t'.t;racter,+~ writ't3ra a~a•~;e;raaent rar aapptir~aiaie law, 'i~earrcawua~ s;haall iaay the ta.narar.,rrrt r~af ,ati arrrta'°t}!:~~re' in;~aaranr~e` laren'airrra~r ,!a tree
<br />~rritznraer~ i"«wc~vl~3~s~1 cxra~~i+rwr ~ra.ra~arapiti ~ ka~~t~~k,
<br />}:rmy ~,taacl~.atats t~sharrs~e~t tar t.~e~aacter pa.rr.~raa.nt tea th%s i~aar{a~„rapta "~', with ir3t«^rc~9t thereon, shah laeevotrac~ adriitlRarRal
<br />,,.. ~ ~ ~ ne~~ c,~ 1~~_arrnwrr ~seerare~3 tss~~+~ this filrarl~j~a~e. t,trrless 33carrea~w~,!° ra.ract f..e^n~7e ~~ C;a~r~*. trv ratta+~r t~rt^~rr r~~~t" i~hya~t~rrt, '.~rz~t~
<br />rneictatcit >., . ~ ~ ~ r
<br />I p ~Rlrie^.rirs~ Cti,rv'nc~aat ~he.rccaf, anei ~;l~arali 9~ewrr i~rle'rc4t i~R'+::mr1 tl,+;:
<br />Arh7(.?117111 titl~~~ ~~t 7,tV(riwic' l.i .ran tatatt~ l` ~r'~1r{"r i,r~rlcla.r tc1 k~orr"c:+wcr r:'
<br />,elate ~a4 dmcf,ur4~rrac.7Rt at the rate p~r~'at?le tron~ tame to t7rrte ta~ma ea7atst~>rac#ini„~ prin;.drpr~a;l render rhea ~1!ote~ aarllc~~ fA.ey~'racrmt cif
<br />..:interest at :yerrll rcatr +~vvcatatil ta+~ contrary to raptaic,atste lrtw, in wtaieMta e~;w~erat :laacti~ ,Bares°ra.trttta shah racer 'interest rt rtRR• lyit.~1,«?~,t rawte
<br />pi~rraaissihlc~ rxt~cter a~al~ticahte 'law. hirathin~ ceatained in dais prarta~ra~nta "7' shrt,tl r~r~cttaire t.rnrler to inr:,aar gray e~arfaense car tike
<br />~~ny Gartio«~ !~crcrincler,
<br />8, ins~-a~eakit~r~. f:end~r araay` araa~e err c~aa:rse to t1e aaawade. reascaraahle# rwratries r.aistan <trrd ia~aslactctions eai" tree 1'"r«•aperty, prcavidecl
<br />tla<rt t c~7acte.r ~:law~il i7~e rarrtm'wer t~ac~tice larior tea ana,~ ,st:wr:h iraslacctieara sf+e'c:i1'yinf; reasonataie r:trarae. t:laerefcar a•cwl.ated tc- tetacier"
<br />iaaac~;rest in they ~'rcaperty.
<br />'~. aCou~e~+~arnnr~t~ra~~ 't"tae prcaceeds cat aany :award or c:iairra fear rtan~aes, direct. car cclnsrracltaentitrl„ ira e~c'anrmre~ticara with gray
<br />crandeata~tatiora r,r tatht~r tak:in~ of the i'reaperty, car part ttaereof, car !'or t^s"ata~c~yan~.~: ira 1it*t,r «.aF ~'«aAac~tntawati«~sn. ~ar~ ~rr~i~V sRb~irae~cl
<br />r~nrt shad tre Maid tea t.~eander.
<br />In the e~vrwnt a~af as total ttaicitt~ caf the i'rcaperty, thc° proceccts shad he t,«p~+lie~ci ttv thr~ ~trraas se~a:trrd by thin i'~If<~rt~;;-~r,
<br />with ties excess, if gray, paid tea ~torrr~awa;r. tra rlar^ eve*rat cxt a il.artial twakirat; cif tiar,~ i~rl~~r'ty, aarata~ss ~3taa°re'a~w,~r tar'ici ~'.~nclcr
<br />otherwiwc atre~ ira writing, there shalt be apptieci to the. ^~t,ats sc~c,arrect ray this iv~ortae strch iarcapclrtiran caf the iarc~accecis
<br />as is ;equal ten ttartt pa•oporticaaa wtaicta the ramcar:ant of ttre sr.traas ~ne~ca.aa°r~ct ray this ?`~caa°t~a~e irxarnediatel;v laricar tea the tir#te +~f
<br />taking racers to the fair tarrarlet yarns caf the t'rolaea'ty inara~recti~ately pricar° to the rlate~ «:af takita, witty tl~e taalrt.nce of tl~l~ iarcaceect:
<br />iaaaid tcs ~carrowt±r.
<br />If the i~r~frerty is ahandonec°t y ~orrtawer, car if, «aft~r aaotce ray i..ender tea ~orrzaweMr that the condemnor offa~rs tea ra'aake
<br />an award c'ar ;~etkle a Maim a-ar <tattataes, t3carrrawc-r faals to r'e;;pcantl tc~ I,.eracter within :~Cl days ;afier tree crate saae~h notice is
<br />mrriied, T.eatc~+air is a~a.athori~ed tea c;oiieet and apply the proceeds, at T.,encter's caption, either tea restoration c°mr repair of the
<br />Prcaperty or tea tthe warns sectared t'y this Ntortage.
<br />C~lntess I,.etacler atad borrower c°mtherwise <agr~ec in writing, arty such aiaplication caf iaroceeds to princapat shah not extend
<br />car postpone then due date of the nraonthty installrraents referred to in fa~aragraphs i aaaad ? taerecaf car change the aaxtotant of
<br />such installments,
<br />1tf. ~d~rra~wrr l+~lat ~r1«eas«~dm l~;xtensiran of the tines i`rar laayraaent car r~a•rtadificaticara c1f anaorti7aticln caf the Sums secured
<br />i~iy this Mcart~;aie i;raaaterl by t..ender to any sr.accessor° iaa interest c1f 13rarrower sta;~ail not operate to release, iaa ra.n~r manner,
<br />the liability cif the: eariitaral 33c>rro7~er eared [3orrc>we»r"~ siaccesscars in inte.rest.. 1..enrJer shah scat he rec~aaired tea e<ora~metace
<br />proceedings rrgaainst larch sa;accessor or refa.ase to ext.enct tines fear payrraerat «ar catherwse raaodify crmorti2atic'~n caf tire. seams
<br />secured lay this Mcarta~e by reastan of C-tray cierrl4atari rayade ray the e;+riginal 'ltorrcawcsr ,anct l3earrower's rYraccesscars in interest.
<br />11.. ~os°bc~rrAace by I:,c:atdcr lVr-t ;~ waiwa*r» ~Aray fortaeartencrt ray i.,eracier in c::rcercis«ing ;aaay a°it;ht r`ar remedy taereaancier, car
<br />oti•serwise affa'irded' ray applicatiie law, sh~aii not. iaa a wai~+er ok or iareclaade the excwrcise emf any' stat;h right czar remedyr.
<br />'T`he procure:naent of itasuranec ar the iaayr•raent of ta~+ces car cattacr liens car c;taarges lay i..ende,r shalt rant tae a waiver of i..ender's
<br />right. tci acc:~teratc the raaatlrrity of the indetrtedne„ss securccl lay This lvic.>rtt;rate,
<br />1.a~. lltcaanedia~s Marrrulart~ve, r'~ll rertaeclies provided in thi<, 1~7eart~,tatt arc etistine;t xrnct carmtalative: t<a rant' ether right. or
<br />retnc~dy arnder' this mortgage car affcar•dt.d i,yr law car r.rTtait.y, rand rraray 1're; e~xerc,iseci c:.s,~ncurrently, inriepearadentiy car stacc:cssivety.
<br />13. Srucx:essc~r~ andAi~n~ Bcaun~lt J+arint atail ~everta~ N.iabelity; ~:°airoti~n~, 'l"he t~caveraants tared ;a~reeaaaer~ts herein
<br />ccrntairaed shad taintt, and the r%glats laerersnd~r slaaii irarrr~e to, the resper;tive sracr;.essc~ar°s seed assigns caf l..eaader and Tlcarrower,
<br />sattsject to they provisi~ans cat partagral~h 1 "i i•aereof. Fhll ew,raverazarrts and .apreeme.nts coat` orrcawer shad he jcairat tared severai.
<br />~e captions and tteaclin~s cmk the paragrraptas eft t:tais ~vfortgagc~ ~+re: fear cranvenac^ncc} aaniy ~aracl are newt tc:a he a.xsed tea
<br />interpret car define the prcavisians Hereof.
<br />1:41. iVolkice. Txcept fear any ncatiwe r'e~r.rired irn+:ier rrl.~plicala'le iaw to fee given in araeatl'ter tx~aanner, fal Gray racatice tea
<br />t3rrrrower provided fear in this lviorti;a~e shall lee livc;aa by naailint srac,h rme:>tice lay ce*rtided ra'-raii ad+~rc~stied tc~ earrcawer at
<br />the: 1Prr~perty Address car at saacla cattier raddress as l3earrcaravcr r~aa~v dc:±~it;nrat;c lay r'araticr; tc~r i:,ender gas larcavicle,4cl ht.reira, ~rtad
<br />(h~ any Wearies to Lender shah tae given ray certihecl aaaaii, return receipt. re!etraestecl, tc.a l...encter,s address stratt~d here:ica car to
<br />stacia other aeldress its k.,e,nder neat' designate °y Wearies t.ca f3orrrlwer aas iarcavidecl l~ereira. Aray racatice prcavided fear ira i:lais
<br />Mortgage shall he deeiraaed tea la~rve taeen giw~rer°a tea lTor•rower• czar l.errder wwhc; given iaa ties maaaner ciesigaar-ted taerein.
<br />la. Unilaarnl C1"~cartt,rae; Cxavee~aning Law; ewxe>cs«at~lity. T'tmib t'e~rr•sa of r~aacart~;ae c:cmrr-hicaes ear«iferrrra c°cavenants fear nationat
<br />7:tse and Wore-ranitorna e:clueraarats with lita'aitecl v~mriatie~aras ray }era•iadictcata t_ca c:carastittrtea a r.araiforna secaarity irastraar•tae:nt ccaverirag
<br />real property. This. lVTortgagr; shah tae. ,govc,rraed ray the law caf the jsarisciietiurr ira awhich the .property is located. Tn the
<br />event that an't' provision. tar clatrsc of this Mtart,gage or the 1'rlotc s~c?ntlic:t.s with applacaatale law, saac;ta cc~rattct staall neat rafted
<br />other provisicans elf t:iais lVtortgag csr ties Slicers which care tae given +~tfea~t withatat the c:orafiic,ting provision, and to dais
<br />enct the provisions ot" the 1Viortgagc and the t~ic~Rte are cleclaresd tea tae: severahle.
<br />1~. i~c-;r°rratan°er's C'.apy. pkorrcawer strati tae ftrrraishecl a c:«ataforaxaed cealay caf ties l~totc: rrnd of trail Mortgage at tree time
<br />of e:~eccrtiora ear 3iter recordation taereof.
<br />.~ «. .__r _ r~ .a_ _ rs.._ r,__.. .t _~.__.... .. a' .x.. ._ "rb_.. _... »s... ..,,» °,. a..x.~...., tkw~~.ax.w :e~ cnar~ ewa° tr+~a arcfiTa^rwt~t
<br />A /. >, ra'n~rcr raI dI115" !'ru~,lry`I'RyS .s'tb#~lrlli%4)tA0.7lRs 0.i tm 1m 4JR i'rd A~ 1J'tiAr kA4 RAAG(°mS.1a,9C,A 4)' LFi era Art, 41,r4cae sta4;+x+wasr x,a,aa.... ~,..
<br />by f3ar«-cra~~r ~vithoatt Lender's pricar writtr:~ra consent, exr~lr.rciing (ra) the creation e°.rf a Hera or e:n~tarra~sraeac~e stataors~iiaatate: to
<br />thiti 1Vlc~rai;~igt, {ta) tt~e creatac~ra of a tararclaase na<:aney sec„tari:tyr intr..rest :for taoeaseiaold appliances, (c;) a t.rarasfer ray devise,
<br />clE.sc~i;rat c7r lay <ytarrr-atican cif iaYw rafaean the derath c~sf a }oi:tat tetaant or tcl) the ga^ant of gray teasehdid interest caF three yveaa`s ear Less
<br />«ac:t ~e1d~t6Rirlirlt~ <arr opticatim rz1 iaelrc:hase, T_.eneit.r rr-ay, at C.ender,s option, declare all the sa.rms secaar~d by dais Mortgage to ba;
<br />rraarrei#i.,tc~iy d~.~e iceatt ilayat-~le. d~c-radar whall t5(ave caive~t s-:r~la caption: era aec:eierate it, prior to ttar~ laic: +ar transfer, X:.eractr
<br />%tr°d ttl~; perk>'t t(} tvl3oraa tla~ pr'e1l.lcrty 1; tp t7~ ;aettt:3 s"r t7'+kSlric'r'r!c't reacia agrer~ment an wr'atrng that errs crectrt e3 SLrCh perSQn
<br />is satist<ac;tar1~ .x-s l,e,a}de°r :enci tfaat tile: i«ateret p;~~;•a,ble; eery tlae,sunts sa.R~ur•e€3 ray tills "stcritage shall tae at sa.rch r~tc as i:.,r~nder
<br />shall reyut:st. if t,craei,er taxi waiveal thy; «.~ptiran.tc~ ~R%a;:el%r~at,e iarcavidad i;r thi4 paa.a•Q,i;a~apit 37, and. if T3carrower.s saacssor ira
<br />irxte~re:5t tars r~xt;~s.:rate.d a writtt;n assuna~ltic~ra •r~~.ree,raac.rrtacceTated: ira waiting by i.,ensler. t~»cr$cter~shal~t reiease:~orrcav«rer C~rorp atl
<br />(:a~rti(~Ge#ic.~ra~; treader this; 1~1Ec7rt~age ata~ tne::~~r+te.
<br />l# L..c:rrdra er~_crci.5e:s srrcta €~i?ticlra to <aa,i'ctea-<t(te, T:.}.racier sl~srtl rllail CCarr°e~we,r r~tc~tit;G^ c,t" ~FccGlc; ;:xtitan in ac`t;Cr4~l~ia'ac:a :vitl~
<br />taaRragra.lll~ l~~ l'~~rec~t ~ar~,la rbc_yti;:~:; 53aail l=r•c,vi.~ic~ ~ lacr•ioct r~1f sac~t lead there iQ days f"re~r'ra €fae ct,at~ isi. neatic; is ra•railed within
<br />wa'aic~ta 13c?rrer5.ucr rmaray° k?ay t}ac: s:,rr-s cte~-are.ii ciarti. P+ t3c~rrc}t}wr f':~ils to pay sa:rcir ~,i~rris t?r-ic?7 tea tl~e expiration crf szach iaeriod,
<br />t~_.crx~:4e:r rzlay, w.'stlacatar, furkl~7cr zttRtic«: car :.ie;ml:~rr~;~ <~~~~ l~Rsr~-c~~'~r, irt~'o~~ any 'r~rnerii~~s p~~rr,~~~,ttGd try iaat'agraph t~ her+~~of",
<br />~t>fir-d_i~,~tr~`cxt?t~t s;.;cav€;t~a,a?~..r~s. ~c~aa~z•c>kue~r ~Ra~€ei t~~racier i~n.rrti5c;r t•ras~eraa.rat a,rad ~~~re~; ;aw ~,~31t~~s,
<br />t#3. .~#c~:cirrati«aaa~ Tteaaaectic~~. Ts'xr~tat fxs taa°ra+~idlcd in t-a~r;r~r:a~rtb i7 Eacrecxf, eatacarr 1trar;rcrs~^er'a 6ar,~.ia~h e's~ r~rgy etM'aa~aaaraai ea°
<br />a~reersa~arQ aa8 Fitarrrn~ver irla this; ;lrtort~~a~c, sa'arirmci.tray~ tree ctbr°r_mm~rma;~ tea t,+t~ ~~Fmtsr« cYrar^ ~aa7y ~cr'ram~; wecaarxri taws 'thin r~1va°dpd}~c-,
<br />T~«~a~~der Tsrii~~r tea :~~ccete:rs~tiun shsal! raaail aa«~ticC ru ~~trrs-r'rk.v~a as tsrervxdtra'3 bra g3s~ra~r`.r~i~ t~ taer'e~r' ~~,t~aecity~ixdg: &T1 t+~c~ hre>~t~h;
<br />dot #.I?ic~- ~et~nr- r~~utrA~~ tea t~ra~ lucre txrea~,~taR 13~D :« claat~, gut tm~s.~ temztx~A 31# stays truram t}r~ clsaie tn~ me+ta$a~c~ as mm'a;al6€:~t tea l~cnrrx~ivir,
<br />h~, wvhtci~ ca~~1a nx~~srcf~ rxrrust' ~ ~rar•~st; ~a>tad f~'p ttaaa txittsre #~s ramre erezla tar~ar_tx sbrr sar• t~~teasr± th~~ e$aEe s~e~aii~er# irx a3m~. nxcaai~e~-
<br />rrl~' raaaa.~tt t~ra ~-~C~et~x~-tir)~ rsf she ±;maarxw ~~c°~ar~at icy tl'ais ~v~irrt~a~~y fcar~«.~3cawc«r~ 4ay tamiire~lai i,mraace:-eet~n~, ~~rs~it satw eat strrw~ t~prrata~a°t~r.
<br />,~~+~ axcati~e ~tard~i tr-,rtt~e;r l;n~~taa'na ~~rrea•vm~c:r q.af ~ia~°~ r,~i~~4 acs r«;~~r;flr~tr° ra~t~a ;a~~°sitrea°ar~«arr .army #iac rs~3at t«~~ .~:~s~r°t ia~r ~.trx~ trrxee~rr~tar~~
<br />taacacec~rTsta~ etl~ racAta~t~aatr:tac~~ 1st' -t xt+e~f~aaalt ~c-, ama~~' e7ttr,a.r elrtra~r~ =.af ttcerrcavwe~s• err ;ae.c~+:tc^rsstteaar r~tat t'«srrrctr~:saara:~, if tta~ lar•s~s~s~tm
<br />t4 ac:yt c•aar~ct cart s:ra t~~t`rrrc~ the atmst~ :she.°tfte~i tmm tree rceatte~s°, t,cFattts~r fiat. t,+:~srtg~.`s rat'saeca~7 sseam~ ct+a~•lare <~tt oaf ~txe ~:aayax>k ~a:s ama-kt tn~~
<br />t'tair>x ~rt:r~ tea tai ia>erare~dis~ae;fv ctar~ rzaRd lea~'~+aht~~ ~~'ifl~tcartR frrr~etms~r at~ara~roei ~aaar~8 r~xvr~x~ €`mra~c~'lrswr• t~g~ iareii+~lrxl t~rak~°e~r~«a~rr~. €,aesal~8'
<br />~#an~ti tom: rrm~thti<+rai t«a e°=mti~4•a ira waps..`sx irrrrr:t^erriiaay; r~it ~7ilawa:+;~~4 sad t'err~~r:tsa~terr, ±a~'lrarti,ra~, tarn Rat:~ liaaai3ta3 't,?a5 ~°rr~;t:~ gal` rstac'Kr-maa:aaaab'
<br />nwM~'il~klrtayycyy~:~ ~rte;amr t~ at:ad tktlcb a.c~i~cay,~rt.~2.
<br />h ,Sr H#'li~F.><~4'~'~V'.'~;o! ~~~ ~`rS l`;~ia~wia.t•~, ~~'+4.i(.':R~rt d•!54 sif ~r,t is l~1 r. *r(~R:;f }S.t.~~.r.`t..'si a+.S'i ~'i. °~)Y" 'i ~!}4t' ~ 5. tk?!"~~ ?1\, r, ~?k"; ~1 d ,:m0.`,
<br />L AA T
<br />it ~
<br />~~te&ra u~.`"€:. °~>tt°~~ ~"'iabr~~ itm:` xr 1;1 ~? .~-~4 f„ ~~Si7} ,'"a~d,a.4~l9~i"~ tR r. a "~ :rRf,~~,r 3c :P<<.~, o '~'I~~, x it' „k ,~ ~ s
<br />_ ._ ~ ~~ t .~ `s i. ,t 1, r .Itili
<br />