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<br />.. <br /> <br />,., <br /> <br />",' <br /> <br />200808308 <br /> <br />["hibit "A" <br />Page 1 of2 <br /> <br />2002069.11 <br /> <br />Plln:el 1, Part tor the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) of SlldloB Shdeea (16), Towluhlp Ten (10) North, <br />Range Ten (10) W"",t or the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nehraska llIore parth:ularl:r de~.,rihcd ." lollQ>l'li: <br /> <br />Comllll!nclna at the Northeast Comer (NE) of Section Simen (16), TVlmShip Ten (10), RaDge TeD (10) <br />Wed of the 6tb PM., HaU Counly, Nebraska, prO(:eedJol West IlPOIl the North lID, of lIueh Section, . <br />dlstaD"'1! of Oae 1'b.ousaad Tbl'ft HUlldRd Elghucn aad Nine Teath, Feet (1318.9'), theace Pl'GCUdial <br />due South Tlairty-three ll!tt (33') parallel with the East IDe of laid Section to an lrall pi,.., theDee <br />proc:eedllll due South paraI~1 to the East Une of such Sec1JoIl a cUstaact of NIDe Huadred Tweuty Seven <br />aDd Five Tent&lI Feet (927.5'), to au Iron pl1Jol!, thence proctedial due West paraUel to the South Une 01 <br />such Section a disbiacl! of ThRll Hundnd Tbirty Bod Thl'ft Tellt&s fett (330.3') tll aD 11'01/. pipe, thlilnce <br />ptllCeedlag due North, pIII'lIUel to the Wat Uae of lIuch Sedllln a diataacc of Nine Hundred Twenty-Elaht <br />Feet (5lZ8') to an iroa pipe, theaa! proceedial T1drty-ThI:l!l! Feet (33') due nortla parallel to the Welt !iDe <br />of said Sectloo to a point on the North liac of luch Suclio., theac;c pru<:llI!dloe; dUe Eallt alGa; the North <br />Ime of said Section a distaJla! CIf Thrft Hundred 'I'w('nry-Ntne aad Seven Tenthl feet (32'.1') to the <br />"riginal polat of dcparture tram suth North Jllle of such Sertlon Sixteen (Ui). <br /> <br />Parcel 2: A. met of laDd located ia the Northeast Quarter at the Northwellt Quartet (NEl/4NW1/4) <br />"f Section Slxteea (16), Townsblp Ten (10) North, Ralllle "fea (10) West of the 6th r.M.. Hall Couut;r. <br />Nebraska, and mono p.rticulllrly described a, follows: Commencing at tbe North Quart!'r (N 1/4) <br />Corner of sald Sed;oll SinK.D (16); t1aem:e "" aa aSlumed bearing of S 02'09'4\1' W the East line <br />of said Nortbwnt Quarter (NWl/4) a distance of 33.02 feet to the ","unty road R.O.W. Un.; thence <br />cODtlDulnc S OZ-09'4!il' W aloaK the talil Uae of !laid North_st Quarter a distanee of 766.55 fed; th.....,e <br />S 90"'00'00' Waloq . line that I, parallel1t1th the Nortla IInc 01 sald Nortbwtlt Quartu (NWl/4) a <br />diat...."ll Of 654.40 feel; tbeac:e N 02"09'4\1' E aloDI a line that Is parallel with East line of said NQrth_,t <br />Quartel' (NWl/4) a dbtante of 766.!'l5 fftt to the COUDty rOlld R.O.W. line; thence contlaulDI N (U"l)9'411' <br />E aloll; a line that Is parallel with the Ea5t nne or said Northwest Quarter (NWt/4) a dM.llce of 33.02 <br />feet to the North line of said North"",,t Quarter <NW1/4); thenee N !lO"OO'OO' E along the North line of <br />laid Nortbwtst Quarter (NWl/4) a distwI:C of 654.50 fed tll the polat of ~DaIDII. <br />