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<br />- ,.- <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />.\- <br /> <br />"'-.~"" <br />. .-- <br /> <br />EXlllBIT "A" <br />September 4, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />200808141 <br /> <br />.aid tilorthwut Quartar(NW1/4) a 'dlstan~. of One ,HLinarit\i Forty Rve (145.0) feet;' thence fUnning westerly <br />IIfld pal'allel to the South Iln. of ....d NortJ\wnt Qulil't.t (NW1/4) adl.lane.. 'of ThrGO Hund...d (300.0) fool to <br />the paint of baglnnln'g , <br /> <br />, " <br />EXCEPTING: The Southerly Two'ld Six I:tundr.a Seven (2,807) feel of the easterty Nlnely (90) feel of <br />the Nortl1WiIst tlu*rter (NW1/4) of .aid Section 1We1v. (12), In Townshlj) Eleveh ('11) North, Range To'n (10) <br />Weet oftha 8th P.M.. tlall Cau"ty. tIl.b....It. . <br /> <br />EXCI&TING: Begiri~in'g lit tho, South*asl com!lr of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quartor <br />(SE!1/4NW114); thence I'Uhnlh9 W..t9tly'a1ong tti1l SoutJ:Iorly IIno 'of :iBid Quartor of tfl. Northwest <br />Quaner (SE1/4'NW1/4) on an 41A~.d b'e'atlng' of Korth 89~ 23' 22'"' West, a distance of Nin'et)- (90.0) feet. to <br />the eclual point of beginning; thence continuing WeatDrly along the lilat dS8(:ribed count.,. distance of One <br />Thousllnd SiXty Three ahdSIX Hondredtha (1,063.<16) teet.. then... runnfng North 00. 00' 00"" Eut. '. distance ' <br />. of on. Hund...d Fifteen (115.0J feet; thel'lcerunnlng North eO. 00" bow EUt, . distance Of'Slxty (60.0) feet, <br />thlU1C11 ru'nfl'ng North 00. 00' 00" ,I!ast, II dlsfance ot Nine HunClred thirty O....e (931.0) f..t; thence running <br />North 80.00' OO"):..t . distBnt& of One Thousand Thre. (1~003) feet, 'to. p"olnt NInety (11'0.0) Met West of the <br />Eesterfy IInlt of'.ald South....fQulotw Oftha N&tthwlrsf' Qllarlar (SE!1/.lINw1t4) thane. runilln'g S 00. 00'00" <br />Wnt, . dtatanCII aiD';''' ThOUSand Fifty Sev~n and Thirty i"ImMa Hubdredtl'l. (1,057.33) feet, to the actual <br />point of beginning , , <br /> <br />I!XC~P1INO: All Df StMIln!rEatatU 'Su&dJvIido"n. 'In th.'City Of Ot.rid Island,. Aall COlint,; N~b".k.' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />"'-" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />n":._ <br /> <br />............ <br /> <br />~~,~~..,.,..,:_.,:!"_...~,~'~~~.~'.'.~:",;:~~:":':::_..". .~"~ <br /> <br />...JL-C~~ - <br />