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<br />\. <br /> <br />< 'I < <br /> <br />,:,.: <br /> <br />EXlllBIT "A" <br />September 4,2008 <br /> <br />200808141 <br /> <br />/ <br />/' <br /> <br />_.~ <br />,,-'-(>!i"'; <br /> <br />. pARC~1.1 ~ Lot Ono (i), Blode OnD (it, Storlinaectates SUbdlvlsl"If,.1h th6 elty of Orand ISlan'd, Hall'County, <br />Neb....k.; <br /> <br />Lots One (i), Two (2), 111.... (3), 'Pour, (4); FlYe (5)~'SI~ (6), Seven (7), EICltit (8)~ Nln. (9) and Ten (10), Block' <br />lWo (2), a.tllhg Elitetu Su~l\tiiUoh, ih me citydtO......Clliiiand. HaU county. Nebraska; <br /> <br />Lots One (~). TWO"(2). Three (3),'FOU~ (4). ''''''(6), Six (S), Seveh (1) and EIQht(S), BloCk'Th..... (3), Starling <br />estates SUbdl"slon. In t".Cllyof G.....d lii'larid, tfall"Cout"lty" 'NebtUk;e;; " , " <br />" <br /> <br />..... On~ (1), two (2) and 'I11ree (3)r Block t:out l4). storllhb f:Staf~ Slibdlvl.lon.'If1.the City of Grand 1.lahel, <br />Hall County, NobralfCa; <br /> <br />Lots atria (1) and Two (2), Blbc1( Five (5), 'si~~ln'g I!$tatii. $UbdiYI*lon; In O1e city of Orend ~Iand, Hall <br />couhty. Nebre:Su; <br /> <br />LotaOne, (1), Two (2),.Three (3).,Four (4), fJv8 (G),arid SIx'(U). $IOck'Sbt (6). sterling E.tatea Subdfvlslon, In <br />the City of Gl1Ind Island, Hall Cou.,." Nebraska; <br />, <br />Lots O~e (i), ""'0 (2), TI1.... (3), Four (4), FM. (5). SI* (6), S~n (7) .rld Eight (8). BloGk'Seten (7), Sterling <br />E.tabl.SubdM.lon,ln tho Clty'Of'Orantllsland, Hall CoQnty,Nebiiiska; <br /> <br />Lob One (i), TWo (.2), Th.... (3), FoUl' (4).. 'Av. (5),' Slic: (6), ~.V8~ ('t) and EIght (8), Blo'ckElght (8), Sterling <br />Estat.. SubdlvlSlcm.ln th. Clitaf Oi'ahd lsland.HIIlfColintY, N"OIu'IIsb: <br /> <br />Lots One (i), TWo (2), ThrM (3). ~aur' (4), ,~Iw' (5), Six (6), S.von (7) Wid E!IClht '(8-), BlOCk Nin. (9), St.rllng <br />EstIlt... SubdMslon. In th.. CIty of Qr..-d ....IBnd. HillI'CdIirltt. Nllb~k;. ' <br /> <br />PARCEL 2: The Northwest Quarter (NW1/4)1n Sel:tlo'n Iwelve<(1~),ln Township Eleven (11) Hortlt. Rilnge <br />Ten (10) Wat oftha 6th P.M."Hall County, Melira'$u . <br /> <br />, , <br />EXCEPTING: The -f4:ortl\we.l Subdlvtslon" wf\lch f).glirs at tho Northti..t corn'.r of _alGi NorthWe.t Q\iaiter <br />(NW1/4).thenco running .lIStetlY along the North tin.' of said Quarter (Nw1/4) II distance of One <br />ThouslII1d One Hundred TWenty 'I'linie (1,123.0) WI., tHence runlfrnsa'southerly an'd perallel with th.W..t IInll <br />of said NorthWest Quarter (NW1/4) . itlil(al1c8 ot'TWo HLiild,.d Sevllhty Poui" (2'14.0) ".t,' th"nCII running. <br />westerly and parallel to, the Nijrlh IlruiI of,.aid Norttiwest Quartet (NW1/.) On. "mou.....d On. Hundred <br />Twenty Three (1,123.0) reet to III point on .th. Weat 'fin" of ..dd Nol'thw...t QuarttJr'(NW1/4); thence running <br />nortti.rly~ di.bWnce of T~ Hundred smnty'pa~r (274.0) feet to the pdlnt Of tieginnlt"g' <br /> <br />eXCEPTING: Beginning at tli. SouthWest comer of the Northwe.t Quatt.r (NW'II4) of S"ctlon 1WeMt (12). In <br />TownshlpEl.veh(11) North, Range Tdn.(10) V9'est'ofthe Gtll P.M., In Hall County, Nebraska, thence running <br />north....y along thv We.t II.... of .ald Northw...t Quartet (NW1/4) .. citstanca of Elaht HUl'ldrwd TWftnty five <br />(820."0) 18.t; m.rU:. rUnning ,.listsflY and pBl'BiJill to ffia'SoUth lil'le.ot ..Id NotthViini:. Qulll't8t (NW1/4) a . <br />distance 'Of' Three Hun'dHtd '(300.0) _t;' thene. l'u.nnJng aOLltherfy '8;lYd' parallel, to tha' VIi..t 'IIne of ..Id' ,. <br />NorthWest Quarter (NW1/4). distance of Elgllt Hundred l\Yenty Five (825.0) feet to'. Polnt'i;)n the South line' . <br />Of .e;kI N6rthwesl Quarter (MW1/4j . dl.t.nCr~ ~f Th,... fiundted (300.0) fGDt to'fli. potnt of b8glni'lInu <br /> <br />EXC~'11NG: Beginning 'at ,a point on, Hi. ""est IIhe of the Northwest Quarter (NlIII1/4) of Section TWelve (12), <br />In Township Eleven (11) NOrt"', f'(8riglll Ton (1Ci) ~o.t ofih. 8th P.M., Hali Cour~ty, Nebruu: uld point' being <br />Eight Hundred Sev4inty-FIve (87S.0) feet Not;th of the SOUthWHt cC1mer of .iild 'Northwest Quarter (NW1/4); " <br />,thence running 'northerly along the West line of cald North"est duinter (N'W1/4) a dlstane. of bne HUndred <br />Farty' Fi'WI (145.0) feet; thence runnlric; eM'tirly arad paraill:tl tb the SDUth line of said Northwest QuGtter <br />(NVv1/4)a dlstBnDB of Th....HIJndi'ed (30&):1)) feet; tfrdnce runn'ng swth-.,.y and'p1ll'8l101 to the Weilt tin'll of <br />. \ . . <br />Fotm software by: Automated Real Eat8te SetvloeaJDP~8DO.330.129tic____mm____'.___ __ .' _ElJa:.f18.42A <br /> <br />~ <br />