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frrr"t~s tc, ~:rrtr~` ~t ~~ }tBt4~tFtr?.r~t ~~t7t'c}t~~:i-ri,~ this '~,~a~rt~t.tge it":'(t+~ ~ir"rr"rra~r~r ~~tr~r~ i..~ytrcler ~tii s,trtt't~; wlta~~ia vvcrcrltl l~tM tlrt"t~ cltr+tM trnt3ic. <br />this ~vlc7~•tg:t~r~, they :`~cqt~ ~n,l r~ritt.s s~.rtarit~s.~ ~`~t~tttrr' ,`~d~rrtt:es, ii atiy~,,~rtr~l t2rr Ltc,a:.ettut"rttlrrn t~~:~trtwrt*cll d'! ~3c~rrr~~er~ ~xtrt~s ttl <br />izrnnc~tv~s cif <~n~r d~the:r c°f;G~~:r~~xZts y~r agr~:ettrer:r`, c>t` lt~~rrcawer t:r~ntrirlGd ~~~ t~t'is i~c?rtlYa~Te, ~~) 1~+t~rmrt7~wrt~r ~~Y~ all re~st~rtablr~ <br />c?~13et~se~s in~~ar~-esd tpy` [-,ender ir7 ea~fc, tls~ ~w~ae~es~.~ar~ts ~~.r~d ar;ec:~rt~~;rrts~ of t3~arraM~p~r c~i)nta~ln+~d in t't~-i~ i~ct~a+~' «~ncl~ in <br />rrn~tsrcintf t..endr.r a; rettic.cti~~, its }:>roui,te.d irr l~~~r.~~raph 1 r~ }za rc~~)', sr7clr~~tn~}=, [~i~t a~:at lirrrited tt~ rc:.~s~an~~hte attt~~~ey's f~i*; mnd <br />(d) ~i~rr~>uset La~~e~~ ~rrei`t :rettc4n d~~4 1_er~d~er ~r~<iY r•esi~;c~rr<rbl.~,~ z~~t;.ui:c~, tr7 a~sa4rc` trt;it [-rcr Herr ~~I tFaiS :'~~xcyrtg~et!e. [~tacl~t~r'~ it~t~~'e~t <br />in th~~ Yrca~ertyr ~rar3ct 'I3r~rrc~wc.r's ~~F+lig~etix~r. tc? t~~s}' t~rc: ~,~rn~~; Sx~~ ~ar~~Ei 1~~• this ~rz~t~,~r~~c* stt~rtl t~~e~~tin~re iEnirxsla~ir~~. T_''t?C~n, ~tt~h <br />t~ayrrrent and c;ra~•~ ~>y ~+:rr-rz~s~,`er, this iVlE~r?f~rat;~ str~~~# thc~ ~~h~i~wat+c~z7s s+.°cirrc:d hererhy~ ~l~<tll aetxrzairr in f`rrli t'c~P-c:e~~nd ~~t'tw;,ct Hs f~` <br />r~~ a~:~eleratif.~r~ ha.d c~ct~arrecl. <br />2tB. .~~,~i~rErrrer~t a1f ;~ent~; .~kta~c~tnt~erat cif ~~eEe~i~°es, R.itrsd~r^ `sr~ F'r~~ti~~s~i~r-. ~,~ attit,i,~nrrl~te~txrity hereu~wclc~r. `~~3crrrQrwer <br />~rcre:Fry z~ssigns t~~~ ~f_c-r~dc:r th<; s~~:nts z,rf the t't~z~t~erty~, ~~ri'~w~~tjt*~f,~ ti^~';tt E?t`r~~gw:~r ~rtaf~ll,~tari+~r' t-~i.r~cw~t~t?dtic~~~ t~s~d~r ~~it~~gr~tph lh <br />he--reef rrr a~+~ndortrnent r>f the l~rt~>pert~=. have tyre r~i~~ltt rr-r ~n!'li~~t 4nd ~~et<~in ~~ai.°~ r~rrt~~~t~ th~~' ~~e~utt~t~a due ,i~r7~d ~~,r}~at~lc. <br />Cl~+an aceeleratir"4i~ rar~de~r p~7r;~g~°a~h 1 ~+ l1~re~71' ~,r• c~~,;indc~t~rnc:rrt ~?1" tk'~c~ f'rt~t~ert~V. >n:~rtdez'.'~it~ }'s~r~sar;, fey ag~:nt ~zr Ley <br />judiciali~ ~p~c~rrrt~sd recei~r;r, s;httl~l hc: erttitP~.ti t~~ <~r~tar ra~~~ti, t<i~ 17i~~sc~5icr4~t ~~i a'rnd rt~~u~~~ tlac'~r~a~e.>I"ty ~>.nd t.r i.cr3leca the <br />rents of the Pa~o,~erty. inc.iuclirr~, thc~be 1?~tst dne. :~~i9 r~~~nts ~~~#ietrt~~t icy t ~ ~dr.~r- ~?r th~~ rc~~i~t;r sh~;l~l k~~~ ai~~ii:rd first to t'2ayn7errt <br />~>f th+ ~~~sts of tr't~tr'~agetr°sent t7f tht• ~rc~hr~rt~r a_or~d c:~allc~cticatr r.~t" r+~rtts, irt~aitdir~~.. htit art:>ttir`t~itcd tt~,r~G~~rti°r's fees, f,resrtiurl~w can <br />receiw~r's h~ni~ts and r~t;~scat7.xbli ,itt~7z•rr~:~~"~, f~s~ r ~.i.~-ta! then try t~ srtt~rt~ ~~~,~ss~c~ ~y this ~4.~,~~~tg~~~~. A_.errdrr i~r~cl thy: rc.ceivc~ <br />shall he liable tc~ acc«~.rnt ~na~al7, fir itrcrse rents actu~rll ,~~~~~;r"~.'c~d', <br />21, Ftrtt>:rrs ~~,d's~~rtces, tJ~conrega~est ~i:~f ~~rrcr~-er~. 1`.~;rrd~r, at X,..~r~der•'s~ ~tatac~~~~ pri~r~ tra r•el~ease ~~~ this i~~.~rtgage, r~~iy <br />n~aF.e: F'utur~ ~e3v,;~~~,c~a to ~iorr<~»,vet-; ,~srtc~'~ttC~tt're .~dvt,rrc,e +„ r~rith ittt~~rest 't'herec'rti, shalt be se~:'~r~i~~ by t~t~is ~isdi~rtgabe wl~e~rA <br />evider,ccd by }~r'c~rniss+c~r~ notes statirt~ that sr~iti rtt~te~, ,ire s~ct~tt'ed l~terela~~. :At nt~ tirrae shall t:lt>W }7ria14ipal >irtzt~irrat of the <br />itade~~t~dncss sec tr'ed bar this rrrt~~~e, nt~t includart~ :;trtns ads ce i K~ rarcda~i~~~ herewith t~ ~a^tat~ct t,hc sr~cr~rrity ~'sf this <br />l~9crrtgage, ex+~eed the a~rigir,trl <irlnC~ttrAt ~f tl3e Trlcat }~ltrs ~7:~fi..,~~•~ ...... <br />~~~ itele:ase. Lrpd:n ~ag~tnent crf all stWyrAas securs~~l ley this 'lrirtat;e, I..ertder ~ha&l clisc~.dtrg~t~ this 14icarita~e evitht9ut <br />char~~e tc+ ~3carr~~rae~r. 13r~rrtav~+er shall l~aY all c~trsts tart' rec:rardat~rr, is :rtry~. <br />Tlv ~Itx»~;~ fi~~~~~, ~arrc~wtwr has twxt~cttteri th~~ Ndt~rtae. <br />r" ' .„V,,,~" <br />,~' ..~ <br />., <br />~~ <br />{.~. \"'. <br />OI'1Ca'l ~~ ~ ., ~Jl119 4~'! , .. ..... , ..~E~dPCCYWI+et" <br />~z°~-r ~ ~t~ t~T~~~t~l~, .. , ..... ,HALL ...... . ..................... t",e~nt ss <br />ttt tiitsw . , ~, ~ nth f~c~t~~mb~r ...., ~~ °~.. °fa~,rt~ cr~t.k, t t~c~r:~z d, ~ cat 'u~~ic;, <br />dial cc,ria ~~ ~~ad ~u~i~hed ~a~ :~a ~ cc~txt~tg~, ~r~rscartttll~ t:,ame .. ~l~,N~ , . , M~T1~ ,,~N~ . ~~~ ,~:.~~ ~ Tij , <br />zxrt~~~cr~ ~ <br />~lus~,~nr~ .at~rc~. ~1~e . . .... . . . ........ . . . .............................. , .. , . ,, t at~ ltlta+~vsra~e_tc~ ~ tile: <br />it:i~nl.i~t~1 pt:,r~t~rt~s~ ~•ht~~e rtat~ets) are ~~t~~scri~xt°d tt~ the fure;c~stt~; ~~trt7rnertt ~~ncl ~atw~~~~wleci~e th~~ twe~~t~t~cat~ <br />~ them+cg~ tt~ b. , ~n~1.t" .. , ..... ~talu~xt~~°y ~tr~t ~~nd t3;~~~~. <br />'itr~tvt~s r~~ h~tnc~ ~xnc~ t~tc~t.~.rxal ~e~l at . , .. r° nd, , ~.s ~; ~n ei ,,, 1V, r~ s~ .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . in s~%~ c:~r~txt~ty~ tkt <br />at~ ac~~st~~ ~'~ <br />~.~ M Ate, ~ , <br />~., ~, <br />~y ~ai~rtxtis4~itart c~x~aar~~. ~ <.;: ~.~ ... ` M~ ~~ '~ .. .... <br />~, , <br />V~ msg. w <br />< . . e . a s w • A'«` r ""P" ,pr~rpw.rwr... "P . .. • . lY^"C' . ~ • . • x ,,. 't S~',M.. <br />r r • ~..,-Y . . . a r <br />~a....W.~„,+.»m..+w.~ t~(d?t~Ral t~tttrTtll". <br />~~~f~ NfI~AMr ~- ~wjtr ~M,tr~.w~ <br />ilklr tI. ~At~iIN <br />~~~~ <br />~,~~a <br />`,~ ~, ~= ,~.~..~.~~..._.....~,.,...~~_ Es~~ca t~~ttzv~r Th+s t~t~oe Rer+r~ct s~ctr ta~rrder and rt~z;arderl <br />4 <br />~. <br />} f <br />t ` ~`-H.r~,~ N~,,,,~a <br />~ r...w..^r.` <br />~,~ ,w~" ~ ~-.,;.~ <br />.. ....- <br />s. Y ~ • F <br />~~ <br />°,"4 <br />ry ~? <br />~~~ i <br />tt"',..~ <br />.~.:o <br />. ~. ,~ <br />;:~ <br />~~.., <br />C.:.;~ <br />~. <br />