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<br />.. <br /> <br />200808308 <br /> <br />. ' <br /> <br />Exhibit "A" <br />Page 2 of2 <br /> <br />200206941 <br /> <br />A Tntl of La"d eomprislal all at Lob SinT.Five (65), Sixty-Sb (&6), Sixl1-SenD (67), Sixt)'-Elpt (68), <br />SIxt,y-N1ae (69), Sne.ltr-Scvta (77), Seveal;1-EIaJ&& (78), Sn'EDty.Nlae (79), Elpty (lO), E1ibty-Olle (81), <br />NIDety-S1x (96), Nlael:1-8nu (97), Nlaety-Elpt (98), aad Oae HUlldTed noree (103), aad Part of Lois <br />Forty-SiJI (C6), Forty-SeveJI (47), For1.J-ElgIat (48), FarV-N1n (49), Fifty (50), Flfty-Oac (51), SIXty-Four <br />(64), EJpty-Two (112), Nlnely-Five (95), aad Oae HUlldred Four (104), aU in the b1dustrial Addltloa to <br />0111: City of Gl'lIad "land, Hall Coualy, Nebruka, od QlIII.18 tJu SOUtllMSt Quarter (SWl/4) ofSecUon <br />Fourtee. (l4). Towuablp Elevca (11) Nonla, blip NIne (') Wt5t of the 6th '.M.. Hall Cmml1, N.,hl1tJka <br />a.d mOft ~all.rly dellcrlhed as foUOIn: <br /> <br />Bqlllallll al ~ polllt Sevenl1 (70.0) fed. South alld ThIl'tJ.ThI'R (33) feet East or the Norl!nn::IIt Comer <br />of .ald Sou~t Quarter (SWt/4); thence NDldnB _terly aad parallel to the North lloe or .ald <br />Soulb""st Quarter (SWl/() a dhbuu:e of one Ibousalld aiae hlUldred thIrt)'-XVCD ..d live-teat-lis <br />(l,9J7.5) reet: iIleace namm, soulherl)' .Ild parallel to the: Wat Ilae 01 laid Southwest QUlrUr (SWl/4) <br />a c1Jstallce df ODe thousand sill: lIuadred thict)' ad lhIrlJ'.two huadndths (1,630.32) fe~t to a poJat 011 <br />Ib~ DlIrth~rl1 right of way Ilae or the C.B. &; Q. Railroad CompaD:r; thence r'UllalDI Dorth>n:lterly along <br />.ald right of way . di.staDn of ICYCII hUDlInd IhJrty-fovr aDd alDe1)'-ctpl huadn:dth. ('tW.9fI) red to <br />a polal OB the East Ua., of the Southwest QUarter 0' the Soudnftst Quarter (SWl/4SW1/4); thebee <br />",Dob,.. aortllerly alolll the tall 11_ of the Southwesl Quarter of thl! Southwelt Quarter <br />(SWl/4SW1/4) a diltaace of thirty-aiae aad sboty-eipt hllDdrcdthl (39.611) reel to the Nortbeusl tul'ller <br />of the Southwest QlIarter or tile Southwwd Quaner (SWl/4SW1/4); lbtloce runaing westcrl1 aloDe tile <br />North liDe of tile 50utblftd Quartl!.f of Lb... SOUllnftlt Quarter (SWl/4SW1/4) a distaacc of IIiCftllt,y-Ib: <br />aad lhlrty.levea 11I1D4n:dlhs \1(31) red to . poiat OD the aortherl1 right of way liDO: of the C.B. " Q. <br />Rallroacl Compaar. thellce ruaDiol DOrthwaterb' aloDI laid rlabt of way . distance 01 olle 1.II0ulancl <br />three b.udrtd levtllty Rd fifty-six buadftdlhs (1,370.56) reet to . point thirty-three (33.0) reet Eallt or <br />the We.t liao: of 1III1d Soulhwnt Quarttr (SWI/"); theace naaalal North uel panllo:J to the Weill Uae <br />of laid South'tlut Quarter a distance or sbl hundred Diad...... alld threc-kath. (61'3) rft/: to tbe polal <br />of bqIaalug EXCEFlING. c...tala Ind more particularly dacribcd In WUTaDty Deed ftCorded as <br />DoculllCat No. ll6-1ln9Zl>>, <br />