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.-. r <br />f, ( Its t3~etn a~~wr°e'et, i,t~c~ a''rcapc~rt,y, ~,c ~t~y TTe~e"~ t.k'sr~xc+r~f ~ka~t1 tac* t~e~4~t~ P~y~ a~~rairzc~~t`c~taax4uitt,&,h~r ~7t~r`tt~~R~c~c~ <br />is r,reatao~~~~crrc~d~ r:crlic~s°.t tae~ec~k r~ecr~i~f~ti ai4 c~a~arsafera~et.iraa~ a~-taEt iz reaaa~~ teca paid i'ijr tarns preslac=r°tv 1.a&-3rn ryr frrr a~at~ie.r~c^s tw t~~oftrrrt'ti, <br />seat t:~t~l~a_, erxar~ '~~}ea~~t:~~~~e~ Mh,r~z!1 .ipt-t~;r r.~ar,~s~ c~~tn¢ycYns~at~aae, eat ii,~ npti~~n, eaathi~a' tc~ ~ rti~~#sae:r~il~r7 e~af' tl~slr irsr4r:'t~t.+~eit~4~s~: z:Nr;crz'l~ct <br />„~ faa+z~mta~T tas' t:rr p~s~p~ia~ and y-r~strra~e~ thtx tara~l~rt~ Ora <br />E~. ta'+~rf~r~rrnanc~Er kl'~ ;'4~creitf;ag~~e. ii~~c~rtgaa;F~c~ ~aa~~, taut ~~htttl l~aave ncr, tc7rda atny apt ~vhit;h thr° M+nrG{~aa+ur <br />taste s~q~crcct h~-t i'ait:~, grad I1+Icrrt~,ac'~r~~ rxaa~ a'is~ca da a.r~~ Cara et. ~9k7,~r>a!s racree~.arri try pratctir~t the Hera hercerf. ~tcrrt~agar <br />acgrec:s t.a rr~pa~r, aataran ctr-+rtaanel, any surat.~ a ee:pezrded tay tiae Mfork~a~l~ far l;lae=, rrl~crvau pua~rases, and rerxy sartxas sa c+~epena~c+d <br />ta~~ tlsra ~~+~:~~~+~ shall Ix= added tca t.tar* itat3ebtednes.~: st~cureci leererb~% nand lbrc°vatarr subjea~t to thc. lien hereof. i'Vf~ortgager> <br />*~hatt not incur €r.n;~ per:~~careal iiat~i3it~ hr~c~use ca#' arr~thing it may r1r> or r~rnit tcs rto hr~reuslrfc!r. <br />!~. i~c*f~rattt; ~~s,i~nraa4=nfi, of ~eral~. `I'irne t6 caf thga l~a;.~s~ncn kaereat', axad upon ;+~[c~rtp;agar's efefault in any ,~orrea~arn~ <br />ras ~~~~E~rnrtnt: c4f this 3vtc~r~k"gage, itrc*irrding cravcnna~nl-s to PaY where ritac^ thc~ sutra+e sea~ttrrd tY~ this ~c~~rt~~ge, €tae I~r~rtgage+~ shall <br />erititlcad, at ate scaie rcpt.€<ara :and tivitticaaat nc-tir«e, t-ra dc~ciare:nll surn:~ :~clarr=d ~y this ~+~>tguge ttr tze iraxrraedlat~~ly c3ue and <br />payable tared a~a~~ rc>tnny~crnc°e fa~a^ec~lrrstarrm caf ties Mrartg~ge by jeadici~ai prareEdin~;; and, provlr~ed further, thgt upon such <br />r3~fsrtlt~ thr~ h~cartg:~gee, car a YeCflivl?1 appointard h~,< a ceaurt. raaay ,et it,~ rafatic-ta xnd vrit•Yaaut regard to the adedutir:y raf this <br />rectar~it~;~, c~aatr~r upca~ra araci take pvssrs~ian cef the i'raperty and +r~slleet t.he~ rents, issues icaaci profits thca~ircarta and apply ttaem <br />terst t+~ the cast, cat' c+ulllsctiran and apertattrara r]f thn E'rc~perty rand then upcan ttae iradetatedraess eecured by this. Mortgagee; <br />uatd rent, i5s~aa~s sand prc~t*its t>rLin;~ aassigned tra the ?4'Inrtga~ee as furtteer 4er=u~lty or~r t.lte paymerei raf the iaadebt~~ciraesr} <br />serata~sd hcrrehv. <br />Idl. 'l~r~arez±t~r cat' Px+apertyR ;t` tall ar anv taaat cat' ttrt~ Prc~pl~rt~ is tiilld oc tcansferrc~d w~the-a~l the expr~;s.~s ~vritt~~ri c•an. <br />:ent caf thc~ !~@cartg~a~c~, ;Vtart~agee rnav at its scak~ captiean, cle+clarc ail s~um:~ seca„ared bti~ this 14tttaa7tgaga~ tc~ be ttt'asttedit-teP~y ~tac~ <br />tatad ~aa~~atale. <br />ll. I~'ttk~trnr ~,dvartrL~:. i:}arara rc~rtunst raf '.'>~Irartgagrr~r, ~~iortgsgee rr~v rrae4cc~ rsrl+~iti+baxa! atnrl facture advtrraces ~o <br />Triortgaa~or. ";urtu n~et~•anc~c+s. rovith ir+th~a^c~st tFac:rccrn, a,ha11 firr~ sc>cured h~ ttaiw ;Vtart~a~e 4v;~e~,a ev~~ieaa•ceci kew prarrasssoa-y rxat~s <br />x~tatirak ttaat ~a~td aaatcs ara~ :~~+cajmd leereby, At eua tirrae shaeal! ttar~ prtnr~ipaal ataacsunt rsf thc! iaadebtedraess serurc~d by this <br />!'~Ictrtptaa~, aaQt iatcludiatg esurte!4 radyaaacr~ri tra trornts:crt thc* rat~c~urtr caf this Mortg~e, ~aac~d the ari~ina~al 1'~t~#.e. <br />12. lk~islc~rl~tatr+~a-s t'rovisicrars. <br />(rail ~'tra~t f~~r~laa~aranr..r ira r"xc~ra~isinl; arry rt~ht rs>r r>tirraect;,~w shaidl riot tre a tivatver thea'eral". <br />tia? X11 re~•rrac*ciic~~ pravecic~d her+~tn arc ctii.rricx and c-urzaaalattve t-a aa~~~ rr3hes n~ht• atfc~rrt,~c~ tiy~ tar +~r t~ctuit~~, <br />anti raa.>a~r tx+ r'acrcasa;~d ,.^tarrrure~ntly, tndep<~radenttti car ~ttccc~i>r~eiy~• <br />~r~p "I'kee c~e~rc~rtarsd.~ and agr+~erncntLS r~~art~ttac~d tx~f~re>arY ~,hst:ld hind. ~~nd td~9c rt~hts areurx~ re,, t eta rc~~i~tivar <br />!,u~c~t:a~x~rarx axed su+~~sa{~tt~, of lhl, '~~Urtg~'car anrt thf~ 141rxrtga~c~e <br />+~ t .14.11 ,•cavc~raarat.s >nr:d a~ree~mrnts raf Hlae P~Paari~a•~car arc )rani array rte. <br />fir') t'h~e~ heaadin~ cif par~~a-phs oaf tltca ~tc>rtg, ~r~ t<.rr c~ora~c*ttirns,:#~ ~;+rei~,~ awsec~ ~h~i sacat #~ aa~~d try iar4~~a`~ <br />tirr^a Apr dc~firer~ nc~> t~sren°a~~i~aass lar~rk'a±f <br />~3.' i~~~~~;~s~. P'{swan {sa>,~m~^eat xYt ta11 ~unx~ s,r~rut~cl h~' this ?~ttsrt.~tp 4~rxrta~ ~ia~ail rtt~~rhar~C, t_tZS~ hf+~r~a~a, a~~ac~ <br />,hill +~xes~ut~ ~t3d ~dx^ii~+~~~r a sati~far:trr,~' ~l~a~~, tlaerF^for. <br />tN 4h'1'I"Nt~,~S 4b~ilF tii":t")t•','~icrra~a~tmr h~ aAx~aat~d this ~trurt,tsi~ r=r~a tlt.t~ _ ~ , ~!~~ drt ~ °' , i'.3" n <br />_.M ~ <br />~ w~+3c Y+t" M' et <br />._ ~~ _. _~ , ..__... ~.,,. .~,,.a,.,M,» _._.,_ .~.... ...._,_~_ _... ,,,. <br />`. ~ 1 a !'', d h., . t'. ~.` . , i , 1 tJ; ;~ 1Ka'at7`~~vctx <br />r ~ <br />~a~ exf, _ ~ -.~ 1... ._ ... _ . _ __~.,._ .~ ,,~..~~. _ .~_ _ _... t,:.UUrat w ~m _ <br />tkn t.tna> ... _...~~~ ~ ~~_ -- ~._ sia~ gal` _ _ 3?~ - h~' a~~.~~- ~ ~~ _. ' -' .~~ ia~f~.-r~ ~. tta~ r~;~aa+~~d, ~ `~ratrnr~ t~ic° <br />t;a, c~°e~faaxra~v~ar~a'r+~~'! aur! ~uad~fi~d 1'c~t aid ~~aaat~'. #~tasai3t ~~ ..~„m ~~':;:~.t':~.::i,~.:~.;....~.~.a,~::e»:.~.~xitt~. _..d`~ ~~.~._.....~.. <br />~r?s!. ~ ~x"i~ _ , ~a sxa~~ ~taawra tr:a t~ ter <br />i~^araSa~~l.~~aat#aa~ w~» s~n?rt~~ ~~ ~ut~ra~abe~ try ah~ faar~~cxas>~ ira~t.rar ~ ~aaett ~at'~Catde~•t~rt t.he~ ~aa+¢tsta~s~ th~a~°swl <br />t~ra ~e ............ .. I; ~i~~,i ? .. _.., ..,.._,... ~~".~r~ ~at°t• zed a~e~d. <br />~+E'aF ,~a~; h;a a~z~ ~ras~is~ jai ~ati ; ; ~ ' ~.~ - ~; <br />_..~..~~.i~ n:,.,.~:~ W5r..a_~~...~. ~.~. _..„.....~,._..,~~._~.._ ._ irm mad caau~#~, ~~e <br />do>f af~~l . ti~ ~ ~, - <br />€ I a <br />any aor •rw+~saw ~::.-~.-~- - -- <br />~ ~`~ <br />!~ w <br />,.~:. <br />~h ~ <br />~'4. ~~~ .~.._..._,,..» ...............,. ~..w......r a.....,.,.. _.~_,.„.~. k~,'+~c'." g9+c~l«~u~ `first ~..~stac ,~!Ft+r*w~d F t*t L~.`a aaai ,a~B+ectasvyae~.~ <br />~.,.~ <br />~~ ~{~ ~'~ <br />~~~ <br />~ ~~ ' <br />w - <br />~~~ ~ ~ ~ <br />aw~ ~' arm ~r <br />~e.yc fY~is TIP rr.~ .,,~. +M.,. '~ _,..,. _ ~ - <br />{~~ • ~ ~F <br />~, <br />3' <br />i <br />dv ~ V <br />.<~, <br />1"`, <br />as. <br />