<br />200803980
<br />
<br />Loan S~rvicer, tl~ address 10 Wllidl paYlllcnt~ should be 11'Hlde and any other information RES!' ^ rcquires in G()I1ll\:Clioll with
<br />>\ nolice nftr>\nslh of servicing. 11' the Nolc is sold und then::allcr the LOlln is serviced by,\ LOilll Servicer other lhanlhe
<br />Pllrdmscr of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligati0l1S to Borrower will r~main with the Loan Servicer or be
<br />tnUlsl..rred to a $lIcccsS()r Loan ServiceI' lllld ar~ n<JlassLlmed by the Note pllrcklser links, otherwise provi,b1 by the Note
<br />purchas.e...
<br />Neither B'.lI10WCr nor Lender may conU\"~I\C~, join, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an individual
<br />Uligullt or thc m~lllbcr ofa dass) thai arises n'ol1l thc other party's llctinl1~ purslI:lflt t,) thi, SeclIrity IIl,tHlfncnt or thatallcges
<br />that tbe otb"r party ba~ br~a~hQd 'lilY pmvisiOll uf, <lr any duty owed by l'eaSOIl ul; lllis Security IIl~t""nclIl, ulltil such
<br />Burrower or L~nder bw; noti.tied Ih~ oLh~r party (with such uolicQ givcn in cOlnpliuncQ with Ih" rcquirenlcnlS orS,~ction 15)
<br />of :;uch alleged breach and allurdcd tbc othcr party h<'rcLO a rca,ormble pcriod aIleI' Ih..: giving of ,u..:h notic..: to tak..:
<br />corrcctive 1I<;ri"l1. ITApplicabk L(IW providcs iI tillle period which Ill,,"t "'apse betl)re ,""'tai" llcti"n can bc takcn, thM time
<br />period will be deemed 10 be reilS()ll<lble ti,r purposes oflhis pllrllgmph_ Tbe notice ofaccekmtiDn and opporlunity (0 "Uf-C
<br />gienl hI BOIT()W~r pUL,ualllto St'<:tion22 and rhc nolice ofa(;(;d~ralion givelllo H(,\I'r()w~r pursurlnt 10 Secrionl X ,hall be
<br />,kcll1ed to s'llist,; tile l\Otic" and oppOrtllnily to lak,~ corrective aetion pn.lvi,ions oflhi8 Sccti(lI' 20.
<br />21, Hazardous SnhstlUlCl's, ^" Ils<~d in Ihis S<::ction 21, (1') "Haz,llrd,n" SubSlallccs" are lbo,e substanccs
<br />ddined as tOXI(' Or ba,anlous subslHnc"s, pollulants, ur wasles by Envif(mll1cnt(rI L,w (1I1d the toJlowingsubsW.nc~s: gasoline,
<br />kGw,,'n<::, othcr nalllmablc 01' l<li< i.; p<'lrolulln produclS, 10i<.ic pesticidcs and Ilerbicides, "ubtik sulvcnls, IlUltcnals
<br />c(mtaining asbcsloS or formaldchyde, and rildioactlw mtllerinls; (b) "Enviro.unelll'IJ Law" means tedcmllaws and laws of
<br />the jurisdidion where the Propcrty IS located thai rdate to he,dtl\, salCty or envirolll1lental proleclion; (c) "Environmcntal
<br />Cle;lIll.lp" jlll,;llld~s uny respouse action. I'{tllledial action. {)l' r~ll1()vi:ll tll.:tion., a$ Jefint:d in Envil'OUlllclHaJ L~\\V: all~1 <.d) (111
<br />"Environlllcntal (<mdition" tm'(\IlS a cOllditionth,\t "<In "aus~, "untributc 10, Or otherwi~c trig!!"r an bl\'il'l)nm~rllal Cblllllp,
<br />Bn!Tuwer SIHll1. not cnu~e (.)1' pc:.'l'll1lt lh~ pI'C$el'H...:~. use, dlsposa1. Joiloragl.;.\ 01' release of: ~ll'IY Hazi.\nious SUhsli"lI'lee.,"" Or
<br />threalell 10 release' allY Hazardous Substanccs, on or illtbe Property. Borrower shall. not rio, nor allow nt\yollG el.se to do,
<br />anything aIkding the Propcrty (n) Lhal is .iu violati.I)l1 of any Environmental Law, (b) which crentes ,'n EnvinJnlllelllal
<br />ClIndilion, <>1' (e) which, dlle II') thc prc.s~llct, use, or release "fa Haz<1rd(lu, Substance, crealcs" "(\lIdition that advcrsely
<br />all"c\s lhe v:lI,,~, ,)rtlle' Property_ The pl'~c"ding 111'0 selllellc~s shull no\ apply t(J the prC~"IICC, use, orstomgc (Jllthe I'mpnly
<br />(Jfs11lall quantiti"s oflla,.anlll(IS Substanccs Ihal un: generally re.eognil.cd tll be appropriate to 1l0l'1I1111 residential uS"S :md ({J
<br />maintct1t1n"c of the Pnll><'l'lY (including, bUtllOt limitcd 1'1, IlI.1zlInJons sllhstancCs III COlJ"lluer products),
<br />Borrowel'sha I pl'omptly give Lcnder writlL'11110lict of (a) ,illY investigation, claim, dcmand, lawsuit (l\'olh~ractioll
<br />by allY g(lvcnulle'lIlal or reguJarory agcllcy or .\lrivllle pany involving Ihe Properly alld allY HlIl.ardolls Substallcc (ll'
<br />EllVinllllllclltal Law of which BOtTOWc.r has actll,t. kl1(lwlcdge. (h) any EnvirOluneUlll1 Condition, indudillgbutn<>t limited tl>,
<br />allY ,pilling, leaking, discharge, rclcas~ or threat ()rrCk,L~e of allY Hazard'lU$ SuhsLan~e, alld (c) any wnditioll caused by the
<br />prcsencc, lIse 01' rdcn,c of a llal.ardo(lS Substullce whid, adversely nltccls IhG vall'le ofth~ I'ropel1y_ IfBorrowcr kams, or is
<br />IINilicd by :IllY gowrI\l1\cnurl or r~gulalory authority, or any priv(,te \,lIny, tlmt ally reul\)val or olhcr rellIcdiation 01- any
<br />Hazardous Sut"I.III"" afleeting thc Pl'Op<,rty i-, necessary, Borrow"r s .mll pt\llllptly take :,11 n~c<"ssIlI'Y remedial (Ktiol1s in
<br />acwrdallce with EIIVinJ1lllIcntal Law, N<.>thin!;\ hereituhuH cr~"tc auy ()bllgatl(m 011 LCIJderlbr al\El\vil'OnlllctltHl Cleauup.
<br />NON"U NIFORM COVENANTS, BO/Tower 'llld Lcnder tllrther eOVCHallt and ogre" '1S "'I lows:
<br />22, AI":clcJ'l,lioll; RelllNlies, LI'llder shall give llOtic" to BorroweJ' prioJ' to nrc'el"ratioll following
<br />Ilormwet"s breach of ally eoven:!lIl or a~reelllenl ill this Seeul"ily IIlStTUIlH'nt (bulnotlll'ior to nccclcratiollullder
<br />Sfctiun 18 unless Apl,Ucuhle Luw prOVides olherwise). The Ilotice shull s[,edfy: (n) tll\' def'Iult; (1)) the uetioll
<br />reqllired 1.0 cUre thl' dcfuull; (c) a date, not less tlHm 30 d:IYs fJ'olllthe dllte the 1I0lice is gh'ell to BO/Tower, by which
<br />tbe defutlltlllllst be l'un'd; and (d) I1I:1t failure to CUre the deflllllt OIl or beforc thc dat~ specHkd ill the Ilotic" llIuy
<br />n'slllt in uccclenHion of tbl' Slims se"ured by this S~clll"ity lllsh'uulent nnd sale of the I'l'ollerty, The notice shall
<br />furtlwr iuform BOITower of the l"ight to reins lute ufter IlccCleratioll alHlthe "ightto briug II ()olrrtll~tioll to lIssertthe
<br />1l01l-uistt'll('e of a defanlt or lln)' other' ddeuse ofBorrowcr to lIccelcratioullud sule. If the dcfault is 1I0t cured on or
<br />bdlll'c thc datc sI,ecUled ill tbe IlOtiCI', Leuder at its OpUOll 1lI1lY relluin' itntuedinte p:lyOlellt ill full of ull SUIllS
<br />secured by IMs S",~urily Instrumcnt \\1thout I'uI'lher dl'lllllnd lInd lTlay invokc the powC\' of salc und 1II1Y olher
<br />n'lIl~dics f1\'l'mitted /)y Allplleuhle Luw. Lendcr shull he entitled tll clll.lect llll Cxpl'lIses ilH'IIl'I'I'd ill pursuing tbe
<br />,-ellll'IHes pl'Ovided in this Section 22, illcIudlnll, but not limited to, rellsOlw/)le "tlorncys' fecs Ulld costs of tilk
<br />"vidence. -
<br />1ft/I\' power of sllle Is illvoked, T"ush'e shnlll'eClll'd lln,.liee ,.1' default in each county iu which 'lilY p'lrt of
<br />l.he l'l'Ollerty Is locatcd llnd shall mllil copics ohucb notfee in the mllllller IH'I'scrJlll'd by Applicable Law to BllITOIW"
<br />aud to till' oilier persolls f1l'csl,ribed by Applicubk Law, Aller the lime requircd by Al'plicabl~ Law, Tl'Ustl,e shall
<br />givI'lHlblic lIotlce of sale to the penons untl iuthe IlIlnUlC\' prescribed by Applknhlc Law, Trustee, \I'ithnllt demlllld
<br />OIl BOlTo\\'I'r, shnll sell tll\' P"opert)' lit puhlil: nuerion to thl' hlglH'st bidder llt the time and plllec lInd under the
<br />tenus dt'sigllntl'd in t/I\' Ilotice of snll' in one OJ. mOre f1arcels l\lId ill any ordt'r Trustl't' determincs, Tmst,'e 'UllY
<br />poStpUlH' sule of ull or 11llY Il1lrCel of the PrOIH'l'ty by Illlblk uUllounc"meutllt th~ lime und plllCC of lIny llrevitlusly
<br />sdledule'd slIll). Lendl'l" or its d,'signee muy IHu'ch"se the Property al any s"le,
<br />UptlU \'ecelpl tlfpuymeulofthl' priOl' bid, Trustee ~llalI deliver to the purcllllser TJ'usll'c', det,d COH\,.'yluf!.
<br />the j'mp""ly, The r~cihlls in the Trush'e's decd slUlU bc primll facie l.vldellC~ ofthc trllth of the stlltcllleuts lllllde
<br />the.'ein, TrustcI. shal! illlJlly the proceeds oHhe slllc ill the folluwlllg ordcr: (a) to 1.11 costs and expenses ofexcrdshlg
<br />Hll' POWI'I' or sale, llud the salc, including the ''''ymcnt u1' the TJ'ustce's rCI'S llctually incurred I1nd rensollnble
<br />"ttonl~YS' fel.s llS pe...nitled by ApplIcllblc L"w; (b) to "II slims sccured by Ihis SecuJ'Jly Illstl"lIJllcnt; nnd (c) uny
<br />I'XCl'SS 10 IIII' pe"Stlll 01' l,el'son~ It'gnUy entltlcd to it.
<br />23, Reconveyunce, Upon paYIl\eHt oLdl surns sec(lI'ed by lhi~ Security lnStrLUllCI'l, Lender slmlll'e'l(lest TrllSl"C t"
<br />re-conwy th<, J'l'<.>pel'!y and shull sUlwnuer this Security IllstnllllenL and allnotcs evirkncillg debt seeurcd by this Securily
<br />Itlslt'ltln~lltl() Iru"tee, Trll~tee shall reconvey tbe Propcrty withllut wlIl'l'anty to th~ person or pcrsons kgally entitkd III ie
<br />Slid, person or pcrSOlls shall pay ally recordati()u C(J~ts, Lcmkr nUll' cllarge such pcrson "I' per,ons II lee H>rrcxollveying Lhc
<br />Pl'operty, but only jflhe lee is paid 10 a third p"l'ly (",ch as thc Tt'llstee) lor services rendcred and thc charging of the fee is
<br />pcrmilt~d 11l1der Appllcuhlc Law,
<br />24. Substitute TI'USII'e. Lelluer. al iL, option, rnllY li'o(rl timc to lillle reJl\OVG Trustcc '\l1d appoiut a su<;(,e,"ol'
<br />truslee to any Trustee appoilllcd hereunder by an instrumcnt r<'corded in thc eoullty in which this Sccurity ltlSlrUtll~l)t is
<br />I'ecordcd, Wilhout cllnveya'lee ofthc Propcrty, the suc<oessnr 1l'(I~ree sholl stlc~...,.,d to "lIthc Litle, powcr and dutics wnfcrred
<br />upon Trustce hCl'ein and by Appli~"blc Law.
<br />25, Rl'qlll'st for Notices, Bon-owcl' requests Lhat copies ol'thG noticc of dd"ult "Ild sale be sClltlo BOl'rowel"s
<br />oddl'~ss which is thc Property Address_
<br />
<br />NElJR....SK......Siugk F'\I\1ity."I'lInnl" MlI.lfn'i/i/it' Mile UNtfORM INSTRUMENT
<br />1~~5(1,(VI,r2,'Ol~1 tl!(..lJJ7
<br />
<br />(MERS)
<br />
<br />(."(11.1\1 J028 I/O! liwge 7 o!"S pll,'o{J."S)
<br />("'(,'1111,,1." ThiuJc.ing, lIu.'.
<br />
<br />(.il) (t)IO()li}52~)n
<br />