<br />'.
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<br />200804906
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<br />{Continued}
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<br />Page 4
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<br />llllreement, or aoy other l\gI'8ement, in favor of any other creditor or person that may meterlally 8ff8ot aoy of TruslDr'a property or
<br />TruslDr'a ability to repay the lndebt8dneee or perform their reapeotlve obligationa under thla Deed of Truet Or aoy of the Ralated
<br />Documentll.
<br />
<br />FlllIIe StlItements. Any warranty. repr8llllnllltion or Il'llItement made or fumlshed to Lender by TruslDr or on Tl'WltOr'u behelf undar this
<br />De<<t of Trust or the Related Documenlllla felll8 or milllR8ding in any m_rilII r""pect, either now or at the lIme madIl or furnished or
<br />bacomll8 false Or miulullding 81 Roy lIme thereafter.
<br />
<br />Defectiw eo_. This Deed of Trust or eoy of the Rellltlld Documents oeeses to be in full force and 8ffaot (including failure
<br />of any collateral document to CreRt8 a valid and perf8ct8d aecurlly Interest or lien) 81 aoy lIme end for any """,on.
<br />
<br />o.dl'OI' .......".n.,.,. The dlasolutlon of Trustor', (raga....... of whether election to continue is mede), eny member wtthdrewa from
<br />the llmlled liability company, or any other termination of Truator'a axlatence llll , going bual...... or the deeth of any member, the
<br />inllolvency of Tl'UlltlIr, the appOintment of a receiver fOr any pert of Trustor', pmperty, any lI88lgnment for the benefit of oreditors, any
<br />type of creditor workout, .or the commenceml'nl of any proceeding under any bankruptcy or i"""lvaney laws by or egaln8t TruslDr.
<br />
<br />CredItor or ForfellurR "'~... Commencement of foreclosure or forfeiture proceedings, whether by Judicial proceeding, self-help,
<br />repossession or sny other method, by any 'creditor of Trustor or by any govemmantal 8IJ81lCy against any property securing the
<br />Indebtedness. This includes a gernlshment,Of eny of Trustor's accounts, Including depoe/t eccounts, with Lender. However, this
<br />Event of Default shall not epply if there Is a l{ood faith dispute by Trustor as to the validity or ressonableneee of the claim which is the
<br />baahl of the creditor or forfeiture proceedInlI and If Trustor gives Lender wrltten notice of the oreditor or forfeiture proceed1ng and
<br />deposits with Lender monies or e eurety bond for the creditor or forfeiture proclllldlng. In an amount determined by Lender, In Its sole
<br />dlacra1lon, as being an ~ reserve or bend fOr the dlapute.
<br />
<br />BrlIllCh of Other AIJI'"II*'t- Any breach by, Trustor under the terms of sny other agreement between TruslDr and Lender that is not
<br />remedied within any grace period provlded therein, including. without IImltRtlon any agreement concerning sny indsbted...... or other
<br />obI"lIJation of Trustor to Lender, whether exlsting now or later.
<br />
<br />e-tte Affecting G__ Any of the preceding evenlll occurs with rll8polCt to any Guarentor of any of the Indebtedness or eny
<br />Guarantor dlss Or becomll8 Incompetent, or revokes or disputes the validity of, or liability under, any Guaranty of tha Indsbtedness.
<br />
<br />Adverse Chlmge. Am_rial edverse cllenge ooours in TruslDr'a financial condition, or Lender belleVlls the pmspect of payment or
<br />performance of the Indebted...... is Impelred,
<br />
<br />'-1Iry. lender In good faith believes itself ineacure.
<br />
<br />RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. If an Event of Default occurs under this Deed of Trust, 81 any time thereafter, Trustee or Lender
<br />may exareln any one or more of tha following rights and remedies:
<br />
<br />Acc:eIersffon Upon o.feuIt; AddlIIoneI Re......... If any Event of Defeult occurs as per the terms Of the Note secured hereby,
<br />lender may declere ell Indebtedness s&Oured by this Deed of Truet to be due end payAble and the same shall thereupon become
<br />dll8 and payable without any presentmer;tt, demand, prote81 or notice of any kind. ThareIIfIllr, Lendar may:
<br />
<br />(al Either In person or by egent, with or without bringing any action or prooeedlng. or by a receiver appointed by a court and
<br />without regard to the edequacy of its security, antar upon and take _aslon of the Property, or any pert thereof, in i1s
<br />own name or in the name of TrU8tll8, and do any acta which It d""ms necessary or desirable to prIl&IlIVII the value,
<br />merketablllty or rentability of the Property, or pert of the Property or Intere81 In tha Property; incraasa the Income from the
<br />Property or proteCt the aecurlty of the Property: and, with or without teldng poIIIIUII/on of the Pmperty, aua for or otherwise
<br />collect the renIII, iaSUlIS and pmflts of the Property, Including those past due and unpaid, end apply the 88me, leu CORtS and
<br />expensea of operation and collllCtlon attorneys' fees, to any indebtednll88 secured by this DlIlId of Trust, all In such order as
<br />Lender may determine. The entering upon and taking _'on of tha Pmperty, the collaotion of such renlll. lesuss end
<br />pmflts, and the application thereof ahall not cure or waive eny default or notice of defllult under this Deed of Trust or
<br />invslidAte any act done In response to such default or pursuant to suoh notice of default; and, notwlthetsndlng the
<br />continuance In posM88lon of the Pmperty or the collection, recaipt and application of rents, iHU88 or proflts, Truetee or
<br />Lender shan be entltI8d to exercise every right provided for in the Note or the Rel8ted Documents or by lew upon tha
<br />occurrence of any event of default, including the right to exercise the power of aale;
<br />
<br />(bl Commence an ec1lon to foreclose this Deed of Trust es a mortgege, appoint a recelvar or specifically enforce any of the
<br />Covenants hereof: end
<br />
<br />{cl Datlver to Truatee s written declaration of default end demand fot sale and a written notice of default end election to
<br />caun TrUlltOr'a inl8ra8t In the Property to be sold, which notice TruatH shell CIIuse to be duly med for record In the
<br />sppropriAte offlces of the County In which the Property is located; and
<br />
<br />(d) WIth rsspolCt to all or any pert of tha Personal Property, lender shell heve ell the rights and remedies of a aecured party
<br />under the Nebmske Uniform Commercial Code,
<br />
<br />Forec:tooiure by Power of lWro. If Lender elacta to foracloee by exercise of the Powsr of Sale herein contained, Lender shall notlfy
<br />Trustee and shall deposit with Truetae this Deed of Trust and the Note and such recelpUI end IIVldance of expenditures mede and
<br />secured by this Deed of Truet as Trua_ may require.
<br />
<br />(el Upon receipt of suoh notice fmm Lender, Trustee shell ceUll8 to be recorded, publhlhed end delivered to Trustor such
<br />Notice of Default end Notioe of Sale as than required by Isw and by thla Deed of Truet. Truatee shsll. without demand on
<br />Trustor, after such lIme as may then be required by lew end after rllCOrdatlon of auch Notice of Defeult and after Notice of
<br />Sale hsvlng been glven es required by law, sell the Property 81 the time and plaoe of 881e fixed by It In such Notice of Sale,
<br />elthet as e whole, or In ""parate 10m or parcele Or items as T_ shell deemaxpedlent, and in such order es It may
<br />determine, at publlc alll>lion to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United Stetes peyable at the time of sale.
<br />Truetee shsll deliver to """h purChaser or purcheser8 thereof i1s good and sufficient deed or deeds conveying the pmperty so
<br />sold. but without any covenant or warranty, axpress or Implied. The recitala In """h dlllld of any mRtter8 or facta shall be
<br />conclusive proof of the truthfulnll88 thereof. Any person, IncludltIQ without limitation Truator, Truetee, or Lender, msy
<br />purehese 81 such sals.
<br />
<br />{b} As may be permitted by law. after dedlJOting all co8ts, fees and expenses of Truetee snd of this Trust, including C08tS of
<br />evidence of title in connection with sale, Trustee shell apply the procHde of ule to payment of (I) ell sums expended under
<br />the terms of this Deed of Trust Or under the terma of the Note not then repaid, including but not limited to eccrued imarHt
<br />end late ohetges, (HI ell other sums then secured ""reby, end (11I1 the remainder, If any, to the person or persoM legally
<br />entitled thereto.
<br />
<br />(cl TrU8ta8 may in the manner provlded by law poRtpOne sele of all Or sny por1lon of the Property.
<br />
<br />R_ Not ExIlIoelv8. TI'UIIt88 and Lender, snd fIIlCh of them, shall be entIdoKI to enforce payment end performence of any
<br />indebtedneas or obligatloo8 secured by this Deed of Trust snd to exercise all rights and powera under this Deed of Trust, under the
<br />Note, under any of the Releted Documents, :or undar any other agreement or eny lawe now or heraafter In force; notwithstanding,
<br />"""'" or all of such hldebtedll888 and obligations lHlCured by this Deed of Trust may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether
<br />by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, lien, assignment or otherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor Its enforosment,
<br />whether by court ac1lon or pursuant to the power of sale .or other powers oonteined in this Deed of Trust, sllell prejudice or In sny
<br />menner sffect T_'s or Lender's right to _Ilze upon or enforce sny other securlly now or hereafter held by Truatee or Lender, It
<br />being agreed that T_ end Lender, and esoh of them, 8hall be tIntltIed to enforoe this Deed of Truet and any other 88CUrlty now or
<br />hereafter held by Lender or TI'UIlt8e In such order and menner es they or either of them may in thelr abeofute dl8credon determine. No
<br />remedy conferred upon or reserved to Truste8 or Lander, la Intended to be excllJ8ive of any other rsmedy In this Deed of Truet or by
<br />law provided or permitted, but esoh ehell be cumulstive and shell be In sddltlon to every other remedy given in this Deed of Trust or
<br />now or hereafter exie1lng 81 law or In equity or. by st8tute. Every power or remedy given by the Nota or sny of the Related Documenlll
<br />to Trustee or lender or to which either of them may be otherwise tIntltIed, may be exercleed, concurrentiy or Indapenden1ly, from lIme
<br />to lIme end 88 often as mey be deemed expedient by TI'UIlt8e or Lender, and either of them may pursue inconelatent remedies.
<br />