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<br />200804907 <br /> <br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />(Continued) <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />the Property. Any termlnBtlon fee requited by law ahall be paid by Grantor, If permitted by applicable law. <br />LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. If 8IlY action or proceedlng la commancad that would mlllllrlany affact lender'a int1lt88t In the Property or if <br />Grantor fails to comply with any provision of tIIia Aaslgnment or _ Rel&t$d Doc"""'nta. Includlng but not limited to Grantor'e failure to <br />dlachaJya or pay when due any amounta Grantor is required to d1acharga or pay under thI8 Aaslgnment or any Related DocUlTlllnta, lender <br />on Grantor'a behalf may lbut ahan not be obllgatad tol take any action that lender de8ma appropriate, Including but not limited to <br />dlacherginu or paying an taxas, 1Ien8, aacurity 1_, enoumbrance8 and other clalma, at any time levied or placed on the Renta or the <br />Property and peying all c08l8 for lnauring, maintaining and preaervlng the Proparty. All auch expendlturaa Incurrad or paid by lender for <br />auch _ wiD then beer inter88t at the rate charged under the Note from the date lncurrad or paid by Lander to the date of repayment <br />by Grantor. All auch expenaea will become a part of the Indebted..... end, at Lender'a option, will IA) be payable on demand; (B) be <br />added 10 the balanca of the Note and be eppor1loned among and be payabla with any installment payments 10 become due during either <br />(1) the lIIrm of any applicebla Insurance polley; or 121 the remaining lIIrm of the Nota; or ICl be treated lIlI a belloon paymant which will <br />be due and payable at the Note's metlWlty. The Aaslgnment alac will aacure payment of these amounts. Such right sheA be In eddltlon to <br />ell other rlghtlland remediea to which lender may be entlded upon Default. <br />DEFAULT. Each of the following, at Lender'a option, shall conatltuta an Event of D9fault under thla Aaslgnment: <br />Payment Debult. Grantor falle 10 make any payment when due under the Indebtedneea. <br />0.-. Defaulte. Grantor falle to comply with or to perform any other term, obligation, covanant or condition contained in this <br />Aaslgnment or in any of the Related Document8 or to cornply with or to parform any term, obligation, oovenant or C(lIIdllion contained <br />In any other ag""""..nt between lender and Grantor. <br />o.tauIt on 0.-. PeymenIa. Fellure of Gr~r within the time required by 'this Aaslgnmant to maka any payment for taxaa or <br />Insurance. or any other payment necessary to prevent flflng of or to effect dlacharge of any li..n. <br />Default In Favor of ThInI.......... Any guarantor or Grantor defaults under any loan, extaneion of credit, eecurity agreement, purchase <br />or 881es agreement, or any other agr..emant, In favor of any other creditor 0, parson that may materi..lly affect eny of 8IlY guarentor'a <br />Or Grantor's proparty or ability to parform. their reepactlve obllgatlona under this Asalgnment or any of the Rel81lld Documants. <br />FaI8e htamenta. Any warranty, rapr888ntatlon or atatement made or furnished to Lender by Grantor or on Grantor's behalf under <br />this Asalgnment or the Related Documente is false or misleading In eny m81llrlal respect, either nOw or at the time made or furnished <br />or becom"" faille or ml8laadlng at any time thereefter. <br />DefecIlve Collataralz8llon. Thill Asalgnment or any of the Related Documente ceaaea to be In full forca and 9ffect (lnoluding failure of <br />8IlY collateral document to create .. valid and jJarfeclltd aacurlty Int1Itaat or lian) at any time and for any reaSOn. <br />DelIlh or 1naoIvancy. The diellolution of Grantor's (regerdle88 of whether electlon to contlnue ill medel, any member wlthdrawa from <br />the limited liability company, or any other tatmlnation of Grantor'a existance aa a going busln8ll8 or the death of any member, the <br />Insolvency of Grantor, the appointment of a receiver for any part of Grantor'a property, any aaslgnment for the baneflt of cradltora, <br />any type of creditor workout, or the commencement of any prooeeding under any bankruptcy or Insolvency lawa by or egalnst <br />Grantor. <br />I <br />CredItor or Forfalllml ....,.,....... Commencement of foracl08ure or forfehllre proceedings, whether by Judicial prOOflfldlng, self-help, <br />repoasasaion Or any other method, by any creditor of Grantor or by any governmental agency against the Rent8 or _ prOparty <br />aacuring thelndebtadness. This Includes If garnishment of any of Grantor'a accounts, Including depOeit accounts. with lender. <br />However, this Event of Default shall not apply If there Is a good faith disputa by Grantor ..a 10 the validity or raasonabl.......... of the <br />olaim which is. the basls of the creditor or forfehllre proceeding and if Grantor givelJ Lender wrlttan notice of the creditor or forfeiture <br />proceed1ng and depOalta with lender monies. or a eursty bond for the creditor or forfeiture proceeding, In an amount determined by <br />Lender, In Its sole dlacratlon, aa being an edequate reserve or bond for the dlapu1ll. <br />Property Dernage or Leas. The Property Ie (oat, lItolan, aubatantlally damaged, sold, or borrowed against. <br />Eventa Aff8ctlng G_. Any of the preceding _ occura with reapact to any Guarantor of any of the Indebtednesa or any <br />Guarantor dies or becomllll incompetent, or revokaa or dis~ the validity of, or liability under, eny Guaranty of tha Indebtednellll. <br />~ Change. A rnaI8IIal adverse change occurs in Grantor'a financial oondllion, or lender believes the prospect of payment or <br />performance of the Indebtad"""" Ie Impaired. <br />~. lender In good faith ballevaa iteelflneecure. <br />RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. UpOn the occurrence of any Event of Default and at any time there_r, Lender may exerclH any <br />one or more of the following rightll and remedies, In addition to any other rights Or remedies provided by law: <br />~~. Lender ahall have the right at Ita option to declere the entire lndeblltdnaae Immediately due and payable, <br />including any prapaymenl penalty that Grantor would be required to pay. <br />Collect Renta. Lender ehall have the right, without notice 10 Grantor. to take pC8888alon of the Property and collect the Rents, <br />including amounts P88t due end unpaid, and'epply the net procaada, over and above Lender'a Costa, agalnat the Indebtednea... In <br />furtheranoe of this right, lender ahaD have all tha rights provided for In the lender's Right to Receive and Collect Rents Section, <br />above. If the Rents are coll8C1ltd by lender. than GranlDr Irrevocably deelgnatee lender 88 Grantor'a attorney-In-feet to endorse <br />inatruments received In payment thereof In the name of Grantor and to negOtiate the 88me and collect the proceeda. Paymenta by <br />tenants or other users to Lender In .....po""" to Lender'a demand ahall aatisfy the obHgatlons for which the payments ere mede, <br />whether or not any proper grounda for the demand axl81lld. Lendar may axerclsa Its rights under this subparagraph either In paraen, <br />by agent, or through e _. <br />Appoint _. lender ahall have the right to heve .. receiver appointed to take poasaaalon of ell or any part of the Property, with <br />the pOwer 10 protact and pI"......rve the Property, to oparallt the Property preceding foreclosure or eele. end to collect the Rents from <br />the Property end apply the proceeds, over and above the coat of tha recslvershlp, egainat the Indebtedneee. The receiver may ...rve <br />without bond If permlttad by law. Lender'a rillht to the appointmant of a recelver &h..1I exl8t whather or not the apparent value of the <br />Property exceeds tha Indebted..... by a subatentlal aJnOunt. Employment. by lender shall not dlaqualify aparaon from ...rving lIlI a <br />receiver. <br />au- RemedIH. Lender ahaH have all other rights and remadles provided In _ Asalgnment or the Nota or by law. <br />BecIIon of RamadIaa. Election by Lender to pureue any remedy ahall not exclude pursuit of any other remedy. and an electlon 10 make <br />axpandhllr88 Or to take aotion to perform an bbllgatlon of Grantor under this Aaaignmant, _r Grantor's failure 10 parform, shsll not <br />affect Lender's right to declera a d9f..ult and exercise ita remedlaa. <br />Atanaye' Feaa; ~_ If lender 1nat/tUlllB any suit or action 10 enforce any of the terms of this Asalgnmem, Lender ahall be <br />entitled to recover such awn 88 the court may, adjudge reaaonable 88 attomeyS' fees at trial and upOn any appaal. Whether or not any <br />court aotlon Is Involved, and 10 the extant nqt prohlbllltd by law, ail reasonable axpansea lendar Incura that In Lander'a Opinion ere <br />necessary at any time for the pr01IICtIon of Its ,Intaraat Or the enforcamem of Ita rights ahall become a part of the Indablednaaa P8ySble <br />on demand and ahall beer lmarast at the Note rate from the data of the expenditure umll repaid. Expanaes covered by this paragraph <br />include, without limitation, how_ subject to any limits under applicable law, lender's attorneYII' f888 end lender'e legal expanses, <br />whether or not there la alawauft, Including attomaye' fees and expanses for bankruptcy proceedlnga (Including efforts to modify or <br />vacate any automatlc atey or injunotlon), "ppeeis, and eny anticipated po8t..Judgment colleotlon eervioee, the coat of eearchlng <br />recorda, obtaining title reportlIllncludlng forecloaura reportel. aurveyors' reports, and appraieal fees, tItIa Insurance, and fees for the <br />Trustee, 10 the extant permitted by applicable law. Grantor ....0 will pay any court 00818, In addition to ell other ..urns provided by <br />law. <br /> <br />MISCB..LANEOUS PROVl8lONS. The foUowlng mlscailaneous provisions era .. part of thla Aaslgnment: <br /> <br />AnIeo,*,-. This Aasignrnem, together with any Related Documents, conetltutae the entire underalltndlng and agreement of the <br />parties as to th.. maners aat forth in this Aaslgnmant. No altaratlon of or amendment to thla Aaalgnment ahall be. effectlve un....s <br />given in writing and signed by the party or partlaa sought 10 be charged or bound by the altaratlon or amendment. <br />