t _
<br />7, 1",a)~a~lerrxt~ati~rn. In thaw evEpsjt; the Prt~perty, or stay lsari, t'iaeta'of, wlatall kea~ €.ake'n ley c~re•tiaa~ttt damaih<thc, Niart~;t-geW
<br />i.; Ekra~pa5weres~d to troiiect atad re~Ceive all rcatrap,eaa~satiarh Wlaic°h rt~ay "ne paid i`crr any prrsperty taken ear far damages to pxaperty
<br />nest taka"tz, and ?4t9[al~tgage'e hail apply such catnpenxYatian, a#; its calsticsta, citlte~x #,a a t•rcltactiata taf tine indebtedness saar..trred
<br />~, ha~re'hg' car to tcp~ix atycl rc!s,tcare the prtagaaas~ty sa damaged,
<br />€B, 1'ert•r~rnsanre by ?vlortga{~ee. IVlartgttga=e nay, E~tat slaalil have ntr ntaligatiaan, i;ca da env act ~vhia~h the M.or~:gagor
<br />~ has a~~ed but f'~.il;ti tca tl,~, «tnd idiartgagee mvy alsca do ;xny at~t at cleetats rtecrssaxy t;ca laratect the Next hereaf, PVlortg~gar
<br />agxee=s tra repay, t~p~~n dk~tnanai, gray szams sa expetadc~cl tay the 14ltartgagee far #ha~ €t.bcwe purposes, and atay sums sa expended
<br />iay tht~ 1~7cartgstge+~ shall lee added tca ~;he indekatedness securcrd hex+~hy arttd 6aecame sulsj~ect to the Hera hereof. Mortgagee
<br />shall. not inrrar }eny ;persat-al lialaality l~ecausa~ caf anythatxgi it tna~* dtr tar amat to alcs ha.=reatttder.
<br />~. 13efaitlt; ~~5igrtmetat of lderals. '~`irne is caf t:he essence laerea~f, and tapan t'~caxtgagar's default in any ravetaartt
<br />csr agreement ct€ t.h~ts l4~ortl;age, ina:ludiaag covenants tc- Pay vrheat d€te tkte sums secured by this Niartg~ge, the lvlortgageaS shall
<br />be etatitled, at it.5 sole c)p~tiars and twithout tt+~tice, tv declare allNtatrts :~ecurc~d 'hy this ;Na~rtgage to be immediately ttue and
<br />payable and aray comrne'rtce forYClasua-e caf' this ;mortgage tsy jtadicial pzaa:eedirtgs seed, provided further, that upon such
<br />default the iVle~rti;al~ee, c)r a receiver atpl?oanted tyy a ccautrt, rna~ zat its ap2aan anal Withau.t regard to the' ada~yaacy csf the
<br />sa1curaty, enter upota and take paasse~sican of the .1'ralaerty anti colle~rt th€ rents, issues and pr~sfits therefrom artd apply them
<br />first ta) the cast oaf call~a~#~'saart anei nlaeratiart of t:h~ Property and i;h~n upcatt the itxdebtedn~ss se~cur~d by this Mrarfigagee:
<br />saxid rents, issues attai profits beiztg assigtaed t.o the 1!vta~rtgagee as further security t'vr the payment e~f the indebtedness
<br />stlctare~d hereb~3=.
<br />~tl, Txansfex a€' 1'rc~perty. €€ all car any part gag the Praalspasxty is scald car txaansfa?rred WitRaaut the exlaxess Written a;a7n-
<br />serat a1' the R~ot~~;alt~e, ;?~.+~rt,~at;ee tnav- at its saie c-tption, dt~~riar,r wail Bursts secuxed 1).Y this Mortgage tv be iname~d'tately due
<br />astd payable>.
<br />1 ~. l+aature <Aclvaseces. t~pctra t~equest ~)f ?vlartigax, 11~axtgagee they make additicanal and t~u~ture advances tt~
<br />Iirlartg€+gar. 5ua,rt ,advaracc~s, with ir+tere~st theree)n, shall he se~eux~d by tlals ll~c~xtgage ~vYten evida?nced by pratnissary t~cates
<br />stating that said. t7cates are sea°iaretl hereby. At rte tip shall the pzindipal atna)uta;t ref i.lae indebtedness secured by Haas
<br />~'lartgagg, teat. itae'lu~ding s~urras acivanceci to ~-rutect th,e sect~~L~ of his tax•tg~~ e~~:efla~ the original Neate.
<br />1.~. ~~iiscella.rteau~, Yrcavisians.
<br />!a~ ~~rty fca3~c,~l~earartcc~ in Pxercls~g any tight ar remedy shill teat `lam a waiver i:lxereof
<br />(bl ~.!£ retrredies praavidecl hea~~ira a~ clistlnct artd'~ttaxtulatis~e tci arty eatlter t~~ht al'f~rded'bv laW tar equity,
<br />atati rrasa~l he eacercisecl ;~~t~ncatrrerttly, lrtdepet~dently crt sua°r~ssively:
<br />~c'~ 7",ha} ccavertant.~y area agrea~mex«t:~ catatait~~d her~irt shall lxirtd, aria the rl~hts ~tautte tra, i~he resp~a~ctivay
<br />sbica^essorS t~xtci assigns cat the' ~i'Iartgagcarr~nd thr~ rartage~
<br />6.d~ ~~il ccava~raartt~s attd ai,~red>rsaetats caf rite, Mortgagor are jtaint xinai se~vetalt
<br />(e y 'i'iza~ he«tditags of ~;he parttgralala5 cair t.lais ~9:k)rtgae arka for csc~tavertiertce a~tarly aria .yhail rtttt' be u~ti tv itatexA
<br />I p~^t~i, yr dF~rte the prc)vscrn~- herevi'..
<br />13. #~t=l+eae~. ~'pc>tt ~ayntertt gag' old scitr~s saYr~ured lZy S.lais, aUlc~rt,g~uge, I~'aart:gag~a ;;hail dlscharg~e thi;« ~'ivrtgage «i:ad
<br />shall e~ac~eut~ area cltrliver sa sati~sfactv~,y rel€~~ase O:hc'~e~l'c)x.
<br />ls'~t ~~F`l"'~~i~~~5 ~fd1f~.l~l~, ~?lu~tgagcat h;~eea:uted dais ~rlvttgage can tlte__!!~~«da'v gat .-----~~;~..._,,..~..... 1~3~~~..._.
<br />,;
<br />-' ,
<br />~~,
<br />~, ~^ .
<br />,,.. ~ ~ .
<br />~,fi;?.~~'(JT1 ja. l~Gl.j''i_'1"~ Ft«~xeawer~
<br />Itox'z~.7wez
<br />,, ._i ,
<br />~tatas a#` N ei~raska, ~ z u 1 ~_ .:~ .
<br />~ cs ~~is_._~..~~1!~t_?___,._.wday at _.~..r).~~-Fiea#~~ r ___.____._m..~ :t9~~__.__, tael'are sne, the uaadcrsigned, a ?~Iot:aty= -~abiic
<br />dktly c~ua°tat~isnsarazte+d and ~ttatigie~d t'or ~,aiti c~oatrtty, p~rsonuiiy esrtz~ _.~._ ~~~~~? ~'ox?_ ~~~,,,___..~~~k~'?:~._..~_.~_..___...__ _..-,_ .v,___..__~
<br />___._-..~__.___._________...__._..,._ _____..~._._____ __.___.._.____~.___~...._---__.._d______._._____.~._._______._.._,._..._..._._._,_..-.._____._~___.~ , gU rlak? iStaa)Wta to ~a` tlae
<br />idwnCicai ~rscar~~ti) Whaas~ xz~tm~~s) are a~absc^rab~ti tc) the €aregs:aing it~str~arrn~rrt area a~cisrsawleclged thk ~~~cuticata ther~;taf
<br />tci k~_.~~}i~a"_, __.__ __._,~.__._ valusatary act and deed.
<br />'aVitttc~~ss aa,y Easatad area ttcatariai seal at; __ _~-._Ctiz-~:aa~ci 1,~;~.~zzs~,~.__~`~_~_____..r_.__ _ ._..__....__._._.._.._w.__._ia snic6 x;ausaty, the
<br />date ai°€ara~~&id .
<br />'irly C"r~rsarr«i.~sicrsr t=.xpira=s; - , ,-~
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