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<br />iJ~.J. - ~~~~. ... ~~ ,-~.,:::'I
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<br />84~
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<br />00669,1
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<br />If lender requir~ mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured b~' this Security Instrument,
<br />Borrower shaH pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in ell'ect until such time as lhe requirement fOl'the
<br />insurance terminatts in accordaoce with Borrower's and Lender's ....ritten a~ or applicable law.
<br />8. lupedioll. Lender or its asent ma.~' make reasonable entries uron and,.inspecrilms of the, ~. .,~
<br />shall Jive Borrower ooticealthetime ofar prior '10 lift ~ ~.~.....It~~JGr~..,.IM:l~~;fi3!.i;,S
<br />9. COndUlLJUllioll. The procet'ds of any lIward or claim for damap, direct or ~ in ~ with
<br />any condemnation or Olher takin8 of any part of the Property. or for OOIlVC}'MCe in lieu of ~aation, aR~~l
<br />as"jgned and sball be paid 10 lender, . " ..,
<br />In the t'vent of a lOtaltaking of the Property, the proceeds ;;,hall be applied to the StUDS secured by this SI:curity
<br />Instrument. whether 01' no! then due. with any CXceliS paid to Borrower. In the !:Vent of II plII'tiIll taIcia& of the Property,
<br />unless Borrow-er and Lender olherwise agree in writing, the SUIWi secured by tbis Security l~sIm4IlIe___'"
<br />the amount of the prOl'eeds multiplied by the follo1\<;ng frllCtion: (a) the total amount of the SlimS secured imltMllltiatdy
<br />before the taking. di\lded by fh) the fairmarkel value ofthe Property immediately before thetakina. Any baIaace"be
<br />paid to Borrower
<br />If the Property 1S abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the 00Ildemn0r oI'ers t.o
<br />make an award or settle a chum for dlll1la8es. Borrower fails to respond to Lender withi1'l30 da)'S after die date the notice is
<br />given. Lender IS authonzed to collect and apply the proceeds. at its option. either to restoration or repair ofthePropdty 01'
<br />to the sum~ secur~ by !hi~ Security Instrument. whether or nOI then due.
<br />tJn~s Lemk-r and Borrower Olhernise agree in writing. any application ofproceeds to principals1m41 oot extenIIor
<br />postpone the due dJite of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs land 2 Of change the amount ofsucb payJRellt$.
<br />10. Borrower See Released; ForbearaIIce By Lender See a WaiYer. Extension of the time for paymcm or
<br />moddkallon of amortization of the sums secured by rhis Securit~ Instrument granted by Lender to lIAY succeliIIOl;' ill
<br />interest of Borrower shall nOI operate 10 release the Iiabilny of the ongiJUlI Borrower or Borrower's succesliOB in inteRst.
<br />Lender shall not he required to commence proceedings against any successor in ifllerest or refllse to clU1:IId time fur
<br />payment or Olherwise modify amonization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason ofllAydemand made
<br />b}' the origmal Borrow'er or Borrower's successors in interest, Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br />_~h..n n~ _~.. ....~'...~! _f'; {U' rlon-rlnti".d:ap ~"1!r:rit;;* (\f ~Y1'-' "P-hl n.r r""""Mh,.
<br />"n_.... 11.- ~.~~~~--;. -~.d;~ Joint aiut Seweral ~it).; Co-siperL The covenants aDd ac~'~-"-----
<br />this Secumy Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender lInd Borrower. subp:t to lhe pnMsioRs
<br />of paragraph 17, Borrower's covenants and agreemenls "hall be joint and several, Any Borrower who co-sips this Security
<br />Instrument but doe<. nOl execute the Note: (al j" co-signing Ihis Secunty Instrumc:"lt only to mOrTgage. grant and convey
<br />that BorrowC('s Interesl m the Property under the terms oflhis Security Instrument: (b) is not pen.onally' obIiptect to pay
<br />lhe sums '>Ccured by this Sel.'llnty Instrument: and (c) agrees thaI Lendcr and any other Borrower may agree to extend.
<br />modify. forbear or make any ...,,'ommodations wnh regard to the terms of Ihis Security Inslrumenl or the Note without
<br />thai BO'TTower's '-'ClOsen!.
<br />lZ. Lou C'IIarcn. If the Joan st:I:ured by Ihis Securit~' Instrument is subjeCt to a Ill'" whil:h sets maximum klAll
<br />charge... and thai lJI1I\' is finally Interpreted so that the interesl or orher loan charges c{}Il<<'I~ 01' to he collected in
<br />connectlon wllh the loan eJ\Cl'ed the permJlted limits. Ihen: (a. any such loan charge sh..11 be reduced ~' lhe amount
<br />n<.'CC'>",ry to r~uce the charge 10 the permlll~ limn: and (b) any sums already Ct)llccted from Borr",..'er wh.ch eJ\ceeded
<br />permmed limits Will be refunded to Borrower Lender may ch,,,,,,e to make thIS refund hy reducIng lhe prmcipal ".....ed
<br />under lhc :'\iote or t>y makmg:1 direct payment to Borrower If a refund reduce pnnclpal. the reduction will be ITellted as a
<br />panlal prep;oyment wllh,'ul any prepa,ment charge under the Nore,
<br />13. I~ ,<\tf<<tiltllt l.ender'~ RltIItts. If cnactment ('r cJ\plrallnll of applicahle I..w... 11M the deet of
<br />rendenng allY prn\'l,>>on of the Nou or IhlS Seculll,'lnstrumCnI uncllforce.llhl,' "".:",dln!! II) II' It'rms. Lendcr. al its option.
<br />may requlTc ,mmedu'le paymenl In full of all sums s",:ured by tem Se,:urllY Instrumc!1l and may ,,,,o/.;.c any remedlcs
<br />permlued t'ly paraltraph 19 IfI,l'nd<:r "'J\"'rcISC!.IIIIH'puon. Lender shall take the ,tcp' sp<<'lfied Il1lht'!'Cl:ond parll3rllph of
<br />paragraph I 7
<br />14. Sotka. AJl~ !I"lle'e to Borrower I'w\ldcd for III th" s....:unr, Instrument shall be g"en b, delivcring it or by
<br />malhng II by ,ir~1 dbS m...l unk"s apph...'able law requlr~... """ "I' another melhoQ, The not..." sltall be directed 10 the
<br />Propert.' Addr.....s or llll, other "ddr~.,,\ Borrower Lk....lgnates by nOll..'e to Lender, Any llntKe 10 Lende!' shall be gj\'efl by
<br />lihl dill"'~ mllll :0 lelider's addlr"", slated herelll or any olhcr llddress Lendcr d""'!(nlll"s by fwllce to Rorrower AllY 1l00!;:e
<br />pr(wided fOf lllt hIS SexIlTlt) 11ISIT umen! shall be deem~ to hill' c been gl' en 10 !It'rW\H'r 0; I.'-fldcr "h"1l gnen as pro\tdoo
<br />illln.s pllTllj:rllph
<br />15. (rinffftUlIlI.llllO; Se.erability. Tlm s...eufIly In,trumlOlll shall 1>-: ~"'em,'d h~ h'der,,! Ia" ""d the I"" of lhe
<br />jun~~i:h{)n m \\Ju~'h the Pn.'rlt'ft~ J~ h.xah:d. In the (.'\.cn1 fhat an) rrp\I...I(Ul l~r ,,:1~1u~(.' tll rlu", Scl,,:uni~ tn,trume-nl or 1ht"
<br />S"le l.onl'l",r~ "Ilh "pp!.cablc I..". 'uch connl". sh"Jlnol affe,:1 other 1'''''''I<1''S of th" Se'UTll, InstrumlOlll or the ,",o'l.'
<br />..hil.h ,'.!In be @:"en 111'"" "Ilh,'ut the "onllll.'lmg pn\'lS'on In lh" end the pril' ISlOll' of Ihl' s...e'Unl~ Instrument "nJ the
<br />S"u are dcdared tn be \e\erahlc
<br />16, ~c~.s Ct.,. 'iiorro\\-rr "haB he g1\t:1l '.H1t" cpnf,)rmed "'Pp~ I'd !ht" "nIt' .J1H.i ilf thl\ Secunt~ Ilhfnmh'll~
<br />17. T~er of tile !'ropert) IH' a 8eadkial Internt in 8orr.......'. II .il "r ""~ pan "lth... f'rnl'<;'fl~ Pi ,Il"
<br />~nlefe","l nt H t~ ,,"old or Han~fcrr,ed (or If it hendiclal intcft."" mlitlrrO\\Cr II., ....,)Id Pf If.Jn,f(.'f1<:d ~Ind n~~rnm,t:r 1'1, !lilt a natural
<br />rw:J'~nl,1 \\<Uh,{liJt I,_cncler\, prior y,nttel1 t:41I'l'M:tH. L,'ndef' "lay, at (1\ ('pilOn, rC"qUHl' If1lnledl~k p.tyment HI full ~A'all \ur'H!->
<br />_"f",j l>~ lilt, Sex'tIItl) rmlfunl<'llt 110"I:'er, IhlS opt lOll slMil !lI'l ''<C ""t'h,,,'d h It'nd,'! ,f nel,IS(' " 1",'hlhlkJ ,,~
<br />f~raj l~" ~. "fIlM. .,\;r.te "ft!m Se,urtt, 11I,trllm<:nt
<br />if tender ~:l\('fi'd+,e", 1hl~, ~\ptH}n. LCfHJ--e1" \hall ~D"'C Borru\\er nnHU: of t!L.'Ct'Jrf atlofl lht, Ihll1U.' ,haU rr(~\ hh: ,I i~'nnd
<br />nf fi(~ b~ than .~o d,/ll~~ fn1fl1 tht, ~,$Ilr fil<' n(~tH,:C i~ ddi\cred (\r rnail('d "' HhHl \\ tth'h B\lrH~"n rntJ'..t pii~ ~ill "'UrTh "'!..'-t IUl."1.f h~
<br />tb:t,. Se\:tJ;:fll) 'n"lfwliH'1H, If 8nrru't\cf fatl~ In pit)' tht,,",e ...urn, Prill,. f,l the {,\PH<.1hoH (\f Ihl" p~'rtod, f~'fh..:kr 111;1~ \!\\t)k,> ~IH~
<br />fe~~ ,..:nnltl~ h~' till'. Se.'Yllf)' Iflslrllrnel11 ~llh"Ul further """n' "r dt'!llll,,,j il" fj""mHf
<br />Ill. ~"'I RiPt I'll Rri~. 11 Bnr"'\c\cl met'I' ll'l'llllll ''''1<111'''''', B"'lo"", ,1,,,11 h;",. lile ,,~hl '"~ l"ne
<br />f,'tlt-Ufli:~~#n('",~n-f ttn" ~ii.'u-n'~ hhHUrne1'!llh':l'fHHtHl..M.~d: ~1 :,Hl~ I !HIt' pni1f' In the n.H hrl' 1'..1 (;11 i; .1,,)... (n,r '-Udl ,.thr, fll;'nitd :1'"
<br />ta'!l\- m-;l\l,~ '!"i'llCt.:!fj ill:[ re1H.,tali,;"tnt'llt~~fOft 'itk~\f'h{' PTl'rw."l~ f'ut"dLHll Mi\ rN!\\l.:'! ,.j 'dlt' l\\:Hdl1ll'd In lhl\,
<br />hl1Mr-I.UiH;:-;rst.. ,}g lb~ uf iI'i ,t\xJjtfnenl t"Ufilfl..-IIl~~ If HI" St'i.!Jtil~ ill..l1UfTlcifl ih,_),t' ""H4j]!11'1l>. "l't .,h.41 1~1-'lt""Cl
<br />f.jl) j::l{jl),lj. leo1.:k"-~ "lH:n\ ~he~j 'Apuh.~~' dw: und(', thp.. St"~,L.lflf~ In...tHHlkf)\ .1!H,llh~_' ",It-i;' hrA...1 nil ;1-i.,dl";~11;'n
<br />~hJ ';~-H,~ ,)2n~ Jdlikdt -:-1' iHl~ of her ~n\-CflM1tl ill 4~.tt"'C'fn~~IIl.... h ~ p~~" Jll Cll.p\:'H-'{'" ;lhUffFd ;H ITJI'II.'lli~ 1~11"
<br />~1l;Mnl~ JH"t!~Htw'f.n hut Hot lltfl!led f,'. rt:f!"'Hl$~4t' J?hN'llf"''''' ft,y<" ,md (dj L~tl,\.'\ )1 :k'il'.l; d" I lli;n
<br />'l,' d!\'!>Uft Ihr j}r'tl \<f th~li, lo\ei.t.inl~ fn"'tr-lHH{",flL I dH'ki"\ T1!<!.hh. 1'il ltH i'll1r'nt, MId B;\II'\~\t'l"..
<br />(~HtW.. l",f'{u1r>t1 h:~ 'hl'l, '<f.""Hlqf~ hl\'lftHHf:'-nt <,riAl! '~nl!fllH' UI~d1IinJf{'d 1 ", iCil!',l;j!\'!1!f"nl ~",
<br />Ifi'd1Una-n: ~~HJ ~h~ ',-hh!r_~tH'Il" V'-;" hodn. ',fl,1i! d"~'''' t11,>r' h:tll
<br />n~hr II' 'i~'Hllo.tiith fH'~ ;~P-i,j.". HI tb, :J'>., -!!;",.",,;j'r:-,l!H 1'_.1!
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