jy~ H"rk{5: `i'it'D~~',~~4 S;~~t :.'r f'Cl~t?1"[~di ?4'1 r;&:9 ~?,F^t+~~F'€'T%. ___.,..._._...._..".i~~1,.~,::?,{.~,~....isb..~..,~.5~,~..~.~~'L41,,..~.u''~..~.: ~,..1.a;..~:.~.,.Cy~~.~. ,T.,.....,..~ 1~~' C~~%.~.wc,~~..t~,:;a:.,.,,. ...„,;,.:y:
<br />_..._._._-.__._9..f~.Ld'."'._~3.tkA.~1.~~._:__3~~.~.;11 .~~.1..~...1._~0. _..._._._.. _... ___...___ ._....._....._.. ,.., _`-, ____'___ _.~_._.......,.... .. ~7A{. ~~y~:~1 ~3 ~~:Y~(j~~~.~~3:~,fa~4Y ~9 a$~'}~1
<br />ti Y + f' )~.i.7t p ~ic;f')~C .,._ .. lt~E:XF'!Ll 1l1Nig)r{~Si~Q?k?'}!,
<br />~~earl:~~!~,~r' is. F~nds„~~{;aid :ea `e~cr~rt~a~e?~~ iza ta~~ ~epflic,i~at :~lar~~ ~ai'~ `~ 1C~ _I~`_~_-?:`~_.__. , erridf~nc~t~f3 bw ~«rt~;agax`'s note.
<br />r~f~z~...__:.~._-w_ ~ ~~~ ~;~~~~,~...__~.._m... {fau~~2t;'~~l`rr:tr^~=) ~rxf~~~ia~is~ F~~r,a~~s~r}~rzt;w c~k ~t~as~cif-al axld into*r~st, rwi9;ta the t~sr,izisacae~ exf tttt~
<br />ittl~r~tsi>'q~a`~e<~~„~, if ~~ac ~~: t::n~~ }~a€d, dsacs R~rac~ ~Sf~~~~1~ta~ a~a~,.._..___ r ~~~~-. ,.1._.ti..a._~.`~~_,2.___ ....._._ ,
<br />~'a? e~a~~i~`~ ~;~a~ ~iay~iaars(; ~-~ t,~t~ tuJc~%~b 3Frt,h ss~~.~~rr~;4 ~s ~axr~~~€3€~tt t.i~s~rf~i:yy t,g;k, ~~a;~ rsa~>nt c~~ ~aE~ c}~fi~t' yl~s"n~, ~v~h inl:~5rs~st,
<br />advaA~~+~ ~aa :~~~srt~a.~ta=~ fi.~, j~rt:ytr,c°t: t,ise.~ s4~cksrie5- irk t.x~i~, ~~a~r{.~Q~~;s~ sr~cl t;taf~ pr~t~f'arr~iaattc~f- f:}f fist! c~~s~r~r~~i-~t.~ and a~;rr~+~rraent5 c,g
<br />~h.+~ ~t'~T`t~~~~c"a~''t~+GS'#tt=anw€i lre~rrar~!, ~+«'[~rd~~a~~~a' l~~a~y he~ra~y lr~fzrt;'rrg;~ as~ri ,,>~snv~~,~ t:€~ --i~~'~rt~~a~e:a~~ lire fcatlcr~vint; de~sexibtd
<br />~ara~p~rty Ics~°~it.r~r~ aa'l _.__..____~~~,~~...~..L_._ ._W___._ ___ ~;c~ur~t:~~, Ncy't~r;~~a~.:~:
<br />w , ..
<br />~.,f~{.' '~)F~L1l~aS3 ~ ~ s ?~1.~:?<'~_ r~:i1.'e:.t.' ~ .~~ ~ [dl ~F''t'l7Tt~ (;r~i.Y.':.<7,~ k.:~ if?~.t'CiiTlis <; ~~i~.~i"lGJra~'
<br />~bfiJ#Ttf'_:~ ~a1.2~7t~7.1J:1~;1t'?3'i .Ci .,t'C~i:Xt)T'? ~.~s ~~,~E~?a.>~~1T7 1 i. iVc)['L',~'1, zt<Y'tl~.;r_ ~-~ I.,.'C',St i?~ fi:~l(:~
<br />fat~a ~?.I~f, . ii~~! 2 ~:c?ucytr 4', ~~ ~ra:~,krR
<br />'t'ragc~tp'!er ~n~'th x!1 tauilelira~?s, irsa~rc>~,°c~a~ieslt:, t~ik}us~rs, si~"fs:~tti, :f1IF>~;~s, ~a.5:~~a~c~t~°ae,~y, ~~~~f?!n~~i!t:5. ~s~~i1,4, rl+~itt~~t°, and
<br />;~~purtt!tta[at:e~s kvraLtr~ {herc~c~ri f!t" in i~an~'w~sye p~rtztinin~ thc.r`~tra, «nri Itac> rent,. issldf ~ :lrld tarr~tsfs, reve~r`;ifyfas anc$ s'erna~nder:~~
<br />th~~rtaa~. irsc~lu~di~rsg, mitt nit lirtteeed tc:~, taet~{;in~ r~sad ccseaiisr~; ee}uipanei~t. ras~ti such perstaraai ~rr~~=rt.~- tt~rtt is a~t~ac~ed t,~~ t~,e
<br />irraprc~s~~rtrsrntas so as to comsat>titut,e~ ~a fixture=; fait ~f whic~ta, il~E•iuafira~a rh~l~scirsa~stir; i-nd adaiitielt?~ ttserr~ita, is h€~re1~?~ deraa~ed
<br />tc~ !~ a ~r~r~ ~~f tt.e r+~al f~slaie s~c~ss:e!d !~y the Nara cif [iri~; ~~f~cyrLt;a~e~ and a.i> nflha~ 6`~ar~~~dtai; ~~~a?1~3~; rs~ft^'~crri ~;~ he=r~~n ts~ khw~-
<br />~A~~~artg~rgtrr ssarthebr ~~nvena¢~t~~ and ,a~rrere~s, ~oit~ks ~fc?rtgagarc~, ~'S l~aiCczavs:
<br />1. ~°av'rrdent. '['c> Pay' €9te iaacfci~Lcrdssftss z!sad {lge irsterrebra tt9E~r~=s:}t~ ;rs prr~rir~,~d ii't Phis ~'~tr~ttt;~nr~d t~~t 6~A~?.
<br />:~, '~~'itlle. !14~!>'rCgag~r i~ tie c»~rr~r v# the ~'re~perr~,~, %s;~ ttse ri~Fst arsd authf~t~fty t~ razor{~;x~e ttacb ~'r~~pa~ttty, and..
<br />~v~~rrattt,~ ttaat. t-he ii~i~~ ~~at,~xal I~sf~r~eb)~ is a ti±~~ stud f~rac~r lytyn s.>r, t,t2r Pra~~ert~°, a~~,~ept. Kek> rn,ry r~[hc~ru~i~~~ frF> set ;'1~~i ~~ere~n~
<br />. , `T°~#~ ~'ra,~~~r{y is 4uiaget't io a ?liort,gage wiarce>iss ..__.._,. _.__ __._ . __.~_......._~,-,,..r.~.,~.,~,-..,;,.....~~.,...~~.~,.~.,:.
<br />i~ the h!la:~rt.~sg+?'e, recva~sda~ai pt Bts~k ___._.._--.__._-- , `ate ..___ _.__ __. _..- at ttae ~tori~agc~ ~tet~eyrd~ caf :,~_.~._ ~attnty,'
<br />~tetaras~, ~~'diela Ib~vsY.gatr is to :ierc pricsr {o thy! lic~ta c•r~at.eei herf~hw°.
<br />...,
<br />t__ ~~ilaer ~ariar dens c+r erscila~t~rrirac^es; ,.__..~,..~.~..,~..,~. _:;.~~„~.~,~~...:~..,~..,,.a:,.~.:__,...~.,~._.
<br />.___.__~ _ _... ~.a.,.. ..._ _ .,..
<br />~. "~~`8~7KI~s, A'~na~+ra,is. 'f'~ ~$y' when dace= aul€ taxes, s~c~tiai asses~mc+nts anal ail c~ttre+r chaxges agalfast the Pm~reriA{
<br />a~ras~, watt ~c!rit~~u e3e~'t~tad h~ ?~~~Ori,~i~~', tea ari.ct tcs Lhe ~i~'naeant r~rtu#xeai u:rdrrr the ?tivte nod hereby', such rs~caatrst as
<br />n~~y~ tae ~nf~as~ie•nt i.~ etaat~ile t.h+~ ~aar~ga tsa ~;~• catch tax+~s. a~esatrterats nr rather c°harges as thr~y t~c~c~rne riue.
<br />zt, ~.»r+~e. '€"u tc~~a the irra~rc~~ezrnesrts aac~~ ear henasfter ic~at~ci t~ra the r~a9 est~c~e ttc~a°r~~d heraap~t~ ara.~~red
<br />as~a~!~t ~, fay' t~:t~ a;"id curia attxer t;a;cateia ~ ~4n~sgaga"se racy a~c~ui.re, Asa amrUaaa~LS end :a~iztt ccarzap~aaziea aMre~!tablr !c~ ttce
<br />~dltgt=„ taar~.~ va~a ~r~s ya~3~ t~ the ~~c>rt.gagee. 3a~ ~* c=f i:~ss trader ~actx ~SUic~es the ?~[ta~rt~ag~e as snrtt~esri~~ci #~a
<br />i ;~d~ts ea~E~et matt c~aprsxns, an its discreti.raiz. aii ciarrrs tear reattader at its. sraa~ c3ia~<erss, ~autiafari;~,eai tc~,>ither a.~~1} the
<br />~~ taa t.ta~e r>~•stasra~:can ~~ t3ae ~~k~ rrr u~s3 tkas~ indeht~dnes~ :~rured hazr~by, huk ~ay'm~n.~ hex~•llnit~t ~hE!!.1 cta>!a-
<br />t~!rx~e snt!P~~ ~~~e ~~~ ~ her~etry~ d af~ f+~
<br />~, ~~~.~~;a~ ~e3>r 'f'ax ~ ta~wra~ttr~~, ~~t.ws4~~txtndin~; s~~thing c~raiatarers' in ~rar~,xa~ph~s ;~ and ~ #a~=~n~' to LB~~
<br />~+~~. I~,~r s~!af3 ~~ to ~e ~i~rt~a? at tote tszr'ee cs# Pa}~ixag Rhe t~osatht4 ira!sL~t:s~esa~ ~~' iar~ncipa~ and into,
<br />rttw~3t a~~ the `,r`t?8at~~ Lacatass. a.zsts, trued in~urart~~ ~„errisatrras, atrtt ground a°>; n~ di€ xny~~ r<atsie~ s:s<a}' attagn s
<br />~~ e~R~a~ ~~ia w~~~~~ a~ r+raaD~ly~ ~?~~xd t'rxara~ tirxae i.c~ tam a~s° tie 'e$~~~. ~r~ arPS~unt~ laid sta~i t~
<br />~~ the 't~°~!e~e ~SiE~aca~t!s4 intat azid a~a~i to ~e ,~~z~rat cif :he €tris ors ~e*ai try ~hier~a su~t3 arzz+~+aaats ~er~r
<br />steirlt. 'C~sF ~~ d tea ~~t~ dae!ret~taa3esr are aged ~dd.stieasa~ ~s~r-t4 [ear the al•ad'eht~s~nes~ ~ecure+~ bk tTan.'r
<br />4[~~ !~~"~ ~ tQ x~s<i~ t,t-e' anent t~f ~ ~ekiaync°~ t+~ea>i+•~a {ham aituai t~a;x~, ~,~;ssaeat,ts, aaa~aa!~ac
<br />~.~,.~... ~~ at~trat,~at-d xa~ antt i.#se rs~i~ h~a'x~r ~a~i~.tira P~ ~y°~ ,~ft~r ~s~e~ ~ rsnac~ ate ~taa~.gar r~s~~tittag
<br />p+ay~asa~ ~.ry#e.
<br />~. 1~„ l4~a~,~~ ~.,-~~ve., `~`~.s p~rst}~~tg~' '~~ta, t~c,~ as ~,~hutid ~r~a t"ui~istg~ tint scts{a~hket~~a:!r~ axu~ar ~•r
<br />~~~ ~;a~a t:1 ;~~~ t.~ ~~ ts~ ~~~y ias ~~-sead rcar!e~itt~:#~t ~.€ad Wit", ithc~,~~ °~~. ~s~d fry fts~ njc~w°ha~R~e:'~s i,,r
<br />~I~~ '~~ i'$~°~f~a 3i~~airl~i3a~d ~,d) {,~~ $1~X: ~5l~fi~°~a J~~~k ~:~ ~taa`~rE*. ~~~a~~'~ [dS ~?P~:3~t ~'s`e~ iii{{3F`~' ..€s."~ a2~,i~~, a'!i.~'{ €ta C~P'l~Iia-
<br />s ; a~~ ~ ~~s~~ar R,,~' than i~a~rtb~ tai ~n°~ ana:~, asr :l<~r~~~~~.~~s ;~ ~:t.a sr;a~ ~~3 c~~~~ai.~~ ~es~:~r aIr ~+r~rt~,~s~~«• .a~ ia~a° sa~al•€
<br />~~a~~ a~a;h ~~ ~rfr~ .
<br />