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<br />'. <br /> <br />200804906 <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Continued) <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />titla opinion ls8ued In favor of, and accepted by, Lendar In connection with this Deed of Trust, and lb) Trustor has the full right, <br />powar. and authority to a""cure and deliver thle Dead of Trust to Lendar. <br /> <br />Defansa of 11tle. Subjact to the axception in tha paragreph above, Trustor warrantll snd will fonwer defend tI1a title to tI1a Proparty <br />against tI1a lawful claims of aU parao"". In the _ any action Dr prooasding Is commenced that questions Trustor's titla Dr the <br />Interest of Trustee Dr Landar under this Dud of Trust, Trustor shall defend the acTlon at Trustor's expense. Trustor may be the <br />nominal party in such proceeding, but Lendar shall be anlitlad to panlclpa18 In the proceeding and to be rapresanted In the procaeding <br />by counsel of Lendar's own choice, and Trustor will deliver, Dr causa to be delivered, to Lander such inatrumentll as Lender may <br />request from tlme to time to permit such participation. <br /> <br />CO.......nca WIth La_. Trustor warrants that the Property and Trustor's ...... of the Property complies with aM axistlng appllcebis <br />laws, ordlnancas, and regulations of gDlf8rnmuntal authoritles. <br /> <br />SwvIvaI of Repruentadona and WIIrI'lIII1IM. All representations, warrantlea, and agreements made by Trustor in this Dead of Trust <br />shall SUMve the lIxacutton and delivery of thle Deed of Trust, ahall be continuing In nMUre, and ahall remain In full force lInd effact <br />until auch time aa Trustor's Indebtedness atulll be paid '" full. <br /> <br />CONDEMNAnON. The following provi8lona ",Isting to oondllmnatlon proceedings ars a psrt of this o-t of Trust: <br /> <br />ProcaedInga. If sny prOCeeding In condemnation Is filed, Trustor shall promptly notlfy Lander In writing, and Trustor shall promptly <br />takll auch atapa 88 may be nlIClI888ry to defend the action and obtain the award. Trustor may be the nominal party In such <br />proceeding, but Landar aheU be entitled to partlcipata in the proceeding end to be rspresllnted in the proceeding by counsel of Its own <br />cholcll, and Trustor will dllllver or cause to be delivered to Landllr such Inlltrumllnts and documentation as may be requeated by <br />Lander from time to time to permit auch participation. <br /> <br />Appllcatlon of NIIt ProcaBda. If all or any part of the Property ia condemned by amln"nt domain proc88dings Dr by any proca&ding '" <br />purch""" in lieu of condllmnatlon, Lender may at ita alectlon ruqulrll that all Dr any portion of the net proceeda of the award bit appllad <br />to the IndlIbtedl1llSS Dr the repair Dr raatoratlon of the Property. Tha net proca&da of the award ahaU mean the award attar peyment of <br />all rlIaaonabla coats, lIxpenaas. and attornaya' fa"" incurred by Truatae Dr Landar In connactlon with the condllmnatlon. <br /> <br />IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following proviaions relating to govarnmental <br />taX88, faaa and charges arll a part of thla Deed of Trust: <br /> <br />~ T...... """ and CIIaro-. Upon requeat by Landar, Trustor stulU ellllCuta euch documenta In addition to this Deed of Trust <br />and take whataver othar action Is ruqueatad by Lender to perfect and contlnue Lender'a lien on the Raal Property. Trustor ahell <br />rslmburae Lender for all taxllS, 88 daacribed below, together with all lIxpenaea Incurred In recordlng, perfecting Or continuing this Dead <br />of Trust, Including without limitation all taxlla, _, documentery stampa, and ather ctulrgas for rlICOrding or ragiaterlng this Deed of <br />Trust. <br /> <br />Taxaa. The following ahall cona1lture taxaa to which thla aaction epplles: (1) a spaclflc tax upon this type of Dud of Trust or upon <br />all Or any part of tha Indebtednasa aacurad by thla Deed of Truat; 121 a apBclfic tax on Trustor which Trustor la authorlzad or <br />ruqulrsd to deduct from payments on the Indabtednaas 88ClIrlld by this type of Deed of Trust; (3) a tax on this typa of Deed of Trust <br />chargaeble agslnst the Lander Dr the holder of the Nota; and (4) a specific tax on all Or any portion of the Indllbtlldneaa or on <br />paymGnta of principal and interest made by Trustor. <br /> <br />Subsequent Taxas. If sny tax to which this section applies is enact&d subaequent to tha data of thle Dead of Truat, this avant shall <br />hava the sarna lIfleet aa an Event of Default, and lanc;lllf may e""rclee eny or all of hll available, ramediea for an Event of Default as <br />provided below unleaa Trustor althar (1) pays the tax before it beComes dallnquent, or (2) contaats the tax aa provided ebove In the <br />Taxaa and Lians saction and depoallB with Landar caah Dr a sufficlant corporata surety bond or other security satisfactory to Landar. <br /> <br />SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provlalons relating to this Deed of Truat aa a security agreamem: ara a <br />part of thla Deed of Trust: <br /> <br />Sacwtty Agreement. Thle Instrument shell constitutlt a Security Agraement to the axtant any of the Property conatltutes fbctllres, and <br />Lander ahall tulva all of the rights of a secured party undlIr the Uniform Commercial Code aa amended from time to time. <br /> <br />8acurfty 1nbIreet. Upon reqll8at by Lendar, Truator ahaIl take whataver action Is f8quaated by Lender to parfect and contlnll8 Lendar'a <br />sacurity Intemat In the Ranta and Paraonsl Proparty. In addition to recording thle D88d of Trust in the rael property recorda, Lender <br />may. at any tIma and without furthar authorization from Trustor, file 8X8Cutad counterparts, coplea Dr raproducTlo"" of this Deed of <br />Trust 88 a financing statament. Trustor ahell rsimburaa Landar for all expanses incurred In perfecting Dr contlnulng this aacurity <br />Interest. Upon dllfault, Truator ahall not rsmova, ll8V8r Dr dlltach the Paraonal Property from the Property. Upon default. Trustor shall <br />8888mbla any Personal Proparty not affixed to the Property in a mannllr and at a p1aca reasonably convenlant to Trustor and Lander <br />and make It avallabla to Lander wllhln thrae (3) days attar receipt of written demand from Lendar to the extant permittad by applicable <br />law. <br /> <br />Addr_. The mailing addraaaea of Trustor (debtor) and Lander (aecursd partyl from which Information concerning the aecurity <br />Intsreat grantad by this Dead of Trust may be obtained (each as required by the Uniform Commercial Codal are aa atatad on the flrat <br />page of thla Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTDRNEY"""ACT. Tha following provlalona relating to further assurances and attomey-in-fact are a part of <br />thIa Daed of Trust: <br /> <br />Further Aasunncaa. At any time, and from time to time, upon requaat of Lander, Trustor will make. execute and dallvar, Dr will causa <br />to be made, eX8CutlId Dr dallverad, to Lender Dr to Lander'a deSlgnu, and when ruqU88ted by Lendllr, causa to be filed, recorded, <br />refiled. Dr rlIrllCDrdad, aa the caee may bit, at such times and In aooh ofllcas end placea aa Lendllf may dum appropriata, any and all <br />aooh mortgagGlO, dlIeda of trust, security daada, """urity agrumanta. financing atatamflnta, oontinuation statamllntll, inatrumenta of <br />further 88aurance, certlllcatas, and other documllnt8 as may, in tha aola opinion of Landllr. bit naceasary .or daslrable In order to <br />effectuata, completa, perfact, 'continua, Dr preaerve (1) Trustor's obllgatlona undar the Note, thIe Deed of Trust, and the Related <br />Documents, and (2) the lie"" and aecurlty Interasts craatlld by thla o-t of Trust as flrat and prior li"na on the Property, whether <br />now owned or heraaftar scqulred by Truator. Un""'" prohibited by law Dr Landar eg""'" to the contrary In writing, Trustor ahall <br />relmOOrae Lender for all coata and lIXpenaea Incurred in connection with the matts.. refarred to in thia paragraph. <br /> <br />AtfOmay-iol..f'act. If Trustor falls to do any of the things ",farred to In the preceding paragraph, Lander may do aD for and in the nama <br />of Trustor and at Trustor'" expanae. For auch purpoaaa, Trustor hlIreby Irrevocebly appoints Lender as Trustor's for <br />thll purpoaa of making, axecuting, delivering, filing, recording, and doing all other thlnga ea may be ""cenary or daalrllbJlI, In Lander's <br />sole opinion, to accomplleh the mattlIrs rlIfllrred to In the preceding paragraph. <br /> <br />FUU. PERFORMANCE. If Truator pays all the Indebtadneaa when dua, and otherwlaa parforms all the obligations Imposed upon Truator <br />under this Dud of Trust, Lander ahall eX8CutlI snd dlIHver 10 Truatae a ruquaat for full reconveyance and ahall 8llIlCuta and deliver to <br />Trustor suitable atatamenta of tarmlnatlon of any financing _ment on file evldllnclng Lendar's security Intaraat in the Rema and the <br />Paraonsl Property. Any flIConveyance fee required by law ahall be paid by Truator, if permittBd by applicable law. <br /> <br />EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Each of the foHowlng, st Landllr's option, shall oonstitute an Event of Default undllr thla Dud of Truat: <br /> <br />Payment Default. Trustor fa/Ie to maka any payment when due undar the IndlIbtadnllss. <br /> <br />Othllf~. Truator falls to comply with or to perform any other tarrn, obligation. covenant Dr condition contained In thla Daed of <br />Trust Dr In any of the Raleted Documllntll 'or to comply with Or to perform any term, obligation, covenant or condition contained In any <br />other agr""","m betwaen Lander and Trustor. <br /> <br />ComplIance Default. Fellura to comply with any other tarm, obligation, covenllnt Dr condition contained In thia Deed of Trust, the Nota <br />or In any of the RlIlatlId Docurnenta. <br /> <br />Default on 0fMr Payments. Failure of Truator within the tlma ruquirsd by this Dead of Trust to make any payment for taX8ll or <br />Insurancll, Dr any other payment .-aery to prevant lIIIng of or to affeo1: dlacharga of any Ilan. <br /> <br />DafauIt In ""- of Third />artiu. Should Trustor default under any loen. extenalon of crsdit, sacurity agreement, purcheae Dr aalas <br />