ri: F~tr heater `ecttrit~~ ~~f' tirt~ an~lr~tttt;rlrte~ss l~er~by sec.rared, utrr~s~r the retxuest c>~" th ac)srt~e~ Asa ~s~orw
<br />ass- dstiig4,s, R•n«rt~atcctr~ s}raii cxe~alt: anct v-t~~v~r t~, s~ap~r~n~ztta~l rr~ort~~ car t~rc~rt,~g~s c.~v~rirr~ iart~ ac~c9iticart~,
<br />in~~roverrset~,ts~ car i,s~tsermt?~ts Rraadr~ tc) the propert~r hereinabove d~scrabed and all property acrlrrrai°ed ~~ itafter
<br />t~'~;t dtt#e itt;~rec~f fall in torst~ satasf~te;;:~€;~~ t$~ knor~t~~~~~y,'~uth~srrna~r~, sta~r:)ra~d ~~ctrta~or t"ail rr~aare~ ~n~~defa~ul.t
<br />in the ~a~~~rrr~nt o#` a tsri+.?r c7r iatf~ri<~r c:ncxiratf~rar-ce part the prco~erty de.ecrihe:d kzy this anstrutrrent, rntartgd.gt~r here
<br />by agrees to ;_~t.°rrrrit arr~rrtg~egee tc~ ~rtre ~t.reh t~tt~fatrlt, br~r rnort~z~agee~is not eahirg;~ted todo so;-andsut;tt ~dvanc^e;~
<br />,i'~all l,tcc)rn~~ ;part cif tFre irad.ebtccfsaess ~.tCtlr'ed f')~- this ir~strurr-etrt, sutrject to the ~a.mtr terms and condatiorls:
<br />e, ~~he rights <:reated h~° this cc)n~~tryartce sha#'! rerrtain in full f+~rce and effect during atty postponement-trr
<br />e~ttensaarr o1~ the ti}~~ tal~ Fite payrn~txt z)f~ the ind~btedri.ess e~videncecl ley 5aad prcrrrrissory riot.e err rx¢ates, or any
<br />}part, t:heretaf s+~s:t.ared ~er~b~°
<br />f. '7"o cc~ntirtRttrt.tsly zT3aia]taie3 hazard insurance, tarf sxach type or types anal in such arn+aunts a~ the m~artgagee
<br />rrrai~ frtarra time tc; tirxte rer~uire exn the ixrtprovtrnents r-t~vv or hereaF~er on t;a;id taraperty, artcl mill ~av pu'onrtrtly
<br />when due arty prtsrrrauer~us therefor. All ansctrance shall lay carried in ~~~mparxies a~ceptahliw to rrA.c~rtg>x~,c;c: artcl the
<br />polities arrci restewals titereoa' w:>hali be held ley rn+~rtgagee and lave ~t:taclied ihe~etc~. lass p~,y~le~ clatr~c~s irb f~tvc~,r
<br />oS turd an f'orsrr acceptable ter the mortgagee, In event $~f 1ass, rr~artgagc;r ~vili giv€~ rtatx~edi~ite ra~tcc ixa vvratin
<br />to rrtnrtgagec:, artd suort$~igee may urxake proof caf'lt;rss if not-made prtrtxrptly by r°nortgagor, end each insurance`
<br />ccrompartw ~;c~rrcerneci is hereby authorized and directed tra make payment for such loss directly to tncartgagee
<br />:.instead oaf ro -rrcrrt~agcrr-and rricrrtgagee joantfy, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof,.. rxlay be-tapplaed
<br />l~~r rnort~aQ~~e at its optac-n Bather to the redtuctiaxu crf the indebtedness herelay secured or tc> the restoration or
<br />repair tjf slaty garoperty dainaged.:or destroyed. In :event crf foreclosure of this rrrrrrtga;ge, or-sther transfer o#" title'
<br />tc~ said lal~c~lrc,rty its extinguishment of't:he irwdehtedncss secured heretay, all right, title, and interest cif the'
<br />rnort,~agor an and to any. insurance policies then in frarce shall pass to the purchaser car mortgagee or, at the'
<br />a~stacari ~l the ~mortagee, may be surrendered for a refund.
<br />g• `"1"`~- keep all tauiidings and other irrtprove;rnents on said property in good repair and condition,• to
<br />~errnit, cc~tnmit, or suffer no waste, impairment, dettriaration of staid property or any part thereof; in the evetlt
<br />aF Failure of the mart~agerr to ]step the lauildi:ngs catr said premises. anal. shrine erected on said. premises, ar
<br />iniproverrxex7~ts thereon, in good rerrair, the rnartagee may rna:ke suc.:h repairs as in its discret:aon it taaay deem
<br />rrecessar~- fc;rr=the proper preservation thereof; and the Full amount cif each and every suclx payuxuent slxalf be
<br />irrxmedatttcly due and payalale; and shall be secured lay the lein of this mortgage.
<br />h. Ter ~~ot volt~xxtarily create or perrruit to be created against the property srrb~ect to this mor:tgage any lien
<br />or liens inferior to the lien of this rtrortgage without written consent of the mortgagee; and Father, drat merit-
<br />,gagc-.r will keep anr~ maintain the saune .Fret frotrx the claim of all persons supplying labor or unateriais Fear con-
<br />structic>n cif any and all brraldings car improvements arot~v lieitrg erected or to be erec:ttd ern said premises.
<br />i. 'f"o trt~t rent or assign any part cif` the rent of >aid rrxortgaged property err dtrzxolish, or reu~r°tcave, or
<br />~ su tr
<br />~tantxally <ulter any. burldrrug r~~ithtsaat fire wrrtterr consent of the mcartga$ee.
<br />j. ~flLs~a<~ards of darttages i;n conrrection with any r~c-r~dcmnatican fcrr publ%e ua~c~ f ar injury tea arty cif ~irc
<br />propi:r-t}r =seait~~~ct tc.> t1ii4 srxc~rt~»a~c ~tre trereby assigtlc:d and 5lxa:ll be lxad tsr rnctztx;:tgcc~ vrito n'xdy' alaply fire sctriae eta
<br />p~~cyra~er7t tri~ flit; irrst~iltzrt:aats last cl>_te under sttitf, note, aaxd rn>ortgag is ~herry°bY ~r-i~iacari~ed, a~n t1xt na~r~~re cif tt~~w
<br />rtte")rtga~ar', t!~ t;~ecute Arad tl;~liv,er ±~ald aa;c#ait.ttrnc.~es thereof and. to appeal froa~a a.tr~ ~tu~a~,u award,
<br />kx` Tito' t~tc)rtga;~er~ Shall lra.vc the right tea inspect the meartgaged prerxri,ses at any re;~~o~aaa)le tirtre.
<br />l: "1"c3 c~~rrtfrly ~,~sth fife provisiort~ t)f duty lease if this 1Vtctr?gtr~~;e i:9 ~rsx,a :te~usRittglcl. lt' titan ~ortg~ge is ora
<br />~ttat itr tt ic)trcfornirtiurrt tar a tslar-iaed tt~it develt~~rrtc:ryt, 3~rrc>~ver sit;.~ll 1?erl°orrrr talx tai' l-~urr•t~a~er.s ohl4~;ritiokts
<br />. u. vv. Fein, •~!•b YUI GL tr Wi[ VI 6.4J VA.I1Ri [A S.;J L~A 1.41 d-11~ \fl ti31iY44 [All3~ LA tlS. L.LTI.f I.i A,Dtt{ReiSi.li[1 $ri ~)!(,~], =~rr:er ~a.aa.rr ~.aeve,ie..~~ntturlt_>.rrta
<br />hw-laws; atad t~~~~gaalaiaaans of tlrsv ~ondornir~;tttta or' t~lar~rtrr~rl zrtrii de~rt^lrt~pnt~rrt> zatttl i~orr~;t.ititertt dueuaraettt.5.
<br />~~. I)~~fau]t ixa arr~~ o#' tire. cov€:n~tnts or i;~sndaticarrs t~f than irt~trtrrn+~ntca~i~ ~::)f the xrote sir ic~as~r ~s~;ec:rr~errt ~3c°cureu lrt~rerty
<br />shalE terrrtin,~t~~ the rxros~tgagc~r":~ ragltt to t;acsssessic7rr, nisi:, arld e«njc~yrt~R'r:nt of then r7rof~erty, Ott tyre c~~tio~ ctf Cite
<br />rn~:urtgagec; qtr assigns fit k~eing agre.:d that the rnc~r'ta;a.~;crr :~hal? httwc; ,,>~wit right cirtt.id t#et`artlt~, t_~p~n anv stu•it
<br />defactit, the rnc~rtga~,~r:e slaali hec:carn'e t#re ~~wrrer oi' all tai. tits rents trRtcl pectfats acctrran~; a~ta~~ter del'~atrlt as yecrrritw f"or
<br />the inclehtedns ss ti=c.~LUrt~d iterr`iay~, ~vittr fire right tt~ ettta~r u,pc~rr paid ~rc)pt~rty for tit_e ttttr~t)se v~ ~~c31le~,t~irrg, ;;ttc°fa
<br />rc~rrts and ltrc)iits. ~T"his irtgt¢'rante.rat s3~all c>~aerate a :rrr a4sigrtratei~t c~9~ zta-Ry~ a~trertwtis ~n said ~rct{~t~t-ty t« t-t~a.t c.~stt~rtt.
<br />3. tf ~l•rty at-origa~r,or €1c~fauits, Errrd €aal.s to make. arr~ xta;~rrrtvrrt~ s~'iteRt iitRrA 3r tc, t~rtrtts.~rrr! t.~~ ,:rr;$.l a:r7rrttaly wvatlt <rr)y s~#'
<br />the c"tattc4ititar~ts +c)r ~iarectne~ttt~s ~er¢ttairr~;d in tiers rt~~eartg~g,~ car ilr~: rrt~tcs ~•irz$~lr ii ss~c;.rr~:~~~:~v txrz~a~r ttac; a~.rrti.r°r larin~;il-a;:a,i
<br />srrrrrr aatcD acc,raxed ir~4eres s4tail ttt <srace '~,e;~cfrrte l:iue ~trtd ~E:tv~t331€~ ~~tp;.x :tra~~" .,.__~ ~- ~ ° e-~~r
<br />~ .. , e;r~ ~`Ltti .~.~~.._2 "fir' irrte>t.:.`sT
<br />ti~rcrealtc~t` €ut~etil pa.ici tit tires c.le~'tacatt itf' tits: rrtort~ai;e€°; ~:rnc2 this arrc5rigttgc; st~a~,e titeri~etltc)rt lie ft-res:irnscd gstrrrtc~tir~rt.els~
<br />f"c'Rr tl"re ~s~~ oilc taf' late itr<tei'tttudrtc;s ]sere<i,u 4er:tRrerd, irtcis:~cAast,~ ~Fxr ~.~x~t Qrg' e~~t~;Ktriizrg tl3e ai~r~ta•~rLt t}€~ d;tls i~rcr~rt tits::
<br />~+~td~, t;'r~ 2~1k5 R'rr6,7#'tp;;c7Ga~ i. C9 th[: trrttc: ~(;~~ tia)ratrCr~;~r.;ir~ti; :~4tR.:~'S ~rRi)t, bra?C' ~r`4-'-Rt ~:~~'E`,t'I r`.3t~t~:t 1,7t"[C::'^°l~a`~.~. ~; !:)(;.'~i`t:i~':Ci ~.
<br />~, irs t.fti e~ae)R# eat r, t"~7rea..Dosaai~e t~i° let"at.~3t tts $~rtai~idcsi &rcreirt, ttite: rslczriga~,e.~e, shall art ~~rrc~~° t?e ~rrtitl;.~ t~:t tl°s t?c)~-
<br />`~)~~.:43~~ifp 3");"'wv drtrCf c;t'-~rt"ryrrtc;°ttt iP€ :l"re .`R"~t;'d ~:~tf,ts~ cdl~s;lre~~lCt =4Std t4i RItG` !'~..1"!k, e'~~itC;.""~, if=~,'}3.9t?~:~,, ;;114# ~-r4'+iSt`ti i~"1k'.!'t;d)i~
<br />'~~"~'~)7'3i ts)~t, c~4„4rR.JrF t}~~ ~.ikC;ll 1'l~;ftzti ,,lk,i:~ ~~b,ifPra~ tCfl~' ~a$acftar~';}' ~7~ t~;8~,'~it'sgi.;r'!. ~?it,?,r:l;dRlf.',~ id:il~ ';~li~'~t ~~i,i~?C`;~;~§iYr~,. i".it:.,
<br />`r~rt.ll s~'1t ~w)'2tiA»' ~;i£ ti4"l6",~t_r4d.~ C#") 1~ke~` S3tLr)tt~,d~~is,:)bst~?i~t? 9,'~'t~i"Rd~`-:5"Z. AS1S4:)3'3 I~:k3~8:iCC` S?i~'a'i r~t;ir4rL`,'t~' t~ ^tl~~~ '~.:lA`~w;`'§~.l~S~ ai)..3E Fat'
<br />~,~9i1~:)C`d;;~n ~~" iS4"vlt~~~k~t#:~, ~~;r"a~ib}'` u~~4'+~~it'1~}6"4`ai.i~" ~~;~?$'4l ~'3ai;T4;~"E:t,sl#'s~, 3ilL;~a,ai~kCi~ a$ i~'<°~ak.l;i E'~;' 3~"t4" ESC°,..tJ~t,si~'
<br />;e:~t~-
<br />~~~.`
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<br />~' ~ ~~,1~ T)d,.~s,~,t",c~'4 3~u .r"C''i' <4#E?;'" 'ti ?~;)iii~ 'bi~"~ 5z'~4'{ ' n#? t t ~,~k.. i ~* cR~~ siRgo ro ~ ~ ~_
<br />S~ ~ '9 .~'~ .,fk..P9~~Ri.'C; v C l~"~t't~J4ekk if ~xe.`~~i 3~~~;~. fY,~~S Y. R~..!~`ll,k7 ~?t°:? tit
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