D_';var`cazt~s C`'czvtrx,ara ~'~. ~e,r`reswer ~afe:l l..et~ae:ler cravenant ciaad ;a~,ra~e ;as 1'c+trsvvs: ~a~~l~~~ .MV..~,. ~
<br />t. i('a~~ametat ol: lf~'a•incipael nand 9riterest: l~cNrroer sh~rii pron~iptly pay when citz~~ tl~e.' tai•ncifaa# c;+f ;~rrd' init~re:~t can t}~e
<br />irtdei,tedrae;ss {;videa`Ei:a~Ci key thcz NE~atc, prepayzna~rit and l«rsa~ e:tNaa'ges`as frrstvided it the fi*tote, end the pt`.inc'rpal of «and interest
<br />t>n ~b»~t~ ~ritrrre,: 1'~dv~nc~~s sec'N_~rc°c# h~~ 1i~is i~rec~fl r+FTrtas~,
<br />~. 1!~'>aaatats ~~;rr 'i'aa`~ces aaad ~rastrrmnee, ~uhji;ct t:o a~l~lical',la~ law ear to a written waiver try l.~ender, T~orrowcr shaiGll piay
<br />tc> l.endcr caa•l the day t?norathi}~ irNstaliaroents L~,f ~riraci~ai ;.cnd interest are pa.yahte render the Nt>te, rartil tlae l~lote' is paid iaa fa.ill,
<br />a staxta gherein "]F~rac3s"') ~:,~gaaal tc, ~zrae-tu~~clfita <if the yearly taxes and assessments which may attai priority raver ttais
<br />l~e;a:c# e~f Trust, ar:d g~rc~aznd rents cNn the k~rc,l~irty: if and, plus ease-twelfth crf yearly pt•enziurn installtraents for hazard itisaar«ana;:e,
<br />plcrs csneawelt't.t'i cif. ,yearly ~rPniia,ns ia~staiiaraer~ts f"~?r n~~)rtgag~e: inszar~nce, if «any,~all as reasaan~a:hly estaznate~dirtitidlty and from
<br />trrrze t<~ tetras by Laencl~er on the ~iasis of assessmc;?ats <~rr:d hi#Iti; anci reasrrnalale' estitxrates tl~ereetf.'
<br />"~tze. l:'zr~d s,hail Ear tzetrl irr era institution t#re tiepc,sits car acccaunts oaf which arc instated car guaranteed lay {: F'ed~ra# crr
<br />state agency tisacEnding t.,.ca~dca- if l_,ender is 4rje;h an insttttatota). i...ender shalt apply ttte Ftanc#s to ~~y said taxa~s «rsses;smcnts;
<br />iztstarance prerrairrrrrs ~rricl gr,7rand [-stets. l,encier an.a~' nsat charge ft;:r so hnlding and applying the 1~`tar~ds, atialy~ing's«aicl acccaa.arat
<br />or ~~€;rifving and cc~mlaiiling ;aid «assessnaents Arad t,ilis, awnless .ender pays'Bcrrroaaac*r interest +.an the Funds «anci ttpplic:able l~xw
<br />perrraits~ l.c;nder to raaake' such a chaar~;er. Bctrra~wcr and I..ender z~tay agree in writing at the tintw of a;.xeetataon caf this
<br />l~eect of Traast that int~erest c,n the F'tla~ds she#l he paid tca l~tarz-ower, and: unless st.aclt <agreearterat is made or applicable law
<br />iequires sttcl~ iratc~rest t~;a i~Ne paid, lwc:rrder shall tacit be required tta pay Borrower any interest car earriings can tl~ae Ftrnds. i.~end~r
<br />staai! give to ~ekrrc7wer, withc?aat c;l~~rge, ;an annual accaatrntiztg of the D~'a.ands :~howang' credits and c#ehits tc~ the l~°iinds «rz~c# the
<br />gurpcastA for which each debit tca the Furyrls was made: The ~'tands arc pledged as additional securrty fear the `slams ~a:cured
<br />to}' eha~ l~eeci k:,f 'Trust.
<br />if the aaraoarr~t of the Elands held by I.;erac#er, tcrgettter with the' futt:are rnc7nthl~ instailnraents of lends laay£thle pricer tca
<br />the clr:ae cfate~s cr€ taxe:53 cssesan~ents,: insz~raraes~ premltzt~s and ,~rcaun{3 rents, shall excet:d ttte ameatra~tt rea~ured tca p«ay said.-taxes;
<br />~t,sessnaents, instarance preaniums and gr+r~und rents .as the; l~«al# dies, sucFi excess shall lad. «at l3crrrrNwer's t~ptiean, citlzr
<br />proraaptly repaid to i3csn-ovver or credited t~ l3orro~ver can zrront'hly irrostaltrnents of Fzands, Al" the «arnount of the 1~'a~zna~#s
<br />l~reld try l.,enc#er ;hall aiQt be sufficient to pay taxes, asse~lsn~aents, iaasr.arance premitzn>;s «and grcaianct reads as they f«fil due,
<br />13earrcawer shah pay tc~ Lender any amount: necessary tea make up ttae deficiency within ~C9 d«ays frown tlYe date notice is azaailed
<br />>i~g~ mender tc~ lioa°rcawe~r rednesting paya'nent thereof.
<br />l3pcan fNay~rr-a>rat itz full of all sarms sect.zred by tt7is k~ced erf '1"ratst, 1_e:nder she#l prt~saraptly rcfaand t+•a Burrower tarry D~unds
<br />held lay l.encler. to alnctet" paragraphs ltd herecrt° ttae Prcaperty is srz#d ear the p'rcrpert.y is catherwise «a;~quiret~ lay Lander, l..entler
<br />5hai# apply. no later itzan immediately prrcar to the sate caf the D'roperty crr its «acquisitian tart Lender, any l~'tancis held lay
<br />D•wentier at the titres cif a'pplicatir~n a.S a credit against the Burns secaared by this l:~eed of Trust.
<br />~. Ap~rlication ~l!` Paymeants Llntess applicable i«aw prov#dcs otherwise, all paymzwnts received lay iaender Lander the
<br />Nate: arrc# para~;rGtptas 1. and 2` kaereraf shall he applied try l.:ender first: %n payment of «aaxtcatants payalate to bender lry Bcarrower
<br />under paragr«a~h ~ hereof, then to interest payable an the Ncate, theta tai thaw ;principal caf. the Note, «raad then to aaaterest and
<br />pt`tracipal art gray Futtat~e Advances.
<br />'4. Ch~aargt:s~ ltyifeaats. E3arrower shalt pay all taxes„ assessrraents aaac# c,ther charges, fanes «atad in7positions «attritrtatabla: ta?
<br />the ~'rogerty which znity attain a priority over this Deed of Trust, and Ieaseho#c'. payments or ground. rents, if any, iri floc
<br />txtaxtatter provideWd under paragraph 2 hereof rrr, if neat paid in such manner, lay Borrower rnakin~; payment, when due, directly
<br />tq the pa~ree°thrrea•rf; f3arra•~wer shall promptly furnish tca l..et~der all rrotit,es c~rf aanounts cites under this laaragr«aph, and in the
<br />event $orrawer~ shall rn;;<ke paynnent directly, f3orrcawer shall proanptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing szaeh payrrretlts.
<br />l3carrower ~ha1l laaromptly disahar~;e any lien which has priority ovt>r this reed of 'T°rust; provided, tlxat Borrower shalt neat he
<br />ra;gtiarect to disc;ta,atrge piny such lten so lcang as ~aarrower shall agree in writing t;ca the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />sdach lien in :a rt~at7raer av:Geptalale to Lender, or shall irz good !'with contest sa.ac;lt Hera hy, crr dei'encl cnforce+et7t cal` stac.h lien in,
<br />legal prcacecdings which operate °to prevent. the enforcement caf the. lien crr forfeta:are caf ttre prcaperty car any D•aart thereeaf.
<br />s. lfa~ttrif llnst~tctwtu+c'+e. l3orrcawer shall. keep the %txaprovements new existizag c?r hereafter erected site the l~rcaperty iaasured
<br />tigaiaZS~t lass by fire. drards iaaclaaded within the tecm :"extended ccaverage", anal such a~rther h«rrards as lender array a°c~gzaire
<br />«aaad )n tiuch ainoranis and fot° such perit~s as i..ea~cier array require.; provided, that L.encier :~httll tacat require that tlae raatacaunt csf"
<br />sctch c;overa,ge ,:~xc:eed that atncaaarat saf coverags: regtaired ter l`aay t,tze suarrs sc°awured by this Y`aeed of "h'rttst.
<br />The..instarsance carrrier providing, the inscar:ance :shall #Se chosen try llorrower saabicct to aplartava# ley Lender; laraavidec#.
<br />tlxat such aprr:aval sktttll not tae arnreasoraably withheld. Al! premuaXas can insurance policies staall lee (said its tl~e rraanttrer
<br />provided un er la~.raph 2 hereof or, if not paid ia~ such rz~a«rnrrawr, lay Borrower araaking payment, when. date, directly to tl~c
<br />tnsur~nce +eat"iritra
<br />All rasuraaaee policie;~ aaad renewals thereof' shall. Ewe in f~srm ae~eMeptalale tca Lcnaler and ~#~all izzr»lt.ade a standard rrrortg«agc
<br />c;latasaW in fever oil and in fot•tn aceeptabl to lender, t~etrder shall have the right to ho#cl the policies an<l rrta:newais thereat,
<br />:and 13c~rrreswer shtail pre~rraptly fraraaish to -l..a;ndcr a#l reaiewai notices araaat all a°ec:.cpts of paid frret'niaazra;«, lzr t#re event caf loss,
<br />Borrower shall'g~ve pr+nrrapt atotice t,ca the insearatace carrier and lender, Tweracler airaty make proof ~ri~ loss. if neat raaAade pron~ptl}'
<br />~y 13orraawea°.
<br />3.laaless l.,cn~lca and f3orrrawer ~atixerwise agree in writing, iatsur«trrc"e prcrc:ea>ds shat{ kae «tpplicd to a~estcsa•atiota crr repair caf
<br />the D'rcrperty cj«anraled, provided s~acia restcaratioaa r repair is e;contaniicalty feasible «rnaf the sec~tarity c>f` this lr~eec# arf Trtast is
<br />nett thereby srral:~aired. if such restt3ratiott or repair is not c€:.aancaarrically teasitale crr it ttte sectarity caf thais Deed eaC' "D"rt:a;yt waaaald
<br />l}c: irnpairs;c#, the ins~ar<tttcax proceeds shall be applied. tea the saataa~a seeaared ley this Geed caf "t"rust, with tlae excess, if arty, p<rid
<br />tea l~earrc3wer. if ~ he I'ral.,erty is abandoned by Borrcawer, asr if 13crrrcarve,r fai$s to reslaottd to D,~erader withita ~ days frcarra tl'ae
<br />date nestles is aa~taiiea.i by I.:errder tc~ Bvrreswer that the. irasua°arace carrier tatl'ers to settla~ a ilaaxa D'or insa.rranc;e l~reaaefits, l.endt.r
<br />is aartlrc~rizcd tea raatieur. anal «apply thiW irasurar$ce proe:eeds at l..ender"s optcan cittaer tea rtastor~ttioAa .car rerpair of the p'ropea'ty
<br />+ar tcs the sr.arras se:cua: et~{ by dais wed of Trost.
<br />[Jrslesrb l_eatc:{er urad i3aa•rcrvrea~ otheri~i~e att,ree in writing, aa3y suc:ta applicaNtion cat proceeds to pria•acipsll shall neat cxtetaai
<br />tar 13sastpoaae t11~w Sue c#ate c,t' the rra~arathly- instta~traetata retet°a°eat tc~ irr frararalah~ D Wrrac# hereof exr change try ara3~satatt ail'
<br />sctcla irlsta#lrarerNts. if a,!:nder paragraph 1 ~ i~aere~s€ the 1=nr,at+era~' is racc~luire[a ley l..,c~rader„ all right. title: ~aaadizitersE cat' l~orrc~wer
<br />in aaad tv dny' irastarance peaticies aaad in aaad t~, tltr~ prcJC:%sd's thc:aetaf ra;sazltizag lr'r~nt daa•n~«age tc~ tl~ts Property prior to .the sate
<br />cyr aac#uisitiora ~~,h;ali pa~~s lc~ ~l_,c:aadet` to thtd a~xterr, e,t~ t#ac::~s.rr~la> ~c;c;careel i,r~ ttais ~~r;e:cl c>ft`rust Mraara~re~d'i;~telypr~car to-stacl~sale,~r
<br />~GCIa]iaSit#~n.
<br />~. Frescarvatlon anal 11rCs>~tenaena:e caf f"rcrperty~ t..easaziarr~rl~, ~"~a-waslcaa~tiniarns ~lannaed~ ~J~it~~er~elrra?pnteaats~, D~'iarrc~N~~~~cr
<br />shall kc.~ep t~hc; t'rcalaerfiy ir- graced rc aair Asscfi sl~tali lic~l ccraaantit i~asts^ ti~,v~ t:NC:rr~tit izni7:-~ia'r~sac:r~t zsr ~ic~;tericarati:~ra a~t~ the: l~r~,rx~+ert~~
<br />~anc# shall crarrspiy with tl3e tyfsawisia<t.tas «!` ,~as'ay ieass_ if thiti l.~et~cl ,~~@` "~l'rtasa i~ cgr~a {r~ lea~,c:hc~ta, l~ ti~is l~ce.ci oaf ;T'"rc€st i~, ~,ra a ta,rait itx a:
<br />ccrndcarrainiurra +;,r a pla~raaaecl ua3it cie:velcaparaca~t, k3orrca~rc,r s#aaii xsc;ri'cartr~ zlii ctl orrc~wt;r~':y cal~lii?a,ai~9a'sa tassc#c;r the .icc~i~ss~,ta.inr,
<br />yr c:ravenatats s.re~atirag car govertaing t#ae ~c3ndc?arras~it.ar'a~ ~ra~ #ri«ar~rred cr,~it .#~e~~eioprraeazt, tht~ h~~-taws rlaa~;l rc ~;ar#~+ticirr~ k~~i' t"tai
<br />coracloraain.iaam +.3r plan~~-ecl tlreit r#ere~ic,pat'ae:aat-, ~taatf c;~restittaatt {v#cr6:cta~a4rats. l* ;~, c~rys~<lx.raaaiaail~ar{ ~,xa- srlrta7aac°a# ~arrit ~`icvcas.,iarfi?+aa[
<br />rider' is exec:ute:c# by 1~~7rrawca~ aaxc# reccarclec# tcag;ettter a"'ith tPris l'1ee~c; c:~f 'l~r'catit, the ~:~3veir.{rrts :aaaci~:ai;r~eer,ae~a~at:~ ~~; saa~,~:"r~ ric~c;N
<br />thslk. he iaac:.aary~~~ratccl ieaaa> aaatt shat! aa~ac:aBC# <aaer~ ~~a.rt,i,lcrKaerat tlae~ ~ks~'entas~t~; arac! tl~a~<~e;ENZeN~t:~ esl a_iai.~ t:)et:.d c:a~ 't'r~t~~a ~_a sa' aa;c i,cSc~a
<br />were: «a part hgers~,al'.
<br />7. ~"a°otect~att tAf i,enrler"s '~ecctrity. if f3cra°s~taw~ea~ fya~iis ttr pa,ticarraa tine s~c~uc:at~axsts Fstrcl .al;rt:~r~arrt°.rsta, c;:,aitrasr"N+;'~! ir~a :iris
<br />l:.~eed s~f "D"roast, car if ~~:raa~~ ,acaiaaaa car prc~~:.c;+ctiaag as ;c,r~raaaterlcc~d wlr=ch rl~laaic~sitaiiy' sffc~~.ts l_c:ra~.tc°t~'r~ Nr~tcraat sat itte t==ra~f~ba.s~ty.
<br />itaclttdiragT heat aacat li~rraited t<i„ ezzaiaac;t~t_darnaaira, i,~;~al:~arzre~, ~:'crdc~ esrsc~rQ,,,e=r:aaeaFa, aNt" ,~t°raraterrtc:aats tar l~a`oa'eN..a3ita~.,ti -N;°d~,.)is'arr~; ~r
<br />han~rtrpt cer i~f°ct;C~t',Fit, t~9fJgI l...t".a~{L'~k°r,~~`4 ~.,~a"i4.~~ri'*~ f4~^1~a!}E1, la~:i#~S"s tR+:~~N~s.'.t" ~(3 l~i?a'C.~3V~1t:a, i?'}e?~' r~YaiiCi: :aa4i~ o ;.~~?i~{'.,A3'i.1114:'~',`.~, a:~14~'12k3'~{.. .tiili:~1
<br />.(2ta"a'ti grad ~:~lCf,'.: 'dIiIG~ Ella#4?d'a R~~ 7_*'> .~e~k':LtiBd~'",~ ~LE] ~Pl`~YE.i'.C~ ~.~,°"~ai:~4'a ?± d~ItC:E"i;J:~a,s1tC~ldC.laS~ti, t3zai St(Ha ~s~~~fflS;L~ it2, r:..;.i7{Xl'Sr:lit~'?`84 t?
<br />easy taable~ attar~'ia~.y s tcus ~raa ~srta°y' aa}~ar_a the l s'r5f~c.ra,
<br />4` ~' , x .~ { ~ ilk :1'I;LiEk" r ~~ralr`+> tt i.C1'44.1{:I a~~CiLa1lC'.t~ 131L`>la~i.t~:. ar~~;3.11..1.{..'s' :~'> :i
<br />c:~nclsf~sr.t~ crf rt_a.a3caaa,g thu l~~aaa s~,e;axr-s~c- 4r}" rhss l~e,~ci ~>f t'rx~:~a. 1:3c?f'r{~wc:~r ta~ai{ f~a~ay tile- i~r~e:rratt.aans r°e_grrsx~.~i t~:> r~,.3aN.a~ai;; ~,tN,:za
<br />iFl'Y$1C~3~{L; L` {(2 t'l~~fi`Gt tarkili ~St14:~i7 ~iSY'atC' +tS $i~(` ie'1:13~4I~('IYSi:.T)r Nia?T 'ti:f6.',~`t ii7!ti49k`etaie,C° i5',f3S43f"}tCt~'.`i Ntl <:t~:L'tt('i,iatlE4:i' `~~'lill ~~t?Y'~~~'~'4:5'., ,iltt,S
<br />~5.,%:ti;~f:~~€''~h ~1a'4~it,~'4~ ~d~r~;rC;rY1t%~#$ {~d' ~18~3~aU;i3~:l~t.', i~blr", ~:Xt.if'gal'+5'tt .`s!'liYii ~ i`i`v' i¢'SE" :iS2iiN{lait: 4)d <ili T734ti'°rSr.9t,~". iY1+a3J74~.ii;f:. js3t^tit7;dN'7iti ~t; ;°:lt°
<br />r,r«rrtta€;r prcr,,~id~i~ aatac;la,r paragrati~rh ~ #tarre:.~t. '
<br />isaar~.sHI~~R9.GF1't~:4 4~F~t7kalti4'f~ ~1}" i.c,iaalc;a' i't~2'?i@,1F173t iii 'i.(2t;v i~c$l+.B~I+,R~,7h .~, ~~adal~ a,Nli4i:4i idiir;'i:P.l, r'~~?fi i'L'~{~OiC: .ai~l#ii9a1:'?;,3i
<br />9t~a{lebia~drt~:~~ ~ba ~~6.3a'ifY~~'{,.~' ~daf:,'ti~'4`+~l la;~ ?lriti D~~E`,k,'N-~ N.1~ ~t'1:3;sS,. ~.'3?ll:S'x ~~{.gr~%~t~',Jti~a r{it?,5 ~.fi'€i~t:"d° 7~',afi';~`,' t,~ i)Y~f{"d i;`.,'FT? ,ft ~'?t€d4~"~{:w2e~. ,~F~:3;
<br />...-0
<br />i4tltK;~a$a'tt:'+ ~~ea61 1~'; taayr.~l~le ~lptYl9 uarStra•~' ~r'{:1J"aa l.~,ta4aa~r (v- l,~Y,+a"Ci.1p~'~.7 !'„'~=84."~~a~rSi~ i'N;{,vt't~iC'tTt i~'r',:Ck.a>.: "? pis '`.~;'t,ls~ ~~t.°::ti tv@t.t~t~t£ °?'3+1)s `ire''
<br />dsatc'.:'N~` ~t~h°~[br~~.;tr~S~~a~t ~, t~`&4,' 3'i~lifi ~~sa4`i~~'11k~' ~~'{.~$0~' ta$fi9~u $=:1 a49tGa4". ~'a~C ~.,~eS`~~l3~t~sE3at7 ~ r:Sat.,t~yx?t it?14,~v."i' ~~1t.`, y6`Ai.~ii .~#,~A':4F ~FAO.a'3Sti'Ev@ tti ~xas'i'S1,
<br />$tt ~tlae.ia ~';~'F~,. ',~'~~~+,Tal~t ~'Dx~ aNti':I~-tS~i$"~ ~s3 4~~"?~)~dx.f~~'1~~~° ~,NA~, ~Y'! L+~~tEr,::~l ~ Rb ? :t. i 4. 1, . _ ~ ~° ~ #.,;_
<br />'~ 4 1:.4) }~RS'{.'-..t l7f 6 .1t1 j,2T: }j ,: fi 'E e} 5'. L` a4L tk.°.?;A .l
<br />~59~dFt7"tS~i;$fz~~4" >fr5i~~„? ,7 ;f~+jlC ePi'?~¢'. ~i'{ti`. s1~'L'Na4#tf"s f,'4a5?4:,91fa%a.! i!t :F?r A< 2 .'t?, }{9 ~?,r9i ti, ~.~', s C 'i ` 1
<br />f & ~~ a ! ~j ~. ti{:' & 1° ra`!$, e. ~~ .{FS .,`, Sat L`i ,~°t iF1~' +:T kcY t`e 5'
<br />Gbe ~~~ ~'a;a.a F.,ti`S ia.%w' ~:?~a~'~ %; }lg P. y`. i:~t`e .r S.r'r';' 2 s"`l.` 12°r8#~.. .?'e$~.~it1A 5iC .'ra 14. '', „~; )`, S d,e ,X1'4 t. ~°li1 ii `:~ r3 ~F° ~ ± 'ra:t ,55 '
<br />i~9s9a'r ~.H}5~y.r ,i,..~A, ~'x~'`~ ~~'C.-af'~,!~'4~F ~1~'1~.a1:5'. ~"'p~iatF 44 e-r.~ `aa,aV. x 'u~.~;~a,.,P~.t7 pHa, k s5~_. I'w~. Sr '~:,~l~+r .:E:l_.. 1`;i- .~_. ~ a. .
<br />`zi[k?~:.~Y s~ f,it ~`~F°<xt;.9"t `d.
<br />