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<br />I" <br /> <br />(at W. _ SELLER HEREIIY 0I8CI AIM ALL WARMN11ES, EXI'RES8ED 0fII IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />IItlJ'tY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON AU GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER fUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRI'r'rEN UMlTED WARRANTY OR SIIMCE CONTRACT MADE BV SEL. <br />LER ON ITS OWN BEHAL.F (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />(b) I have read, in <IouiI. die: scpIfalC "lIMITED W AJUlANTY" wbi<:b 1I<C<lIIIpMic$lbiscOlllno:t. It explains tlleCOllClition& Il1Id c~ ill wlllchtlle_ <br />IIlactsInd prodiIcIs will be ICplIiRd or replaaod.llllU ~ of tile limitatiolls 011 tile wlII1'OIIly. Il1Id I pWcuIlrIY rocopiH llI8lany implied WII1Uly1lflidl..,.1O" <br />goods I.... Only Ii kms Ii die: warTIIIly or SCIYicc COIIII'ICt. <br />SPEC1AL-01lDE1l GOODS: I kIIow llI8l you Itavc IDClIMonld oy Ioouac Il1Id its openinss 50 llI8l you can mob: dlep5'Oliucls 10 fit my pIftil:lUrllouw. I..., IIIIIioedlll.. <br />goods tbal ...., IIWIIIfactunIcI fur my specifi<: houoc probably will not fit any otbcr llousOs. Il1Id __IIICII c:oncIilioIlo, I kIIow dial r _ c:MllIllllil__..,.. <br />alter die: period oflime Jivea 10 me. by law. in whicll IOeanceI. Al'rerlll8l Jes&l period oflimc. I kIIow llI8llllaWl tlleobliption 10 pay you lit ftIIllbe_ow.t. <br />08L1GA11ONS PDTAINING TO MY UAL ESTATE; I. I pt'llIIIisc 10 keep my house ill &ood repail'1l1Id IOUep!t;....s fur M....... ofilllr l' " I.... <br />by buyillS a ti.., Il1Id c:dllldod aMIqe i--= policy. TIle inIIurucc COIIIpMy muse be __ by 70'1, 1l1Id.. pciIicy musellPe.llIIlIIciIIy cI8IIi....... <br />you are 10 be poid ifdle<e is a 10M. TIle i--= company muse.... dial it'wiIl not c:ancel illy polic)" 'wllIIo8t f\;.Jt iIlIllat Y\lII.I.......lbe___ <br />you1liroctly fOr any 10M. You """ chouoc IOlI8ClIIiI ;--... ~ CO cidlcrnpey _Y _1_ you or lOrepail' my .....1.,..,......... <br />aeyonc doe 10 pI800 any lieu 011 my 1'Illll_ wilIloul your..n.. pcnnisoioII. 3. I jIRlIIIiIe IO..-r aII_. I I ~... odIer-.._ my...... <br />4, I lJIOUIise 10 u-Iy IIIIIke all ~ 011 ~.(lrior!oMs ___ by my 1'Illll_. r also JII'lIlIIIMllI8lI wiIlnotWlilld. _or.............wIdiaat,... <br />permission. $, Ifl do not iIItlft my house or flIIIiIl my odIer alIlipIiOaa Ie my 1'Illll_.1IlcII you """ do it fur_ifyoll_(tIutyou__....IO).If,...__ <br />Of 1hete obIip1iono fur me. 1.....lOpay you bel< 011........ (IIiIs ~ Mlbe bial>esllawfl1l COIIInlC:t ndlCof~, UatlII pay you.... ....._.... <br />IOmy dcbc 10 you whicll is ___ by my 1'Illll_1l1Id house, I kIIow dial if you decide 10 buy i_ fur _lbetyoudo DIllllmllO......, ~_...... <br />u.sur-c. <br />SALE OF MY ROUSE: I (II'OIIIise _10 sell. ~orBi"" my house lOan~UIIliII ha""fullyrepllid my dcbclO you. <br />DEI' AVL T: I will be ill dofault llIIIIerlllilCOlllnlC:t if: <br />I. I don'l mate a paYlllelll'lmen due; or <br />2, I break...y promise I tMdc 10 you inlhio COftII1lCt; or <br />), Somelbina else /tappolIs wIIich cau&e!! you 10 believe ill aood fIIilIIlbet I do not inlCDd to pay you as promisecI; or <br />4, I default OIlllllY obIipIioBs for wIIiclI I am using my IloIM as~; or <br />S, SoaIIIIlllinalllppellslOmyhouse....icllll_nsyourrishts. ifllllY. inil, <br />IF I AM IN DBFAUL T: t lIIIlllnlalId lbet you have die right 10 foreclose die MorlP&e IItavc given 10 you and Itavc my IlouIe IlIId 10 repay I!!IJ aIIIJIlIIII\Il-,. ifl <br />am ill default ........lIIiI-. Bef<n my house is 1lIId. you will do every1hina!hit ihe law noquires. If you bite an MDMy"'" you 10 iIeII my .....'..,..~, ;';,' <br />or, to proliCCt your ripts. 1....10 pay you for your -.bIe ~. fees Il1Id for otbcr reI8Ied expnaea IIICII.. court COIII.Iide .-din,...,..", ",,.,,, "'",,.,.,',,'.', """ <br />IOptoIICtmyloouac. ilyou...........hocollcctlllldo_bylaw. . ,..,.. '..,. ... ... <br />0TIIEIl RIGHTS: WeGallcllaooe _10 enfutcc any of die riahU llllderthia COlllllll:lIi often as we WIIIIl wilboullosina1hem. Or;... -..,..........:lIf.......' <br />wilboullmins Iilem, WeClllalsouteanyrisJltslKnVorindle: liIlurcJivenlO III by law. ',' , ' .< ': <br />DELAYS: I kIIow that you will ute your best cfforu to inatall die producIa I am pun:buina 011 lilY 1Iouw. but I also lIIIlIerIlIIIId dill ill_ ...... you liliiii',...... <br />delays that are c:ausecI by sries. weadler condiliona. delay. you have in olIIaiaina 11IIlIaWa, orfurotbcr _lbet.. beyoIldyour c.-'IIl.llIIIlIIiIIIBII"',.. will' <br />DOl be liable for sucIl delays, " , <br />AIt8lTIlA 11ON: If I ha"" a ctispuIe or claim with you concemina die quantiI)', quality or perlt1rmance of lbe ~, I lIlIllemud lbet my diIplIIe .., 1M........ 10 <br />Il1Id seuIed acconlin, 10 die mediaIim;.Wlralion JlfOII'&IIIthat may have developcd in my COIII1IIllIIity, I alto Iaiow lbet all)' decitD .... bY llll iiItIlImIai(.)...... __', <br />IInd ill die court haVIIII jurisdic:tion ~ me Il1Id you, " ., .' . ' <br />SALVAGE V ALliE: IIcaaw thatlhe wiIldows. wood...ort:, Il1Id odtIr .-ids that Itavc to be IeIIIOWd by you for lIIiI inIlaIIatioe have...... YIIuI. 'ww.,.... <br />_lhem. you """ ha"" dIc:m for whalever JllBPll5e you Wlllll. <br />IInClAL SmJATIONS: Due to die: ~ of IOIIlC of die: prod1Il:ts that you ",U. I uncIerswId that ill tpeeW ~ that fO!II'...... 0ftlGI.. ........ ' <br />aad accepIlbis c:ontnl<:l, 1&150 IIIIdenIIl1Id that thia saIc ocauTCCI m my home and that you Il1Id I may IlOl have had all die comc:t infumaiian.....-............. <br />.. our fillIenips; I Ji"" you lilY consem 10 """"'" any obvious emn llI8l may ha"" ocauTCCI wbea lbe bI...u ilIlIIiI COIIInlC:t.... compIetId. <br />1N\..uD PROVISIONS: If any pnmsion of Ibis COlllllll:l v.,... die law Il1Id is _~. lbe _ oflbe _ wiIIlMftIi4.1f ..,,.,,........, .... " <br />~ of_ ~..dlelaWpenaiIa. dlenyou will only ha""lbe !il"!lOc:oIIccttrom_lbe _of....1IflidIlbe........_. - <br />COMI'LE'nNIIlII._08I~'RIla__...I_....., b.....I~A iAltllh ,.,._I....tItwIftIIIt,--.' , <br />TIle followina ~ brinp EO m:- -.tion die: risJIts that I have even wbea thia ;0IIlIX1 is sold to a IillllllCiaI instilUtion or a bent, Il1Id I sIIoukIlIIIIioe........... <br />la&1:oflhioprovisioo is~by ilSappeanncc in ten pow. bokl face rype: <br />NOTICE R.1. - OORR~tb <br />ThIa cradIt contnM:t tInancR a All ..... rIgtda which the IIuyw .. ......... the 1iIiI' <br />out of INs trMMCtion, Including :.r:=- and ........ .. aIao w:..:r::- My holder of .... <br />The rIaht to NCOWW money fnIriI the holder under thI8 provIaIon Ie " to the amount pIIIcI br' the ...,. <br />under lhIa contract. <br />A cMIm Ie a IepIIy veIId reMOn for IUIng the ..... A ..... Ie a IepIIy veIId reMOn for not ...,... <br />the Seller. A holder Ie anyone trying to collect for the ........... <br />1NSL'IlA."ICE CANCELLATION: If I have rwqueoted i_Inlbi.~. J may C81CC1 SllCb r.qucat for ins_ for any _ wiIIIia ftfteIm (15).. hm.. <br />..... of Ibi. CClIIlra<:t by nocifyina you or die boIcIor of lIIiI c:ontntlln ...ntms, I kIIow that die: can<:el1alioIi of lilY aMIqe will be ananpd wilb the ~ CIirIII(.)... <br />afull refundofl1l}' premiumt.) IDpIlIcrwitllllpplicable finucc cbarp w~l6emdiled 10 lIIis COIIlI'IICI. <br />PLEASE NOTE: If r have ICQIICSled illSlll'allC:e III tIus pun:buc. I Mil rocclve w.lbinlbirty (30 l day. a cenificare of insuruce more full)l ducrIblIIa the ~ ~ <br />J kIIow that if there IS ...y ronl1id in. die C""""'I< or Ihe Ianpaae of die: OCI'llficate of ~ and die: followinl NOIicc of I'ropoNcl '- ihet I .. co-.d onIj 10 <br />Ihe ex",,"1 staled in die: followina Nolice of PropoIed Insurance. I also kllOw that I have Ill>IInm:e c"-' OIIly if I have bcea cbatJed for il. <br />~, ,~:' i) n ') NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />11IItc~ dlalcidlcrCnodil Ufe or Cnodil Acl:ldcm Il1Id HeaIlh "'--e. orbolll. will be applicable to thia SalcaCoatncl 0II1he revenc _only lfIlImIdlDIn <br />it "Y........ die......... fur sucIl inM'antc, This insurancoo will only rovw tile ~ sipina die: roquctt at the cost for Cllcll type of;--... tIIowft. Subjecllll""" <br />by die 1_ COIIIpMy. die insonn<:c will, be effecti"" Ii of today Il1Id Mil cOlllinue ...,. for Ihe ___ of montbs aIlCr die: effective ......,..... lbe ..... of <br />IIlOllIlIIy paymelllS, I nndentatod dlallIIis parlIClIlar ;--... may not provide 0DVeI'8fl' fur my lut few l"'~. Il1Id that lIlIrillB lbet period ofliiile I will DIllllPe IIIIf <br />u.sur-c C""""'I<, All benefits Il1Id PI'Ocioeds of die: ,inM'antc will be poid 10 ~ or to a ~ia1 intIitullon or a banIi: if it ~ die SaIn <:oaa.:t III lbe _ of.. <br />Immats Il1Id any ~ will be paya'blt: to me, TIle Initial aIIIOUIll of Cnldil Life "'--e IS die amoutIll'lQUitecllO rqoay ihe Total of~: 1iwNIIftIr, lbe a-- <br />-=-- by die lllllOUIII of ucb mondlIy payment 011 a schedIIIed 30 day basis, If I omlOllllly obIiplCd on die SaIea Coatncl with a Co-lJuyw, Il1Id ...lImI badt Iiped <br />die..... forCnodil Life lnounnce. dealIi benefits will be payable only wiIIl respect 10 lite linl.-ofUSllldic, 511bject lOeJU:lusiona. e1imiutiona or~ ~1iiIId <br />ill die llISIlOIICC policy or ccttiflCale. Credil Acl:ldcm Il1Id HeaIlh Insurance IS furtbe bencfll amoutIl of 1!3Olh (If Cllcll motIlh's 1'tIYD*K forCllcll day lbet I...."...... <br />due 10 an iIIjury or sid<Mas wIIile I 0W9 any paY_III you; however. IIllIdenIIand dIaIlltavc 10 be tnVCIIlH from WOltinJ due 10 ~ lI*I diIUiIit)' for _ .. fuoIr. <br />- (14) consec:uli... days bcfmo Ihe ;--... '-lit is paid bel< 10 the Iinl day of my lDlial diaDlMy, I .. bow &lilt , c-............,. ..-.-... ,..It I <br />__61 "-.,,,......, _."bowllllll... -......c~,.....tdIlI.._..,. --........._",-...............,._ <br />_........._lIIIIl i_,... Due 10 die: llWtimum amoutIl of C""""'I<- m tile insonn<:c policy .1.....,.., lbetany IIIIp&icI amoutIl ilI_oflbea-- <br />--. will IItilI Itavc 10 be paid, IflbeSaleaCcnltact ispNpaicl ia full prior 10 die lutreymem daIe....y IIHC1Ied ;--...premi...... will beNf1llldcd 10 _ ilIlhe_ <br />-JI"'ICribecIby law, WitIliD tbiny (30) days. I will receive die: certificate of insurancelllDl'll luUydotaaillills my insonn<:caMlqe,lfdle ~ is IIOIllllIIt(IlIdby <br />Ihe _compIIl)'.1 wiD m:cive a I'CfuniI oflhe inIIuruccpmm......1 have paid, <br />IVYD: TIle _I two panpI(lItt c:oDUIn wmIIIIlies relllliveto lIIis saIc Jivea by 11110 lIlc finuciaI illI1ituIion or bent ill ~ for it 10 buy lIIiI CllIlIInI:I. <br />IlU.lR'I WARRANT1EI AND A881Qr..NT OF IN8T ~ CONTR <br /> <br />FOR V ALtiE RECFNED. Seller hmby Mils. usiaM. COIIve)'S. ttul5fm and delivcn 10 , <br />(........) all of its riIblx,litle Il1Id ~ in Il1Id 10 the rnatall_ Salca COIIU'Il<I aad Morlpsc.1OplIlcr wKll I lieu emuna 10 __ its tile JlIIlIMI1Y <br />--......s 1Icreby, ........ is IIcreby subsliuded as Monppe ........Ihe Morlpsc provisions of IbiS COIIInlC:t. Seller........1l1Id 1'IpMOll1I: () It has Ihe rieI>t 10 mate <br />IIIiI auipmmt; (2) AlI_ .....Ii.- ill rIIis COIIlnICt Il1Id in die: Buyer's _ are .-iaIly true Il1Id comc:t; (3) This _ __ from lbe boilI fide.. <br />of die JOoda and smriccs deoc:ribed hetein; (4) Tbc cash ......,.,,,..... tIIowft illlhio conlraI:t w..llCtIIaIIy paid by Buyer Il1Id 110 pan of Mid~,.- _loaM4di. <br />nlGdy Or~by Seller 10 Buyer; (5) l!adl Buyer is leplJy COIIlpIlCIIIto COlIlnIct; (6) Tllis conlraI:t is IIOlIl1ld will_ be IIIbj<<t 10 any claim. difieM, dImDd orritftt <br />of ...; (7) TIle ____ of rIIis COIIInlC:t Il1Id Ihe lIIllIerIjins .... ........livicnl ria ~ did IlOl violate ...y fcclcraI or _law. 4irec:tive. mle or ~ ...... <br />Ie llIINt; (fI..1IIt _lbet lIIiIlIGIIlIlIlII<< ....1IIIIIlIdyltrc.... ___ is IIlID;ICt IIJ a riIIIt of ___ er ~ ~,'::.~iU"_lCissi". c:MllIl... <br />lillIIporiodhas..pioedll1ldneidlcrthe -_Ihio;:m:-lecIortellf:illdccl, '"nIllWTlSsaJIlSBUI <br />IN TI!STlMONY WHllIUlOf, lbc ~ .' '''Yf~'' of die: Seller Il1Id has:~, IleIow on beIlaIf of die: Seller on thia <br />day of ,19_, // , <br /> <br />PAC~~I.c..+ <br />Bl ~j;r~I-<(C., /;Jt L' <' , <br />Z- ,f <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br />,/. ' <br />j <br />/LA-.. <br /> <br />toy the lIUlbunud oeout of Seller ...... is <br />My~Upim. <br /> <br />~ ',1 ~,/ <br />/,~--,l.- '',IF';r-- <br />/> ' 0C$Ir)' f'\IbUt ' <br /> <br />----....... <br /> <br />.-.-..-----,,'-- =, ,.."",.. .,'~,~:.,~~!~;::, <br /> <br />I,.~-_._..._--" <br /> <br />../l <br /> <br />_-:kl <br />.I <br /> <br />~,-!:;s <br /> <br />@flI,\ <br />i1 <br />, <br /> <br />I~ <br />co: <br />;hi <br /> <br />_J <br />