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xt~oaRrHt ~r~vt~rz~iv~rs. 13crrrta~r~r attd mender c"overaarat zartcf za~;ree :as follows: ~°`:°~ <br />to ~''a~ea~# of Fu3anclpa~ alsnd'Inget•e~i: ~3tarrcar~:er shall lartaa7tptly pay ~4hcra dare the ~+rincilsal caf and interest on the <br />ina~etar~da9estx evieta~ecd by the: Neste, l~repayrtaer-t zaxrcl late t«.taztrg~es Gts farcavicled in the 1Vtste, nand. the principal t>f and intera;st <br />ore aa.~ty Fxrture A+dvattct~s secreted lsy this l~ltart,~a;e. <br />~~ l~urscks f~~r °dk"aaeexs ~x~d lasasur~nce. Sttb~ect tcs agapkicztblt; law car to <~ ~+ritter~x waiver lay l..ersder, borrower shtrll pay <br />to Len€ler tar, t9ie -lay rruvnthly installtxtertts csf pa"incipai azaci :ir7tc~t-est xare tlwayable axnder the 'tdote, tantil the Note is paid: in fttl; <br />a -sxtrt'a ,(hex'eaxi "~~'uncls"'~ t;~ual tts csn~-twell'tli rsf tltc yearly tzaxes and assesents tivkaich may attain pa-icsrity over this <br />l~ic7rt~agc:, aaazt J~'routtd gents orx the l'rrsp~rty, it` zat'xy. plats carne-twelfth rsf yearly ~arerniatrn irastailrtttnts for hazard irasuranee, <br />p1aPs caner-rw•~;dl°th, cif ye.rly ~rreaxiittzn installrxrent;~ for ntcsrta~e irastrraa'trc:, iC aray; wall as reasrattakaly tstitxaated initially anc'1 'fresm <br />tia7la' tcb 'time try ~;~erader aan the basis csf ztbsessrtterxts ztrad ksilis <aaad r~z~,sonzatsle estin"xates thereof. <br />'Tlae ~'rartds sJtzali be held irr aft iitstittaticara the deposits car zacc:c;aa.ants e)t wlticti bare ia~xstared <.sr yatarartte+~d key a 1~'Ldet•~t or <br />st~t~ <I~c,~~:~' 1 inel~udiat lv.etada~t- if l~t~n.tler is sttctt zan ittstitr.iticartl. l.,.ertder ,shtxll ral~,pl~f the ~utads to pay s€tid tKtstes, assessrra~nts, <br />insttriance iirx*rrtia-rR7s artd resttrad r"etas" n~tay nest char;~e f'car scs fttaldin~ axed applyirt~; the ~'atrads, analyzing said ~cecsunt, <br />xar uarrifviat~ ~xnc! ~;on~gilirs said a°assessratertts and kalls, aazalcss l..ender Isays k3tarr~x~wer iraterest can the uttds and applicaksle l~.wv <br />perrrait~ l~encier t:o x•na~e sttt~It a a;har~e. l"itarro~we.r ~a:nd T.~erader at"xay aft"cue in v,~rititt at flee tirrae ok ex'ectatiott nd` thin <br />It!kcsrt~a~e rlaat: ixt~terest can the kMttitals shall e latad era 13carrtsrver, at~d trtaless stash areen•aent is attade car applicalale law <br />r+~quir saacla xnt,erest tcs lee paid, ~~ender sltztll I1 Cat he rc~t~taired tea ~azty l~ora~cswer <any iatterest csr e~ratin~s cstt the 1N'unds. l..erader <br />shrill dive to 13carrrawer, witlac>ut claare; an anntaal ac;a:vaatxtitt caf the f^'aanctw ;~laowin credits azrd dekait~ to the funds artd tkte <br />purpose fir uFhhclt each dekait eta the lMtrraci:s was rrxacie. "I'he t~ttnds are plecl~ecl zas <tdditicartak security fcsr the sttrats secured <br />ksy t~ais lV[a~rt~a~e: <br />~~ the aaxaa!urxt ~~#` the ~ttttds held lay [~encter, ttsethrr r~~~iila iht~ 1"refute tt~csztiktly irsstttllt~aerris af. Funds payable pricer to <br />the dtae elates ref' taxes, assessments, irtsuranc:e pa~ertsitarrts ;trlcl ;~a°~!taatci r<:rats, sttzall exceed ihc, atatrruttt recliaired tc~ pay said tart,, <br />assessa~tents, insotaaManae lsrerniura"as artd rotand rents zas thc*y fal0 clt.atr.„ sticky e;xe:ess skralk be, zat l~carrtswer's csptitsra, either <br />prceaxtptly re_paicl to ~csrrcawer csr credited to i3orrssvrer~ ore rttcsrathly iztstallrt~e:nts tsf IWtands. ~~ the, zarrtour~xt of the ~`tta~tds <br />ltel!d fay L;erader° shall rtxat be sul~rc:ient tcs pay ta:~ey, aassessraaentss,xratztxr;aaacMe. lsretnit.trtts and rotand rents as they fztilt clue,. <br />klrarrxavver shall. pay tcs l.,t:nder zany at'ncaurtt xtecesszat°y ice rt~xalte~r ta}s the cieficiea7cy ~~thin :3f~ dta.ys frpr~a the date nrstice is t~'tailecl <br />key 1Leaxt~er tcs 13x7rreswer reyttestita p~ya~aerat iherecst'. <br />~Jrn payment. lax full caf ~l sur~as t;ecaxrc*d 'kzy this .la~rartas~t;. 1_z;rtder• shakk d~ro~a~stly rel'aantf t<~o l~a~~,rrower z:-n'y F'ttncls <br />held key lw;encler. l,f under paragraph l #~ herecsf t:lte 1'a•cspt?a~t}r rs t4tr4cl agar the Property is cstkaerwise tac~uircd ksy lµeaader, l,~e,ztder <br />skaali app#y, rxo l;a.ter than ir~nrraediately lsa°ior tcs t:ls,e. €~ale aaf' tkaa l~rc+}~s~r°ty xat• its zat:cluisiticrn #~p 1_.c,rtc~er, ataY l~^trrac3s -teld key <br />Leveler at. the .itra~e aaf applicaticazt zas a credit, :a~?ainst the; saara•as 5eeaareci to}'~ tklms i~'lcsrt~ag;e. <br />r#:pplicatti~an +€~~ .~*a€yent~, 1lnless al:alslica'l~ale law Isrca~~~iclcs astlserti~ise, a.xll payzna~izt<; rx~~ceiveel ksy l..ander tat~der the <br />lobate seed a~+ara;raphs 1 nand ? herecsl' sz~ll be zapfalicd t:sy l.,e~racia;r first in p<xyrrtent ca# zaatacstrrtts payable. t+a l.t~atcdw~r kay l~orrcaer <br />aande~r par~grapl~ :? herecad', ikaen to izttaWrest Is:ayakale rata the Ntatc4, then tts the; larinc:ipzti c+f' flee l~`ote, zancl tkxen tea isaterc~:st: nand <br />priaxc.iktal cant ~:att~d future Advances. <br />fit. <aktasre~s« 1`~+ensy csrreswer shall istty zxll t€axt,a, :a~»sarssrrtertts axsrl c?the;r c:ttzar•~±es, fines anal ixvxpcssitiesrts zattribtatraksle tea <br />the Property ~~hzch a~atty attaiza a prit:srity csva;.r this .~ttsrta~;e, zartd It~asc.hcslal lazayzraerats or k;rtaaartd ra;itts, it any, ia~a the raaantter <br />larrvided under ~Sara~ra-h ~~,„ 'kaereof ter" il` neat. Ixztid ire :such taazarsrser, by c~arrtaww~er• attta~in~*, paynae.nt, when dur°„ direca9y ter the <br />laayce therecaf. l3a~rrower ;tikazal# prxaznptly furnish tar i...c;racler all zacstacc;s c:af" zatatasa.xzats etraa; aartc~er this laararaph, attd ittt tl~e event <br />13arreswer shaall mal4e payrtterat. directly, Naar°a.eawer sktall Isresztaptly larr•rtisl~a tea l,ertclc:r rcct;ipts c.vidc;rtcra~ ranch Isaytttt;nts. <br />~csrres!~r <br />~hal~l laresrrrptly t#tsclttar~e zany Hera ~'hic~h <br />' ., ltzas I°ax xtarity tasrtrr il~ais %rlor°tgr~;e; darovicled, tltzat ~3caa°rczc*r wFaal[ scat t.~e <br />re a.airec3 t.o ~isci~ar~+~ tray ^ Bert sea lcartk; ~txs ~tcsra~~carrra;r sla.xll za~I•a:+~ ir•a ~rrtar~a ~~,~ thcz lat~aytata`;nt csf tkte tsksli~aticsta secatred key <br />stac:pa Izen in a tax.xataraer acca:ptaksle tcs Lender, tar tikazali ixs ~catscl #'..titls :~trclt l,ar•xa key, ear clt~ft~racl tr.xal'orcc~atterat tsf stash liana itt, <br />le~a.l prc°,ceedia'a~ls which tslat~rzrte tts 1?reverst itaaM c:nl'carceaataaaat. csl' than lie.*ra t:ar !''x:arteita.xrc eat' tl7e 1'a•ttpt~rty car «aray° la;~rt tht;rct?f. <br />H~a~urd din,&~r~~ce. 13asrrtsv~t~r shall lta~a:la tktat aanprcavetttettts nca~' e ~istiza~ ear ht;c`a~tt,l''ta;r a•a'a:c.tecl csza tkse 1'i'a'slaa,rty irrsazr+ed <br />a~airast ltsss ts° :lira., hracards inclt-cled wit'ttara the. terztl "°ts.ric:nclecl waver°«at„c;°'„ arac:l aarch catlttrr' Itzazards as 1 erxtl.r rtray re;aaire, <br />attd Ira staclt <azttcaarrets .artc9 fear saati:tt lac:rxc>al~; zas l c;cxalc~r xaa~a~~ r~~alaaicc;, l~rt:aviciaxd, tl°azst t..a°,taciir shza.ll atc~rt retltairc, tktzat the zartaa~artat eat' <br />such ca-avc,raa, excet,ci tka~at aratcsarnt tal c,c,a~rc:ra~tt. zc+ala.aarc~tf its l~aay tree saazxas scc~,aretl l+y thx:r cat'tatlat. <br />The irasaaranre a~arritdr presvidira ilte rtasurtartca; ~hzall tae c°I"arsscaa fay l~asr°rswer saats~aac,t tea zaplsresvtal by l..etttler; prtavded, <br />tktt such approval 4hall mast tsar tzrtrxMztsaazxahly avithkaa;ld. ,~,ll lat`tntiua;ra~ a.+ra iaasaar~zrrrt;e lacslic:xa~s slttal! Ise p»aicl in tt~ raaatataer <br />provided under paragraph 2 hercytat tsr, if xs;rat paid ixt ~,x:actt rtaanrts:r~, key t~c>r°rca~ver araakiza Isayratettt, ~vhert dtaa, directly tea the:. <br />nsut`attce carrier. <br />All insurant;e policies zatad t•ezte!~'als therc:c>#. shall lee in dcaz'tta ~aa~a,rtlat~atsla: ta:7 l.a;rx€;Pex' ,.arrd sttzatl iats..laxclc: <'r ^~taaacdaarcl zt'ICaril~t~e <br />clause in fava~r c>f araa~l izt f'tsrrrt ac:c:epttlkslt~ tc> E.,enrtc;r. i.,ctrxelc;r slazall haavtM tkat' a-~krt t;~ Il:slci the; lacslia~ae~; antl rtMratrvvals tl".t~rc~~#`, <br />:tttd:l~3a~rraser shall resztapily faaraaisla tea l..c:ndt~r tall. rc:raea~rzal ratati,ces zaxtd adl :~::~.iayts c~, lazaicl Isran~tiraraa. In tkte t;vtrnt e:z It~,~. <br />8ot`rasr~ex shaall 1«ive pr•canapt ncaticc; tea ttre iatsur~;:taactr catrrier tirraci l,enda:r, l.,enalcr w,a ~,~° ,~<<~~e i~reszsl eaf lcstts if rust nladc~ prc'ra°a~al~std~ <br />by 13~,xraaw~ez•, <br />C.#rtlezs h,~:racler and ~csrreswc~r atktet~?isc; agree tat ~~ritirt, irasur;~race prtsce~ak~ sl~a<xll her za,plalied ics rc•stcsratit>a~t tar repair tsf <br />tkae-.T~rtalserty a~ataiaagecl, tartaviclecl sutMh re;tcsat°aticaxa ur r~.pzaxr i~ cc;c;+racaattt~:zall~a~ 3~.~S,i>s~x ~arlct the sc,curity uF tk3is ~lrartag~e is <br />fecal thc:relay irt~tpzaired. ~~ .such retxitariatxean csr repair is aac`It a~;tsncsrtticzall~ ft;zasihle ~=r tl the sec;arriiy cst' this Mcartgag~; wcstrld <br />lee i,atlaaz°tva3, that insuraxdrtce lar+:aceec~s skaall bt; apfalic;cl tea the scz.stts scc;urea# tav thi=; ~iaartk;t~e, e~itta the. cxctrss, if <an~°. iaaid <br />tt? ~3earrower. 11 tkae Property is :alsa:[tdc>rted !ay 13csz'rc.awer, cot it 13carrtswer IzailS xt~ rc:,prsatd tts 1....ender withiaa 3t) dztys 1'resa'rt the <br />ci~ae nc}ticc~ is rtt~ait~d fay i,erade.t' tea ~3tarrsawab:,r that: the ira~aar;trat~e ctart'ix:r catlers t4! s:3z+~ as claiatt f"car iaa~tar~artce kaet~aefits, l:enc9er <br />is ttuihc~riz.":l eta ccsllea:.t rand <tladal~' tree irataurance lsrtsceeds at l...eaadc;r's tapticsn aMitltt;r eta restcsratieara car ra;pair is#~ iha~ Prc?pa:rty <br />csr' itJi il"it; ~~atali4 4r;;a'LIC~"Ck ~"?y' *.~`lIS ~'S.'I~I'f~Ii~t", <br />!.~'nle.~s l,Jt~€ac~c~r zataci i3cyrrc> ~:~xi7~;rv.iae agret~ in writr~~, zIr"ey saxcl°a :alsplicz~tiasn cal presc;t~eds tcs 1?rincipzal shall zs+ast earttrrad <br />.tar lacasip~Iat= !Ise tlaxc: Eialic: ~~#` tl',e znc;;;ita3y nstallnteasts ref!~rsti~d ?~ ia~x 1?ar:agraphs l nerd "? tterecat c?r cartga ikre zanacsaartt caf <br />sa~c.h iaastailra::rats. it !z,acfer ~aragralaka 1#~ lterecsf the 1'rcaperty is atryaairecl ~~~' l.,e.atci~.r, all rigkat, title zancl arttc:rc:st tel. 13csrrts~~r <br />in ;ala+~ xc> :axs~ iszsta€azl~e , aslix;i+~s ;~atd izr :arad tea the presa~.a::ed~, alter'cts rr~st:i;,ag l`ra~r•rt alzantage tea t:he k'rcapert~' pricer to th+e ;;.alt; <br />~ ~a: tw:~aaisitir,7f~ sta:zll pta;~a; a~a I..eztdez' tcs ihtw c*~teaat cal the tturtts ;i;c;rt:~i ` ~ t,a~ t~ttsrtzae l?riur saxch sale: or <br />aae~tt~si4~+cs:. <br />~. Il~a^escr.atiiaat aa:xsl ~iailatean:utce taf PsUp~rf~« k.+~hc,Pds: C ts~rarlrprattlrrlutars; P°l~!a`<n+a'd il.#pait 1-edel~-~sne,at~. 13a~rt•ro~t;r <br />:;hall i'ltu~5 tltG 1?rc't-~L`Ite' i a s.~~~?clTt.}a~t2r 'i {~ t~lxall ;~<;}t +i)`r:]( lJi 5';~+~~d t`C ~9k:rtt'agt x3"il~3xr"atlk,'Ya t ~~T l`. tiSl'7!~'!F.1tG7tl i~", tlt~l~"i~d~c`rt~}` <br />da6~e:i :illf,+Sl !,'i~IIITad_~' tiw,ala iltt `l>Ia4t, i?IxS +..t ;an\ {.i~;; .tt;i ~ti`f tL.d~.;c kfixa :3 le~,a«tltcalcl, ~~~ aft;, `Fit . i'i~!~; i~ f"iu'. 'Ilaroti '?1 ~$ <br />i;~.)EI~IG?fa3ii31a€:.I'~ ~?f ,. 3?Ijaiall4;ai a~ra,a ~f+;'~"ib:~t3SI]l'i7i, ~~~°ltl?E+CI ~r_i:i j~i.ti."i~t1 llld k'h:~ 1'~(Tra'V;a'bk4,'a''~ CBralii,.l'.i1~fi~ ~.:'~.~:.: ~!}: I~,'i`~.+',:1ii,+~tt <br />iEf ~k91's,"$~~Ait`,9 :1'Gi.3ixTi~j f?fl ,;1~~'t.[x.ii,S". ~i'1t ~~~tlt~l"-i3'.i:~ ,6r~i ~%. i'f.i{1~i~t~ ,.. ~ ,~a:1Y(°dS,}~rx:t:o:. ;'.?t' ~ ~ i ~ ,.~ <br />" <br />}~ <br />:..()if~.x~C~S7a.I7i,SurE ~?L- }a•i3FF1~C'Ga Li„zi "t:`i%`at1 4~ 's~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ i 1 6 <br />l~c.,t. .ti,~ } , .• ~, <br />r ,~_ <` ° ~ <br />< ~ .~ .al.t iit~~~ ~: a. IE s1._U.a.i,iii;fi1 i'" ~ S9i:t'u T3', , t. ~: t <br />;~1<1++.~ .S C°?k'rwly:ati;;.-[j ;1Y_ ~~lyr i+."W l'. S~ ,4i1t; 1~.',', .: ~7 r~it4 i, !;'ltit:i ~,il. .'i ; j<'~ - . <br />"~. '^ I ter Ii _t .i <br />S~aia~)_.. l~ s3I~:~rxte,:rT:A3~t1 ]Siti! itSiiY tiYiaef d;i{;:a'if~ az)a.t.;~>t3!t32'tC;?e FfiL .~~~ti:b:~i,' ~_.... t`,t!~,Ft43<ir '}L!'+ ~1~~'~,i~~ ,3~ "ii` ,,,...• <br />~.~~Ft. .x ~litf~ ~Y4.CL'2~1. <br />~f, '€p[ti1~4`1~1k1.~iB ~4t ~••4!Clt~t"F`~ ~1f"tf_PA'i~~. %~iiCF:+.~~. '.:F¢e'~ 'a:t_:a.t"i ``1L' ..l:ae:?,_ .a?t .. .;:~ lI'~ '1t.t .~~i :;~~~ <br />a..~..; x ~ <br />~[~i}a .,~'a.~Sy L'., ,;:~i .1- ~3itb ~e~ri~5t"o ,>1' [`riti'.6.r. -P~'zti ~ ~.'~IEtf;?:.`ie...`.. .5 ,~.~1~ 1~ .~..} _~~`,.. is ~ ...ta.°~ _ V'.. `.i ,. ,'.ew .?' ~!~4: , <br />dxt~:la,[ii&~~,~c",, #'1&s` Sw`a iiLllli9.'v7 ~k.b, e;'>.~I..`iiii t..,c}...iil~. FV?,?~j ti<< _.~ .~d.., t_?i,. .~ . .,,.,1~~ ~.a ,~1~t i~ <br />tli~k,t.a6a''21?i <.Si i;`+;.'.3£.Ir, "tke:sS t_a'[3a~tE :1i ~ t[.~.+i;: r ~'±i.; `t`.'~,. ,~) ~. =\,<_i. ':i't 4 ie:i.'~` ~. ~ taw ,li. .~. .~i z J .2 <br />~a.'s.izz~ .-~II~:f~ tit~.i~ r.t1'a.ix :t~.18 i, -~.. 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