<br />`i'~lis .111c~rt~a~e i-> entered intck la~tvv+eeli _._.^.C':I.~'~1'~....s~..~....~'~`3~._~,.:~`..~.d:,.~A~L~~A ~.,M~+~~T,..._~ILL~ICI
<br />and ~~~~~' _ ____.___ _._.~___ ____.~ __~___ (herein "Morfgagrir") and
<br />_;i.I.rl~} N~T1:C~~~I~ I3l1NK tai:'' C=~,r'~N~~ I~~i.~'1~1~]'Ll, ; C's~°`d Tsl~2d, ~e~~x~~.~;3~~. therein .`:~~~ort.gage[}„}
<br />:~'tgrtl,a~rar i:~ in[ic;°hitxd tr.7 '~tort;~a~rtie in the prin[~ipal stark cif ~, 274 • ~°~ evidenced t~~1 ?~ortgag+~r's nc7te
<br />dated _ I~E3Ct~1'l~"7E~Y l~, 19~~ (1},erein "mote"~ p~ovidin~ f[au p'a~ments df principat;and interest, with the batsance csf tt~e
<br />inci~=bR;edr~e~s, ~i' ~~~n~r. an~~1~~r paid., d=~e a~~d payahtetrtt ~E~t1~~` 1.~ ~3.~~
<br />'i'a se~~st~r~ the pa~rmr~nt: r7f t:he I<Itbte, with isak'erest as provided therein, ttte payment of all ratter sums, with interest;,
<br />advan~cerl kayo 11r'`r~s-L~;a~ee l.cl pr~ntert the s[~curity ryf~~th{s Ngortgage and tine perfa~nnance of the [~overianis anti agxeements of
<br />the if€rbrt~a~elr rtir~t;aint~49 #rare~ina=-IG'~rt~~~t~t ctr7e~ "tte~retiy rnort~age artd Canvey-to Mortgagee Otte fttlto~ving de:~erihed
<br />prcap[~rty lr7cateri iji __.._._I~ ~_l__.. _._~..:~..~..~..__ County, i"+tcbraska.
<br />I~~ 'I~~~a~:~~ t ~C}), I,~land ~cr€~::Nc~. ?, ~: ~'~,ab~~~:~a:c~n ~~ ~.r~ n~ :frac~iQnal ~~e,~I,~n r ;
<br />~~~7°t oI' t:1~~ ~~f~~#, i.lf ~f ~~~ ~4Te~~ .~f (~V ~~~~' } c.~~ Sec~~n 8; d ~fi c~~ I~nt '~n~~T~-
<br />f£~t~r (tea, I~~and.` .'~cr~s, ~,~.1 ;~:n 'I~~iwr~shap ~.l ~rt~x, ..Nine (9} ~V~st c~i' t,x~~
<br />frith :?.1~, ; ~~~c~ the Ci.~~ caf Grand' ~:s~..n~C, X1.3.. ~c~lan~:;~T, Nebraska,
<br />'Td~ether with ati buiidin tngirovemenCs, fixtures, streets, allr'.ys, passageways, [~a~eF~rtts, rights, privileges and
<br />app~tirtenartc€'s I4actated t-hereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, ~-1td t:la[~ rants issu[°s aracl profits, r[~wersicins and remainders
<br />there=tat'; inc'Itltlirlli;, Ihut nc~t limited t~, heitting and ~~[~oliiag equipmc~rtt and such personal prcaperty that is attached tt~ t.tt[~
<br />irnpro~rern[baits r~1:t al~~ iv ~otl:~t.itute a fi.~ ure;-aai of ~~hia~tt, irtciudirt#; rr~~falac[~ents arad addii:ioat;~ thereto, is hereby deeiared
<br />te7 ts[r ;~ part drat` l,l{e real ewt&te Secured ixy tlac lien cr,f this ~Mcrrtgttge and ~tll c71° the fcareg[aing: k>c~ing'referrr~ci- tea h~e~rein as ,the
<br />"Pr[>pEarty,,.
<br />b'Ir>rt,g,.{gi~r ftzb°tltt+r cc~nv~nartt~ and ~r+E~[.:s, with Mortga~rtA, a4 I`c}#Ic~wvs:
<br />~. f"ayrn~en~t, ,T,u,,pay t,i~ indebtedrxess and the inter[*s#, thcxr[>un xs pro~id[4d itt this :Mcarigage and tta[~ iMir~te:
<br />~, 'I'itlrx. ~y'Ir7rt~~tf;vr i the cawner €pf tine t'rtaperty, haw th[~ rrght rittci auLh[ariLy t.c7 rr'csrttage the t~ropExrty, sand
<br />~ wawa{.,ts that; t.lic~ lien cr[;~t4d tteretay is a i°ir:;t grid: firir~r lieu d7[) 1h~~ t~r[-pc rty, t=xct^{~t as -t~a:v cathc*rr~i5t# kae ~txt forth ttereire.
<br />€._i 'i'IF[• 6'rc~gsrrty i~, ~ul7e~~t t,cx ~a ~[ortgage,wh[~r[~irt .,, . _ _ _..., _..,_ . _,. ,__ .....,~__ .._.:,.._..._..._.~.._.r_...~,_;~...~
<br />is tlar~ i~rxri.~a~en~, r[zr°ord~y+~ at k3oa~l~. -: .- -. _ _, l~ag[~ W.. ~;.. +;~6°the IVtort~at;~ Kc~c~~~ard~ taf _..4. ' .,.._.._.._ ~ ._~_.._...,__ (;[xaktzi;y,
<br />~'ebra:rka, whi[~Ib i0~4artga~;1~~ is a iic~ntsri<br f~17 tl1[~ l~[~~t c~r[~a{,~~{I her4~gi4`:
<br />.._': t,}tl~e'r prl4.ar 11~eb1s car ericurnbran~:~~5. M........ ,.. , . _. . ., , .. ,. ~... , ...,,~_ .v__.__,_ .~...~.,~__~._._..~.~~,..,~..
<br />3. rt`2thH'^"+~i ,~~e:wrrrentv5. `I'[> pz~y a~~her{ d[F[~ ail r,a~,[°~, ,la~r~.'iai ~544JSSt{1et13s ttritA all 4~ttler ciFarl;1~°s agaitl~t tt~c i'rc7p[~{-ty
<br />~istci, ~aporl wraa:a.~>{'e ~€[yl~a~id by ~l~I<srt~agee, t,o ac3d t.c~ i.tbc pa;,'r~net~t.; r~~~u~er>c3tast£ir°r t;lit iJcrte s~~[~~{rEtl t~erc~ka~~, ,~;uci~ ~1r{iep[~!it: tis
<br />rraay b!a steffi~ie{~t tc~ enabler C-~~~ idlvril;a~t~e tr7 pay ~ut~h t;axe:~, a:~sessr~~wer~t~ rir ~~,£.ller crh~iri;er~; ~~~; t.laey° 1~7t°c~t7rr~e d~[~.
<br />~. trt5ttr~iaxtce. '1'c7 keep tt2~> ilnpr[>~enae~~1,5 sictw 1:7C~ h~~r[rAi't[~r 6<~[~at4rd c±11 ti~Er r3ra1 estatt~ clt:°s4~ribc~d h[~r[~in iris~.~;-ed
<br />agair~s~t ria-taa~~= i3~Y` fire a~td `;ucil vthcrr Itttrarcis as fVic~rt~agF[~ rtb;l}~ p~eciuir[:, ire Glrrla~n~s as7zl v~~itta c171rlt~a~1li4~~. acc4•lat~~ll~l+~ t.~~ t.€'1f°
<br />~tortg,tgcr~:~~, al~d ,vi{h Iras;~ iaay~:~hlt~ try the P~tart~a~;u~~[>. In ha4[~ £it~ ic~5s ab~ad~;°r >uraa la£:~li+~irrs l.lle €`~[7rt~ag[rc~ iss ~;utl~[arizei~9 t[7
<br />attytast,; c~~lt[~r..t. :~':scl trt7rpiprrrrttiv[~, its i!s cia±[?r4=t.i€~an, ;lli ti~l,.aira~s ihhtrdurld[ar st; its scalr~ 4blatic~rr, ~;[Rb4ll4irir,[~tit,c~+°i?,Irr~s~apl7iy thE,
<br />prat€oards l,e~ #,$t~a g'~*s'te~rat;i~Lar1 04 th[~ i'rtb{~e?t~,y~ c,r ut~~un t,h~, irz~d~~hi,edr![°s5 .~~>ct~arlrel ha~rei>y, i~ui.. taayrs~r~t~~is 11c~B°[~ur~~tiwr wtthll c~e~a~~1-
<br />ti~ittc? until th~a ~;t:~zr,~s~restre[Itt[:r[~kly pare p~lid i~l full.
<br />~. C: 9ras~^r45v~r ~`cAr `1~aa~,es aa~d lrtstrrce. ~;t_ytwith±~l.arldirtl; Ett~~tf.hi{~~; =~car~t.a4rz~~d i11 ~ara~{~apl~.4 ;; ar~c4 ~ lit~ra~~t~ tee fia~~ti~
<br />s°+,zr24~~rw~; ~~"lort~~alyt,r ~ltt~ll gray t.[a la~~r% ~tc~rt,~:at;~~~ at t1,e titz~~~ ref pa~~i{~{~ t~ktr~ r~n~yt~3thf~r ir~sta,ilp~Y~_~1~~e;; s~f~ pr•kr~R,il~a6 t~aFri ira€;c~a~~;~i,
<br />Cbi9[?^l:~'elfth a1f tti~.i' ~,[+arl!~ 1{3k:4':~, r3,Sf,k'~S87-F'{7Eti, fldJ,kirC~ flly4lrstn4t? 171"E`3k7fU[AIS, :l 9iCi ~3"riLltkC7 rf`174.t5 (!f 2?!1~'}'4~`tltC"~~ FC121V Git,tmlYt ;i
<br />~saral~€L;~~ csu~:~r this ~~~€r~s°i,~a;~u, alf av, re:~ t,xlahty s~:~,t.iruat,~_cl i"1•C-rll tiriia~ i.r~ tilx~e ~~ ta~14• iVI«rf.~,s}?as~e. '1`t1x: ztr,aiat3l~,s r;t7 l~~,id L,lla91 hz~
<br />E~i[rle3 1sy. Lh~~s ~~i{,rrt,~a~~rg~ ~rritiic3ut i11e~°rtxsi anti raptali~ri te:~ t,lle }aay'~a~e~t~~t. c>t' i.fir° its^tlis ir, t~f~~,l-7e~r~t t~'~ ~'~~1i~'li ti,u44i ~aerbrl[a11t:~ ~~<7.urr,
<br />dczia~xwl~sd, 'i'''tta. .:4~ira1~ fbais;', t„r nttris~{~r'oc: hexe~~nct~x ~rl? pl~~~e[z as ~idriiCi[yiiai sr>z~{ rite° f~Firt,lae ~~;c1r~~!£uirlesr, s4~~~[r~et'i by tlli<
<br />~ftx~t~i,~, tk`t~prt{~aa~'~~cst~ai_i ~a~ t4., ~~c1rt~,;a~;~•E~ ~t,he artara{e.nt [7~J' ~ar;y bt~t~it"a[°rSe'"r bet.~ca~e-r! t1~1~~r ~1[~a,~r~l i,~a:+:,, <a,,~~~r;;~rrkr=11s.<~,, iElsur111~~c
<br />~#fFFrI-7SxliCka£ w,~1tl IgR:~'31idF4~ {'1'{EC'v ~31l+(i el'1!;' t~e~3Yl!i4~; Ix['~`['L[Tj[ier ~'ktl'#tr! ~{.! [li.[V~s Fltt.t'Y 154x:9{~XiC~ i5 i'31iY[ti' 1f~'r1F1T R'ic,1"tf.?d~gtk[' 14°i~7,lt`.S~.E~t~?
<br />.F
<br />~~bi;~'X~C1'tl~l, ~'~tf'~~'[~Pet,
<br />$P, t~~.k~Y<R~~"~ ~1~~1{zt.i~CreAd[6'Q', a'~{'4d ~i;v"4.". ~,f~b ~,4"2:>T53~P~,It~~ {"r~~;rtR[, 1'E'A~a?fi[' aa~ 4+''lt.ll~tE d~4`3"ti" lit9-~4~4Ei~ti~ 4.p }rki~ti'd;?t'4 iflt^51E~ 63?,.EF~' [ik'
<br />~sg3"h~y,~f.$'" ~,r~'d s'`tF• ~~F~f7~7~°ff~~~~`; t~~ ~1°4^~3 {.{{,' ~v~'1',Ri,"~tk' 1~T ~a~t~t~ r;ti~{'lAiftY{;b{'{ il4fit,T [Y'~B~klfi, 4TVt~~Sck4t~, tA,a~l{'° •di'£? 1Erk'~' ~~'{){a£ 1R asba`S44P"itr'"it £)#'
<br />t3~k£15~`ick''i~irl£Rt 0.'1r,~iT'~ohrul~a ?t~tie@zl~~"~1113ti~i-1'F:! S.t3 t~t![° ~SS'71 ~kk?~'4~'?!t: ~1r 4:~Y~ 1i~ t'7~~ICI;< 'r [A~~~B-{' f,'at' X94"A;Y~E41: «P'15' ~i~.~r:"~k9aw'F' (s< <~ti:i>,~, ~t~y't fal :~ii79s±?.
<br />1{.~'< h '}~ f1'I[~Ji). `it clb~ "i'd1.i}~k? 1~f I~;a~ d-~F'4'9 ,l4^k°~. ~Y' ~?~i {.Rz viz: :. fib$ 4~['6~1~~:i,tF3i N,#a ~ }y r a
<br />~ b .~lc'~' 1$9t4;t 1.41 ~ Fl~'.xzYa°i b~la'4 Fe,{~}t1'r'eTdc`1y[~ 5?t 1. E4' 'h+t1.~4
<br />r 7gra51` ~ ° ~ °. {'a s' Yb1 tJ~~'b1 r k q, „
<br />