnd~~r rr,::~• re~scnr_~hh• reyu~re icy ~a~su~ that: xh~~ iien .ts~"2;~is ?~2c~*"csa~;:. Lender°s ir;xerest
<br />in tl,, Prtspc„~, :ataci t~orro«"e°'~:, cs~,ii;;*.a~ran t~~ lac „;c ~,un~s secured Cs~• this I~+~rt,~a~~ shaib i~ontixlt}e i?nimt~arrPCi. L'~~on suci7
<br />pa~"mer,*, and curs b~,~ ~3~,rr~-;u`er. t;tis ~4cari~a~e ~;na xhe 4'a~:1i~:~ri?71s secvrs~cl hereby" shah remain in full fare and cfTcct as i~
<br />;~t1 2CC'f4ei'2tt~r; l"!~2t~ CtCClirii.'~.
<br />''tt. .;.sFi~rs~m?~nr caf )r2err!s; ~ pp~i>~txrarel?t of '1~.~?cr~iti'ec; I,er~d~r i,n Passe~sa<an. .4s additions'! security: hereunder. Borrower
<br />here~~ assi~r,s to ~.erde:- th° rents cif the l~"rt~p~wtti'. rarcavade.ti that Borrovwer shall, paTrar t~ ~,lzceierstion tender paragraph 1€
<br />h^rwc'~ c~; atsancicart~~grrn; of the ~rCt~CrS~, i~a~Ye_,th~ ~~~httf~~c;,ipCt ~rtd`retairasuc~. rents as they' hec~me due and t~a}"able.
<br />.~ tc+r acceil~rs,ticir under ~sara;r'aph l ~ herec~;"' car abar*a;~?nrtt>ent ~f the F~ro~ertY . ~.enr3er. it ~7ersc,r;. hz" sgertt car h~~
<br />udi^,ai1~: a~ poinrec' receive'. sr#~ll be<tntitlet3 t:s enter rxp+nn, tame possession caf ;xrd xrtart~~e tn: Pronerr~ and t~ Collect the
<br />rents ;~r ~,he Pror+rr~~'. in~.luditlg; thcas. past t3ibe. ~~.ll rents colie^tr~d iiv ~:end~r l?r the ret:1~lver s'~all he appiie.d first to :'la}~ment
<br />~f ICt:' .^OStS O: rr1wF72CetTalT+t C~x:tl'ae Frl~raerx~' and CQ'~'1£'CtBiJr!'C+i rVntS, iri4lUCli~1S:. aUi nG7t 13rT]rte~: iC~. ;c'Cc7`'°r~S TICS. prert'17Ufi'a5 or?
<br />rece:ve:~'d h n~cs arad reasarl~bie attc+rtae~°"w fees, ara1~ then' tc~ the sums sircured ~a~' t.his ?~Itartgat~e. Lender anc ehe receiver
<br />sha3 sae ~iat~;-. tc~ ac:ccaun€, canl~~ 'scar :how carats acrtY~llz recesved.
<br />rte. Furtire ~Advy~~tC~S. Li,~or. request ctf F~carrc~~vtir, .Lender: at ~..er,der s ctptic~n pril:ar x. release car this h3ortsaae, mad'
<br />rrlake suture .~,ak~arrces td Bat~ca~"rwr. ugh Ftature .Adwan~es. wr•i.h irtterert th~reott, sh~ti h° secured hi this Ia-iart~a~e u~her~
<br />e~'idenced ~~ nresrz',=~crry ncxtess;~:kr-;g the*,~said n~axes are secq~wd hereh~'.. r~-t r,~~ tiaxte shah the nriz?cipaa amount of the
<br />inaehiedrsess sevwl.rlMd l~i~. this 3~ari a e, n1a? inciisdn wars adv in accc~rdancc laer~u~izr: tea rcatect ttae slr:urit3" of tkais
<br />?'.i,^rtta¢e. exceed t,h; ori~riraal.a-zzlauraY of the::~ate pies L?5~..`~~~: ...., ... ~
<br />-«. Rebc~~t. d,.lpctr~ pacnxctat ~f al'. sums secured... bti~ teals Mortgage" rrcier shall'dischatge this °~gc;rt~age without
<br />rhar~~ to Borrau~;~rp.. Bore"awes shall pa4' all costs caz recc+rdation: if any.
<br />art 4~°r~`f`:l:.s ~'x~ctl ; Btarrta~rswx 3nas exewcuteci this.. ~Tczz~~ge:
<br />'~ ~~''~
<br />%~~ ,
<br />P1~r.Y ~. KClk~'CiC~~
<br />Paz ....... 2;~... , ..dad= a~, , ..Dec~rrlk~e~'... , 1~~3~ b~~cre trte. th1: tandelsi ed, a a~~~l~~ ~~tbl3w
<br />due}= c(©~icar~:w~ and qualit~~di c~r~s~ai ~aunt~~, p~r~cr~ai~~y~ camp. [)~y~ d a a . KC~kr~ge ~nc~~lary. ,t~ •. , .. ... .
<br />~. , .... .. ................ .. , to me ~ ri~wn tti be th.
<br />, . .. ...
<br />identical rs~rar(;raj k~~ase a~ttzc~s) ~rc.s~ab~cribed tc~ the f~re~c~an~, ~nstrta~ent aid ~~~~°~cdec~ the r~~e4utnt~n
<br />~xer~a~ ~a be :~~~ ~r1:.... , . , ... valunta.~~ pct end d~si.
<br />~"itz~~ss n~~~ hand ~,zad ~t~nal seal ~t . . . .. . .. . .... . . . ... . .. . .... . . . ............. an ate' whe
<br />GCa!1tSti'~',
<br />CiaLC afctreSSaid.
<br />~'C~~ ~az~missiore expires: ,~ t~,~'~
<br />^,...,...~.~~~+ or~oa~s?ry ~ut-t~c
<br />+~~ ratuwyr ~» r~.r+i.r rw*~.
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<br />,.. ~~~,. ,~...a...~.b..._,. (Sprr:n ~~isrw "rh4z; tine l~erved For i.end+iar ayna A1~Cpre3r~rt
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