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<br />200804907 <br /> <br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />(Continued) <br /> <br />1>8ge 3 <br /> <br />Caption 1M8cIlngs. Caption headlnga In thia Aaaignment ara for convenience purpoaea only and are not to be uaed to Intarprat or <br />dafine the provilIlo"" of thla A.ilignment. <br /> <br />Governing l.8w. ThIs Aaalgnment wi! be governed by f8clera1 law epplIceble 10 Lender end, 10 the extent not -"'<I bV federal <br />..... the ...... of the S- of Ne_ without ....,.t to ita confllcb of _ provIaJona. Thla Aaalgnment .... -. accepted by <br />Lolnder in the State of Nebraake. <br /> <br />ChoIce of Y_. If there I. e I.wsult, Grentor .g.... upon Lender'. requeat to .Ubmlt to the Jurledlctlon of the courts of H.II County. <br />St.te of Nebtaaka. <br /> <br />__. There .hall be no merger of the Intarest or _ created bV thl. aaalgnment ..Ith any other intarest or estate In the Property <br />at any time held by or tor the benafit of Lender In any capacity. wlll10ut the written consant ot Lander. <br /> <br />Interpretatlon. (11 In ell caaea where tllere Ie more 1hen one Ilorrower or Grantor. then .11 words used In tIlia Aaaignment In tile <br />8Inguler eholll be deemed to heve been UlIed In the plural where the contallt end coostruction 80 require. (2) It more than One person <br />8Igns thIe Aeslgnment as 'Grantor.' the obligations of each Grantor ere joint and saveral. ThIs means that It Lender brings a lawsuit. <br />Lender may sue any one or more ot the Grantol'll. If IIotrower .nd Gr.ntor are not the aame person. Lender need not aue <br />first, and that Borrower need not be joined In .ny lawsuit. 131 The namea given to paragraphs or aacdons In this Aaaignment ara for <br />convenience purpoaa8 onlV. TheV .re not to be uaed to interpret or dafine the provisions of thla Aaalgnment. <br /> <br />No WaIver by l.8nder. Lolnder shell not be deemed to have ..slved anv rights under thl. Aaalgnment unlaas such waiver is given in <br />writing end .Igned by Lender. No deleV or omleslon on tha pert ot Lender in exercising any right shell operate as a waiver of such <br />right or any other right. A waiver by Lender ot a provlalon of this Aasignment ahall not prejudice or constltuta a waiver of Lender's <br />right otherwlae to demend atrIct compllence with _ provlsion or any othar provision of tills Asaignment. No prior welver by Lender. <br />nor any COUI'BG of dealing between Lender and Grantor. .hall consti'lunl a waiver of anv of Lander'. rights or of any of Grentor's <br />obligations as to any future transactions. Whenever the consent of lender Is raquil'8d under tills Assignment. the granting of such <br />conaent by Lender in any inatance .hall not constitute continuing consent to .ubsequent Inata"""" where .uch consent is requil'8d and <br />In all c._ such consent may be granted or withheld in the sole discretion of Lender. <br /> <br />Notlcea. AnV notice required to be given under this Aesignment shall be given In writing. and .hall be effective when actuallv <br />delivered. when actuallv reoalved by teletecslmlle (unlaaa otherwlae required by lawl. ..hen deposited with a nsticnally nlcognl.ed <br />overnight courier. or. If mailed. when deposited In the United States mall. as firat clesa. certlflad or reg_red mall postage prepaid. <br />directed to the addreaaes sllown neer tha beginning of till. Aaalgnment. Any party may change ita eddraaa for notices under this <br />Aaalgnment by giving formal written notice to the other parties. spaclfylng that the purpose of the notice Is to change the party's <br />.ddreaa. For notice purpoaea, Grantor agrees to kaep Lender Informed at all times of Grantor'. current eddreaa. UoIeaa otherwise <br />provlded or required by law. if there Is more than ona Grantor. any notice given by Lander to any Grantor i. daamed to be notica glvan <br />to all Grlltltora. <br /> <br />Po..era of Attome'(. Tha various agencies snd powera of attorney conveyed on Lender under thla Assignment ara granted for <br />purposes of security and may not be revoked by Grantor until auch time &lithe same are renounced bV Lander. <br /> <br />Saverabllty. If a oourt of oompetent jurisdiction finds any provi.lon of thla Aaaignment to be Illegal. Inv.lld. or unenforcesble 88 to <br />any circumstance. that finding shall not make the ottendlng provision Illegal. invalid. or unenforoaabla as to any other circumstance. If <br />feasible, the offending provision .hall be considel'8d modified so that it becomes lagal, valid and enforceable. If the offending <br />provision cannot be so modified. It shall be con.idered delated from thlaAmgnment. Unless o1herwlaa requlr..d by I..... the illegality. <br />Invelldlty. or unenforceabllity of any provision ot this Aesignment shall not affect the legality. validity or enforcaablllty of any other <br />provi.lon of this Aaaignment. <br /> <br />Succeaon and Aaaign., Subject to any limitations stated in till. Aaalgnment on transfer of Grantor'. Interest. this Aesignment .hall <br />be binding upon .nd inure to the benefit of the p.rties, their succ88llOra and aaalgns. If ownership of the Property becomes vasted In <br />a pel'llon othar than Grantor. Lender. without notice to Grantor. mev deal with Grantor's SUCC88l101'Il with refarance to thla Aselgnment <br />snd the Indebladnesa by wav of forbearanca or extension without relea.lng Grantor from the obligations of this Aaalgnment or liability <br />under the Indebtedness. <br /> <br />TIme Ia of the Eaence. TIme Ia of the eaaence In the performance of this Aaalgnment. <br /> <br />Waiver of ~ Exemption. Grantor hereby relaaaea and waives aU rights and beneflta of the homestead exemption law. of the <br />State of Nebraska as to elllndebmdneaa secured by this Aeslgnment. <br /> <br />Waiver of RIght of fledernptlon. NOlWlTHSTANDING ANY OF THE PROVISIONS TO TI-lE CONTRARY CONTAINED IN THIS <br />ASSIGNMENT. GRANTOR HEREBY WAIVES ANY AND ALL RIGHTS OF REDEMPTION FROM SALE UNDER ANY ORDER OR <br />JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE ON GRANTOR'S BEHALF AND ON BEHALF OF EACH AND EVERY PERSON. EXCEPT JUDGMENT <br />CREDITORS OF GRANTOR. ACQUIRING ANY INTEREST IN OR TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SUBSEQUENT TO THE DATE OF THIS <br />ASSIGNMENT. <br /> <br />DEFINITIONS. The following capiteli>ed worda and terms eholll have the following meenlngs when used In this AtlSlgnment. Unlesa <br />.peciflcally atatad to the contrary. all reference. to dollar amountll shall mean amou_ In lawful money of the United Stetea of America.PWord. .nd term. used in the .ingular """II Include <br /> the plural. and the plural shall Include the singular, as the context mav requira. Word. <br />and terms not otherwlse defined In thla Aaalgnment shall have th.. meanings attributed to such terma In the Uniform Commercial Cods: <br /> <br />Aaalgnmerrt. The word 'Aaaignmant' maan. thl. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS, 88 tIli. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS mav be amended or <br />modiflnd from time to time, together with all exhibits and schedulaa attached to this ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS from time to time. <br /> <br />Borrower. The word "Borrower' means Sllverbrook. LLC. <br /> <br />Default. The word 'Default' means the Default aat forth In tills Aaalgnment In the section titled "Default' . <br /> <br />Event of Detm*. The words 'Event of Defsult' meen anv of the aveJ1\9 of default set forth In this A99ignment In the default section <br />of this Aasignment. <br /> <br />Grantor. The word "Grantor' meanS Silverbrook, LLC. <br /> <br />Guarantor. The word 'Guarantor' means anv guarantor. surety, or accommodation party of any or all of the Indebtedness. <br /> <br />Guaranty. The word 'Guaranty' l'n8an& the guaranty from Guarantor to Landar, Including without limitation a guaranty of all or part of <br />tile Nota. <br /> <br />lndebt8dneaa. The word 'Indebmdneaa" means all principal. intereat. end other amou_. coatll and expense. payable undar the Note <br />or R..lated DocumsJ1\9. together with ell of. extensions of. modifications of. consolidations of and .ubetitutiona for the Nota <br />or Related Documents and any amounts expended or advanced by Lender to diacherg.. Grantor's obligations or expenaea Incurred by <br />Lender to enforce Grantor'. obligations under this Aaalgnment, together with Intarest on such amounts as provided in this <br />Assignment. <br /> <br />Lenclar. The word "Lender" means Platte Vallay SUlte Bank & Trust Company. ita successors and assigns. <br /> <br />NCIt8. The word 'Note' meens the promlaaory note dated June 3. 200B. In the original principal amount of $990,000.00 <br />from Grantor to Lender. together with all renewals of. extensions of. modifications of. refinanclnge of, consolidations of. and <br />aubatitutiona for the promlsaory note Or agraement. <br /> <br />Property. The word 'Property' mea08 all of Grantor'. right, title and Intereat in and to all the Property 88 described In the <br />"Aaalgnment" aection of thla Aesignment. <br /> <br />R~ Oocumant$. The worda 'Related Documents' mean .11 promlaaory notea. cradlt agraemame, loan agraements, environmental <br />agre..ments. guaranties. 89Curity agreeme_. mortgagee, deeds of truat, aacurity daeda, collateral mortgages. and all other <br />inatrurnenlS. agreements .nd documents, wh_r now or hereefter axleting, executed In connection with the Indabmdnesa. <br /> <br />Renta. The word "ReJ1\9' mean. all of Grantor's presant and future rights. title and Interest In, 10 and under anV end all present and <br />future le8888. Including, withcut limitation, all rents. revenue. Income, laauea, royaltlos. bon~. accounts l'BC8ivable. cash or security <br />
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