7. ~cand~~nynati¢asr. ire the e~~ra4. the rperl;~r, car arty part thereof, shall lac talren by eminent dotneian,the Mortgagee
<br />is eYnp~:a~xrered t.ci c.~ol'lee2 aY7d receive all. cotxYperY:sa€ion which may be paid :for any pmperty'taken nr for damages;tn property ,
<br />neat tal~.era, and 14rdoc~tt;agea> shaft apply scach ccaYnpep~atiat~, at its ~-ption=either tea ~ reduction of the indebtedness secured
<br />hereby or to reya~si,r ~~nd restore the prcapezty sod d.
<br />t3. Perfo~rar~ance lay Mortgagee. Mortgagee may, but shall have: no obligation, to do any xet which the Mortgagor
<br />has agreed but. fails to dca4 and Mortgagee may aCso do any act i1; deems necessary to protest the 'lien hereof. Mortgagor
<br />agrees to repay, upa~rn dennxnd, any stems s.~ expended by the Ivic~rtgagee for the abcave purposes, and any sums;so expended
<br />tsy thr? Mcartgai;ee ~~laall lire added E.a the indebtedness secured hereby and beeotx~e subject `to the lien hereof. Mortgagee
<br />shall rncet. incYZr arr~~ ~tiersan,al liability because of anything It may door omit to do hexeundex.
<br />~ `~. Qefau.lt, ~ssi#~ement of Ir;,ettts. Time is of the essence hereof, and upon Mortgagor's default in any revenant
<br />or agrQement of this I~'IQrtg;age, including covenants ta'pay vs*hen due the hums secured by this A~ortgage, the Mcrtgagee sls>3ll
<br />~ be entitled, at its scale optYOn and wethout notice, ~ declare all sums secured by this;Mortgage.to be immediately due anal
<br />Payable and YrEay c~ammence frareclosure of thi.~ Mortgage by judicial proceedings; and, provided `farther, that upon such
<br />default the Mortt;a#;ee, oar a receiver appointed lay a wart, may at its option'and' without regard to the adegteaery of the
<br />secuzi4.y, enter upon and ,~ake possession of the Property`and collect the xentsa issues end prof#ts therefrosrY and apply thetYY
<br />first to the cowl; of collection and operation .of flee l'lroperty and then upon the indebtedness secured by this Mortgagee;
<br />said rEynt.55 Yssuc?s aYtd q~rc~fits king as~5l~ned tra the ~1[c~rta~ee as further security ~'c~r the payment cif the indebtedness
<br />secured hereby.
<br />la. 'T'ransfer of Property. If alt or `any part of the lProperty is saki or transferred w%thoutthe express written con-
<br />sent o'F the Mc~rt~,agee, IVl.ortgagee may at its sate optaorY, declare all sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due
<br />and payal~;e.
<br />13 , Future Advances, t3pon request of Mortgagor, l1?dortgagee may rnal~e additional and future advances to. _
<br />~+lortgagox.;Such advances, with interest thereon, shall-be secured by this Martgag~ when eviden+wed by grotnissorv notes
<br />stating that said ncates are secured hereby. At no .time shall the principal amoant of the indebtedness; secured.-lay this
<br />lVlortg~ege, not incl~uidzng sums advanced to protect the security of this Mortgage, exceed the-original:: Note. '
<br />~,~.° MisceNlatneous Provsians:
<br />{aj Any foreb+~arance in e~ceresixig any right car remedy shall not lee a waiver thereof.
<br />(bj All remedies .provided .herein are distinct and cumulative to any rather right afforded by ia+rv crr equity,
<br />atad may be exercised ~^oncurrently, independently or successively.
<br />~ej the covenants and agreements contained herein shall bind, and the rights inure to, the respective
<br />se;€ccessors and assigns of the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee.
<br />(d) fat covenants seed agreettiients of the Mortgagor are joint and several:. -
<br />~e} The h€~adipgs of the paragraphs of tteis Mortgage are 'far ccaa~venience only anal shall not be used to iYtter-
<br />. traret or def"ane the provisie7ns hereof.
<br />13. ~elease» Llcrn payment e-f all sutras secured 'by this Mortgage, Mortgagee shall discharge this Mortgage -and.
<br />shall e:~ecute and -deliver a satisfactory release therefor.
<br />I.1~' Varl'I~'l~'3la'~"fa Wl'-1l^~l~.~C}l~, Mortgagor has e:aecul:ed this NCr-rtgage can. thel4~ day of ~,~ ~:~'~~:~, lq ~" ;
<br />~~xC~tiC~t',)1~ r.1 . ^r,k€~ .° l~~a,scawex„
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<br />~taf.e cs€ t3ebrask~a, I~~..~:1.. ..~._.~.~.~..C:caunty ss:
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<br />duly cory-rr-issraYee3cl and rlaaalifi~ci fur said csoeYnty, personally ~:at^ue___._._ _._.-.~.~::.;~„~~,.:.,..,,,.~.rv,~_.__~__.__..~._..__.~__. ... __...__ .~
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<br />to tae _ ~~,~ E_ ~~t~t~l _f~c z.~ _._._.__ rreaiugrtax~% aces; art+~ d~.
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