<br />TR.ACT NO. 33 At{.ILA
<br />F- 3 TRACTJ
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<br />N.E. CORNEA t-lE,i4
<br />SeCTION 13-f11N,A11W
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<br />TRACT NO.
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<br />s,~, CORNE:R S~1:"
<br />SF;CT10N IJ-T11N.R.l1W
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<br />CAP IN
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<br />13-T11 -R11W
<br />
<br />200809099
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />A tract of land compr'$lng Q po,' of thtJ Norlheast Quarler (NE:1/4), a pari of the Norlhwes' Quarl8'r (NWf/4), a parl of
<br />th. South...../ Dum,j., (SWf/4), and 0 porl of tho SOu/hed.f QUdrlor (5[1/4) of Section Thlrl.on(1J), To...nsh/p Dovon (11)
<br />Northj Rong~ nlve" (11) Wut of the 6fh P.f,f" HoI' County, Nebraska, end mor6 partIcularly des'1rlb~d as. followst
<br />
<br />Beglnnln'} a' Ihe norlheCJst corner of said Norlheail Ouart~r (N[1/4)i IhanCI! running wes.lerly, elong and "upon the norlh
<br />"n~ of sold NorlheClsf Ouader (NE"1/4), (J dl$Ionee of Two Thou$Qnd Sl:rt Hundred Tlrrlel11y Fol.lr dnd' rlghtY Three Hr.mdtedlhs
<br />(2,624.BJ) f681 '0 thll 110rlheos'l corner Df sold Norlhwe:ll Ovaner (NW1/4); th8':'c!! dsf/sctlng .rIg'" OO"O()'o.O,'~. arid.
<br />running wu18rly, along CJl1d vpon th~ norlh line of said Norlhwest Ouarlsr (NW1/4). a dTs.'ancfij of Two Thousand S'x
<br />Hvnt;lred FIfty Onl! and Th/rly SIx HutJdrlldths (21657,,36) 1eel to Ihe norlhwe~f cornlJr of saId NorlhwlIsl Quarlllr (NW1/4);
<br />fhsnce deflecHng 'eft 90"15'05" orld running southerJy, along and upon fh" we~1 I1n~ of $old ,Norlh""'''$' Ql.lcrliJr
<br />(HWI/4), 0 dIstance at T...o Thau'Ond 51. Hundr.d Farly 51. and [/ghly Fou' HuMrodlhs (2,646,64) f..t, 1,0 /he narlhw..1
<br />corn~r of said SOuthwesf OllClrler (SWJ/4); thence dfJfl.c.llng right 00"00!41" and runnrng sou/harly, along and, 'upon
<br />the .....u, "n~ of ~a'd SOl.llhwe~f QuarlQr (SW1/4), fJ dlsfance of Two .Thousand S'x.Hundr~d rorl)' 'SeV~n atJd,,ssvlln
<br />Hf..mdred,h:l (2.647.07) flfel 10 Ihs soulhwesl cOrner of !laId SO(.Jthwe~' Ouarter (SWI/4);. th.~n"e deflllaling ''''''.89"47'22.H
<br />and runnIng eO'ilerly, along end upon the south IIn" of saId SOlJthwest Ql.Jorler (SW1/4), a d/sfanc,fI of. Two Thousand
<br />51. Hundrod FItly and Farly Hlno Hundrodlh. (2,650.49) tool 10 fh. ,"uthw..1 carnor of .oldSouth.o.1 Quorlor (Sn/4):
<br />Ih~nr;fj d~fJscling lell OO.01'OJ" and runnIng eoslerly, along and upon the soufh Uns or. sotci Soulheast Quorl"r-
<br />(SEt/4), CJ dlstonc~ of N/nll HUndf1ld riff., and One Tsnfh (950. to) feet; thene. dl!ff.c1lng 1t.(I 90"O3"'56~' and runnIng
<br />norlher/y. 0, r;lJstonce of On8 Hundred SI:.dy ThftJtJ and SlIvsnly Four I-/undredlhs (16.3."74) feet; th~:mC6 def/sctfng r/9M
<br />90"0.3'56" and running easterly, parallel wit" th8 :9ou1h Ilntl of sold Soulhilast Quarler (St1/4)j' (J" dlslance .of Two
<br />Hundred Twerlt.y Thrss otld Slxfy Two Hundredfhs (223.52) fe~l; thence d6f1fJctlng rIght 89.56'04" and. run,.,il1g
<br />S"ou1h~rly, d dlsfonce of One HuncJrl!d SIx1y Thrse and SlIven1y Four HUl1drsd'hs:, (16J.74) fsef to a,poln1 on Ihe sou'h
<br />IIno at .ald Sou/hoa.1 Quartor (50/4): Ihonco dol/ocllng 101/ 89'56'04" and running oa'slorly, along and upon Iho
<br />soufh line "f said Soulheast Quartttr (Sn/4), a dlslance of One Thousand Four Hundred Sh(ly EIght and Tw~nly. Four
<br />HUhdredlhs (1.468.24) f~81 fo the sou1heast cornllr of $ald Soulhsast Quorler (SC1/4).- Ihoni;fI afJf1~el1ng left 90"22'47"
<br />and runnIng nOrlhtttlr, 0 dls/ancs of Two T"/lousQnd SIx Hundred Forty nv~ and Twenly SIx, Hundrsdlh.s (21645.26) feel
<br />10 'hI! soulhsa.s1 cotner of Ihll t.Jorth~a5' Ouarler (Nfl/4); Ihl!nel! d6f1ecl1ng rlghl 00"00)34'. and runnIng northerly,
<br />along and upon Ih& fJast /ins of said "'orlheo!ilf Ovar'er (N~1/4), a dl$tance of Two Thou$ol1d Six ,Hl.Jndr~d Forly rtve
<br />and Twenty Two HundrfJdlh$ (2,645.22) fssf fo fhe polnf of beglnn'ng, excepting 1her8from, ~ porasl :gUuatsd In a parl
<br />of said Narlh.a.t Quarlor (HO/4), In 0 porl of said Narlh..o.1 Duarlor (NWI/4), In 0 porl at sold Soulh...., Quarlor
<br />(SW1/4). and In CI' par' of saId SOLJlh8asl Quarler (SE1/4), and blJlng mCJr. parlleularly descrlblld as fr;J/lr;Jws,
<br />
<br />f"irsl to a~cerialn the poInt of b~gll'ln'ng, sled at ths norlhelesf corn8r of said Nor'hsos1 Ouarlsr", (NE1/4); thence
<br />runnIng wlIsterJy, along and upon Ihe north line 01 saId Harlhsast Quarler (NEJ/4), a dlslance, of One Thousand rlv~
<br />Hundred Thirty Nine and rorly rive Hundredlhs (1,539.45) fe~t; 'hence deflllcJ/n~ left 90.27~21" and runnIng .~outh~rly.
<br />a dls1cm~o of [/p"t Hl.Jndrsd Sh:ty Seven and SIx1y rlghl Hundrfldlhs (867.6B) 'se' '0 the ACTUAL point ~o(' begInnIng;
<br />
<br />~~~rl~~ T~:"~~~~i;;~d~~~t(~1~'.J~;o~~e~n~eu:c~n d~~i~:'r:;''i~;{Y 9g~ggrb~~,d a~~u7:~nr"gdl:~~~:rlYISI:; ~,~7:~:~, :7'1rK jfuond~~~
<br />
<br />(600.0) fll1l1: thencQ dMJecfJn~ rlghl 90.00'00" and runnIng sout"Qrly, 0 dl:sfcM:s of On6 Thousand (1000.0) (eel:
<br />Ihsnce QeflecHng rIght 90'0000" and runnlnJ} wss/sr/y, a dlstanc~ of Sht Hundrfld (6, 00.0) f~Bf; fhence d~119c1in~
<br />,,,ff 90'00'00'1 and rLJnJ~jn~ sQu'lherly. 0" dlslonclI of Nlnll Hundred F"orly righl and Flvo HundrDdths (948.05)
<br />
<br />~i:~: ~~~d~:d1h":'8(~'~t'l6: 6;rh/l!e~~" t:~~;~' ~; ~e~~~~'n/~ft~51~;r' J 40" d~~/dn::n :/~gO~~1J7~;:;~:r/~/n;t~/;l:n:;do,slS!~
<br />
<br />Hundted Shdy FoLlr end STJ(ly Nine Hundredths (664.69) ff!lfJl; fhence d~fllilcllng right 44-59'1.311 at'ld runnIng
<br />westsrry, a distance of FOur Hundred Twelv~ cmd rHly sr)! Hundrlld'''~ (412.56) (seli thenc~ d~f/ttcnng r,ghl
<br />44-35'18" and runnIng norlhwQs1sfly. 0 dr9fance of One Thousand Two Hundred Sr:!'vsnly TWD and Twenty SIl<
<br />Hundredths (,,2'2,25) fl3st; thence d~1lectlng right 45"28'25" and runnIng narlhlJrly, 0 d's-ICI'nelil of Two Thousohd
<br />'Three Hundl"fld 5/)(Iy f:'r;hf and SlIVlttlty Two Hundredth$ (2.358.72) feet; 1".ncl! dl!fliJcllng rlghl Sg.S4'.36' and
<br />running northeosterly, 0 dislance of On~ Thousond Nlns and Twenty FiVE! Hundrsdths (1 ,009.25) f~st; Ihencl9
<br />defleclJn" rIght 29"50'.37" and rvnnlng eas'~rJr, a distance of Thras HLlndrsd Eighty Seven and Sl!vlJ'n Hundrltdlhs
<br />(3B7.07) f6(1'; 1henC8 deffeclIng right 45-05'0:,2" and runnIng ~outh8osterly, a dlslonc~ ,of One Thol,lsano FovHeen
<br />and S8"'StJty One Hl.lndredths (1,014.71) fllef to Ihe ACTUAL poInt of blJglnn'ng, ond contaInIng 160..3D9 daNJ9, mors
<br />or less.
<br />
<br />sard troct, /lISS llxceplion. containing 48D.BJB acre.s. morll ot lB$~, of which. 18_569 acr6S, mors or ftjs$. J:s pfessntly Qccl.Jplod
<br />by public road right of woy.
<br />
<br />I hsrllby cerlify thai 10 tile b8St of my k.now/~dge ana bslief, IhlJ acc.ompanyln9 pfal Is from an CJ,ccurals 5Urv6Y of the
<br />doscrlbsd properly made under my supervIsion.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />((;AP IS Si AMPED L S 557).
<br />
<br />