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'~+~ ~ ~ ~z <br />~~~~~ <br />`3`tdis AJtr~r~tgage is entered into tyetween i~xCkri>Ta.~ Ii. Pi'~'r't~~1t `1d ~~~L. Merteri, hU,S~.?~l2ld <br />;~.nd v~ri.f~~ a~ ,;~vil~t tenants aid nc~t as tenants a n c~~ . (tre~ein "tudortgagor") anti <br />~}~,.t~T~`R1',~T~f~l.~~,T{7~~I, ~~'~i~~ t7~' C7R4'~ ~tST~~TI] (h~reirr"R+Iortgagee"}. <br />tvic~rtga.gor is iaadgkrted to Mortgagee in the principal surer of $ '~ C)0~. , ~evit~enced by Mo~gagar's note <br />datQCi ._ 1~-~:I. rrf3~_ _ _.,- {herein "Nate"} providing far tlay'ms'CSts c-f p~ctrtcipai and interest, with the balance of the <br />indebtedness, if n+~t saaner iraid, due and payable an 12--2{?--$7 <br />To:~crire the p~ayrrsent of the Note, with interest as prcavided ttreren, the payrinent of aiI other surrss, with interest, <br />advaiaeed by ,Vt~aswtgaagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the peri'arrrsance of the covenants and agreements of <br />the 1Vtisrtgagzar' ccrratairred iaerein, Mortgagee roes iaereby s,lrortgage and Canvey to Mortgagee ttae £€rltrawiaag described <br />property .touted ira _~_,.~3e~....___-__-.__.__~__ ~taunty, t~tebrastfa: <br />L~~~~ ~:a.~;~at (~) ~_y~ ~'~~~~tle1~ ~~'z_~~v ~u~~d~v~_,7a.on, ~~ ~,.~e (:'a#;~~_ <br />ca~f €~~~:•_~nd I~;lt.~-rd . E.t~~.1.1 ~.;.ca~ant~ , ~V~,~f7a~~iska. <br />'i'~sgiyt.her sa,~itta all tauitdira~Sg i!raprovttni~rsl.s, fi~z9;trrs.°s, :;tr~~ts, atitcz~ys9 ~ras:~ul;tw~ys, ~~as~~neaat~, rigi~t5, pr{viteges and <br />appr~rtenarace:~ l~a~^trted i:hereon sar ira ar~ywi,~i~> gastirta.inirag thereia3, anti i:~9~ra:> react.:;, issues arpd profits, reversii~n~s grad remainders <br />t~hereut°_i~rscts~diryg, l~asri ntyt: lirraite+~ t€a~ iatr~ating Frrsd s•.aacating t~quipmerat ~aard sc,ar^ta pe~~asaat pri,perty that is at,~s:Iaed to the <br />Arnpr4avertaetrts s~;r ~~s tra titartt~ a ~ti~ture; d~tl a:af t itic~h, ;sar;tuditag rirplac:ernelats arad adr{itions thereto, is here&ay dectar€~d <br />try tae a part raf lice retrl estate scycured lay tare ii,ela of liri~ Msirtgag~~ aid at! s~f t,lai~ faar~ gtaisri; kAeia;g ri~t'errert tr- la€ri~iaa ~ ttrr: <br />.a'riatxarty" <br />Mtartgagar 4~xrthPr c~anr~e~riants arid, atgraaes, x~ith Maa~a;agc€~, as i'Lat~tows: <br />~. Y~yMaatxnt. ~"~a pay the ixreietateclr~ess and the irateru~st therisorr as tara~ided jrg lists ~'lcarf~'rrtearzd the Note. <br />`~, 'f'iller. Martgagar i.~; the asvrrer ref ttae i'rcrperty, late; the right arrd autttc~rit:y to rrrortgsgs,~ lti~ E'rc~perty, grad <br />warrara~ i:'#aat t;~~~e tietr created hi~reby is :r lit. anal pi~iar tiers orr thin t'roper&y, rsaicept as may crthertlri;;E~ ~a ;;~#, fsxrttr trerain. <br />is 't`he ~'rulaerty i~ sarti-~s~ca t;v a ~~leartgage w~herc~irr _.._..___.._~..____ ...____ .._....__ .-, ._._._.____.-__-._~__~_.___._~-.____--._-________._. <br />is tare Martgagi~~~, !~et~orcbed let l~arak ._..._...._.. _.____.. , gage _______.__~ ___ cat' t.h~= M,artgagca i'4est~rrts r~f .__--_--____...__..~__..w_._._~~otstaty> <br />Nebra. ~.a, ~+vhict~~ ~ltrartgtsge i~s a lien prior t:he tieri created trerehy. <br />°~ i ~ihw=r rarirlr 12eow ai` erselinrhraiaccs: __~.~ _-_ . _.__..__.__ <br />`~, `~""aK.i~~ ~1rs~ssments. 'I`ra pay when dtae alt taxe4, specie assnrents ;and at[ rather charges against t#ae P'ro~rty <br />and, upurr written dernarrd by 1~iartga;gce, tc~ add tea the paymetats required under the Nate secured hereby, such amount as <br />rar~y ~ sufficient zo enatale ttzt~ Mortgagee to pay such taxes, assessments Lar Lather i=traxges as they b~cotate Luse. <br />4< Insitararsce. 't"a t€eep ttae irrapravemexsta raow ar iaereatter tacated ors the real estate desr:r"abed hereim insured <br />agait damage k~~~ ifre ssrxd such. cattaex tasicards t~s Mortgagee may requite, in amcaunts and with campanies acceptable to lice <br />1~4~ortgt~e~, surd, w~i lt)~ pa~%abte its the kUtortg;~ee, In 4~ase a~ toss sznrter such policies the Mc~r#:gagee is riuth~-rized to <br />adll, s~taea<t arsd r.+~mpron~i~e, in it~s di;~retian, a3lt chums ~hereur~der at its sake upLon, auttaari~Fd to either apply the <br />pr~x~eds tcs the s~stcsratian of the i'rvperty ar upon. the indebtedness secured hereby, but paynxerrts hereunder staa:l ctan- <br />tirlu~~ unto ille surra+ seuiuecl hereby are paid irr fsxtl. <br />:~. t~~°° ;taw ~~ Taxc~ assd iusc~stanee. Nt~Eraithstanding anyttrrng c:r~ntairied lYS paragxaptas ~ anti ~# hereof t~- the <br />L:cxttt~np, M+artg~gc+x ~#aait l?ay ter the ~tortgage~e at tirc* tirrar~ of paring ttre saaonttst~v instatlrnet9trs of prinaipa;t acrd laatert, <br />crrae-twetl'th rat 'rt}e ve~rly t~txx«~, a~es~rnesats, h~s:rard casasrarri~e prcmlums, and grauracl rents {if any; vtririrh rraay attsirr a <br />g~dr€t~- ~.rv.~r chi: Ma~ar~aa~, a1(i ~ re~tsonaiaiy estimated irara~ tirryt: trs tirrre kay ttre'~artgt~ee.'t'he amt~urats so pa€d shaft 1"~ <br />Ei~isi ~+y the ~fart~s-gwe svitlsaut. intez~.t. s~a~d apptlect to thr} pa}:rnerrt: ~~t' the ts:~rn.~ in r~~sp~c.t i:o !~i~ta su~~a arcaourr~ ~u~z~e <br />+s~€x;5i,'~r.<~. -i'i~e satrru tya~d th ;~ta~~ h+L~rc~llt'st~r are ptedgeci a.~ aclttitai~tuti securFt;~g fvr the a;~debtedni*ss sr!~:Lrred try this <br />pia'?rtgtk+~ M>>atl~alif'} skr=rl~ gassy to Mc~x€~~ the anavunt. trf ~trty,de~cies~rc~: b~t~een ktse a~:l,~arei tuxes, ~srtsent~, insssrarsi <br />,.... prr~rni~tzrss ar;ta~ ):l'C3jlILGR ~;ty~t~ ~~rd arts L3~3tt.~ tter~s~t-de,r s~ffitfsitt ~. days att+~~ dt~rr~and ire tnaiie ~sptats Srlt~ttl.g~(~P~r' t~t~tsestg€s}~ <br />{~ i~,~~at~-. ~larssala~~~t~-t~t.e anti l,l: '~`~~ p~r~rnpt~y repair', ~tc~t'e satet~ua{d any .stsRlil?sag} car irsal~rx)~r''s$2~zss~ t~cs~ },r. <br />ts,~'n~~l~s.~~2 ;:*td i~`s~.: '~'*t>~r'i,a r , ';si Nf i•~t 4;t~ 1}LCtpt ;'i!' i!a j~c.xt?~~ .,[:,~?tP'Ct~ ~3~C1 rS'."~Aa~~, ~Dt11~;ltlt ~''~L'~ ;3t~ ~sf'e i~`C~#~;t CT3Na;tr~33l4.'MS i°t' <br />~ y';~4~~F, ! L•i?zr ~ ! •':ilari ~'_?!,` ';tt!Pt)fx~itillf,~;i t53 (~a! iFG'(: ;ii'T[^(t~; 'q~tfi '+; '~'~#k3~~',, +z~ft<`~~' tilt 'f:k£:#~~"ii~ ~4 °~~3i~c$!T"aE`'C" ~.~.? E3R~~r~:, iYix~' ~`.a:) £~#iTtRt~- <br />i'~£:?'1 - 2i"t'i+9i3- t~`5 3 '~,_{.~ .~~ i1- t` }~1'ry ~:: '+ \t ~; ~ ~ <br />~ ii r; ~. `''.f~ a~' s,A .. t ,..~3:.1 ~'~ ~€^~: i~, tit ,~.3r~~~~u' ~Xa`a~~: ~t~ ~;+~:k~?S~'S~'4#~tI3,.^ a' k~ <br />a ~:f 1~~ ~~;, <br />