<br />'~~ ~~~pS) ~~ x}~ ~~ ~ f~V L
<br />~~~~1 !.(O LO~/~~.L
<br />~l"~1I5 fFAf~'1"~4!c(f~~ rr2~(~e c3IiCl ~S3te rGCt trt1C) E.~YS -.., .. __-_~._-___,__......._ ~l~V Cl~ ..,...-..---_ -._._..__-__ . _ .__-_--.,,_,-_:.____.,-_,
<br />~~! ~ __..., by an:~ i!~et~a~eet~ ~~ar~~s ~°. a.rtd io1,1.t~~~ F. ~at~ct~F H~.tsb~:n~d ~z4d
<br />~~~_~~, ~~~rt.t~ ~I'~n~rz•trs ~,Ra~.t~z f?~~rh~~ ~~ S~r~rivt~rshi~a
<br />~~l~rr:illi~~tPr 3'~'~~'~'I"rC".-C~ I(},r~S t'tlt~1`C~'~~fAr~ ~T3~ ~~4JI~5PI1trr(:Ii~.~ ik~ltll?I1T~ .~~1"f#C utkii~ ~r135Q ~t~Rlj?~FlV'
<br />thereinafter referred tc~ as
<br />rnart~~~~~e~, ~V~k~'~ rl3atrlta~in'~ an 43l?l~t~~ and j31aCe Clf l~uSII]eSS aht _ ~ 2 '~" . `.l'~a 1. ~C~ ~_,_~ clr~'€:I trl ~.il'Idlltj jS~dnd~,
<br />~~ail ~'a~tl~£~4, ;~€ebraska,
<br />~~Q'Ttatl~55E"rgf, tha.£ far the cc~rtsidera#iart hea•einat`ter st~tf:ed, recei}~t af' urhich is hereby a~lnttavi~d~eci, tkle ri~ar£~agar
<br />clc>es ~te:rel~y m~a~rt~,a~ey sell, gran#, assi~rt, and cc~rtve~ unta the' zatrsrt~agee, its snc~essars and assi~nse all of £he fc~l-
<br />ht~rrin~; ~r~escri~s~d ~~ra~ea~t~,z si£uated aid being in the ~:at~taty f;+f ~~al~_
<br />State c7f !'Nebraska.
<br />Lt~~tw Twa ~2~ , 131~a~~~ lI~~ren ~~~-~ ~ ~ann~ Brame
<br />As.~.s:~1.t:f_~t~: r ~I°~~ U~ ~~'~YYt~. ~..c'~Y'tC~, ~iaZ~. ~OUI"1,t'~
<br />1~~~ra~~.a .
<br />ta~ether ~i#it ail tide terterttectts and tta~urtenan~:LS ti7~t'etc~ l~~:l+.7n~in~1. jai tie r~rtts, issues E~,I7d ~Bri~f'it~ tfterec~t', alBc# ail
<br />e~SC'IYtCLI£S, fi~,li#~, rayalta~S, t~iflePal, t~tl aI'td ~~S ri~~hts i4Rt~ ~r~Jf3#S, :~3#e9`, ~'aCe`r I"'~.htS, ~S2C~ ;WFitC'I' `~tC3L~ti, S3I1C~ ira~i~xf~istl;.
<br />all heattn~~ ~?~1i1i2~1tY~, rtWtrl~'~rzt#I~CYn, ~I~~~tCICT~', ~'~{lSl~l(i'It~C1t i~ki'fG~ ii~~ ~1?~tikri.S ~~f f;v~'E";4' tjL'CS,I'1~ClI:}n ~f'~4~IlC?iilrr dtZ C~1~'
<br />Ittar£~~~t3r Ct{y~L' iJr hf.'rC;i~t#f,'Y c"it£:~t~11'{l theret¢.~ ~)I' tdSel'~ lIl t: ('?I'lfleC;CtfJi1 Li'3t~1 tit ~'?rCrniS~'S i~eretn deS~r'l~Saa~ ~lnd IIl iiClC~itttJ~Ct
<br />there#h~ t~1~ tC1llF:lW:{rl~, deSCI"I~')~i~ ~?TC1j'S~rCS~s '4W~t~~'S ztre 3f1L~ 5'~d~l t7~ d~t;lT3~'~ l~l~ ~)f,'' fr~tdlrc~,4 ikltC~ i~, #~,3rt af'#h~ CGi~~'~y
<br />+~ln
<br />,
<br />are zt ~:~ar£ic~ta Mkt £h~e ~sectxrity tar tb~te irtdebtedttess herein sta~tc~~i:. elf narte4 s a£~ "r~e~rB~"~ ~ca~n~
<br />~`a Dave acrd te? i3c~ld ttr.K~ same ~xnta the I~Cart~a~ee, as ~Bereill t~rs~vided:
<br />~~l~ 1~3C7T#d~t)f i5 ~giW~lt#~~ SC'k:GCCI ar@Cl ~t)SJCSti~.d C}~ ciild ~~sk5 the I']~g'B'l EU ~~li ad"td ~:cJltvey Si31u ~rre~X~ck"!y'; treat t~tt°
<br />saute i~s free frt~~rrr all E~zt~nrnbranc ex~:e~t as itez~eirta~save r~~ited; s~rtd that ~sart~a~c~r i'a~'el~ant~ tra a°arr.tnt alt~t
<br />defend the £it~le afat'es:~i~ tttfwre£a anal s~verv dart tlBereat against the iaairns cy~fi ail ~ersnn~~ wltortt~aevtr.
<br />3 8 ~
<br />This irtstrsliaent is t~;iven t~ se~akre the ~aymerkt c+f a ~re~n~issc~ry note da~t~:d . ~a~ ~ 7J I.
<br />"
<br />-
<br />_
<br />. _.~.~
<br />T~°?a ~`.~~,artC~E~ cxrl.~~ ~CP~.~.GE't3
<br />kn 'E~i£ prirkCr~sdl 4t:irlt ~?#~ ~t~~ rJ' ~~ ^ ~~ , ~i,~ne~l by ~~'lc~t~"
<br />!t2 beht~lf of
<br />3~&Oa its SUCIl it?1.~ UT CtUt~S may #'r~rttt #iSrle tC) 1tCi7~ ~3+~ 471~C~it1~'t~, CCI1~'WCt,~ Qr ssxtens~ed in 4A'rl[tn~,.
<br />to #~#~ event #h+t` tai#:lC £~~ said areal seta#~e is trttn;~terrc;d, c~f~ caf~!£x~t~Ced #t~ be transferred, trtBlrt the tJt~dersis~Ite.d far ~~B~y
<br />re~,st~f~t ~r b~ aza~ rtaethEvd avh~£sa~ver, the ~,Ittir~t ~rirlepal sr.Irr: arld as~ertted interest. 4hail at ~anc:e k.~ecarlte ~lrt~~ ,islci
<br />pay~~rl~ at £h~ e~~+wt~ttrt ~f the ltalder her~af, ~'ail~tr~ #a c~xereis~ this c~~tiatr ~eeaf~5~ ~3f tI-ansfur f~t~ t.itl~: as a€~avc~ statct~
<br />in e~n~t~ it~~st~~ 4~h~~~~ t~t~t e+~t~sa8i£n£~ a ~aiv~r ~~[' the riglz-i £ra ~~,~tt°~~e tl~e sr~s~ae in the ~~vettt cif any ~sa~bscclt~eltt tr«;tn;~t~er.
<br />l: The rn~rt:~l~,+at' ~~~crt~.n~s end aree~~ as #'t~4icr'~vs;
<br />a,. ~"~..8 ~t~~t~~4t~! ~~t~I ¢h~ ~c~ek~t<~tlnw~s~ ~vwrl~rtL+~~3 by ~ait~ ~t~ttrl~i.s~rsr~` note at tta~ ties ~al~c~ 'sI~ tt~~; ~Btal'sk~er ~
<br />
<br />tE'~°t'~it~ txt'~avit~~~.
<br />
<br />..~
<br />'
<br />~' ,~
<br />,~ ;
<br />~~'
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<br />iwt~~ #IC~k",~i, #~a$~~?s~ixC'#fw-~t"t.: +,N6df,~"I' f'~9~~5, a#T~L~ d;~t~1~C 5~~4?k`trk~CF7G'n4si~ {">C P,'ltatlt~,`B~1t~~ 1`6te13~?~:~+, ~4iBt.'ti„ i~l .
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<br />~ ~s~,
<br />t~C~ti~i~9" ?~'S #~1~ s~iat rEB~fX~dat,4~~. ~": ~.
<br />\. ~i~~ ~i`"t~{:'~~ y~`¢.N~[~~iA~~.4 A~1_~MY ~~z~k~ x~`N~~rk~~R °~~'¢ {tDhiPP~t~fl~ ~A~,_ [~E~".~ ~"~'8,4~1~i.~~is,f~~1 i:1'a tx~z'!.{t~~,~,'tl~IS~4k thS t;31x,i S?1a.S~Yt.I1S.
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