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<br />r <br /> <br />84-006738 <br /> <br />UNIFOIlM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />I. PIi)'lllellt of ~ ad Ieterat; Prepa)'lllellt ad Late CIIaraes. Borrower shall promptly pay wlten due <br />the principal of and interest 00 tbe debt evidenced by the Note and aay prepayment a"ld late charges due under the Note. <br />2. Fimds fw Tu. _ ItIIUI'UCle. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shaH pay <br />to Lender 011 the day monthly payments are due WIder the Note. until the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds") cq1Ql to <br />ooe-twdfth of: ia) yearly lUes and -.nents which may attain priority over this Security lnstmmcnt;(1t)yCady <br />lcascbokJ pa)-mmts or ground rents on the Property. if any; (c) yearly hazard iasuraace premiums; _(d)~ <br />IIIOI1pge insu~ premiums, if aay. These items are called "escrow items." Lender may estimate the F....,.dUe""", ,.,(IR", .,.,._,..",....,.'..", <br />basis of current data and reasonable estimates of future: escrow items, '. ,'. '.. ...'.>y: < <br />The Funds shall be hcld in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are iusttted 01 paraatecd by a~.~ <br />stale asencY (indudiag Lender if Lender is such .1n institution), Lender shall apply the F&mcIs to pay the <br />Lender may not char;e for ~ and applyiaa the Funds. _Iyma the llCCOUIIt or verit"yingtheeseroW' <br />Leader pa~ Borrower interest 00 the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make ftdl a dllqe. <br />Leader may agree in writing tllat interest shall be paid 00 the Funds. Unless an ~ is made or~~liW <br />requires interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower aay interest or c:arnmp on me PuadL' ~ <br />shall sive to Borrower, without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to me F&mcIs__ <br />~ for which each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional sccurityfor the_!ICICUftlII by <br />this Security Instl'Umel'lt, <br />If the amount of lhe Funds held by Lender, together wilh the future monthly pa~ of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of the escrow items, shall exceed the amount required to pay the escrow items when due, the GCCI5l1ba1l tie, <br />at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower 011 monthly pa)!lReRtS of F&mcIs. If me <br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is not sufficient to pay the escrow items wlten due. Borrower shaH pay to Lender 1m)' <br />amount necessary to make up the deficiency in one or more payments as required by Lender, <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shaH promptly n:fuad to ....~_ <br />any Funds hcld by Lender, If under paragraph 19 the Propeny is sold or acquired by Lender. Lender shaH apply, _later <br />than immediately prior to tbe sale of the Propeny or its aCQuisition by Lender. 1m}' Funds hcld b}' Lender at tM time of <br />application lIS lJ credit against the sums secured by this Security Inul'Umel'lt, <br />3. AppIicatiea of PIi)'lDellls. Unless applicable Jaw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender IIRder <br />paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied: lirst. to late charges due under the Note; second, to prepl!iyment ~ dUe IIRder die <br />Note; Ihird, to amounts payable under paragraph 2; founh, to interest due; and last. to principIU due, <br />4. CIIarIIes: u-. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments. charges. lines Md i~ at~ to die <br />Property_w~~l!1lI!~_at,t.IJJl_~iority ~Qver this Secl!rily Inst~ment,_and leuebold paymm:.. or ~..~ if_as,. <br />Borrower shall p3y thoe obligations III the manner provided in paragraph 2. or if not paid In that mauer. Borrower shaH <br />pa}' them on time directly to the person uwed payment Borrower shall promptly fumilih to Lender all not~ of ~ <br />to be paid under Ihis paragraph, If Borrower males these payments directly. Borrower shall promptl)' furniMI to Lender <br />receipts ev1dencing the pa}'ments, <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument un!ess Borrower: (a) <br />apttS In wTltmg to tbe pay'menl of the obligation secured by the lien in 1.1 manner acceptable to Lender; (bl 00RteItli in pod <br />fauh the lien by, or defends agamSl enforcement of the lien in. legal proceeding!> whICh in the Lender's opiGioo openIte to <br />pre..oent the enforcement 0( lhe lien or forfeiture of any pan of the Propeny; or (c) secures from the IwIder 0( the Jim iIm <br />agrecmeat satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument, If Lender detenni~ that MY part of <br />lbe Pmpen}' is ~t 10 a hen which may attain priority over this Secunty Instrument. Lender may give Borrower a <br />notICe Klatufy'tng the hen, Borrower ",hall slillsfy Ihe hen or lake one or more of the actIOnS set fonh above within 10 days <br />of the givins elf nOUce <br />5. "-d 11lSlll'lltlCe. Borrower shall keep the Impnwements now e:r.ISlmg or herellfter erected 00 lhe Property <br />IIlMsred apmstlm;s by fire, hanrds mcluded w.thm the term "e:r.tended c(werage" and any other haurds for which Lender <br />requires illMlrance, Thll> msurance shall be maullamed m the amounts and fur the penods Ihat Lender requires, The <br />illMll'3RCe carner provKlmg the InSlIrance shall be chosen b~' Borrower sul>Ject to Lender's approval which shall not be <br />W1rellS01111b1y withheld, <br />AlllMllTlInce polICies and rellewals shall be acceptable [0 Lender and shall mclude II stliUtdard mongage daul><:, <br />Lertder shaI! Ilave the right 10 !mld the policle. and renewals, If Lender require!>. Borrower shall promptly gi"e to Lt:ndcr <br />aU receipts of paid premlllms and rcnewlIlllotlCe., In the event of ](l:%. Borrower shalJ give prompt notice to the insllrance <br />carrier and Lender Lender may lnake proof of In,,s If !lot made promptly I>y Borrower <br />UnlcH Lender and BrKrnwer otherwu,e lItlrtt III wnllng. lIl'!illflmCe pmceeds "hail be applied to restoration or repair <br />of the Propeny d~. If the relltnraUOll or rep,ur IS cclmmmcally klllllble and Lender's secunty IS not In_ed, If the <br />restoration or repair is not economICally fetilble or Lender', !>eCUnty would be 1~lied, Ihe IllSlIrllnCe proceeds shaH be <br />applied to lhe Mlms !leCured by Ihl1'. Secunly Instrument, ,...hether (lr nOI Ihen due. ....Ilh llny e~C<5S pwd to Borrower, If <br />Borrower abandons tbe Properl~', or does nm answer ....Ithm ,iO days II nOlln. from Lender Ihal the lrtSllrann' euner hilS <br />olI'cTed to 1It"ttle a claim, IIIen Lender may collect the mSllram'e proceeds Lender may lIf1e the proceeds to repair or rClllore <br />tbe Propeny or to pay f,umt> seemed by thl" Security Instrument. whether or 1II>l thell due The ,iO-day penod Will begm <br />wilen the notICe IS 3i"et1 <br />UnlcH Lender and Borrower nlberwl!<e llr.ree 111 \V'nllng, any "ppllcatlOn of proceeds to pnn"'llml shall not e~tend or <br />pclMpone tlleaue cIlIteofthe monthly pa)'menls referred 10 In parlijl;rllphs ! Ilnd:' nr dlaniH: the IlmOllnt ufthe payments If <br />under parqrapb 191M Property IS acquIred by Lender. Born'wer', nght to any lIl~uran"e pollclCS and pr(l(;eeds resulllnj! <br />from damqelo lhe Property' prIOr 10 the acquisition shall palls 10 Lender to Ihe eXII:nlnftoe sums !lOCUred by thIS Sa:lllll) <br />Ihtrummt immediately prior 10 the lICqtliliitlon <br />6. ","-Ultiollll'lUId M~ of PlOJIflI1t': l~ Bnrrr>wcr shllll "01 des fro" d~"",,,.. or "'~stllmlllll) <br />dUl!lle tlK Property, 311<,,", the Property to delerK'fllle ,'r nllnlTllI ",,,t.. If Ih" SeUHll\ fI"trunlt'llI " ''II a Ic"....hold. <br />Iorf~er shaI! c,omply wtlO lhe provIsIons [If the lea'liC, and If [Inn"",!.'! ,~lllulres IN:' 11Ik Ip thr Pr"t>erly, the le"...,l1old ..nd <br />foe title ~ not I!If:r.. unft!> Lender ltllrC($1O lhe mer(tellll "'Iltllll! <br />7. l"roteā‚¬lMe. till I~'. R~ ill tM I'rwperty; Mort~ I~, If Born'''e. fall, 1(\ r<'rl",m the <br />c'~.$aftd 1IFeemt'1f115 etmtamed Illlhl~ S<xuflly InMrum"nt. o. there"" ler.a) p.ot'l'",:hn~ Ihal nut) "IHlIh.'"ntly affC'l.,t <br />~', r_. in 1M Property' (1WCh 11.' " prrx:eedlOg H1 bankruptcy, prohate, ti'l <,'ndemnal1o" or H' enfm<'l.' l~,," "r <br />fef)lHa<<,_).Ilie1\ lmckr mllY do and pay Inr ..h..tever I' n<<'e<<sary tn prntt'l:llhe ,.iu<' "f the Property and I, ender', rlllhts <br />13 IIle '~y Lcndc'r'~ II<'tl("'" m")' Irll:!ude payml!i an) 'Um!> ",,'ured hy ~ Ilt'll "'lOll! has prlorlt) ,ner Ihl' Se..llntv <br />11Ist~.ll~nllll III "'''Ilrt, P<<ymll rell~mllble alwmey,' l'ee!. and ente/HIIl nn the I'ropel'lY Ip ma~e rep<<u' Allholll!h <br />l~ mIIy ~actltlllllnd<:r Ihl~ pIIlltl!i'lIIph 7, Lt'ndel doel> nnt ha'e t(\do "" <br />An)! b!r Lender tmJer till, pafa&traph i ,h,,1I bet'''rn'''lIddIlIP,,~1 ,klll..r I~'''o''cr ...,,'u<ed hy tillS <br />kuntylrlstr_I, UIt1~ !k,HI_er and lender 'n ('I he. Ie...", of payment, rh,,'e amoullts ,hall ht'a, Int,,"...t horn <br />~lIe dak 0( ~~nl at .he Note rale and ~hall ht' f'IIi~"k "tlh \I\le'....' ur~'n 110f',,' hp", lender rn lIor!o"el <br />I~ml paY_lit <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br />