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<br />200803980 <br /> <br />13, .John alld S "vc "Ill Liabilit~,: Co-signers; Sue,"'sso!'s alld As,vigllS nound, Burrower ,ovcnaws and aglCts <br />\bal B'"HlIWr'S ubligJ(i(Hls and liabJlity sk\1I b" joi,lll and several. I'loweyer. nit)' Borruwel' wbu ,,,,-siglts this Securily <br />lnSlnlllH:'llt bul ddt'S noL (;,','I;e(;l.Ite lhe Note (a '\:o~~ign~r"): (a) is Cll..signing this S,,~cuj'ity 1I\stl'unH.~rH only 10 11lOrtg~\ge. grUllt <br />nnd ,"onvey Ihe (:n-sigl\cr" inkl'"st in the Property UJKkl' [he tell1lS MIllb Security lnSlilllnenl: (b) is not per,(HllIllvnbligalcd <br />In pay lhj,,:~ SUlltS ~t'l.:urcd by lhi:s SC~llrily Instrul1lC'nl; ~l.lld (e) agrees t11~11 Lender and nny other Borl'ower ~nlll\gt't:(,:: tn 1?.xh;."l)tL <br />nlOdifl',lulbcal Or make <lny ""cnnllllvdallolls wilhregard to Ihe lenlls ol'this Se"urity 1nstnllnelll Or tbe Nute with,,"tlbeeu- <br />signer's (;OnSCIlL <br />Subjel.::l to ll\(~ pn}vi~i0ns ufSet;tir}J\ 18, any Successo,. ill!ntercsl ofBolT(Jwel' \\"110 1.lS$llJlli:S Bnrn,\Vtl.ts obljgall~)lb <br />",,,kr II,i, SeeClrity Instnllllcnt in writing:, and is approwd by Lender. shall <Jbmin all ofSorrowel"'S nghts and bend]ts under <br />this Security lnslnllucllL B,HT<)Wer shall not be rdea~"d ii'oll\ Bonowcr'.1 Dbligations and liabilily undtr this SCCUrilV <br />lllstnllnent ;lIlk~s Lendcr ugree, to SlIdl rdcase in wriling, The cOI'.nunlS and Hgr~crne"ts ()flhis SecllI'ilY In>rnlll1'''1I ;hail <br />hmd (except a, provide" in SC(:liDII20) aDd benefit ti,e sr""essors and assigns of Lellder, <br />I~, Luan (,hurges. Lender limy dlHrgc Borrower tees I,H' 'ervh:~s perl(,,-med III COlllle<;tion 'V lilt HOITow('r'., <br />debult, li.l'-III~ 1"IIVI'se (,fprole<:ling Lendel's int.,.,',tIII Ille Pnlpcrly alld I.ights lindeI' II,i, Seelllity IJ"tnln'~nL including, <br />bUIl'lollimited In., ntlorneys' fi.'<:.'.':'i. prop~ny jnspeclion and v~lllHtI'iolllees" III regard to iHl~' \)lh~l. fCes. tile nhSCllcl' Ofl'.\PI't"ss <br />aullH.>lily III tl.ds S':,'urity lllstnllnent to charlie a Sp~~)Jic k~' to llolrowe!' shal.1 ,,,'1 ~c eOlls.lrued tl, ,I prohibitiol1 '.>1\ the <br />\.~hargll1g. ut ~liI.::11 ki..'" Lender ll\ny not l"harge l~e::; Ihat nl'e expressly prolublted by till:'; .)('clll'lly lnsfl'Llllltll! nr by Appll...~abk <br />La 1\', <br />If Ihe L"i11l is sllbj""1 tel a IllW which sets IIl'L\,imum. 10~Hl dl<nges, '111.1 Ilml law is linillly inlel']lI('ted "0 Ih"l the <br />i!1lcr~st dl" Olhtf l~) t.:hnrgc:s collected. Or 10 b(~ coUl;'('kd jJl <.;ollllecth:m with the Loan ex~~ced Ih/,.~ peI'HliHf..,:,d lirniis, [hC:.~Il: (a) <br />;IllY s,lth hili d\l\rge shall be rcdllc"d by Ihe amO'"iI necl'osary 10 redu"e the ch"l'gc h.1 the permitted lil'l1il: alld Ibi allY Sums <br />,dl'eady '''.11 let: led Ihun Borrow"," whi"h c,\~eedcd penllittcd 1iJllil~ will be I'dllllded 10 l.1(\I'I'owcr. Lemkr rnavehoo", ti.III,ake <br />this I'd'"ld by r/l'dllCill[( Ih~ prill"ipal ow~d IInd~r the NNe or by makjng a dil'e"t p"~'IlJent t() Bnn'ow~r. lr a rdLlild redll,,,,, <br />I" i"rip<<I, the redl\"tiiln willl", Irealed ,IS a panial prc,"'Yl'11ent without <Illy prep"yment "hal'ge (whelh,.,. "r !lol iI pl'qli1Yll 1('1 II <br />rh"rge i, provided for under tl", NOk), Borrower's ne"~ptnnee ol'any slldud\lIld nnlde hyJircct paYIl1('tll to 1k>l'l">)wel' will <br />consliluL~ i.\ Hiai\Tr of ally I.igh!: of actio\l l)(Jrrower Inight (lave: urising Ollt' ()f s~lI.::h overl,J1Hrge. <br />15, NotJc"s, All noli,,,,, given by Borrowe!' or Lende!' in c"ll11~e.tion with thi~ Seellri[y lllstnllll~nl nl("t b~ ill <br />writi,,!>, Any notice to Bml"oIVer in """n"chon with this S"nll'ity lnstnllnent shall he d~ellled to haw b~cn giv""lc' [lor-rm\,"!' <br />WI""llIll1iled by l'll'st d"ss muil O!, whcl) tletllnlly ddivereu 10 Bon(lIwr's 11()lic~ aud",,, if""t by olber m"<1I1', Nl.)l:ic~ l(.1<1"-I' <br />une 13omll""r shnll e')!1stitut. nOl:i~~ m nil unless ApplieHbk L"w expre"ly rC<JlIil"S otherwis~, Tlte nOlicc <br />Mldr"" slJal1 br: the l'rop<eny I\ddrcss unless Borrow~r has design"ted" slIbst'itutt ""Ii,," address by notie-, 10 1.~lIdeI'. <br />IJnlHl\vcr shaJJ proillptly 11(.tit) Lender of Borrow"r's "'.tlllge of "ddress, IfL~l1der sp~cilies " pJ'Ocedllre 1<.11' r"porlin,' <br />Borrowel"" ~h'lIlg<' of address, then Born>\wr sindl unly repon a cbange of"ddress thn'ugll Ibat speeilicd procoedllrc', Th"I" <br />may 1)(' noly '1\1" 'ksignatcd nolice address under tbis Security IllSlnll11<'1II. al anyone time. Any n(jtic~ 1\.1 I "II,kr shall hI' <br />glWII by ddivering 1101' by Imliling it by first clu~s InllillO Lemler's oddress stmed hcreillllllkss Lelld~r hns dl':,ilill:lled <br />'"lOlller IIddrcss hy t",ltee to 13ol'wwer, Any Ilotiee ill "ollllectiol1 wilh thi$ Sccllrily II\SlI'lIHlClIt shulll\(lt be deemed tn have <br />been given to Lelldcr lInlil aetllHlly re".ived by Lcnde!. H <IllY notice reqllired by Ilus Seellrily lllstrumcllt is "Is,) requircd <br />under Appli~abk Law, lhe Applicable \1m reqllirement will ,atisly the corresponding I'eqllil'"nl.nt 1I1\,lel l!ii,s Scellrit)' <br />lmtl'lIl1leul. <br />J(" Govcruing Law: Sl'YCl'l1bility; Rul~s of CoustI'U('t'!Oll, This S,"~lInly In$tnlll\elll sholl be' govc"'II(:d by <br />kde.nd law and Ihe law of the jurisdklwlI in whic" the Properly is I'Jeared, All ,'iglHs 11.11.1 obligati\lllS eOllt'lill"d ill Ihis <br />Se""lily IIISIi'lllnellt Or" sllbject lO allY l'ei)lIil'emenls and limitatiulIs ufApplicable Law. ApplH;allk Law lIlight c"pli<:lllyor <br />implicitly alk!\\' II", parties to agree by ~oll(mcl or it might be Silellt. but sll"h sikne" shallllot be' eQnstrlled as II prol1ibitiol\ <br />against '11<'C,"ue,1\ hycontmcL In the <'vcl1tthm any provision Dr ellHlse oflhis Sec'lI'ilY Jnstnllnel\t elr Ihe NOkeonllielS wilh <br />Applical))e Law, SLid. cOllllicl shallnOI alTed other provisions nftbis Security lnSlnllHent or th~ Note whidl <:tin bl' givclI <br />dIeel Wilh()lItlh~ cOllflictjng provision, <br />As u,~d in this Security InSlrlllll"llt: (n) words oftlle masculine gCllder shaH n leall "lid indude wlTespolJding I1cul<'r <br />\v.-nds UI words ofth" f.hnillille gell(kr; 1.(0) words inlhe singular Shtllllllenn alld indnd" tl1~ pl"ral (Ind vice ver.,,,; (111(( (ellll<' <br />word ''inny'' gives sole discretion ",ill1olll >lnv obligMiol1lo take nlly action, <br />.17, /lon'own's Copy, Borrowcr shull be given (1ne copy of tile N,'t~ ,111.1 "hhi" Seculity Ins Inmle II I. <br />18, Trllusfcr (If l"he }'ro/lerty urn B~llcl1du1111ttnsllu llorn)\wr. As lised jllll1i~ Section I. X, "lnt.:resl itllhe <br />l'ropl:r1Y" men liS any kg'll "" b~nefi~i,il intereSl ill ti'e Prope'rly, including, but nol limited to, thuse beneficial inleJc.sLs <br />tl'l.\il.slLTI,,,d in... hond lor dc~d. (:(IJ'tnK'llbr deed, installment s,lIes ~\.1Iltrad or C$CI'()\V agreemelll, the illl~lH ol'which is tll<' <br />tHIlI"f"r. ot'litk by [Janow"r. nt a jhtur.~ dme to" pur"ha",r. <br />11':"1 Or. anv pnrt Oflhe 1'roperty "r.any lu.l0resl in the Prnperty is sold or Imnsi<:rred ((11' ifBorn>wer i, nol (l nMural <br />person and II b~I"'lkial ill!ereSI in BOrlower is sold or- tnlllskrred) without Lender's prior writleu. cOllscal, L':lJder lIIay <br />re'quire .illll.\\('.' Iinl"..pnYI.lwllt in 11IIl of all sum, ,ecured by this Se"lII'ily In.,trurncnl. IIl\wevcr, thi, optioll ,1i<1l1l1ot. be <br />n...eis<'d bv Lender it ~ueh .,'creisc i.~ proltjbil~J by Applicable 1..<1\\', <br />LJlelld~r <','er~iws (his optilJll, Lender shall give Borrower l1otie~' of:\ecelnatiOIL The notice shall pro"ide a period <br />of nolles$ t.hilll 30 days li'oill the dalt t1t~. notice is given in '1Ccordtlnce with Section 15 Wilhill whidlflorrolYcr IllUst P~IY all <br />SUtns seerlr~d by this SeeLlrit)' l(\stnJlllclll. lfBorl'ower Jails to pay these SUIllS prior to the .xpir'\lion ()fthis pl~rhlCl, Lemler <br />lIlay invuke <lny remedies permitted by this S~curity Instrulllent with"lllhu'll\er notice 01 dellU\lld on BlllTOII'~r. <br />19, IlolTOWH'S \Ughl" [U Reillstate After A('c~lenrliou, l[Borrower llleelS L,crtaill eOlldiliol1'. [Jorroll'CI shall <br />hnl'e Itr" right 10 h'lve cnl()re~lncnt of [his Seeutity Instnlll1ent dis"ontillllcd at MIl' tim<: pri(lr to the earliest 01' (<I) live d"ys <br />bdi.",t 'ille of i11<' Property I'ursll<lnt 10 :\ny power of sale eonl"lIined in this Security Instlnment; (b) slldl othn period as <br />Applicable Law rnight specily tin Ihe tertuinatioll ofBnlT()\,ver's right. to r~inslate: or (c) elltry of" judglll~nt enli.n:ing this <br />Se<'llrity IIlslTUn,ell1. Those eonditions ,m, tilut n<111'i)\.ver: (a) pays Lende,' all SlIHIS whie:h thell wOl\ld be: due lIn.<!er Ihis <br />Sen'rilY Instrulllent and the NOt(, as if no necdemtioll had o~clirred, (b) t'llrC$ ilny dd~\t1lt of allY otkr C\1v(:mIIlIS or <br />agret:ments: (e) pays nU e"[JeILs<:,S in"lIlT<:,d <br />in enf,)!'elllg thi, Seellnly Instrulllellt. including, but 11('1 limited 10, reHsoJ\nbk nll\1rne\s' le(:s, properly insp",:oon nnd <br />I',duatioll h:..s, "'1<:1 olh"rli:es ineuned I"l' the pllrpos" <1f protecting Leuder's imerest ill Ihe Propel'ty nllll riglllS ulld,'r this <br />Securily luslnllnenl: and (d) lakes such n"lil.ln as Lend,r I11ny rOlls()Jwbly reqllire to aSSure that Lend"r'.s inlnesl ill Ihe <br />Property and I'ights uJlder lhi~ S~curity lu.strull1em, ilnd Borrower's (lblignlion 10 pay the Slll11, secured bv this SeclIrity <br />IlIstrumell!. Shillll:ulltmlle uneh'mg.'d, Leuder Inny require [hut Borrower pay sueh rcinst'Hemenl SLIm, Blld ""p':II,es illlHIC' <br />ol'uMe ofuK'IiJ!kllving l(lIU1S, 'IS selerled by Lellder: (a) ~ash; (b) tll<.iney order: (e) cerliti"d chl'ek; bank cllt-ek,lf"aSUrer's <br />eh,'ck ,,,' """hi<:"'s eheek, provided UIlY SUdl dlCd, i, dnlwlI "POll '\11 mSlitrlti.oll whose deposits are illslll'C:d by a kder;d <br />"gellcy, instlllln..ntnlity 01' t'llllty: or Id) Eleetmnk Fllnds, UpOIl reillst:ltelllelll by Borrower, rhis Security <br />IlIslrllllle'll "nd Ilbli~ations se~ured Iterd" sh",lI remnin hlllv eUeetive as if IIIl aeceleratiOll h"d (l\:cU!H,d. llQ\V(:l'cr. this right <br />to ,eiIlStnt" shllll not apply in the cas. ('fiic".knHioo uncle;' Section l8, <br />"20, Slll~ of Not,,; elllllllle' of L\)all Scrdccl'; N\)ticc of GtlCVlllle(', The Nole or 'I parti,,1 interest ill tlte Not<- <br />(together \\'ilh tit is Se,"lrity Inslnlllwnr) "'III be s<1ld one or InClre times witholll prio,- Il<lli"e 10 Bl)ITOW\:I', A ~Ilk mighl rl'sllll <br />jll a c..~llallgt', in 1.1 Ie Clltity (kll()\Vtl as tlle "'Lonn S(;~rvic('l"') thtlt colkcl!:i Pel'jl.J(lil~ PLl~m'nts dllt 1Illdel" tIle Not(, ~l!1d u\is S(;~(~'llri[,~.' <br />Il\slnllll~llt and p~rli.))'Im Oilier rnl1rtgl\ge loan ~el'vieing obligati,>ns lindeI' iI", NOle, Ihis S"(,UI'ily 1I\sII'lIl1l<'l\t, and Appli(:ablc <br />Law, Th,,,-e also mighl be Oil" or more ,:hdnges of the Loan Servi('er llllldated 10 n stile oflhe Note, ifth~re is a chnllge of <br />the Loft!\ Servi~t::r, B(J('n:')wi;:~r wili b~ given \\TiUeu nuti~e of the du.wge which wiB gtatt' lhe mHllc and addrC~$ of the Ill'VI' <br /> <br />NEl\IIASK,\"-Sill~k Fi\IIlil,I'--l'allllil.' MIII.'!Fl'<'lIdi. Mac I.'NlfORlH INSTRU~IENT <br /> <br />l S..\~6,C\.' II .'!,Ph) <br /> <br />\,l~, Il"~",1 <br /> <br />t,\IERSl <br /> <br />Flll"llI J01& tiUI IIJdgJ' (i I!(/': ~Jt/.f!,('.',j <br />Crt.'lJliY('l.hilll~iHg\ IIH', <br /> <br />I ; I : ' I I \. , ; ~ I J ',: . -:. ' .: <br />