,.,, -.
<br />c
<br />L~;eracitr's',k•i-itrc~r) „trerraatertt ar alapiicralale lzaw, 13etrrtawt~r shall taay the, tartxtatrnt taf' all rraatrtae instrrartce prernittms an tl^re
<br />atafr~'an~r ~Sr~n~i[;ft~ci 2znc}rr i~tzr2r~staLaPa ~ lacsrecat,
<br />A,n}, ~tr'~a~~rrnts d::}~trra;et# ta~• }~+~ztc#~~a• tarrr~tr<r:tat tca this ~aaralartaLsh 7„ with interest therecan, shrill heeraaa~re raddatacartnl
<br />it?<#~uta!r,.~rac:ss cif t3c,rrc,~a r' frc~zarc:3 taws ;}'tis ~'ir,r-r~ rye: i4Jnlesa> Llsrarrnwer zaratl l.encler xaree tca ~#itcr tertahs cif prtyrnnt„ stt}a
<br />ar)a~itaaats sl3;a9} ht' n,3ya~ica ti~c~n sx)tics° fzc~m l .t~iaci+>r tta l~ttrrtavv~r r"ec~ttestata"i)rayrnerst tlac*rerat„ .;and sl~sall 1°,e~rst~t~rc~st !'r~rn tl~e
<br />~~ ctatib caf c#is},'xar~ei~erat~ at the state jaayat-ic ? rc~r?a tune tcs- tirrte Cara r-att~t;~xyM~3Er~ #)rat•rci~aal~uhd~~r thc~~ ~P+ic,te tittaless ~~„ve>cxt"pt
<br />inr.ea-c:tit sat saach ;3tr wcaazl<l Fie ecatatrary tra apLa}ac:aatale izitiv„ ire which carent sa~c;h ztta~eattnts axlatall }ae~ir interest <•at the hL;hest ~rtt~
<br />}serrzaisa;alatc: tea?~:#er stta}~li~:aLale liaw. ir+iesthita ~:.~rat~inecl in thi~• ~rarrattla 7 shill require C.,~end~er tca inc'ttr any t~staen:~e tar take;
<br />ara~,' <-a~ti~saa hr.r~=irrr~[~r.
<br />~„ LrtspQr~ta~tan. f;i'aacls'~ t~tay retake ear rat.rst~ 1:ta he ra~aat3e r°eascaratihita a;ntries ratacan ancl' araslaectictns tat the rtalaerty, lartavitiecl
<br />thrai I.~ncler ~shsa#l €~i4'e" l~r~rtta°,a~er tacatice prit?tr tta stray st,teh inslart~ticata sfarc°afyara rerrscasarahte r~arrse tiaeret+ar related tr, T.endesr's
<br />iratt`i"f'Sf !r1 th;'~ ~~["t?~3Cr't`d:
<br />'~. E"'rtndt~nr,n;ttiinra. The- laratae~cls t~tt an~~ award czar tutatitra tzar taarnraes, direct r,'ar ecatasegttatttaal, in ctatanecticar~ with a.tay
<br />ccandertaaaatic~r~ c)r t7th~r~~Rca#:ita~, cat flee t'r~l~erty~, agar art therecaf', tar ~fesr cataveya'nee ire liet~r eat crnderrrnatac'~an, rare here;h~y iassi~n+~d
<br />sznci shall h~ #aair«t tta t:.~ncirar,
<br />#r) the eur:rat caf a tr+trat train caL fife L~'a~~~artY. t11c~ Larnrweerls sl~aa91 'i:rr~ ra}~~aliecl tt~a the :aaKa°n sec:trred 1~~r this 14~a~rtac~,
<br />'t11'St#a flee r~xccs4, at any. taxtirl tt> 13cyrrtawr. ~'ta the ewe'nt cat ~ lararti;"rl trakira~ cat the la"rc~erty, rrnles~ 13carr~a~r and' l~.en~ler ,
<br />catiserta'ise at?s-ce i~t axrritinp„ tkaere sh«all he altlallecl tca flee sttnaax sec;a,rt;ct lay than ih~cart~a~t`~ strc;h prrapiSrtittn cat the* tarcteeeds -
<br />o-as ;, cgroal ts~ xlarat lartalacarticara tvht:la flee satnaarsnt tat the'. st.rrraad a,e~c~trrr~d by this ~ltartat; irtatvae*dititaly ltrrear tea the date rst
<br />takira~ Iaea<ars tt~ t}ae fnir~ axaaritet vitae tal" flee larralaerty ita•rttatadi:tteiv laricar tea the rirate cat talcin, with the i~;al.rraee taf the farraceeds `
<br />taaiel tca ~earrn~Ver.
<br />Lf rlar'larcape,rty is ahtandtataeci lay Brarr~ctr~ver, ctr at, after nratice fay i.ender tea t3~rrnwer thaat thu cnndetrttnar cah`ers `tct tnak~e
<br />art ,a~~'.arc~ ~rar^ s~~tt'le a; claiFn tnr daaan~ es, L3crrra°awer tai#s t<a a•a?:slacanrl to i.,rwnc~er +~vlt:9°aira :if} d~y:~ latter the date srteh ~ac~tice is '
<br />rxaarled ~Ma.ndea tax at,tthcarr~ed
<br />° tct c:tallert and tiplaly the larcrcaeecl4. aft C..ender"s calatican, either tca resttartataaa csr rela~°arr ta'f the
<br />Prcalaerty tar tca tliMe statnay secatred hy, this iVlsarts~a~e,
<br />~.1'ril'~ss l~,eratler end Brarrcawer cather~tvist* agree an writ%taL, an}~ sr.rc~h rtlatalac.;atican a:at let°ctceed's to lariraa"wil~aal shall rater extend
<br />tar iscastp~ane the slue tirtt~ c>t the rx°tttntlaly anaatallrrrents referred to in #aar:araia'hs 1 Katatl ~" hereraf car t;larane the anatattnt tat
<br />sttcla ana*ttflirrtents~,
<br />1tl!. ll'1'crrrervraea' PV"<>t eleas+r'd. Fattensirara cat the finer. tc:>r laaavmsstat c~+r t°nr,difeaat:'rcan <al' a:trtcartiz»tican c,f the ;,arra<ata~ secured
<br />ley this 119~cartgae: anted lay tMettdrWr to any ~,tac:resstar• ire interest cat t~rarrcawer shrtii rarer caLter°ate tea release, in any manner,
<br />the. liahilaty tat' the ttri~atartl ~tarrtawer and Rtarrcawr~r'4 strt;e:ersscas°ax ire iratt„rest. l,entler s~laall rant he r~egttirecl tta ccartame~n~e
<br />lartsa~cedins aaianst stash successrar car reuse tea e~tencl tune fear laaytrrent a°)r° <atiaerwise raaexditY <an'tr~rti~aticara cat the ;attrras
<br />secured lay thia~ itvSrarttae fay res~ast~tn eat rang Clem«tnel txaade ba,° the carigiaaal l~itarrcawer sarrcl l~<.arrcawc.r'aA staceesst~rs its interest.
<br />11.. ~°<,r~reaa~rr~artee by I,aet>Idcr a"'-}eat tra'~miiver. ~,ny fcarl^,erararar•t: lay 'Lender an t~ereisin rrray ritxiat tar rerraedy herer.antler ttr
<br />tatherwist; ;r;l'c;>a°dr~d' ~y a~lalical~le laav, shrtll scat he st waavt~r <af car garecluele flee raxere:istk ctrl' stay saach right czar rtarrredy,
<br />'Che ~rtacurera°tttnt tat instaranere car the laaytrtent r)t t~txe~" zar° cttlae.r letaax car chrtrl;es lay t,endr:r «xirtall aat)t ht sa wpsaiver cat i.enc~er"*,
<br />right tta,a,ct;elerttte the* rraa.taarty cat fife: intlelatednea«as ~,t;t;tarc:tl ity Haas :~~tirtt;a~e.
<br />12: Reemai~daleaa +l~tttmu~~t~ve. ~;i1 rertactlie,;s ttrcmvideci in tl°rias fv9tart~t;tge sarfit~ cliaxtin~t raracl t.tara•ar:rirative tta ;:tray ether right. rat
<br />reaaaetly tarader lthia~, ~ia°tga~e err 4afFCar"detl lay law s)r es~t.rty, sand. rraray lee exert:a^ar:tl c,°caa•ae.tarre~ratiy, irralel•tc~rac~ently car :strecea;~ively.
<br />Slueeltrtarss sand ~Srlns 13oearrd ,toint attct ~'sr,vrzrl ffi~i~mlalaty; ~:"~tattr>. "I"lae ee~av~erarttat.s rrracl srrec~rraertts herein
<br />etantairaeci a,itall hind, rand the rights ht;rc:,a.and't~r wharll irata:r tta, the re^sl.tectave streeessr.aa•s rand a;,si,~ras caf l~entler and ~ttrcca~wer,
<br />sttbjec~t tta the lartavisions taf laar°agraLah 17 here<al`. x,11 taverasants saracl sa~r°caerrtcrrtas cal' L3tarr°<~awe*r a;laxtll i°se jcairwt :.ttrd several,
<br />Tlat~ calatitaras tartti hedtarlitags cat tl~te laarrtl;rsalahaw cat flats cart;lra~e a:r"a~ fret s:car'a~toraitnc:e rtnly sant'i sar'eu scat t.e~a tae rrsetl tea
<br />itaterLtre# car dei~;tae thu prtavasitans her•ecat.
<br />1~t. Ntatit:e, l~tecelat fret any aacatiee reclaaMrec~l rantit~r xalafalicalrle lam tea he ~*ivera its <taar.tthear rrtaraner„ (trl raa°ry t~tatic:e trt
<br />13exa~rtawt;t~ prtavid±ed fir in this l~icartgta~;e slarall tac° ~„ivc°t~r her raaailita st.rc~la ratrc;e. l:ty certilecl rtartil ;telrea;se;cl '}ca t3carr°c~awer ttt
<br />t,hc t'realac:rty ~itl,tiress car at stae~a eat}aesr raeldress ras 13<arrcawt.t rtaray c'ita~sil,rattte' fay ratatit;e" tea 1`.ertcier sas larravitit~cl herein, raratl
<br />fhb tarty t"atatic:~e tta (.entice shall lee give;ra by ct~a•tiCietl rattail, a•ettrrra re:e:c~itat rt~eltrestetl. act 1..eraclet°"~ aacitiress a„trta:e~l laerean tar' tta
<br />such rather tade~lr~'ss as .ender rnagj dea;ignete L,y, ne~tice tta l~tar°rca~nFer as larcavitletl i'rerc:ira. ~'+ray nc.ttiere rcavitlet fret eta this
<br />cart~,aL;e shr+}i hc~ tleeraac•d tea lasa~`~ }aeert iwaverr tea L~rarreat<ver ctr l,t~:ntit.r wlat:ra ga~ac; ire the naarttaer tic~sigraatetl herein.
<br />~~. ~~aiffi:as~~m }I!ltart#;at~e +Iowernn ~stw !s+e't~t~raa~bl~ia};y° °i"i, t'carrr- taf rtacar'tgtage, c:cartalaitres tanittarn~r t~cavcnttrats tear natitanral
<br />use. and rton-tartfctrtt"r cd>ve:aa,zrats with littaitetl varaatitarts by #a:rri:aclictic~n Ica ccarastittrtea ra azrail'carrta set~trr°ity anstrtar°taertt ccavering
<br />renal pt~~pacrty. `t"itas s'tiRtart~aage shall lee gtavrnecl lay tht; i<~tw e>t flee jttriscli.t;ticara iaa wlaicla the; i'rc,iroerty lax icacattzd. In the
<br />ttvent thaat stay laa'tar,~isiuta car c:latrser caf this 14ricart~rs;e ear fiat; ~tatc: ~:~ttallrct~; witia rt~Ltiieat°ale 3arav, sate; ccatatlict sFaall taa~t ll`eet
<br />rather lart>visa'crrts caf this 14~etrtgagta ctr the r~leate which cGan ht; t;ivera t•l~cet watiaracrt the tae,nt~lactirag tarca~°ia»iean, artcl tta this
<br />end the: larravisitarrs t>t the. Mtartgage atacl 'the rv°c:tte rtrt~ clecirtre.tl tci I:>c; ~;ev~rsakale,
<br />1+~, lisc-rrna'wPer's +C"spy. #3carrcaer ~*la<tll he frarraishetl a caaratcartaaetl etapy cat rite l~itrhte start r:tt dais l~ctrtgagr~ at th+e tirtte
<br />eat exe~tata~n rte' :after re~ctartiaticarr he.re+~at.
<br />1'~. '>i'r',yaau~N!ar of t~se 11'rapertvt a~,s~;rutira~n< ll' alI c.?r arty #a<trt cal' tlat~ l~'rzarty car err interest tfaere;aa is tiuld c7° tr,°arasferrecl
<br />by ~Bc~rr;a~cr a<rrithcaut iC.ender's ~t~ie°tr wrati~rr e°caaast~rat, et~itrding ir~l the :.rta;atitarr of ra Bert tar enc~itsrhr.iaaee a<s.rb,.>r:iin«te ~.a
<br />tFtis M~,rtt;a~e, il'a) the, cre;~tiztn cif a ptircV)ase tattaney aret;urity irat.tr°est fctr htatasehtald applianeeab, ft~ -a tr~nsftar lty ,it'L'-si;,
<br />t~ess~€:.at car tau c~la,:r~3tie)ra catlaw uLatan the tie<eth cat a joint t~narrt tar fall the grant gat ~++ty leKaaeehtald iratr~t°~st taf tierce years tar tntis
<br />I taut ~c~aatscirairat; aaaz c)~tac3ra ttt Latarcita;, L.etader naay, at I..t;nder's rslatitan, der~iztre ;a}} the earns see<:.ttr~d lay this itartg~agt; tea lxe
<br />irtarraec#iatc iv dttc .;nc~ tjayahi~. t_ersder r~izall ha~Ye waived sancta ztittiota tc~a .acc:~ t~:r~ae i f, ~aricar tta flee: sstle t>r• tratasffer. t~ertti~r
<br />sancz the t>t r,sc)n t,a v.-hcxnn the t'rea~ c,tty a:, t~.a }~e ~.,ai~l tar traraste:~•re~tl rc_~Lh agrecaatenc its varitattg that the ereclit caf sue*,it laer+~n
<br />is sxtristaettar3• ti> L.t;aa~c,r <aaacl rhaa> the. intezi,tit pati'.+htC clef ttac s~.sn~s ~e::tr,cc3 lay this S~i~artgage shall tae ;at such rate as I..ender
<br />shall rc:c}ttest. !f I t:racicar h.ts waivcu flee ,#atic)ra ti) storeeier~ste t>rtti~it#.~J eta this lasaragra,ph 17, anti it ~carrca~ver°s sut:ears~ar art
<br />interest teas ~..xs±:+eteel a w•r-ittcta ~isselnai~tiprz stgrc;=rrtent as~t:c}>:~d in avri;irt~ lay i.et~dr~r„ I_etacler ~hrtit reDesas~e JE~arrctr~rer reaa a#1
<br />c)bligatioaas's~aaal,<r this T~t)rtgage and thc:'~zat~e.
<br />it t7eracier z~eseis~;:s sc,eh ct~tiU=a tc~ a~celer~e, l.ca;~#, shall mail 13tarrca~ver naatac;e tat ac:~3er~tii~n in ac:ctardaracL >,~-ath
<br />~sar~a~rst~h i-} }a~,rci)f. acacia a)UtiCe steal} prc>ti°ic3e :a tacrio~ i~'r racer. ?ess than ~t~ cta:ys trtarxa tote dsit~: the raiatice:. is „azzl:acl .tiitt)s"rt
<br />ti~'h3Ch BOrt'i~'r~e:r rTa:l~' }`<<!}' rht: ~td~11S (#Ciili'~i~ l#:1+~, it i71'ri~zit'C ~~1~5 1~ ~?~-~!a1t4:~'r itr['t't5 ~7t'#t)I' tea t*)t +~'~~sa":~tr'•? ~?1 `:t::;?? ~:k'tt(~L~,
<br />l..eaa c.r rtaa~'. ~tlacaut ftarthe;r za~t,::c; ~.r clenasrtt? can 13tarrtacvr, irte.jna:,acty rerrac:ciies lat:rnaitted by itAragrapla ! ~ i?e: cc)a.
<br />?~1a;4-1.:~.'~xtr'L>Ft~! ~_~ea4•~tibtir•S. lei)?'ti)ik'ti`r :3.1(1 i_~iarit`rti3rthtl' ~l)~i'33:3ri't :Ai:-t3 :i4;S~4s[.~ ai)iIi'~Y„
<br />Ltd. :~~e~eBer:~tiarrn;; iteanedir~. ~.x~epr as ~r~~~it3+ed ire tasa~a~,rat+t: t7 Raere~f° a,t-uta 13€~rra~~W~er"!x ~rre~ch taf ~ny~ c~r~~~€tas~ caa°
<br />uy~tet+~t~~r€t tat' 1~~rsQ~e.r era thl5 '43~rt~~~~e, ic~,rluei%tag €ta~ ~,~~eaz~,rta tea t-~ati ~tae,a ctae .arty sxruas se~urr~d ht~ ihi~ °~~~tt~?s~a,
<br />1L~ur ~t~r~r tie sac~cetc~ratirsn slhal! rna~ rtt~tjc~e €~, i3e)rao~sar .3s t,ris)~it$ee~ ire p~sr:e~ra~tl t~ ttea~~# 4tir~:if~•irt~ ttt the tt~sach.
<br />t~;~ 1tl~e ast~ta~a a^r~t~~ired t~ c,rm 4aat-ts !>rreiich; i ij za e~a~te, a~auf 9csw Mans iii i~at3 frirrsa t€~e ~atc tfae a3~ii~:e is nraitect a~ }3+c-r°e~e3~~~er~
<br />h,~ ~vhacts such br°zszc:Fa uatr~t ~ a:ure~1; era.€f f°~} that tait~cr t~ ~:~re ~seah ta;re:tcts cYZS rsr h~efftsrw: the hate S~fcCialet3a,a the [rt,a:ce
<br />atr~ti• a~eaxue! in sncc.:43exsari:e~,y ca( tts~ ara,ar,.s .r~cearc:d hi rPris ~~~,rt~a~e, is,rc°cfcr~:~rs ht #tads+:tat tarEZCC°edirs~ ;~ra~ wie ter she 3'rsapert~. '`'
<br />~M i"hae ~a.aitce !.hsrRili t+urthr~:r i~€oxrra f3~a~rr~avsn=r enf the ri~,t:i to ~~a9~et~1~ a~ftYr :s€•~~teratins3k :zca,tt t6,e rr~,Eat ten av~t^rt in tit ti~se~ts~iar~~ t
<br />tpt~n+aaet#tt~; tJ~e aaoax-~xi~tcrli<r* 4.,E ~ de~rAtxtt ;ae aa,~ critter at+~tcn~r t)x ~icasrs,ut~r tc~ ~arzc~f~ruti.~pa .,tttt trAaectri~~;•e, q{ flt:~ ttrea~ tZ
<br />la ar~tst cum zrr; sir' h+e-tore: rite. at;~te s~a;itreti as tta~ :se,tirc. t,i:°,>;cira zst l.erust~r't r,t,tacs3, aaa;x~ :.td~izaee sad! c-t etas: stattas se.:~:grt# h~
<br />th~i !4~~a°t~t~~ ar,a hu iNtt+saaedi;~tet~ 4~Fle asttd ~at's~i•,Ic ~~ith~sa,$ t„s4taei atetta~lasrt ;~aac3 aaa;~'y ti,aa.~§f+~t t ~ .jctsCs~t'idai ~t-~e:~:~e3ar~. t.e^rt'tt~r `
<br />siwalt !~ae ~tttiatt~ei tea d+_all+eeF lat. stxe~la ~aa•trc~a~rlitt~; alI r:xt3t°ats~a3 r:l a,aeal~r°aaea:, iat•ttrt#ata~;, l,aat rei,t taratatetS tea. ~ci~ra, aa# ai¢accr,~teatt~r~`
<br />e~itvEr:ea, aala~tai~rets xar~t 4itle t~pi>t~.~.
<br />~'~. ~T`~93it1~`~'}'~ ~~1 ~fi ~~~Tt;G3C~+t. ~1' ;'r#'2t~',~t:~3i;1:'~,'; 1 ~~3ki;:'a s s.,f at!ti~!i x ,.,. ~,, ~ _ . c'~,k ''~ ,;1 '~#; •E ~ ~~`i.
<br />~.3~fP~i}'~?r~k ~h~zii ~''-at<n„r€ ~~at 5a~lat "y, }5~s1;. II:N ,_tttr2t'C_~~3,~p ~~'~ ~ E tt?~1°~i 'tit t~~ ., 4t ! ~~ :a~a~''i =4~' '.~;i
<br />F~ ?i+
<br />,...~~,
<br />