<br />84 -- 006738
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<br />If Leader required mortp&e insurance as a condition of making tile Iosa 5eCIII'lld by dRs Security ......-...
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in etI<<t until such time as tile 1'CCl~ l 11'1 _tile
<br />insurance tcrmiaates. ill accordance with Borrower's ami Lender's written aar-cat or applic;aWclaw.
<br />I. ........ Lender or its asmt may make -we emrics upon ami ifll~I.. ~ of tile ~. I...4llDtIa'
<br />shall give Borrower notice at tile time of or prior to lIIl inspection specifyicc r--we cause_ die' Ir I ~
<br />t. C III , I I .... The proceeds of lIIlY award or claim for damases. direct or 00MeIJlI Il&W. ia
<br />lIIlY condemaation or other taItiaa of aay part of the Property, or for conveyance in Iicu of conde ~ia.
<br />assipcd and shall be paid \() Lemler.
<br />In the evenc of a total to.kiRc of the Property, the proa:eds shall be applied to tile _ lIIICaAld bJdIiIi !51ll.J
<br />Instrument, whether or DOt then due, with aay eXCCSlli paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial takiaJ of tile ~,
<br />unless Borrower ami Lender otherwise agree in writiag, tile _ secured by tlUs Security Iuu_t" be recllilllllt"l,J'
<br />the amount of the proceeds mukiplied by the folktwins fraction: (a) the total _t of the _ __ :. M . t A"
<br />before the takinc. dh1ded by (b) lhe fair market value: of the Property immediately before the takift&. A1ty blltanccaallcbe
<br />paid to Borrower,
<br />If tile Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that tile cOIlillnlnl)t' oI'cn,lo
<br />make an award or settle a claim for damases. Borrower fails to respond to Lender WIthin 30 days after tile date tile IICltice is
<br />siven. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option. either to rc:storation or ~ of tile PI'opaty or
<br />to the sums secured by this Security InstrumeIll, whether or DOt then due.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ap-ee in writin& any application ofproc;eeds to priacipaI shall ROt eMatd.,-
<br />postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paflllTBPbs I and 2 or chaaae tile amooutofsuch....1 1
<br />It. Ben._ Not Releaaed; FortteuaKe By Leader Not . Wlli__. Extension of tile time fm' p8)"IRCIItOl'
<br />modUicatioo of amonization of the _ secured by this Security InstrumeIlt sranted by Lender to lIIl)' we, I iD
<br />interest of Borrower shall DOt operate to release the lialnhlY of the orijiRaI Borrower or Borrower's 5lICCeIlllOn in ___
<br />Lender sllall DOt be required to commence proceedings against lIIlY successor in imm:st or refuse to eMatd time _
<br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reuon of lIIl)' daIIIIIad IIIIlIIe
<br />by the oriptiI4 Borrower or Borrower's SUCCC550rS in interest, Any forbearance by Lender in exercising lIIlY ript or RmCIdf
<br />shallno.'.be!.waiverofor~l~thee~~~y?~or~L ~,_ . ~
<br />~ -- ~-_._--..-;- ~IIlU1Jl'l -'~.Buu.aU; ..... _ ~--i~~ J_.__ &. I uc '-U'I'c:wmh CUIU ..~ -4.
<br />tM Security Instrummt ilWl bind and bmefit the SUCCC550rS and assips of Lender and Borrower. subject SO the provisions
<br />of ~ 17, Borrower's covenants ami aueements s.Iuall be joint and several, Any Borrower who CXHips dRs Security
<br />Instrument bid does not execute the Note: (a) is CO-slpins this Security Instrument only to monpae. srant and CDiIR'C)'
<br />that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not personally obtiptcd to pay
<br />the sums roeeured by this Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree te es1CIId.
<br />modify, forbear 01' make IIIIY accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or lhe NoIe witJIotIt
<br />that Borrower's cornoenl,
<br />12. ~ CIuIrps. If the JOlIn secured by this Secunt)' Instrumenl is subject to a law whicb sets lIlllItimum IolIn
<br />charges, and that law IS finally inlerpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected ill
<br />COOnectlOO with the 10M exceed the pemlltted limlU., then: (II) an)' such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br />1IeCClIliIf)' to reduce the charF to lhe permitted limit; !lnd (t>) any sums lIlready collected from Borrower which exceeded
<br />penllltted limits w1l1 be refunded to Borrower. Lemler ma)' choose 10 make this refund by reducing the principal owed
<br />under lhe Note or by mWng II direct payment to Borrower, If a refund reduces pnncipal, the reduction will be tn::<ed 11$ a
<br />partial prepayment Wlttwulllny prepayment chuJC under the Note,
<br />13. ~ ~ l.ender's ItiPts. If enactment or expmllion of applicable laws has the elrect of
<br />rendenng lI.t!y provllilOO of the Note or Ihis Secunty Instrument unenforccable according to its lerms, Lender. at its option.
<br />may requIre immediate payment In full of all sums secured hy this Security Instrument and may invoke lUIY remedies
<br />pemlttled by pIlragraph 1", If Lender ellercisa t hiS option, Lender shall take the ste~ specified In the second paragraph of
<br />pllfzsrapb 1"1,
<br />14. Netiees. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Secunl)' I m.rrumenl shall be given by delivering it or by
<br />mai1ins it by fim claH mall unlCllli apphcabk law requires use of another method, The notIce shall be directed to the
<br />Property. Addfellll or any other lIddress Borrower designates by notice 10 Lender, AllY notice 10 Lender sball be given by
<br />h d_ mall to Lender's addrC5s SUIted herein or any otber addrl:l>S Lender desIgnates by nOllce to Borrower, Any notice
<br />provided fuT III tM Security Instrument shall be deemed 10 hllve been glVt~n to Borrower or Lender when gi\'eII as provided
<br />IIlthis~,
<br />15. ~ Law: Se1'1lrlllrility. This Secunty Instrument shall be governed t>y federal law and the law of Ihe
<br />j~tlOO in whach Ihe Propert~' IS located, In the eventlhlltllllY proviSIon or c1l1u!<e of Ih" Sei.'Uflty IlIstrument or the
<br />Note c~ts WIth applicable hn\l, such cootlict shall notll!f<<t ntner prOV"IOfIS of Ihls Security Instrumenl 01' tbe Note
<br />wluch can be given effecl wlltwul: Ihe contllCling rfO\'I,iol1, To Ihls end the rroVIMOflS of tius Secllnly Inslrumentllnd the
<br />Note an: declared to be lJevt:fable,
<br />16. ~'5 C..",. iSorrower shall be glvell one conformed copy of the Note and of thiS Sei.'Urll~' Ins!mmenl
<br />17. Tt1I8l!ifu flf' tile Protterty lll' a BeaefkialIaterest ill Borrower, If all or ltllY I>iilrt (}f lhe Properly or .my
<br />11ItereM III It ffi SOlId or tran1ierred (or If a benefICIal intereM in Borrower IS sold or transferred lInd Borrower IS not anal urnl
<br />pcnoII) wittwu<< Lender", pnor "'nllen coment, Lender mIIY, III its optl(rn, reqlllre Immedulle pIIymall m full of 1Il1 sums
<br />secllnld by tM Secul'lty Inlitrumenl. However, this option shall not be exerCIsed hy Lender If excn:l..., " I'ronlhlled h)'
<br />federllllaw as "f the dal'~ of th" S.~('Unly Instrument
<br />If ~ Cli.efCllIC tillS IJ!l'lIOfl, Lender '>lllIillPve Borrower not Ice of IIccelen.uon The !loU"e shllJJ PWVI'Jt, 1I pennd
<br />of not '-thu :I() days frtm! the (laM: the not!l:,t: IS delivered or mlUlcd wHhlll wlm:h Iion"",el mll'l pII) l1il sums "<:'nued ~y
<br />llir.. 5ee1.\f~) IMtrumell1 If 8orrl/1ll>'cr fww l'IIy these \ums "nor to Ihe e~plrlllloll of thIS ~,<,nud, L.'nder m~y ",voke "r1\
<br />r~_ permitted by [hili Sl:<:lInty IR~lrwnenl Wllnout Further Imlla or demalld on Ii""""".'r
<br />Ill. ~'!I RiPt..~. if Horrown meeh cer1l\HI l'olldrtlOfl\, Bnrw",,,r shall hll'" lilt: ""ht 10 Illl\('
<br />ntfOf~ olthi' Secl~nty IItMl'llfl'lell1 dU''-','nllnued allln} lime "nor to the e"rh~r "j '~j' dllY' (or 'l!,n "llw. f>t:'notllls
<br />Ill... may ~p(lufy for r.",>t..tem<:lllj hefore sllk,~ rhe Property pur"J111lI ,,, allY 1'0,",0 ql ",Ie ,""I..",e<J mlh"
<br />Instru_a. m (h) clIlr) ,~' lO ,Illdgment ellfor"I"!! lhls Se.:lll'll) Irl\tIumellI I h"..., "'r,,JllI""s "I<' lhal Borrower
<br />i.~f !Ill ~um. ....1111;11 thell would he due urtJer lhl\ Se,,'UrH} InslrurnrH! ,.,,<J .tlt' '''1< hlld f10 ,,",ceknotl""
<br />(hj ;;Wft ""ny' d.efllluil of ~ny other l'l"rtINlh of "lllet'menls, k I P~}S ~II np<'rI"" lllc,,,,,,d Jf1 crtlofl1l1~ 11m
<br />In$4rl&:menI. tfH.:Judtflj,. l'lYt tH,'; hnHfed Wo. rea:lW.tI~.i!thk ~tUOHH."Y"" fee...., and I'd! iJlt..e\ .,u",!i .'$l-hIHJ ,p. Jct1\kr ma~
<br />'<<4u,re to 9"M.re It'"1 1M hen of In," S<<Ul1t~ Ins",,,,,,,,", I ,""der', n~hl' III lhe f'."per!\ "nd l!Hff"..e,'
<br />~o 1hc ~Ufin ~IWfOO h)l' ~I'H~, StxUf'lt'j.' In'lotfUt1'lcnt '.,hall i.OntHHJt: U1H.'han~nj ~ '~'k'n n:'HI""dh:'tHt'rll ~~,
<br />th... 1"\lfUm~fll and Ihe"I>lIi!'BI~lI1' ""UI~d h.'rt'h~ '.hltli ".m.,,, it>lh ..f!,', 1".: """ ""dr,,,",,,, h.d
<br />j~u.Hr~ H4J\H'\t:i' 'hHi nght to tt'UH~.jIf(' tl,haH flo1 nppl~ Hj ~he".a"'.t: IIf MI.Ld('ri1t~I' ,n HfHkr piil.fQl~laph... i "i I ~
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