<br />Lenderr"~s writtat*+ agreement sar applicala#~ la°~. l~carrrawer shall dray tlae anaott.nt ,:sf all taxcarzgaste insur;anc:e preurras isa the
<br />trtanner pcovicfc:~ u~rader pararapia :hereof.
<br />any atnaaanzs dl~tba.trsed ay Lender pursuant tea this parara~rh °,~°izh ;z~zere~c tl'k~r~vn. shall ckce~me ~,~lditi~rtai
<br />ir3«~~;btedness cat ~~carrower secured by this ~Zorzgage. Unless Bcarrtawer ..and t..~:tader ~~~ to catlaer terrra:~ nt' paytraent, sucl,
<br />an~aunts shrill lee-ptr;ya~bie tYpon raozioe frkattt lw.endr to 8carrotvec requesting pavrnenz thereof. ~~a.nd shad hear interest frortx the
<br />rarate of dis~ttrsesrtrint tit ttte rate ~~;~"able fr~rr; tirx^ae ;r, titres pan catttstandita~t principal under the 'tip-ate +snless payment of
<br />interest at ~uah retie would lee ckantrcarv to applicable law., in which event sccch arnca~ants shalt laser interest at zhe highest rate
<br />pea~?nssil~le under applicable la^ty. '~'~athins axontained in this paragraph '" shall ra4s~uire Under zee incur env erperasc or tatse-
<br />any action hereuia;der.
<br />~» Ix~rp~ecrfoa~. t»encler n,~,y mal,"e ~~ar causrs to he tnadc reasonable entries r:tpc~n and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that Cinder shalt $ive l3orrawer :notice prior zo arty sctch inspeczican spe+wif±rin; reasonable cerise therefcar related to Lenders
<br />inz~rege in the Prtap~trty.
<br />~-« Gatad~rrnrmatfian. The. proceeds of :any awtard or claim tear darraa~;es, c9irect or ccansequentiat" in ccannect:iota with any
<br />cczndernnation or other takinct of zhe l~ropetty, tar part thereat, +:ar fear :onve~wance in lieu, cat wondemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />,and steal! be paid to t:.ender"
<br />tea the evetat of a total takinr~ c^~f the Pronerzv. the proceeds sha(i be applied to the ,cams seca:tred by this '~A~cartgaga.
<br />with tl~e zxcess. it arav'. x.aaid to Borrower" to the event or" a pettier takn,t~ of the Property, ttnless lorrawer ~r-d Lencl~er
<br />carte<ru~ise :agree in tivriting, there slam! lie applied to the ums secttred ~v whisL2aart~a~e stash prtaportian of the ,proceeds
<br />as is ~*getat to zha.t prcaporzian ".vhic:h the ;amcaunt cat the scams secured '°~~• this "4lcart~;atte immeYiatelu pricer to the date ttf
<br />taking hears era the iFair market valtac of the Pr r~perrr, irnmediatel y prior to the date tat raking.; with zhe iaaiance cat the proceeds
<br />paid tea Borrower.
<br />Zf the Progaet~y is abandcaned by 8orrtawes, or if. after notice ley Lender to care~~ver zlaat the condetnnc+r od'ers tea rnatce
<br />an award or s~cttle a claim for darraages. Borrower fails to resprand to Lender within ~t7 days after the daze such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender s authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender"s option, either to restoratian car repair of ttse
<br />Property or to than atoms secured ?av this ;~tortza~e,
<br />t.l'nless Lender and t3c~rrower ~othertivise agree in ".vritinsz. stay such applicazicara of prrace+~ds tea pr'Ipcip3t shalt treat extend
<br />or pta+.ttpnne the <iu~e date of the monthly inszalirnents referred to in paragraphs l sand ~ laez~eaf or c`aange 'the amotant +~t
<br />such installrrtents„
<br />itf. Httrrovrrr :v+at llteleased, l~wxtetasian cat the time t'car par°rnent or modit3cazion of ataaartization of zh+e surrts =secured
<br />i"v this ;btartgage granted ley l~,ersder tc-a any sctccessor in interessr cat ~3orrrawer shall rant operate to release, in any rxaanner.
<br />the liability cat' the carigirial Bcarrasver and Borrowers sticcesstars in interest. Lender shalt scat be res~uirert to comtncnc~
<br />proceedings agaiztist stash siaccesspr kar refuse to extend time tier payment or otherwise rxaadify amoz~sizatitan of the Burns
<br />secured by zhi5 :Mortgage by reastan of atay demand made lay tlae ori~zinal t~+arrawer and orrtawer"s succes~tat~s in interest,
<br />l' 1, Forbeaxamce tsy li..ender :'went a '~'`'atver. .~.ny forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereuni3er, or
<br />otherarise affordesi by applicable law, shall pert fke a waiver kaf car preclude the exercise ~t any stash Might or remedy.
<br />The procurement of inxuran~ce or tlae payment of taxes car +-ether liens ur charges by l~,ender slaali nsat be a waiver of Lender"s
<br />rigiat to a+cceleratt: the maturity of the indci~tedn~ss secreted by this ~xortgage.
<br />1,:. Rernedi~ ~C'umulatire .ill remedies provided in this ;4icartgage are distinct and comet#ative tv any outer right tar
<br />remedy tender this :W[arigage or;,xf~crd~d qv law tsr eyuizy. and may lee exercised concurrently, independenzty car scaccessively
<br />13. auceessot«~s and :~~ssgas B~rttnd: JYaint ;aired SeWerait i.iabitlty; ~'arpt~ans. Tlae c:taven~nts- and agreertaerats herein
<br />containeal shall biinrl, .and the rights hereunder shall inure to. the respective successcars grad assigns cat 1T:erade'r and Borrrower,
<br />aubiect to the provisions of paragraph l "7 tierecat. .~i! covenants atad agreements cat Borrower shall tae ,joint and several,
<br />Tlae capticans an;~ headin+~s of the paragrapias cat this "~tcrrtgage are fc+r cunveaience ante grad are neat tea be rased eta-
<br />interpret ar define the provisions laerect.
<br />Y4. "Sut~e~ l~xcept for any notice required ~,ttaer applicable law to lee ,given in tan+~ther tnancaer. 1~a> any notige to
<br />Borrower providt;d for in this Mortgage shall be given by rraailing such ncatis:e by cert>kaed traail addrt«ssed zo ~orrtawer at
<br />the Property ~~d+~r;css or at surly anther address as Borrower teeny designate by notice to Lt:nder as pro~+ided 1"aerein, and
<br />i`la~ aray notice era Lender shall !ae given by certified rraail, returta receipt requested. to Leander"s address stated herein or tea
<br />stern other address as Ltsnder may designate by ;notice tk~ Borrower as fsr+avided herein, ,any ncatice provided for in this
<br />;"~Icat•tgarge sltadt bye deemed to have laeen given to t3aarrcawer ear l,.t~nder t~vhen a~iven in the' manner designated hero.
<br />I~. t,Tnf+nta;tt 4tortttag,r: Gcfvernintt Lave heverstlaiility, ~~is r'orraa cat mortgagtr a,Potatbines unitorra covenants fear national
<br />us+e and. tac+n-uniform ccavenants witrt 'ir7aiteci variatiYans tav jcarisciicticrn tarn ccaaastituze a utaitorrra securit*,• instrurztent cY~vering
<br />real. property, Thus ~iartgage shall he graverned 'ay the law car" the jurisdiction in which the Property is loc;~ted, to the
<br />event that any provision ear clause #af this "vtortgage car the ~wcste conrlicts tia~ith app#.icafale lair, such c;tandirt shalt neat afi't
<br />ether prcavisions of this '4lrartgage car the: '.tiot,e which can be ~*iven ~,fi'e:ct tivithcactt the cosatiiczing provision, and zo t.his
<br />star the prc+visiorc3 of the ~icartgar~e and the '~lcate ace declared tea lee severablar.
<br />26. rx'c~wwet~'s CYa~-v» Borrower shalt he furnished a c:?ntcarmed cppv of the ;'~toty acrd of this :Mortgage at the tare
<br />of execution kar aft~.r recrardatian hereof"
<br />t7. Transfer o;f tla~e 1'ro~erty; ~ssupt3+an. If all or any part +~t tl~iw Property or an interest thresh is scald ur trarss~ferred
<br />gay saorr-~wec wihrkcat i.ender`s prirar written e>~ansent. exrltxding; ia} the eratiean oaf a lien. or sncurrabrance sulacardinattM tea
<br />this :Mortgage, ib- tine c:reatiYan oaf a purchase tatons:y security interest far hcausehold appliances., 6c) a transfer by dtvase.
<br />descent ar by operation kit law ::apcan the death cst a olnt tenant car td~ the grant oaf env leasehcald interest bit three. r°4ars or less
<br />racer contanina~ asp saptiott tea purchase, treader rrsar•, at Leer's ooti~an. declare all rtes surrms secured by this '~'fortga;g~ to be
<br />imrraediately due and payable, Lender shall hairs ~~~+aived .stack optirsn tc-+ accelerata.~ it, prior t~~ efts sale car tra.raster. l~wenci~r
<br />an~~ tine perscan tea ;~rhorn the Prola~rty is to he szalci car transterra*d reach a.gre.~raaerat n :vz-izins~ that the credit ;at surr- persrrra
<br />is satistactcarr to-f..en~i>rr atad that .lee-:tzterest payasale can.the st.~rr~s sectareci by this. ~tcart,gag~ shalt ere at such raze as Lender
<br />shall request. if l;.ender has waived the otisan,to ar;:et~raze prc?visicd in this parar~ra~ah %~', a.n it' Barxawer's successor in
<br />nterkst ^as ~~ecsltk:d :~ ~Axic.en. assum~atiean,agx•eecnent accepted in writing.bv Lerzcier, Lender shalt release $carrrawer frcam art
<br />obliQatir~s:s ~~c:er t~sis `~l~arrgag~ and the'~~ate
<br />if t_>etsa~er ~x.:rcises uu:z L"C Boca tea aww,*Wlerate„ t.eraclcr siaall rnait Brrrrcawer raratia~e ~~f accc*leratiori ire aresardalace wilt?
<br />rara¢rapta -::•s~.e~'~r. ~cscYt gat~.ar :=.ail px'cavide ~a pericacl tag not less theta :xt~ ~i«ays fs'~arra tlae +~atte the tacatire ~ rnaited v+izl~tin
<br />,~~:ic~r :3orr;aver :~a~., gat; ~l,e ~sur~s d~:c.s;'~d due. -tf borrower tails >o :pay skach sutras pricer to the expiration rat such_peri+ad,
<br />t:rkda:r t~aur_ 'S~~irhUZSC rrr*,ty«^r ;ac~ri.~~; ~~r ,Fetta;ta~tf on B~~rr"cs~vet`. rraaoi;~ an~~' :e;raedEes ;aer:^raittet'f 1;.~ paratgxaph l~ l;ezezat;
<br />''~s7'w,.~,~'4?; (7i~:tit ~~'ti~~',>41'ti. ~:1, i c~werr` ;1nd ~..,:1C:~ ~ ;'_aCtlaar ~Mc--"~ ~ataat"at ata+~ agree ~~~ i~.?1ltb!~W'S:
<br />:gig, -~cce~4er.~ticarsr ;~,eni~4~ie~ ;~c~y~e as ptxi~•iri~~i :ra pat'a»r.a~la l~ lser~ot» i:ia~,~ ,Bearro~wer' larea#t cat and? a:ci~•stsa~at ear.
<br />~gx'~arcent kat Bc~rrsavveY~ in ::cis ~lat•?s~a~~. ~c`Yiidiaa~ tt;~ ~~v~n;tsa#. eta ~a`r s~t'aetx ~?ne :era#~• -sttr$xs- seeatr~d ltv tl'als "`r'T~:c~;tie,
<br />~.~~r~er pra+~r tsr a«ie.~I~r°~ttxtzn ~~Satt r~~o3 :xi~tic:c :~~ ~ara~+rv~;' ;~a ~AS~~~iei+~d l~ r~;~t'r~;r:~~t~ ~~ hec~ee~# ~~c:ii~a'~a~~•. j~;1 t~;ks~~'~aa:h
<br />.~.
<br />a thr? acilct~ x~tlr~irec# ate ar~are s~~~ <Aa~a~:n: t:S~ ~ ~~ticr~. rags 3N~5 rcca~ ~t~ days frt~rr~ t€7e ~~at~ tfa~ str~stte~ ~s ~nsAlied try k~k)rrc~~x~~r.
<br />~A}' ~vd7zCf5 ~~~:s tar~ac3a rr'kYr~t +z~ alii'~d;.sa~~ ~:,~~ racer saileaF~ ,:~ ~asi'a5 sca~YY Lkr~':xc3 ;vsx car ;~~fva•~ ;7xk~ t«,AF~ ;r~c~c:ttaad ita t~a~r 7asaicicte
<br />tk'C;dV4' 1'1°51Y1`A d87 ~iCt:titEi~ti:)ti t)Y ft3E. `iAaY25 ~ti,`~'t,bS'£~ Gy3' 't9NY ,`~~C~G.'IP;;,11;~" s`i?F"'etikl4JtitEt`~,t!b jl34atC1ixd (Y Yt)l'cti(~f-11>T. d. S'1 t3 _`il~~~' +1~ tl'a1~ T"dS~I~NA
<br />~}'k~' i~l~tYti~ '~~:ilI ~135°C17~4' ~Y'atstY'a~Y i9T6Cr3~iY' :Jt I~3~':a~flt t~? S'~11a5t:9tA` :ata'~:s' ,6 c.. s;,~.s:Z.eQ'i<]~I :if7Cc }Y4 3`7~,~1t ~4} ~Y.i~4tY:'t ~;:y i~3~ ~r~°CIk3s71~
<br />~~osace~dir&tg t';-c n;caYx->axi;~ten~~ ,t' _:~ "xiatA#t ,~r orgy crYt~+.»r ~.#~ten.~~:.ai ,F~c.~rrc>r+~e,~Q' :~~ a~~a:l~s;aescs~c sa~ai ::~>>r~~fcz~cac~. la ttcei}r~:rc~~lt,
<br />~6C~t °Ma3fl'i~ ~sFl {tr ~J~IixCY" itat ~3~iL' a~w'~1~,~"~ Y?I te3n: rkilt3tid~. ~.#;~aE=a'~A" d~ ~.~'34t1,~a'''4 ,si,tassYY YF2:4:ti t~?~.`'~«11'`~ .del !Fl rtae~ aC"fj~, +~ti~:Yt,:tl L~.
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