<br />Tltsi4t 34tort~age is c=rl6eritd in~tes bet~areen Sh~rc~n _Ta . L,~ker ti___w_w~._~ .:.
<br />,,....... ~ µ - ...~,. a ~...~...~.. :,,,..,... _.,...._....._,.._...~.__...._.._....._._......__.__._..._.".,~.:..~._____,_ ~~lfexE'i%d "N1gY.L~~~Ur"~ an El
<br />7:"L~ ~' i?~)ZI3~'~; BANK' (herPirs "`Mc~r#~a~ee"g.
<br />~Jlor~tga~ofr is ir-debted- to 1'~axt~age~ in the,' principal sum raf ~a ,~~.:..~:~ _ ; ~videneed k,y ~l~Ia}rt~agor's nrste
<br />dated .~._..~...3.~~.1_~~.;~,$.~....~,..~,~:w:.. ~berein "1'~~rtc"'~ providing f<~x laay+~r~~.a; cif p~inclpal and iri~~rest •wwith t~}E~ balance ref the
<br />ir3deiatedne~s, ik' rlat saanex p~it~, due .and psyabie csnw~.:.,7~.nu~ r~ t , j.9 t~~
<br />'t°,atecure the payment E7~ the iVote, ti~rith i~t+exest s prr~svdecl th~xeirs; the payxn~nt xsf Gill ~t}~er ~urs}s, with interest,
<br />advanced, isy '~~€srt,gag~ta t(~ pt•ratect the securi~:y a~' ti~is ~+Itixt~age,-and the pc~x.~a~rmance c}f the €~E~venantti and a~reerr-ents of
<br />tiaE~'; ?~'lcit•t~~;~g{~x can5air~ed ncxeica, Niort~a~arsx dues 3aexeb5r m~rtga~~ end convey Les ~c~rtgee fi,he ftailcrwing rlescxibed
<br />prc.spei•t~; li~avated i:n ..~...._:.,._ Ha.~3--~....._~....~. C"~Gauntyr Nebraska:
<br />~C~e bast Ong-t-ialf {~~~ ~~ Lc~f~ I~.].~ven {Xt) end ~I-~~ Wf~st ;3i3.?.5+ of ~~~
<br />7~en ~ l t~~ 13~c~Erk Six (6) , A~''h~~1x3 Plnc~ , City caf ~~~~.nd I;~~1.~x~~ , i1~z1.-L
<br />~~at~~fty~ I~ebrnsk~
<br />"T`s~,eth+er vrit&} ,ali b~aiidin~s, i~nprrsvetxtents, fi~tuxe~, stre+~ts, ail;eys, lsassage{ways, ea~errt~srls, ri~lats, iaR•ivife~es and
<br />appurtenant~es luc~ted t;i~eretsn ~sr in a~y~vise p+~rt~:nin~ tlz~retf~, ~rnd t,k~A giants, ~:;tses ;ataE~ rt~titic, re~etrai~n:~ ar~d rixnaixad~xs
<br />Lernf$ irs+cl~~din,, trot nest limited Lis, heatiza:~ and ec-oiizig euirrserit and such pevnai xes~serty Q,iaat is r~l.taelsec~ t€~ the
<br />ixnpravem~~n~ su ~~ tcs constitute a tixtuxe~ all xsf which, including xela3ac;~~~#nt,~ st~~d ~addati~sn:; s';kar~irc~tca, As iterc~b~~ ciecl~ared
<br />ttx be a pert of ths~ ra~al estate secured b the lien cif this ~1Cr~rta.ge and a!! €}i` the fxegain being refexred tea i~~reir. as tlaca
<br />`~Pro~rty'`
<br />J4~csr~t~a~E~~r furthex corsvc~na~ts and arc*c~$, with lortg~~'~>e, ax £allcss:
<br />1~ ~'ayrra+axrt. '1'o pay Lhe irxdebtedricyss and the interest ther~csn as provided in tkais 1oxt~age arad the :*~€at€~.
<br />2. Witte. lvlurt~a~csx is the c>wn~~r ~~ the. l~'xap~xty, Vitas tl~~~ ri~ttt and auth~arii~y tc~ r~ncsrtg~tge tlae <Pxr~lseriv, azxE3
<br />rwarraR-t.s 6;liat l.t~~~ :lien created heraxby is a first and priaax lien csct the r~perC;y~, e~cc~3pt as tray cathextvise be set; zra~tl~ l3er+?it3.
<br />k=`d~ `Y'kae P`s~~sp+~xty is subject t6~ a ~lort~a~e whexa~n _.._l`~ja._.~.~~.._.~:1~1~...,..~..f~.~,t~t~t:€~.r:x'.~_~L~%:~~s:~~a:~.~ ~..,,, ~I
<br />is Li-e °~'l(~rl;~at~ee, xecorded at l~cscrk __~.~..~..;~.._. , pale __~,.._____-...~._ a`ft' the' 1-ort~agc ~';et~ords eif ..~.~._~._~la:Z.~~,:_...~;,,..... C'.E~~xrnty,
<br />~rebia:~k~~, wl`airts i4orig~g+e is a lien prior taa tl'te liea- cr+~atert hcYby, ..
<br />~.~% 41i hrx r~sYl~r liet~~ 1>r a'fir_'.t}tt3t}Y~s6tf~t~F.: ~:t ~7a~ C"al~'! ~~ ~..~'.....~l.iC~._. ~ ~...,~s11.1~.:,~„,v.....(2~.,~.~....~.
<br />..
<br />,-
<br />$~~{lt~l e'~ t~ ~. fc t
<br />3. 'S'axes, ~~ssstnezs~~. "t't.~ pa;~~ ~rl};a:~t~ tlu~> ~aiR l~x~as„Sper~iaX aaws~;Yra~~'ats staid tali i~tlaer cl•e:ar~Ex a~;airss+: i.k3e l'rc~g}asrty
<br />and, rxtvast~ rwrittera ders~eart~i icy ~,~csrt~at!(~€r, try ,~aaf~3 4.o t.i~te ~r;.tyrT3~Y1~s ~r•t•~{ttiri~ck ~a:}e~€~r ~;'h€a ~.dc}t.e ~;a~~e~r~'~r1 ha~ra~try, ~ts~ia arr~~n.at a~
<br />tray b~~~ .,>al'tieia,nt r,o cr~ahle f.hF~" ~tiort~a~~e€= t€~ pa5' s~€;la taxes, asst:~.,t:r~etZfs car` c3fher ebax~E~'s ras ~l•te;~ i~~~ce~rnt rltte~.
<br />~~, ~lr~~tat7ce~. a°u hE~>,,p E<h~~ ina~OYt~~~etYYt~a}t Y~iaiw; <~~- here=~~~t~€:~r #c~a.~~alc~d {aty ;:h~~ r~ai s~s~~~lf~ ~"6e:~~cibeal he~reii~ insurers.
<br />a~ain;;t ala~~~~s.~e fray ~r> afad yurwgz a~rtki€~r hwc~~rfi~ c~.5 "4~i€}a•tg;~s~a~b~ rwcax~~ r~~clt:tir~, ~€a ~saa~}unt ~ct.€i ~~~it,h c.~~:s~,ai;ar~i€~s acc~~-laCaiztE~ t€~ ~i~:>
<br />~e~s°tg~a~e~a, ,~,t'sd va`i.[,la l~as~ lauy`:~btt~ lc} l,hE- 1~ta.}r€,~xa~;k°~~. lr3 a..rt:,~~ (.;t la`}sy z~a•1cic~e satc;q~ ga€}lia~ie;~ the ?~`lart.l;a~+~r is i~t,~t:hcaria~~ci t,ez
<br />adjut3i,, 1~~csil~et;t aatd c~r,cxrizc€7trti5~>, 'ira iU;~ disc~~~a~ti~sa-1, ~tf~ ~;1~9_:r,'as ta~ker-f.~,ur,aie~- ~# it<, rr~r1€~ d~~~i~>r~, ~~~,ttfary~i~ec~4 6;15 ~itf~~a;ra~l:fy~~ tite _
<br />pr«c~~~:~ds d.-cs ta~~~ r(~*;l,a}a~Gia~a~ d;~f the I''raaiaerl:~~ €~t' (a~(}~~~ t§~ca ir,c#t=kat€reltl~ia;a sec~~ar~~ci hrxrt~.;~", lattP: ~iay'rt~etats f3(_ti~~a.~ratx~~(~r t3salD (..}t~-
<br />tiraate tani,iii i~l~te sut~ts M~c~~'ea~~~~rehy r~r•~ lx~i€3 ir} i'taff.
<br />:. ?. _t ~:~c~re}ur ~`€sr 'I'rs.acE~;;, ~itsd l~astsran€:a. ~C}6~~`i~~i~:tatitl~s~ aYt,~ta~ira~ c~c1t~~;~a;eaa:~i iti f;sa~r~a~~`~~g41'a, ~~ <ttici 1: lpc~r'€'xt tai Lhe
<br />c~~fanfrrat';~', ;~1aDe'ti~,c~t° 4h~ti! l-a,~~, d~a tt-a~' S~~~art~~~€.'r~ ~i; C.&t~] ;:i~= s}! ~~~~-iz~i; 1.}~r~ ^~acarts:it3~` irisi,~lirr~a~~s6~> cif g:}a`i~a~~i~~a ~a~:~tf ttt~,a:rr~~st.,
<br />4DCzE~~'Jk''~~~;~Y ~:R~ ~,l`krr 'J€'%~M"~j' i.~t:d.F•.i, %15~~±i:it~A£~t~~:5a }k<'3tai~'~~ t>'1`til9l'ilX~(."4:' ~'F~`(';'Ttti3£Y!'7~ ~ilfl jy~'11t9.3]f~ S"f?Y7C ~1~ i:V$k~' J 1s~~~aC.l3 Fty'riV 'ri~:~;Y~ldt Fs'
<br />~Sxaa}rit,ti` a~,tm^t~ ttas :f~'ic~r~gs~~~r. ~a~i ~~3 t°~aaa5{at,tt#ai~ a=:~azxa~t.~~ '~~,~ ~ara3~, ~(, Ctrac~ f~~. ;:F~(z ~y'lc~aiy~,~~eE,. €'~t(= wL~:E,asratn~ ~;€~ g~ziai slc~lf ~r1J
<br />~Y{~"18`~ ~}y' ~.}1--4" ;~k~1'3If•.~~rkt~,d3'(' wYi'.hC~~€v r2}~.i;'f'~F!i~ hi'tla~ c1~3~,}~Ef'4,~` GS.~ 1,!1(.' ~1ilkrtTYa;F'~i Uf 3~~:f 4~,~`2'Yk3 FY? 4t~1t,3NQ`6. Lf~ b~"~ai°~~k 4itztil ~.8i~r.Yli6e~.M srvi'f3'?
<br />a~E'~ata~tfL?4q{{, `,i~'tk' `.et6T;k~x $7~Y,ft t,qr '~`~iytl~;il~y?,~:`t' ~e.?3'E`~53"zL~k°Y i3rt> tA~E:+~;1~4(: tfS i'tli{~r~,k<:,i>ik~ "ii ^"t3tt'si„;r' aiAa 61'a(. ~:lyY3"~~v-~i'tfi1C+'~~ :.t'c'~;il>l~ ~a~' t,1tS
<br />~}t'~t~~l{iy»~, a~`~„3t'~~'~l~:f~T:~fl~s;~El ~)~~' t,~a ~~.'~a:,Y"~~y~~t,e' ~.li:a' ;t~`1~~f,9l3tki (l dT". `y stA'440.'S&'1%1.::~t~ `t$F'3:;ts`r.~i3 i.s13;' i.°rt]iE .txd.~":~., uy~~t:`ti.`ti3d4R'a)~a, #<1"~taJiY1a`t^
<br />~...,..<.., ~afa;%~'tdaX9'ttt> r~K24> ~~`a;tsRf3(~ C~~~3C:5 ~F3<~ f;;a;' 1~C~}f).'s@;;r ?#4`~F,'ii{f+:~~F`? ~°rl~~tit'y ~'~ 9~ai~'r. ;~t1t.{"r {?(,Y~ftttr. ?~ ;1$~~4~E' e.,",~;?tyi3 ~`~x:}Y`E.~;~~;ta' K~'E~S.P;~et..^~
<br />~7,, ~I~.~~~~_ti ~x~~t~'k''-T;*~~d~`$? eEl~Pe~ ~.1,d~ _ ,;'~1! ~'!{'{~}C~~1 61i `s`p'~'."~~:13'+ 'f . ~ ,dry, a"t@r,1(~ h' ~ yr tH'. :~. ~ .'v,' d _1pZ<, i7t3Ft ~k1
<br />y9 v ~. .'(.: C 4 r'L (u .tiaf i~' X 4 C.4 F~,F ~1.F°. a-
<br />(~d'N'£°Y~~$~';` 4.33'3 {.~fa? ~~~lf~b>~7`f*~l 8E'} ~i.M,`d°~S ~i$S, i~~f5~,9k~Y~"c` SE."2 ~d)°tro a'.:i}~i;36g3'...i:F ~^`.MC1 Fa, you;'-.~~~ $k 3E#.w~.:a 4u`il.~ ~#'v!S iC`i"r', A~~{)?Yt Y7F§'i i;s4STft"- faY
<br />>.v~d`1{"9 61~ its: ~Frtn3 b' ~ t.S! k ay; +'1~1?.6;.es~glaEYx~o',4'3' <aa ;,~P.ti+ } -~.1-5 ~F' ~ f,Y it;'~F ~ aq }r r ~ , y s
<br />k; '~~ ,~ X3~.{C4f i, d `~ ya% ~ .~Y,. a's. 4; dil .ro ~'r Fr ~.~ i.1., ct ,~6k6Et e.'~~-
<br />".;k dse ixt;~,~'~6, ,~i5" ai;r~., #}?' $53~~ ~xY~ f~?E?"° f Fs"ice :S~ ~ i 3 ~7~..+~i~FS < :;'., a~$ ~:i a ;~ ~'? tiyv ..
<br />