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<br />84 - 006769 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />If Leader ~ ~ ~ IIlii II ~ of makia& tile Iolm secured by this Saauity I-~ . r t, <br />~ sMI!I pay tile ~ ~ to ~ die ~ in drect uatil such bmellliiUleITf ~mnl'" die <br />~~in~with &t._~slllld l.adcr'swritta~or~law. <br />I. I .., I ctin Leader or its apm _y make ~ entries UpoR lIIId ~ of the Property, Leader <br />sMI!I pve Borrower oohceat tile timf: of or price to lID iRspcction specifyiq ~ cause for the inspcctioo. <br />t. {"m ~ .... The proc:ecd5 <Jf lIDY award or' claim for damap. direct or ~I. in COIII'IllCtioR witIl <br />BY coodn-uoo or other taking of B)' part of the Propeny. or for ooaveyaace in lieu <Jf ~ an: lHnby <br />~&IId sIWl be paid to lmde!'. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceedi; sUII be apptied to the sums SCI."lmld by this Security <br />~t. whcdla or not tbm due, with lID)' acess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking <Jfdle Prop:ny. <br />~ Borrower ud Leader othawise agne in writinc. the sums secured by this Security Instrument sMI!I be reduced by <br />the ___t of the proceeds mWtiptied b)' the f~iDg fraction: (3) the total amount of the sums secured ;~ <br />bc:foR the woo,. divided by (b) the fair market ~'8lue of the Property immediatdy before the taking. Any balam:e sMI!I be <br />paid to Borrower, <br />If the Propeny is ~ b)' Borr~. or if, alter notice by Lender to Borrower tut the coodemDor olrers to <br />IDlIU lID awacd or settle a claim for ~ Berro"'er W1s to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date me DOtice is <br />~'at, Lender is lmthorized to collect ud appl).the proceeds.lU its option. citber to restoration or repair ofme Property or <br />to the sums secured by this Security IIwrument. whether or nOl then due. <br />Unless Leader aad Borrower 0IherY.'ix agree in writing. any application of proceeds to principal ~ not extmd or <br />postpone the due dlUe oftbe moathly payments referred to in pa~ 1 and 2 or change me lIlOOW1t of such paymmts. <br />II. Borrow<< Not R,hlrd; ForiIeeraace By Leader Net a WlIiYer. Extmsioo of the timf: for paymmt or <br />~ of amortization of lhe sums secured b). Ihis Security Instrument gno-.ed by' Leader to BY ~ in <br />~ of Borrower shall not operate to re! tbe liability of lhe original Borrower Of" Borro"'ei"'s SllCCC!iliOfS in interat. <br />Leader sIWl not be ~ to commence proceedings against uy successor in inlffest or refuse to extald time for <br />paymmt or ~'ix modify amortization of the sums secured by tbis Securily IllStTUmenl by r~ of ImY .demaad made <br />by the ~ Borrower or Borrower's SuccessoB in interest. Any' f~ by Lender ill exercising ny npt or remedy <br />~bc; w~.~:Jfc:- y:_l~,",xu...~~~, !.sh;..... f;i;UlW, <br />n. StK< I II'" AIIips iIeMII; JMt ... Snenll..iallitit)"; Co-sipcn. The roVeIW'lts and agn:cmmu of <br />Ulis Security !nstrumc:at Wil bind and bendit the $Ik.-ceuor'S and ~ of Lender and Borr{)1l.'Cr, subject to the provisioRs <br /><Jf ~ ! 7. Borrower's rovenaau and agm:mmu shall be joillt and several. AllY Borrov.'ei" who co-ugIlS Ulis Security <br />~ but does not execute lhe NcOte: Ill) is co-sipling Ibis Security Instrument only 10 monpge. grant aad coov-cy <br />tat Borrower's mtercst in tbe Propen). under the terms of Ilm Security InstTUmCnt; (b) is not pcnonaII)' obligated 10 plIY <br />the _ secured b)' this Security' bwrwncnt: and lCD agrees that I..mder and any olher Borrower may agree to extend. <br />modify'. fotbe:u or make lIlllY llCl.'{!Il;1mod&tiOOS Mtll regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or tbe Note ,,;lhoot <br />tBat Bon-ower'HOMmt. <br />U. LeD CIIaq;es. If the loan ~-ured b). tbis Secumy Instrument IS subject 10 a law whii:h sets muimumlolm <br />clI&r~ and tut law is finally' mterpretcd !oO tat tbe mteresl or other loan curges collected or to be collected in <br />~ with tbe Iou cxceed the permitted llmlu" then: 4.1IIlW} sucll loan chuge ,JWJ be reduced by tbe amount <br />~. to reduce tbe clI&rp: to tbe penmtted limi1; lI.IId (bllm)i sums already collected fmm Borrower 'l\'hich exceeded <br />penmtted limits wil.l be ref1mded to Borrower. Lender may choose 10 make this refund by reducing the principal ow-ed <br />lmda' tbe Note or b)' makmg a direct plIyment to Borr~-er. If II refund redlKe!> priOClpal. the reduction w.ill be Ireated as II <br />pamaI prepaymml wnlwtlt any prepIIyment ciY.Tp: 00Iic:r tbe Note <br />U. L.:J' lioIl AJIediq I~ ~ Ifrnlk-unent or eJipinitlnfl of aw1ii:able laws has the deet of <br />~ my ~ oftbe Note or !hn; SecllT1t)i Instrument unenfOl'"(oeabk acc<'rdmg 10 lIs. tenns, Lender, lit liS option. <br />-,. f~ ~e pll}'mc:Dt .n ;fail of l>H ,,_ l><X'Ured by tin" Secunt)i Instrument and may invoke any remedies <br />~ed by' pllngBpalll. IfLenderexcn:uo Ih~ (>pIlt>ll. Lender slWlllike tbeslep!;spfCllied III the ~ panijUllph of <br />~17. <br />14. ~ AllY mltlce to !Borrowa' pl'O\'ldai for In liu~ Secl.lrtl) Instrument ;.ltaH be EWell by dell\Cnng I! or by <br />~ it by int claa _I ~ l~ 12... ~ 1lM: of :mothe1' metOOd. The Iltltlce ,JWJ be directed to tbe <br />~y ~ or lID)' OIher ~ ~ ~ by rt<x........ 10 Lender. Any IWllce to Lender slWl be givCfl by <br />finm ~ _I to l..mdc:r's ~ ~iIed ~ ,>c MY othe1' ~ i..mder ~lUJla by notICe 10 DorroVo'er Any notK-e <br />~ I<< in tbis Secunty' l~i!!It duIll be deemed 10 u.e been gi\en 10 BorrMl<cor or l.endeT when si'cfl "" provided <br />mthis~, <br />.,. CA...... Law; .'lIfi\lIlt,. nil;' Securily' hUINment ..hall be &,wt'rned b~ federalla..' illOO the law. of the <br />~ In v.iuclt the Propa1} i$ ~ In the event lbat all)' pn:wi>.wt! or c!2li!IC: of Ilus x.:l.lrily Im,trument or tbe <br />Note ~ ~ ~ !2'11Ji, ;.lIclt '~lcl slWl not d'e.:t olher PH"lsions of In~ Secant)' IllsU'ument or lbe Note <br />~<:lm be p_ ~ wit!wul. the ..~m~ prmmon, To Inll> end lbe pro\l>Km;. ot-lh" x.:unty 1ft1>lrttl!1m1 and the <br />1"oImcUtl~ 10 be _Ule, <br />16. ~'I c.".. Bo:mt:_r!>!w1 be given olle conformed Cop~ (-ttne NOle <IrnJ of Ill" x.:unly In;.lrumelll <br />11. T~ fit dIie ~ (111'11 IhleA_ I..... ia~. If ~lJ 01' ,my pliTt of the Propeny nr lUl~ <br />~ m it ia ~ or lr~1Iiii 101' li /I ~llIl ml~ m 8lxrlmeT I;'..old or trllll'l"fcned and &>fr(}'o\'c! I;. not a rnllurlll <br />""~ ~'s pnor 'llJil"!t~~ c~, ~ mlIY, all!;. option, require lmmedillte l"'Iymel'll III full of all .um;. <br />~ t_ I~t H",""ever. Iltil< option sball rn1<< be <:'M:I<::iM:<l by Le!>der if eun:l!>e H, pmiubued by <br />~_ IMl~l. <br />if ~ !>!WI il"l: Borro_er llolK'e of ~,.eleraIKll'l, file IWlI<::C '''411 pro>lde lii perwo <br />of~ _ rilu >>_ r1'lJlll!~ tile ntJ(~"I: ~dd1"c:redor m;uled Wllhlll ...hl'" B<lf'w""er mU"1 piI) Jill \I1!!1~ _'ured by <br />!~,If~. fwls 10 11'I')'!!m.e \IOms prl<l1' 10 the e'l"tfllIloll 01' llll!li period. lender m~) In"'~e 1I1l) <br />h~~11O/'1"''Nt I'urther "otlCe or ~nd on B<'r!".."r <br />II Dorro'*<< mcc:b ""rtllJl'I (,''''l€h!''m~. B<>lm"t'l ,hail IJlIl>e , he ntti" Il. ha>c <br />~UIltmll<<llllllll)' 1Inw: 10 ,he cliirhcr of UU ~ dll).' (m ,U<.'IJ other l'cnnd ", <br />f~M~O bd<1I"1I.....!e of Ill<! J'Ill">WlIlI '0 ~fl) r-l"""~ oi ,,,I<: '.I.,"umcd III Ih" <br />tht$ ~llnl) 1 po"" ,O'Wl1H'I" "I~ 1I1I1! 1i.'If""':! <br />th" ~linl}' In.aulfl<<l! Il,,,j Ii>< ~'>le "ad n.. ~".ekfalo"" <br />kJ i~),'\,. aU (,D.r~f1~ Inr..'u,ueJ rB t'rlfnfi,:m~ 1~U-... <br />~ lr;,.~ !_t,oo 10, 1I1t,~~' f~, ~!Kj Idt ,,,k.,, ""'/> "'-I.on "' I ""k. mm\ <br />t!.tl _ o( thlli ~"nljl IMlru~. l.e~(' n~hh In lilt' 1""1""" !>Nl"""'" <br />_1tf~ ,!w;, ~;lifl')' if)!ri~, 'hdll ,mill""" l "'''''1",<"",<,''1 h <br />I ~ ~'U{-ed '*'haU r~m~m d ,1-l\",d,t'L!t~h"tf'i h@d <br />itJll$-~)' m t~t'.f&M" i!j}I;.t..dlt',ghn\p.: It i <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />