'€. €~"c~ttrtetaxnati€sta. lrs the €eversL t,lze t'rrzperty,:lt"ar~ paxt, t.isereof, hfzaif tse C.ai~en ~;~- eminent dcrrxtaira,the'~~ortga
<br />i~ ert~spc~vrk~t°ed t.a c~lleet. arsd recra~:e alf ec~mpetrsat:ias~ uftrc€~t na~s~,~ be ~airt fc~r and- presp~ rte- tal€en or f€~r daht~s to frrQpert~a
<br />~~a La~crry, acid mortgagee ~.hait ap~rly sueb~ e+~rrrpensati~an, at its c~pt<iors, eit?uer to a reds.:ctisar~ cr#' ifs irattet9tectt~,ess seetrred
<br />hereb?~ cst~ t~~ i'Cpasr and restore t?se grQper#.~% so darna~ed.
<br />r~-
<br />~, t'erf€arr~nance b}~ ~Iortgagee.:Vtcartgagee nzay, tibui Sh~fl t~awe nc~ ~bligation~ Go ~o an+~ act wlxch thee. Mctrtg~gcrr'
<br />lga.5 agreed trizt `a.ii~ t€x drr, and 'Ufr~rt.~agee rn.ay afs~a do ~~y act:' it d€~ares ne~nssar;; is protect .he fien t3ere~af.:~tartgagar
<br />s~grr~es is r€~p~ty, upon demand,. ans° sums sca e~~cpgnded by tE1e'~Sortgagee for the abt~cp purposes, anc3 ~y stars scae~pended
<br />Icy the '~#ca~rtf`,agee st~aii f~* at~ded #:o the irrd~abter3ness sec~€areci here#~y and becc~rne ,subject to tie Tien h~i~ea€~ i1'€ortgagee
<br />5ahalf nit. ire+~tar an4~ perscarsaf fkabifFtE~ kreTastse ni assvtd~ing it; rna~~ dca of oanit tca t~ca hereunder,
<br />'J. t7efatai#.; assignment eaf Rents. Time is of ihR essence herenf_ and ta~rY ~47artgagor's def~nit in any* ecavengrat
<br />€aragreezr3erst.-~f thi<< "~c~rt.gage, ir&cfs.ading c€»enants to p$ v~°hen due the sums sectuted br~~ this l~taetg8ge, #.he ~iartgagee shaft
<br />foe entitladr at its Sc~)r: cspti€ax: ar~€1 with+nut nsatice, tca r3eclare all surr€s secured by this Mortgage tc~ be immediately clue and
<br />~aayaEale an~3 say r.:orrsreaenee foreclaseare caf this ~t€rtgage f~q ~sadicial grc~ceea~iaags as~.cf, provided further, that sPgon such
<br />~~ef>~tatt tl~.se ~tcastg;ggee, nr a receiver appoirsts=d by a crauri, rssay at its €aptian and ~~thuut regard to tl;e adequacy caf the
<br />~~curit~°, enter sapost an+~ tat~e g©sse:~.siosa of t~,Q P'r€aper~t~r ana eofleet the rents, issgaes and profits thea~fa€am and apgt~v them
<br />:Cast to t:~'ic cruet csf €:~rflect6c~rs and operstiorr cif tf`s:3 ~rrafaerty and then €ape~rs the indeEatedn ~tta~ed by this I~Itartgagee;
<br />:aaitt ra~rtt<5, 3s:~uss arsd pr>~sfit., be~irsg a.ssigne€3 tcz t.tt€~ tl+tcs~-tagee as fssrt~~er se€~urity fare the paytn~rent cat tfye fracfebtedness
<br />.;eeureci fi,€~ireE7t~.
<br />~f1. Trsrnsferr raf PraaiaertST. If all azr arse part cif tahe Prcaprerty is scald ail t.ransfes~ted ~rthcata.t the e~zptess territten cos#-
<br />s~n# of the '~%~iort;ga~e€~, ?1!fartgag~= s~say a#: its sai€~ capttoat, declare aft sttnas ser~ure~i t~4~ thf~ MEartgssge tcD ir~zm~ediatety due
<br />xsntt pays#af€r.
<br />t I. Ftatt:are ltdvances. Iiposz rc~gttest r,f '6~tcar°f:~a~-tar. N4tartg#tgee ttaa,y an~tte additic~nat. and future advances tp
<br />~vtcrrtgag€:~r. RiFt4 f~ ac€vas~c€ss. ~aritts interest. t)ze~r~~t~it, stsafl t~ secnred lay ttais SVS>rt s~`tten ~vidersced b~ ~ramissary ne~ta~
<br />s:tatirtg chat: 3aici 7~rrt€ss are ~€~cttrcd f~erel~~,. At ha tir2ae shalt ttxe princigat asncattnt ~f thc~ snt}~*btectrtc>as secured tsy this
<br />f~rirt€;a#;R., Aso#: inmt~sding surrss advan~c~e+i tea ptvatecrt t;he ecurtty raf this Mc~ ,exceed the c~rignat. fi~ieate. ..
<br />~:~. ~9~i~celt~anenus Yrovisicans.
<br />~~~;f ,'s,n~,~ forebearan~e ir; ea€ercisiia~ stay r>ght car reanedy ~isa41 rs€a~ be a ~aivex t.here+a.
<br />ftsi ~~,.fl rEltnedie:~ prc~vid~~d ~iereo:n are clisiinc°t axed rssrnulative~ ter any,otherxigttt a~'forded by tam oxegttity,
<br />arad sa~a~~ bt c~eicis4=d ~:r~nr~~~~rrerttf~, issdetZericfes.tl~= ear ~,ur°cessirety~
<br />#c~) 'f`h€r ~°€~~~eraarsts arsd ~a~;seerrsent~b c~€as~taistetl l~k~r~-i, ~f~~sfi bind, and ttte rights: inure. ta, the respective
<br />~;rsce€~~ti;€~r~ and. asiigrs r}f t#;€~'~-3€art;ga~csr arsdt,-~t~ ~~ortgag`ee.
<br />pct f ~~~,ff eov€~riarats and agreements cif the ~3Eartgag~,r arc ~€~int and ~verat.
<br />t~~ f ~~-~f~ hc~a€tas~gs ~sf' t.f~e para}~riagfas ~~f Lhi ~al,jrt:gag€~ asre star rrEcrnv#.=r~ien.~a artty end shall not be used t~airpter-
<br />pret. r:s' rf~~fine t:fSF~ pr€a~~s~ir~n~ ner~r;,f. '
<br />~;;. l~elear,~~. t.'pci,rs pzaymer~c ~:' a:l 4csmr~, secaxr€~cl t~v dais lU[cartgage, ~+ttartgsgee shall dlischarge this Mc+rtgage ar#d
<br />:;half r-~:et~txt-r: and d~eliv€:r a. batrsi'ar.toa~~ r€>lease t.3~err?frar~
<br />f"l+w tRi)`t'~vf~4 s ~'ti~ l~t~~r; ~~r.~rt~a~;crr hay, s°xer, cst~+~ this 144rartga.g~ c,n thc~_~~~~ay cif t~ml;~ _- , 19.~. ,
<br />:t
<br />IiE~t1A4 MO;J4Rt - ~tass~ t~
<br />_...
<br />l,Aal~tk" ilAot~}Ir~ '~ 1 c~jtca ~.~,~ ~~.. ~~. ~t e art Hc~~sowe>`a
<br />~. ~ ~ ~ ~~
<br />~; ~r a
<br />_. .
<br />,~
<br />_ ._ 7
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<br />~"v''s3d1~.~' ~a. '~~E:'i"~: Barresvver
<br />c:3i's rho:~:..._..1.~~t..._-.,__..__,lasy ~f.:_i.~.C'?~'r'~.v~__.,~..,.._..___. ~~ _~'.'~~ .. f`c>rc~ rxae, th+~ un@ersignedx a t~Icstary t'ublc
<br />a~uly ccarxttnl~,i€~rred trrxd qualified far sold >.~c~rtss7ty, peneox~arlly €:arne.<`~L~j ~~`~...~_ ti1t~~r t~E't1 ttrZd ':V~.[iL:V ~~~. ~~l~~x't,e?T~,
<br />_ _.._____w_.~._.._._._.___._~,_..~.__,<..~..~.,.__.___~___
<br />~ ,..~ ' ~ 3nc~ ~~z,~~~__~,~ ~~c~i#~~ ~F~ne~.n~~-; an~a ~~~~t ~5 ~-~,~r~an~t~ ~n z~~~~n.
<br />.~~~...,___~__.. ~_.~_~, bl.._.__.____ ___ .W...~ __,__~_~._~__.___,.____.. _.____~._ ....._..____ _._._ _.._.___r__.._._ , to one kn€~bun to kae the
<br />it~ert~tictaf~ ~sr~,canisj uFitc~ na~eis~ ar€~ su~cribed t€a the O's~regcain~ instrurtaent sand ackrsawferlged the exeeuti€.an thc~reaf
<br />!.a @ae ~.~'?....r~.._hr-sX'... _ ....__ _.__,. vc~Eurxtary act and deed.
<br />t ~~ f~,t7t3. ~ S 1.`LCiCi
<br />'V4'lttne~ my 6rartrt arsd ttc~tariaf seal at . _.__.~.._._,,.__.w....~ ..___.___ _ ---_.._,....„v~.,,~ .___----___.,,~.;.µ,.,,.,~,.: fn said county, the
<br />~~ate af€ar~~naai.cl .
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