<br />200808804
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<br />4048504390
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<br />th..: SlW":":SSors and assigns of MERS. This S..:..:urity Instrument secur..:s to Lender: (i) lhe repavm..:nt of the Loan, and all
<br />renewals, ..:"t..:nsiollS omd modifi..:ations 01' the Note; and (ii) th..: perllll'Inanc..: of Borrower's COV":IHlnts and agr..:..:ments under
<br />this Securit~ Instrument and th..: Note. For this purpos..:. Bornl\ver inevoeably gmnts ami eonveys to Trust..:e, in trust, with
<br />PO\\ er of sale, the following described prop..:rty locatell in the COUNTY (('vpe of R..:..:ording ]urisdidion) of HALL (Name of
<br />Recording ]urisdidionl
<br />whi..:h ..:un'ently has th..: addr..:ss 01'237 NORTH DARR AVENUE, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 ("Property Addr..:ss").
<br />
<br />T<.)GF,:THI;R WITII all the improvem..:nts now or hereafter ..:r..:..:ted on the property, and all ..:asements, appurl..:nances,
<br />and fj"tur..:s now or hereal'wr a part of the property, All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this S..:eurity
<br />Instrument. All of th..: I'oregoing is rd..:rr..:d to in this Security Instrument as thc "Prope1iy." Borrower understands and agrees
<br />that MERS hold onl\' legal title to th..: interests granted by BOInl\ver in this Security Instrument, but, if necessary to comply
<br />with law or custom, MERS (as nominec Illr Lender and Lender's su..:eessors and assigns) has the right: to exercise any or all of
<br />'. those inter..:sts. induding, but not limited to, the right to ll)fl:c)ose and sdlth..: Property; and to take any aetion required of
<br />Lemler induding, but nollimited to, releasing and canceling this S..:eurity Instrument
<br />
<br />BORRC)WI':R COVI':NANTS thut Horrower is \awfully seised orthe ..:stal..: hereby conv..:y..:d and has th..: right to grant
<br />and ":Olwey the Property and that the Prop..:rty is unencumb..:red, ..:"c..:pt Illr encumbrances of record, Borrower warrants and
<br />\\ill defend g..:n..:rally the title [0 th..: Property against all claims and demands. subi..:ct to any ..:ncumbran..:..:s of record.
<br />
<br />THIS SI':CURIIY INS'(,RUMI~NT combines uniform ..:ovenants for national use and non-unillmn ..:ov..:nants with
<br />limited variations by Jurisdiction to ..:onstilut..: a unifonn se..:urity instrum..:nt ..:overing r..:al property.
<br />
<br />UNIFORM (XWF':NANTS. !3orn,l\\er and I ,ender cov..:nant and agree as 1lll1ows:
<br />I. Payment of Princip:11, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Ch:lrges, and L:lte Charges. Borrower shall pay
<br />\yhen du..: th..: prinL~ipal o[ ami int..:r..:sl on, the debt ..:vid..:need by th..: Not..: and any prepayment charges and late charges due
<br />under lhe Nol..:. !3orrower shall also pay funds for Escrow ll..:ms pursuant to Section 3. Pavments due under the Note and this
<br />S..:curity Instnl111ent shall b..: made in U S. curwney, llowever, if any ..:hed. or other instrument received by Lender as payment
<br />under the Not..: or this Security Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid. L..:mkr may r..:quire thal any or all suhsequent
<br />payments due under the Nole and this S..:curity Instnl1nent h..: mad..: in one or mol''': of the following forms, as sdected by
<br />Lend..:r: (a) ..:ash~ (bl nwn..:v order: (el certit'i..:d ..:h..:eL bank check, tr..:asurer's che..:k or cashier's eh..:ek. provided any such
<br />..:h..:ek is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insur..:d by a federal agenc~'. instrumentality, or entity; or (d) Electronic
<br />Funds T rans1'..:r.
<br />Payments ar..: d..:emecl rc..:eived by L..:nder wh..:n recciv..:d at th..: lo..:alion designated in the Note or at such other
<br />lo..:ation as may b..: designat..:d by LA'nder in accordan":l' \\ith the noti..:..: provisions in Section 15. Lender may return any
<br />payment or partial pavllwnl if the paym..:nt or partial payments ar..: insulTi..:ient to bring the Loan current. Lemkr may accept
<br />am' payment or partial payment insulTi..:i..:nt to hring the Loom currenL without waiver of anY rights hereunder or prejudice to
<br />its rights to rel'use su..:h payment or partial payments in the future. but I ,ender is not obligat..:d to apply such payments at the
<br />time such payments ar..: a..:eepled. If ..:ach Periodic Paynwnt is applied as of its s..:heduled du..: date, then Lemkr need not pay
<br />interest on lmapplied funds. I ,ender may hold such unapplied funds until I ~orrower makes payment to bring the Loan current. If
<br />Bonow..:r docs not do so within a reasonahle period of time, Lend..:r shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. If
<br />not applied earli..:r, such funds will b..: applied to the outstanding principal halance und..:r the Note immediately prior to
<br />11lredosure, No offset or claim which Borrower might have now or in the future against I,ender shnll relieve Borrower from
<br />making payments du..: under the Notc and this Security Instrument or perl'onning the covenants and agreements secured by this
<br />Security Instrument.
<br />2. Application (If Payments or Proceeds. E"e..:pt as othenyis..: d..:seribed in this Section 2, all payments accepted and
<br />appli..:d by I ,en del' shall b..: appli..:d in th..: following ordcr of priority: ((I) illl..:rcst du..: under the Note~ (bl principal due und..:r the
<br />Note: (cl amounts due und..:r Section 3. Such payments shall he appli..:d to each Periodic Payment in the order in which it
<br />b..:..:ml1e due. Any r..:maining amolmts shull be applied first to late charges. s..:cond to any other amounts due under this Security
<br />InstrumenL and then to reduce the principal balance orth..: Not..:,
<br />
<br />NEBRASK:\-"Singl~ Fam;ly--Filnnil' J\lae/Freddie M;,,'lINIFOI{1\t tNSTRFJ\IENT
<br />Modilied for V.\
<br />'E;:) .'.,X.2 l'"g~ .' of 12
<br />
<br />Form 3028 1/01
<br />