<br />r ...
<br />~". Ctena~earzttda~ttceai. ~-he prraceeds ref any award fir clairr- fctr° damages, direct. or ctarasetTtaental, ita eortnectittn with any
<br />crrrxderrtnatian or ether tal:irYg of the T'rdperty, or part thert~of, or for ccanveyanca; it? lieu of rondemnatiean, are hereby assigttec3
<br />and shah fae paid to L.errde°r`.
<br />Tn th+e evertt of a total t:akirtg ca# tlve T"roperty» the prcaeeeds. shta6l tae ~xpplicd ta'a the same secured lay this T:3eed caf 'T"rast,
<br />~~itlx the: excess, if an}~, paid to 13~~rro~~er. in the event crf a partial taking of the '~respa:rty, anless f?;carrca+~rer and... I..ender
<br />' ~tteer-rt~i5~e agree in wrie.ing, there shall ~ applied tc3 T,he same secured ley this Ta~:a:d ctf Trust such Tartaptartiorx ~'+f ttte prr-eeecis
<br />as is equai~ to that lsralxtrtion which the arrtount taf th+e sums sectared lay this T~ee:d taf' Trust imma;diately praor tea the date cxf
<br />takitxg heDa;rs to the t"sair raaarlret ~~rxlcre cat' the l'r-caperty immediately prior tea the elate c+f taking, with the balance, c,f the rr~ce~ds
<br />~Ji!''.d tt7 k3rarrctrxPer,
<br />1<f they Property is abanaTcaneci e~y 13~rrower, or if, after ntatice by T.,ender tea i3ctrrower that the conda~tranor afl~ers to make
<br />act awvartl or settle a claim I:or damages. Borrower fails tea respotrd tct T..:encler within 3t7 clays after the date scrcla notice is
<br />rt~r:iled> T_~~nder is atrtttarized to collect and apply tlxe prt~ceeds, gat T.ender's option, either to restoration c-r relaair of the
<br />Pr~~perty ~~r to tht; suar~rs secured lay tl'ais T~eer~ cti `T'rt,st.
<br />€~niess lender and Iittr-rt~`LVer crth,ervise agrt:e in writing, aray+ each: application of laroLaMeds to prinei.pal shall not extend
<br />c3~~ postpc+rte the dtlc: date of the mozathly inst~llratt'nts referred to in paragraTahs l and 2 hereof or changtM the arrracaxant trf
<br />sc:er.h irrstallrnents.
<br />flQ. lT;arrtrwr~r N+~t lllkelleat~ed. Extension cif the time fc:>r paytxtcrtt or rnadicat~n ctf aratcarti~aticsat rtf the sttnxs ~ee.ctteci
<br />la~y~ this T3eed caf '~'rus,t gr~antid l,y Lender `to arty sttc~cessor in interest caf Borrower shall not c~ f3awrate to release, rx any rtaanner,
<br />the lialaiiity of the rarfginal Borrravver arrd Borrower's strctressors in interest, T..endt"r shall riot he rewired to ccari•tmetacc^
<br />p~rr~ceedings agairi,t each ~;trtrcessor or rcfase to extend tinge 1'tar payment. or tatherwise rtaodify atxiatarti~atitan of the saraa5
<br />sc-r,carcd by' this Y3eerl cat 'T"rtnst by reason crf any demand made lay the ot•iganal i3orrower anci hEctt°rowcr's successors irx iraterc;st.
<br />1T. >F'tari-esrrancc bV I,ersdaerT~~ a'b'V'niver. ~1ny forbearance lay T.etacler rn exerc:ising;any right tar ;ren~twdy ht*rt;tinder, car
<br />ca~~herw'sse affarciea~ ~~y applicahlr~. lava', shall neat tae a waiver caf or rawclade the exercrse of tarry such right car reta~tedy.
<br />"i"i~le larras;urcntertt g~at~ irxsurartce car the p~yma;nt of taxes or otha;r liens or charges by T.~tander shall not lac a wa:tver taf T.,ender's
<br />ril;~ht to a~;ct;lerate the rraaturrity~ of the indebtedna„ss secured lay this Teed caf 'T'rust,
<br />R B. Reanea3ies f.'ietmet~N>ASttive» ,x+,.11 rerrredies provided ita this Teed caf 'T'rust are distinct and curnttlative to any other right.
<br />cxr t•ernedy tarrder this I3a~et~ of 'T'rust tar aafforded lwry law or esluity, atxd rtaay fie. exercised c:ancrarrently, independently or
<br />st~t~t;esspve;l}r.
<br />8 ~. Saac cesscaa~s x~nd a<~ssigns lE~rund« ~`casixat and vcral i:,iabiiity, ~s~pticans. The i;cavenants arxd tagreernents herein
<br />c~b~ntairteci ;~taali ;airtcl, atxd the rights hawreunder shall inure tta, tha: respectivt~ successors anal assigns: caf .T.ender arrd T•3orrower,
<br />4ralsject tc~ the l3ra~isiaans c-l' paragraph l'~ hereo$:. A11 covenants :rt"td .xgreernents caf TTorreswer shall he joint ancT severxal.
<br />"Tlte calatitarts and h~aciirags of ttae paragraphs of this T:)eed of Trost are for convenience txtxCy and are not. to e greed tea
<br />interpret tar detart€` thc~ prcaa~isic3ns lxere~of:
<br />14» ~+Iretia:e f::xa c;pt lcar and notice required t;tnder applicaEalc law tea lac giveta in :another rnanntwr, ~'al Hatay t?once tc?
<br />li~iarrcarrver ltrcavided ~t3r to ttsis T.~eetl taf ~"rus~t ~h~ll he given by rrr:ailing such notice lay e.erti~ted rna;il addressed to TBrrrrca~ver <xt.
<br />the F'rc~3pr~rty ~ridre~ss or ~t such other.: address fa.s T~rrctwer naay designate by nonce to t.,ender as provida;si hereita, anal
<br />t lr? arty saotic€: tea I,,c,ttder shall lxe given lay certifiird: mail, return receipt reuestecl, to 1=.:erader`s a,ddres~; stated herein or to
<br />~iC:~ It ~atltt:r addres.s as T:errder trtay designate lay notice to borrower a prcavided her~eitt. any notice larcavided laar in this
<br />l"deed. of 'I'ras5t sh~ii l:>e deed tai have been ,gives tct l~c~rrower car l.wender wften gaverz in the rrlantxer deigrtted herein.,.
<br />t5> T~raiforrre Jl:~taed c-1C'"~'ztest,<~~ov~:rn~#~ &:.tt~°; evef~iiftg~, "T'hps t"crrrrt of tteecl +~l' trust c:c~tiaitaes tarrii'cal~tt•r c°cavenatats fcac'
<br />~~~~tica.n~si :rse and rrc~-•t~niftarrn covenants with. limited variations l.ay jurisdiction to constitute a trraifortn sectarity instrtrn~?t;rat
<br />~s3'<"erirtg real prcalac;;~tq-. 'l"rile Teed o'` 'T"rast shall he govertled layr the law ctf floe jurisciicticsn in which the T'rcapetty is lcacated.
<br />lrr floc e~Pent thdit. ~r31V prca~~isiorx or ul~tttse of t'kais f7eed of "T"t°trst err the l~c~>te cM+~ratlicts with <applicialale laaw, sr~acta conflict shall
<br />carat atT'ecat other prc~r~isicans ca(' this f~e~.d of ~°rtast or the ~+icate which t~ian e giveta eii'ect wtt.lataart the c~onflictittg 'provisic>ra,
<br />ii,nd tea this end tlt,e. ,prcavisicarss of thc° feed oaf `T`ruest grad the 1"~lota; are declared to lac severalale,
<br />R.C. ~,~rrxrrr?er'"s ~tr~y~, Bor: cawc~r ~;hiall ha: t°ur•nshed a conformed copy tri' floc,. tafiore and cal' t.lais T~eecl cyf "T"ra:rst <at floe tirrte
<br />;i~ t;xc;cution a:tr raitc:r~ a•e.ct`ar~t~atitar3 iat;rts~i.
<br />R'~. 'R'ransfer ,~f tte+>' 1"rcrisert~", ~.sstirunp3tioer. if all car gay ptart caf floe T~ropt~rty car axn it~ate.~rest tltera:ira is sold car traa~tsferr°eci
<br />~a,r~ l3car rrtv~er witi°rc~,~t t_eitcic~r'~ Tsrior w:ritteta <~ansenl;, t.°xc.:luding { a ~ the crcaattcan cs[ to [ien cax° encttn'tE~t•artcx~ ~;uba~rdir~:ate tea
<br />tl,i~ i:~t;ed rat' nl'rirst, i 43;~ the cresttt~n tai' a ptsrc:irRisr: rnc>taey sore°ur~ty interest fear housebcaltl altpiianc,e;~, ic) a. transfer lay tlt"~rise,
<br />ci~.scc:ril rrr ray capcr.xti€ast raf law apron the deg+h oaf a jt~atat tt«ta~tat car td~ th+~ rratat cal arxy l~txsnholcl interest
<br />n r ~ ~ .~ . ~ ~ . ~ ... ttf tht°ee year`s or less
<br />x?~7t cca4xts3iitrr?~ <x3? c}ptis?rt tea arc:hasc, T.etader' naay, «at: l.etadet s taatt<att, alcac~]~trtM Kall the ;satxa:~ *,r.t"arrtrci by this f~c~ed o$' "1"t°ttst t<a kre
<br />,ra?rttcciiixtG:ly~' drxr^ dar',d psi}itiae, i,c,ctcik.r shall havtM 'lived ~xrf4h trtaticata tea atwt;,~~da;rate-itu larixar to the sale or transt"er, T.~c:tacit,>t"
<br />:said tht; Eaca•s<?r? €ca v~iacjtrt .ire T'"rcapc:rtr` is tea tre,<t"+lrl gar 4rart5f~.ts~~i r~a~tctt ~agreenxtsat ita vvcotatrg tl~fat the crt:dt of stat;h perstarr
<br />is ~;iatislactcar`}~ tea 6_.s~r?clef ~trtd tltix; Elie interest ,pa'tys}.-31~, can.. the stooge srw`ca.+re.i. 'lay this T.3ec°cl of "T'rast shall lac vat sxst:;h ratty xas
<br />J,cricitrr' ipsiil r~a~r~icre.~,t. ii E_r„.rader• i7it~ w:ki~eti fife t::tbtitaci ;;, trccc°fer,t!~~ 1"3r°'avi~ii,ri ir; t9tis Ta«ar;~graiah 1„ strat9 if T3c~3rr~>+~,~. `5 st,act*t°ssor
<br />iri int.f,re~it i3.as t~x~r:.tAti`.~:i :3 +Yy`ritte.ar wEsscinai~atiar3 ,:~;re~°rxterit ac;ceptr:d in w;::trrxt; try T.+t~ntler°, T.:ender shall releastN :c~rrta~'er trota~e
<br />ixll ;alaligi3#trans cacadc~r ttaa~ l°te;c~i ui ~['rta~;t a~icf tltc _Ns~rtc„
<br />It l.ericlr'r 4x.c..r:~:i~~`9 1~ixch caption t~~ ~i::c,•~ief,.i+~, 3.~~r?cie:r ell€:~'l mail' T~~ta,r~rar<~c:r ncsri4e ~?t a,::c.eler,,3ti~arx in ~c~=~.rcrtarrt:e writl~a
<br />j)~ta'kiFfral'rl? 4f~ ilfurE,°t3t. SSl?4~? S;C3t:t;t; `~i~lil~~ lar'4JA'3d° uZ j;7~.f'rti)i.~ t1,i ,~f,t° ~~5`: thad~ ~~) i~2"y `s' t~i?9p1 l'~t~', r.~~t'~' i~t~: (1C?~oti:c' ,rs 1i1~3tE~,U wtthErt
<br />,4"his.}°r l3ar-r'cawer rti~ty pays ?iec::•;txrsrs tiie4itrawc$ altae. li` a~c~rr~swa,~~r F;r;t+~ fca lt.xy .,•~3a::it :,rrsi'rs t~ric~t' ir) floe e:~;iyit;stisi., taf saxcl? lxerir~aci,
<br />i.,c:cYdex rr?a.~,ry :vitl:c3ttt icarthrrr Ti~ltice err ;~errtat'td cDSr tt.7r rrr~~'c~r', ir~ti Broke gray r•car°nr:raie4. ~3~re;7itt:cd lay laar°'«xgrapla l hexer,>f,
<br />~~sf~~..t_~~ig~~a~~i s'+3',~a~;~~nn~~a~s. ~ta~3rrcewr',r anc! i.c=rt~er• iLirthf°i~ ~-ov'et~rar•,t arrd `zgrcc ,s;, ~~~lfow
<br />~ti ,'~~-..-°h~wA~GK~a+rs~ ~~ca.-irsaraaa~c.. ~r'.Wr•t~~t wit ~ar~Sw"frll~t~ E41} ~Aa!'~9.~Y';al~~l ~~ ~9~8'4'f-~, 89~C)4~i1 ~1[9fY~['d1'hF4'~"~M"~4~i['~~eaC ~{:p~ a4~'Ak'~/ a.`1~~Mr"~(,"N1~t ~IMI~,"
<br />r~~rec~ra-av,at tri ~Barrtavrt r ixa fhi"~ i)e+~d Ott R`rax3t~ incla>ftTin~ tl-e cdawe~rlgxrxt:~ tr, pay w#uerb a#tae; ~n~' ^~axrtrs :~ea`ae:re:d isy flail !eed'
<br />~rtf Trust, taen;tter ~r'itlr tea xaccefir~ratit3rr sfaaxil rxaarii atex><isc~ t€e lit-rr`trrw°cr axe tert-r~idetf ira ~aragr.xpla .l~ l~rtrr;.,r:ri' silet~A~yinge tt.)' i'h~!~
<br />ha'esxch4 '~',i t'he a~9a~taaax retitririd a~~ stave :~rxslr gear-fx; X31 .~k elate, ntxt 9e~s tltaax ~tl iRa,y's tt'Krux the dratc: ta°~e aaexticc= k:; .xaaifecf rte
<br />~crrrcx~wt;r~ hy. w~fwisix suefr i-reac~ft rxxas't fits r•car'ea9, a'axti (~) that f~aifra~rc,~ rte c+rase such l!t'+~ttc'fx t,aia oar heftra•e itatr a~fate .°rlaet.i~etT
<br />;ixr the alaaticc~ array re:~ait i'~ acesrieratirbr! of the stra7~ts sctralrx.d fey bras T)e°ert cat' 'i caret a~arx>~ s~tft?~ oaf the i'rtaixerty. ~i'he rxc~tice
<br />siasti #"ur~het' is~tarrlrx Borravs~er ~gf thEa a•il;ftt ttr a°eixrstxttt" after ~ace•clt^r~>atites:r txrrd the a'igfrt t4a ffar~in'R ar ~~t3art aariitfrx tea ;xsa;a~rt
<br />the rtuac~existexrte cot a cic~i~$ult or ~rrxy gpther derfetx~: twt` Borr~wc~r t:€a ;~sdefeY°aticara saR~ld a,aie> ff thfs txreasfa i~9 'ssrt r:cereef,
<br />coca ur i~~ft}rt~ the s~~atc~ ~p~:c.itied ira tine sacstic~+, T.tsrader :xt I:,,Hreder"s eatrtKrurx axx.tt• afccl:~re soli rat rift: sxlrtr5 >tec~errc~c3 by this t)e~c~
<br />~~f "i:rust ttt he iuaEnxectia~teiy drie aaxtt p~;~ysiift~ va"ithesaxt t~trrth4~rr~ tit*xraxrsr~d aaxcl la~ay invcak~ the grewec crt' sale <xa~ti and' cefif3~e• r~at~asrti+i^s
<br />fxerrraitteti ~y~ stirplisahle fare. i,~erxtier shatT ~ erxtitied to taaifect ~rlt r~cnastaeaatlic t=cuts rxract tLxfxs~exses iaxt°tarred isx ~ursteirt~ tlax~~
<br />e•erraeBT~ pcnv'fefeti irr this paragr:~l'ifx 1 g, rncfrxti%rag, h-tit ~ax~t lerrritet3 tfa, re.a~+-xai~rie ;~.tf;trrraak}~"s #`ees>
<br />i# the puwve~r crf wafe is ir'rvtek+~d, 'i'ru~~tt,e~ ~~h.xif r+zc;etrti a rcxrtiet~ ~f alr~fat-f# in Q~at:h ~tcauttty ire ra+hiclt tl~lta i'rre}xcrty' ear ~caara~
<br />dart th~rreot °ss ).trycate~a3 and s~teiail rxxa;ii c:xxpies ~~f sxrcit~ rtextic~tr lax tht^ rrxsaaaxxer t>re~sc~riteed fxy' xipirtie:t"hfe hew rte i3terr'ca~r'ar° alxci fey afte
<br />t+ther pertiQartai prt`~c~ri~6red it4y rrpplit`~al<iie l«rw•, +~fter t8tc. C:aift;: e-1` saxx-la tirtx+r <t>s axaa,y lass r'tzyairtytl tsy ai'lpiic:iiiyie lam, "i'rcrstcty ~ga.all
<br />~„i'We puiaiic rit>titei taf smote: trx tf-r~ frer«,~~Kaw rsrxdl ira t~Erc~ r~a~rrxsx4r ttr~scrltteri tay~ ap~fasaiefc tdrrr'< ''i'rrlsce+~y rr`ith~ut dexta:asrd cart
<br />Barrtr~'tkmV ~ia~fi;~~eft tht,. ~rcaf-crty at ptahic ~taxe~tican tta tfx1F ltigitc ~t teitltter' at thr~ tir'xxe aratl pta~e Ktz't€f txrrtTer #h+~ tc:rraas dt*si~raatcYl
<br />irr the xrte#ar°e~ eef gale ici txair~ oar axxtxrtw parr•~is axratR in waste aar~cft:r~ gas 'i`rxa~;tei~ rra~ry sleter~raaineY '~I"rrtsta~t: nxa~ t~tzstpaaaax; ~s:3f~.~ api' ex€t
<br />ter ~xa~, ii*:are~c~l tf tixe I'rteperr#y' by ttxxnl;icr araxletaxaxt,«^aaaerxt ~xt: tires tircae t4ntl tsiaes:u oat :gay lzt`er`icer,asl}° ~~hexiaxietl ~,aie. t_a~ard~r +,rr°
<br />laeuders~ th,~sigrat~+~ ra~ay ~trr'r~ehs>RS+~ tise~ R'rttpr~rty at .xra}/ ,~::tla~.
<br />'~;ptarx r'r~ct~ipt ref tusr~~tttt~rxt t~af'~ thrr~ ~rtc~e bier, ~ rta^etee ~~~fasx'ii deliFer• t~, t?~e t+tarc:~ttab;c~a` 't'rna;iL~e'~ dr~ctf <:aanv~eyiar~; thc~ 1t°rttita~~t-t3
<br />stll;tS. "Cl°are' x°+tc-itt+t~i ira the `t`tatsicrc'~ rice ~hafl ~. frrinttx ysttik ~:wielerxck~ f,f' the tx°utle er[ tlxe 4t:~tx~rtxertt4 >grx:xcfr~ tlgea•t~irx. I'sxsytr
<br />~h;~ii apt-tF' tlatr' trr`<rst*eds Qet' tiat° sz~r3a? ira fl,tr f«fft>~rwrra;, asr•tict: ia3 fFp :+rYl raya~xaea~t-le g°<a>K3s aajct ~xlaarlxr~~; ext' fhc~ ,rife, aexalesclyrx~» txrit
<br />xreErk #irtxitetl te~» T'rax±~tFbtk'~ Fr is a:af ca~kt rrxesre^ tfaapx i f` d} ;a ':: w `'- ¢af floe. ~ rtati~s sak~^ ta!`ic~. z-t~a~c'+at;aftic atteaa~rx+'y":~ t`~es xlie9 m: o>;stti egt'
<br />ti8ir~ traa[+`itra;~? tRxl t~rx ,aril sra~ea~ sc~t:arrc~tl tav this ,'i.)ecel oat"i~rri~t ~xrat# #c~i ttee~ ~A~t`x"s:~e il' axit~. ta! 3ta+~ ~cistret gar p,~~tirsrr~ tc-~?sat3a~ ~srtf#t~ei
<br />tfl~a^r~+,
<br />~fla°lB~+arFi''F,"~+i ~#~fet ttk Ftt"ttl~;tr~t~. ~e~)':tiirii7~+r(1f,a11S7~?: l.t"f..~~c;;~ ;, ;~:;k'€.~s,,,3f;~~p~ °. i% i~b,.: k@.;.dSD .;:".a.ei s.'3 ~':vu ~?!`< i~~`r:s.i tai :'~+.ii:;.
<br />• r, ~ i4 3 t~ " r~ ~9r o;~ 1F ,r
<br />~'~~,~$< a~r~i:~~ 4a.?t'9 ~i?t<: 3"?~J?R tEk ~~~iraCJ ."p' ~Yl.r+~'§.'i: 4, ~,'v, ?`~ ~ r< ~ ~`; s r'2.. ? rrv -~~ i k~ _ ~,.. 9~i ~x7r:'Ci ..
<br />.;d3~ ",,',~ '!.'tiE' ~4,` €li'k;: L.13iS4n? ~Q' i'G:i tra ~'~~ let Vi`+E; `}o t+0 1:~.~r ~~esSari+ 7iti,'. Tt>*- ~-° X41±" ~~`"~~ j s'~~ 3~`tN,''_'~t~e +tSi rr_~ ,. i?tir~r3S_9 ~': ,YF~` i.'+ t~~~Yi4S+`tj
<br />a5r k~i' .:.r .,- ~€9.s~i t i::~~ ° +'r.Y~r d.4f ~s r:<S~~y'iePr,G~~S~...?iki2€~~~.5 .t: $~'~3~.~ a~:°4~.k.: E`+i~ ~ s.I'i R~`: :+, ~51ygt ?:~~3'~r~ ~?>ir,~`~..~ K .,.3~`.1.. ark [i,t~ '+~4-~"sri ~~ s-E:`.=f+:
<br />~~y." fd',r<, s.' €??~i~w' _~\a ° dl~:'t~yv (gig a~.l;~l, ir5: i•`~h(- ~ ii.t r}c;i~"r 'ri`i,,b'.Ei,¢r ~`r:"[+.<'. -'~r~ ,il~+." ° .,, >., ;a,+, i ... C.Y;,, ?i+.,>i irr, i4;i.`~,
<br />., ,
<br />g~~, rr ~'d=r S"x"r -sf ~~~ s ~ +r a4#r, +3~_~ t ~'x~"v`i_TaxKi ~ 7r :~,ti'N';'a.~~i', ,'*~ +'~'i`1_ .,a_ ~~~~.~ 7€^ t a ~ , I~,. ..
<br />;r ~~- .,4~F ;s 1 e~'Y' i")~r, .. .~,A'y~Yt;~ rSYG. 6S('._. r»S e t;' a.~<'7; -,_.2t:% z sW'~. .zt{a8~ 15`x.; ,# _. ~+.,:Y{'R+ :?i;;C~ it`e:' r} rit, ;~f
<br />,'
<br />d ,
<br />~. ... _.. ~ ~ , .. f, *i3; f-:'t 33C, i'i.i xes ~~Y ty e;n'2r,e v,. d.'.v,tl ._._..~'~, ~... "y`3. ~4. _,#a~ ~i '~, ~: C.: ~Fid:'ti ~~. ~~ :3-s , F~-i~; 3 `_S.1 ~~'Y~:%fi [,r ta~1 r v'
<br />.; ,~ ~";,, +r+,r ~ ~._.i;~ r > :~~'~~. >r.,~'a .s. + 's; ,. .i~+vr;`„ ".'+'R~r. <.„~' ,~, f'. , _ .r. ?` -;',
<br />"~ ~`~~ __.. ... .~.#, ,f... Ik2i-` s:'"v., ' ~ ~'?t. F :~~1 t'. ,r~,'f?'• of "'~~ t' '~4 ~. ~i.,_ r°~'=:. .~.
<br />