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<br />
<br />U~OWEN",'-n "lo_ilDd~~iIDd~asfc1lmi'S: "~ 006769
<br />
<br />L ...- sf ~... ___"........ 1 ...1.Me 0IIqes. Borrower sUn prompd~' pay ...-hen due
<br />die~ elllM ~(IR dieddlt~ by die NokilDduy' prepIIyment ud mteclwJ>:s due ImIier the Note.
<br />1. F8IIIIlIi _T_"" .....A.. ~ kl~ law or to 1I ...Tinc:n lIi'-&vef by I..mdcr. ~"<< sUn pay
<br />. ~ (IR die., -miy ll*)1I em are due ~ die ~ lIBti die Note is paid m fuli. a _ (dFcmds~) equt 10
<br />~ of: \a~ ~ lUeS 11M ~t'"': -~..iUdl may __ priority - this SccuriI)'I~ (b) ~
<br />~ ~ or ~ mIts (IR die I"mpaty. if uy; (c} ycady Mzard ~ ~ 11M (Ii) ~
<br />~ ~ .,4.4l- _.,... if uf. 1'hcsl: dam are aIIai H~ items.. ~ l..ceder mil' ClItimIIte die F1md5 due (IR die
<br />__el~"'_I'I. ~",pIok~Gl__~~
<br />'TheFcmds"be.iIddmu ~~~ dIe~(luooo_tselwilicllaremmmior~bya~or
<br />'111* ~ (~ ~ if ~ is wdI_ ~;.o,..). I..mdcr" apply die Fads kl pay die ~ items..
<br />~lIIIIli!"_~for~lIM~die~~~dIe~lor~dIe~'-"'"
<br />~ pI)' ..,_ ~ WI die Fads iIDd ~.. permits ~ to make wdJ II disJe .....~-
<br />~ -J ~ im ~ dmt ~ !.Wi he paid (IR die F~ U~_ ~t is imide or ,,",~aWC -
<br />mpiR:s ~.ll) be paid, ~.. 001: be ~ 10 pay Borrower _}' ielucst or ~ (IR die Pads. ~
<br />"rekl~. -~clwJ'C, _~~oidle Fcmds~credits_debW;kldieFadsudme
<br />~far MMdI ad! ~ 10 die FaDds _ made. 'The Fads are pledp:d as addiUooaJ -=uritJ t"orme_ ~ by
<br />diisScairily I.u~
<br />If die ___ el die Fads iIdd by I..mdcr. 1~ Mti11he future moothly pay-mcmts ci Fads payaWe prior to
<br />die due ~ el die ~ !t('Jlti. .. eu:eed the II!OOUBI ~ to pa)' die escrow items Yrilm 00e. die CK'>I5 !MI be,
<br />at ",,,,,",,,,'s ~ either prompU)' ~ to ~ or cmiiled 10 Bom:Mwoo ~ pay-.ests aiF~ lfdie
<br />___ d me Fads ldd ~, ~ is IK't ~ to pay tm: CliilCroW items whm due, Borrower sha!I JIIl)' to I..mdcr u,'
<br />~ ~tomake lip lile~ in oncOlf more paY'mmts&S n:qulred~'~.
<br />Uptml pa,- in fd daD _ seemed by INs Securily lnsuummt. I..mdcr ~ ~. rer-d to Bom.1lM:r
<br />U)' Fads hdd~' ~. If'!mlier ~ 19 me Propc:ny is sold or ~ by lender. I..mdcr" apply, 00 l2m
<br />tM1I ~"'dy prior to die liale eliDe Propcny or its ~ by Lender. any Foom hdd~' Lender at the time of
<br />~ lllillaedil ~ me_.~ by this Seeunty Instrumenl.
<br />3. ",,r; ".. atr.....1181111 U~ ~ lJi.... ~1des ~ all payments re..-.eWed~' I..mdcr UDder
<br />~ ! aad 1 !.Wi be~: fint. w late ~ diK' WIder die NO{e: secood., 10 prcpa~'mml dw'Jcs due UDder die
<br />Na&c: ~ to II!OOUBts payaWe ~ ~ 2; fOlilth. to !!!~ercst due: and Wit. 10 priDcipal due.
<br />4. ...... ~ >.MI JIll) aD1ua.. ~ts. c~ ino and ~ ~ to die
<br />~}' wtHdllllllli!' ~ ~'over'ijHii Seclm~ Inst~t. uG ~ pay-mmo,t."" pt.""""! fart~ i.f -;>
<br />~w ~ pal thao: ~~. me _aer ~-ided m ~ 2. Of" ifoor paUl in tMI_. Bonuwer~
<br />pay them os bee ~l to the pc:n;.oa owed pB)ment. ~ shall promptly fumis1I to lender all notiCeS d ~
<br />k! be pIIlId ~ this ~. U ~ru mllKO thao: pa;-mcDlS d=u;. Bcrrcrvoru shall promptly f~ 10 ~
<br />~e<>~mepa}_t1;.
<br />~ .. pl'1rlmpdy dtK~ ar.) lm:l ...~b. ha poontl <"6 l!m SeC'.lrilY Instrument ~ ~ (al
<br />~ ilD ~ 10 mepB}-.mt dlile ~ ~ ~'Ihe lIeIllfi" _lIC'Ceplabie to LendcT: !b,c~inJOOd
<br />fa1idllile .l!ial.~.,iJlr ~ ~ .enb-cc:mml dtDe iim m.lcpl ~..lUch in the ~'s ~ ~ w
<br />~ die ~ dlhe lIeIl or f~Uft d M) pan ddle Propen}: or (c) ~ from lbe ~ dthe ~ G
<br />~ umflllC1{l1)' !IO Lender s~ the lIeIl to tNs Secwuy Inslrnmcat. if tender ~ lhas &n}' pan of
<br />me ~ll$ ~t 14:1 :lll!ial1Oi'~-llJ may lIIUm pnorlfY .:wer l!m Secumy Instr.mJrenl. Le'l'IdcT nuy give ~'Cf"
<br />~ ~~ tile halL ~6 shall 9IttU) tile l!m 01" tHe (ffl<: Ol" mo.-e of tile a..-UOft. ;.eI. fcnh <loo'e lIinnm 1 0 d.1Iy~
<br />dtliep~d~
<br />s.. a-.d' ............ B\!1m."".Cf ~ keq:> the lmpl"(J<\enelllS _ e1!.lmnil (.,- heraflCf erecled .00 lhe Properly
<br />__ ~ k&~. m. ~ mdlided 'OlI-llhm lhe lcrm "eu~ ..00 any Olher hUllnh for ,...hlcn lA:mler
<br />~ _ "'fml> t---...,e ~l be mamtamed ill 1m: MK_ts lIlnd !m: penods IMI ie>deT requIreS. The
<br />_ ~ lilIe m~ sha.Il be em- by Bon-01I<Cf ~t H' Lender', lippro"~ ",'~h !.twJ not be
<br />
<br />plllIilOO aad l"alC'IO-als WIl be ~ 10 ~ Md <Julj md...:k .. s~ni m<.nPBe cb.wie.
<br />~ sha!lhP-e me nPt~, ~Ilille ~ aad l"eI'l('1Jh_ lf~ r~Te;., Born..ru ;.A1U1 ill"'!: Ie' l.~
<br />d Md rr~ ~. In die ~ of.kM.. Borr~'e1 Wll gJ''e prompt lhe \~imre
<br />may m~ proof of k>lii if not made prompdy ~ B\m-_
<br />t..~ ~ Iol:ln-t_e:~wc:~m "m~, ~__"1: pri.')C~!JWj Ix
<br />.*~. ~ sf the ~ or n:pstf:lS ~y f~ aad LCIIdcr'~ ,;, 1>01 ~
<br />1'.ii;:;U~l, m.!3I[ I!l> not~~' r~ or ~.~ wc<mil ~be ~ tile ~n"'l<~ !JWI be
<br />~ "" _..~!wj.. 1:Il.S<<imt" l~. ...~ Clf not thmd.. ",~!:I e~ if
<br />~ Itld_ me Pwperl). 01' ~ mot _'WU ...11.1:1>$ 30 lia}';, a ~"(: ffOlm l~ the ~-..ma ha
<br />~ W> ~ al dIInI_ ~_ ~ier -l <<'llht1li1e ~ pt{'li.-~, ~. -l ~ the 1<:' fepll!f Of rC!>lore
<br />the OI'~" _ '!O<<Ul~ ~ 1M S<<imt~ Ill~l'ltmCBl, ...~beI- 01" llat Ihm d<< ~l ~>d ",ul ~
<br />.~ .,
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<br />h:rmoer
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<br />ofprocttd;, W~lpiiJ ~ll flO! e\lcnd or
<br />:: N .hu@!e lhe ~~I c'f1!ie ~~'merol. If
<br />~flftn<:C and pn...-.:OO; I"""l",,~
<br />C'ttlf'nl ~um~ ~'&Hed t':y Hu~ So:.'lH'H~
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<br />~ ~ ~ \\;~'~M.'h ~1li~ r'flf'tnw~ Whl'-
<br />oIlH'I{f~'~' l~ il~ eIllcn~ !~ i'r'~Il\ ",. mJilh
<br />~. ta',.kn:k_iII<>l M'~
<br />__ ~~,~~, I~ pw~~~ ~ l>o;.,,,,.,,, <odd'l"'''''! ~ ,~' ~lf"'''~' """",,,,.j h ,ill'>
<br />t""... ~I!:,.,.a 1IAll1.~ 'liI"" I~" ,h~:! t'>e,,, 'mer....' fl1lf11
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