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<br />006694
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<br />24"--
<br />UNIFORM CoVElliANTS Borrower ami Leader covenut ami llIrl:e as follow-s:
<br />1. PaymMt of PriIIdpIII _ IatenIst; ......,meet _ Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due
<br />the principal of ami interest 00 the debt evideneed by IIIe Note and any prepaymenl and late charges dueuadeT the Note.
<br />2. ..... for Tall. _1-. Subject to applicable law or 10 a written waiver by LeOOer. ~ shaH ,pay
<br />to Lender 00 the day ~tdy pilI~ts arcGue IIRI1er the Note, Ilft.lil the Nate is paic;linftdl.lUllmf~,,)
<br />OIlC-twelftb of:(lI) yelIriy taxes and ~ wmcb ma~' alum priority over this.Sectlrit)'l~
<br />~ pa)'llIentS 01' J1'oond rent~ 00 tile Properly, if4fty;(c) yearly huard in ",. .
<br />mortpae i_r.mce premiums, if 4fty. These itemsare,caUed ..~OW items." Lender may ,
<br />basis of c~ data ami ~ estimates orrutllre~row iteats.
<br />The Funds shall be beId in an iRStiturion the dlipcisits Ol' acoouft.ls ofwbicllare~
<br />~ ~. (ilIclutiliug Lenderi! Lender iuuclnm ~.. Lendi;r shaIIappiytlle
<br />J..auiw, mat' not c.llarF for- ~ and.~ dIe,l"1mGs, ~g'tlle accOlmt
<br />I..-Ier pilYllBorrowerinten:st oo,lhePlIIIds and ,~ law permits I..-Ier
<br />Lender may ~ in wrilm,lltat mt<erelit shall be paic;loo the Funds. Unless an
<br />reqoires interest to be paid. Lender slWt not be required to pay Borrower 4fty interest 01'
<br />sIWl Jive to Borrower. without chllr&e, an lUUlualllCOOlmtintl of the FUlIds sllowing creditsand"lI
<br />Jltif'POlIe for which eacll debillo lbe Flmds was made. The Ftmds are pledged as additiooal seclltity fm' die
<br />thili Security Instrumenl.
<br />If tile IU110UIlt of I he Funds beId by Lender, lO@Cther with tile future monthly paytMntsof,fimlds.
<br />tDe due dates of tile escrow items. slWt exceed tile amount required to pay the escrow items whea due. die
<br />at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borro~"er Ol' credited to Borrower on montWy pilIymeuts of ~Ifdle
<br />_t oflhe Funds held by LenBef' is not sulficienllo pay tbe escrow items when due, Borrower shall pill)' tel Lenderall)'
<br />_nt necessary to make up lhe deficiency ill one or more payments as required by Lender.
<br />Upon pa)11'ICnl ill full of all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument. Lender shall promptly ref1md to~,........
<br />4ft)' Funds held by l..endef', If under pal"lllf'llpill9 t he Property' is sold 01' acquired by Lender. Leader shall appy, _...
<br />tllM immediately prior 10 lhe sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender. any Funds beId by Lender at !he time.
<br />appIicatioo as a credit llIainst the sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument.
<br />3. A._It..- of Pa~ Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender IIIIder
<br />~s laud 2 shall be applied: lint. to late charges due under the Note: second. to pl'epayment charges due IIIIder the
<br />Note; third. to lmIOI.Inls payable under pIIf'llgl'll.ph 2: fourth. 10 ll1terestdue: IlIld last, to principal due.
<br />.. ~ Liens. Borrower shall pay Ill1tllXe!io. assessments. charges. fines and impositions attributable tel tile
<br />Properly which may attain priority' OVef' thilo Security Instrumenl. and leasehold payments Ol' ground l'eIlts."jf'lmy.
<br />--- !!,:-::-::.ll'_ '!'....,I~ ;-;' .~_:... .nI..hn....t....,c ip'~ m~,.,~f' f'U'nv1rlPrl '" !""'1iU7r"nh., or ifnnr naid in that Jt1&&lI:let"~ 'BorroWer''SMU
<br />pay them on time directly 10 the penon owed pay~1 Borrowef' shall promptly fumlsh to Lendef' all notices of_ts
<br />to be paid under this pantJ1'aph. If Borrowcr makes rhese payments ducctly. Borrowcr shall promptly fllmilb to Lender
<br />receipts evidencing the payments,
<br />Borrowef'shall promptly' discharge any lien which has priority ovef' Ihis Security Instrument unlc-ls Bof'_. <a)
<br />llIteeS in writing 10 the payment ot'the obkption secured by the lien in II mannet' acceptable to Lender. (b)cootests m,JOOd
<br />faith lhe lien by. or defends agmnst enforcement of lhe lien in. legal pro<:eedings which in tbe Lender's opinion opentte to
<br />pl'CVCfttthe enfOl'cemenl oflhe llefl or forfellure of any part ot"the Pt-operty; or (c) secures from the holdef' of the lien llIl
<br />agreemmt SlltmllCtOf'Y 10 Lender ~ubordinatmf! the lien to Ihis Securily Instrumenl, If Lender detennines that any pan of
<br />the Pf'operty is sub.lect to II lien ""llIch may allllin pnorny over IhlS Secunly Instrumenl. lA:nder may give Borrower 1I
<br />notICe identif)'mg the lien, Borrower shall satISfy lhe lien or lAke one or more ufthe aclion.. set fonh above wilhin 10 da)'S
<br />,,(the givi.. of notice.
<br />5, ftu.d 1-. BorrowCf' shaJJ keep the Improvements now existing or hereaftef' erected on tDe Propllfl)'
<br />IlmIred apiMI klliilo by lire. hlll.ards mcluded wllllm lhe lerm "extended co\'erag;e" lInd any other halllrds for ""hich l..ender
<br />mqutr~ iDSUf'llIlCe Tlus msurllllCe shall be maintained III rhe amounts and for the periods that Lendef' requires. The
<br />IftMlfllRCC carrier providing the ,"suranee shall be chosen by BOI'f<lwer subjec. to Lender'.. approval ""hii:h shall not be
<br />Im~Y wilhheld.
<br />All insurance poocies and renew'liIls shall be acceplable 10 Lender and shall mdude a standard mottgaBe dause.
<br />Lem:Ier lIIWl have the right to hold IRe poli4.:Je!> and Te1le'Iillls, If Lender requires. Borrower shall promptly give 10 Lender
<br />atl ~ of paid premtums ami renewal notl1.'CS In tm: e\'cnt of loss. Borrower ..hall gin' prompt notice to lhe ill1iurllllCe
<br />catricr and Lendcr, I~ 1'ItII}' mille pt'oof of los5 if not 1lllIde prompt I~ hy' Borrower,
<br />l1n_I.en<:Ier and Borrower (ltherwise agrCl.' ill writing. Insurance proceeds shllll be applied 10 restOl'lltH:m 01' Tepalr
<br />of the Propcny d.amqed. if the r$Ol'allOtl Of' f'epair is economically feamble and Lender's security is not ICSliCtled. If the
<br />~- (If' repilif'ill not eron<)ft1lClllly f~ or Lender', secunty would be k-sscned. the 1011W'ance pf'Oceeds "h.all be
<br />~ to tbe wms secured by Ihis Security Instrument. whether or not tben due, With any e1cell$ paid to Borrower. If
<br />Borrower ltbandons the Pf'operty. or does not lInswer wit 11m .to days a notK."e from L.emIcr thllt Ibe insurancc l~llrrier lw.
<br />~ lo_tle a claim. then Lender may collectlhe insurance proceeds Lendcr may UM.' lhe pl'~s 10 repair (If restore
<br />the Pf'operty or 10 pay ~_ ~llred by Ih", Security Instrumenl, whl:thC1' Of' nnt rhen due The .lO-da, penod will begin
<br />~ lhe ootice IS ~ven,
<br />U~ Lender lImI Borrower otherwi1<e agt't:e in writmg. any Ilpplical1<Jll of pf(X;~S 10 pnoclpa! ,hllll not extend Of'
<br />pclfllp<_lhedw tiMe ofthemotllhly paymenls referred 10 lllllllUgrllptlli. land 2. [II' ,.-hanjl" the amOlln! nfl~ paymenls, If
<br />~ par.... I I) the Pt-operty IS JlCQllued by Lendcr. 80rr0wer', right 10 allY inlluramx: pollelo and I'n>c~' le,ultmjl
<br />from ~!O the l'rL'f'C'f'ly prior to lhe IKXllltSltioo !>hall flll"" II' tendcr ", Ihe ('Ment "fIll.. 'UIlO' _'ured Iw I Ius SlN,'unh
<br />I._f'llment immedlllte!y pfflll' to the lK."Qllisition, ' .
<br />6. f\_........... Mai~of~-: (~. Borro,,'cr shall,,,,, d""II<'Y' damalle t'f 'll~tanltall\
<br />~ the Propcny'. allo\\' lhe Pn'perty to detel'iorate tlf' commIt waste, If IhlS St,,'unl\ j"s,rumcl1l " .,,, II lea",-,h"ld.
<br />I!IJ!'lrfO'll"m!IW oomJlly "lIh the l'l'OVI!<Ions r,f'the Ieltse.llnd ,f' IJorrowcr "l'qUHC'I fIX mle Tn tile PWf'r.Ft\, the lelllioelmld and
<br />rllletll.lIIl11Wl not ~ IItlkn l.ender 1lIl'Cai to the mer,er In \Vnlm~
<br />7. .....dIm of fMlllla''' ~ in me Prupuny; ~ J~. If Bormwer falls In 1't'1'1"Tm 111('
<br />_lImI~"e_Raj~11!I IlnsSecutllyln'lfUlmlll.ortherel"a klllll I'Wn'<:dIt111lhlll ma' ,,!!,"fi"lll1ll) "We,'1
<br />i.-.r'$ ~ i3 lhe ~y t,_h u ~ pt'O\:eedinjl in bankruph:Y. 1'",I>"lc. fOI ""ll<iemnalh'lI .'1 to tnf,'f.,<" la..., ,;1
<br />NPI~I. t_l~ lIUl)' ~'tllml pay for whatever lllllet'~ur~ t[lpl'otet't fhe \'alucoflhe l'r('f'<'r1\ lllld I, ,'1\..!t'!', I.ghr,
<br />i1I t. f'n~ l~', IIICfl(n!', rn!\~ !nclmie all) 'urns ~'med "y alien "h!('1f has I'l'lnrlly ,,,,'1 till.. S,.'nmh
<br />l_f~. m ,xmf'l. ~1I01'1l<'~'" fm 161'4.1 enterllll! "lIlh<: "n'f't'rt) lnl1lake ICP.11f' "11!H'U~h
<br />l~_'l' "I, t.",., d.-I'l(lt hll'~ tlld<, SO,
<br />~,. --~ ~~ In", rarll~raph i shall hccomellddltHmlll del>I ..j non""c. "'UHN "\ II"..
<br />I-_~, t'm- alld LcOOt,r 100Ih",! f<'fm. "I' pllyment. II",,,. a"'''Il!1'' ,hall I'x-llf It>ln"", r",m
<br />t. uf ~R "'I I~ Note !lIte dill! he :'ll\,lli'k, with mlrre'"r. 111",'" "",,,, fr"", I ,."def I" H"fl,"H!
<br />f~"" I!lll~-~
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