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<br />1 <br />.r. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />a.~~"~~g..=t~,.:r~~~=at~j!..=~=!ie~r4.~.i <br />en-IIIMSI.OlhrillllOlllellllde. '.< "..., <br />.-oRTANT NOTICE AIIOUT WARRANTIES: <br />....w~~ffOR~:..==~..v:"~~~.-.OP <br />..... BUYER WITH A SEPARATE wRlll_ ...-no WARRANTY ORIIIMCI~ is <br />LEA ON ITS OWN IEHALF (WHICH, IF IIADI, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). " .' . "i<.,,;i. <br />~~=4.~=~~~eO:d.~~lIIIlI~~~'-:'~~__..;t.~~I'. <br /> <br />SPECIAJ..OItDDGOODS: Ie- dIlIl you ha..........- my blMe lIIIlI ill cpelliDJllOdIlIlyoucu """'pIQ!IIKu IOtltll!J..........lliIIIit......iIliM.. <br />JOOds dial on: IlIIIIlIfllclaN for III)' apecific house pnJlNIbIy wiIIl101 fitIII)' odIIrlloulR,_'" -' CllIIlIiriDiI.11IIIow ..r...... ............ <br />iiler....poriodof...pwn lOme, by Inr, ia wbidllO~. Afterdlallejalporiodoflime.llIIIowdlal'.......olII\pIiaIl.,.,.,.iafldl........~' ,. .<) <br />~~~...!D!.~TO~UAL_~A!!'.I.lpnllllilelOblpmy~=~~~~....~lII~jk.di~E <br />v,_,.....a...._a_cooaap_........,. .__COIIIpID)'_"" _,yoa.__ __.......-, ~, <br />you _10 be JIIlid ifllla'e n a !oK, TIie iasurMce complIIY ......,. dIlIl ii wilIlIOl my poIlq WidIout fint~ ,".1___'" ---C!IIII!!I!!II" ,. <br />)'OlI diNcdy fOrIII)' lou, You can ~ 10 _lIIis ~ paymnllO eidl<<repIy III)' _1_)'OlI or.I'IpIIir.,...... 2.1........._1.... .'. ,;; <br />~"IO plaCe allY liens OIl my naI_ wilbout your...... permiuiolI. 3'. IpI'OIIIiec 10 J1'lY. &11_. _... odIIrdlqla_.,. _............. <br />4, , pnIIIliIe 10 iiIMIy mate all paymonIS OIl my,l'rior 1oaiIs-..d by my m1_, r aIIo proIIIlIe dial 1 wi11110l exteIId, _ orcllallppriar.... ....,...... <br />pcrmiuion. S, If 1 do DOt iame my boule or fWIIlI my odIIr olIIipliOat Ie my m1_, 1IIea you CIIII do it for _If,.... _ (tIut ,.._lIOl,IIImI.).,If,.. ..,.,.., <br />Ofdlese obliplicll6 for me. 1""10 pay)'Oll belt OIl demand pm at.... hiJbest lawful COIIInCl rate of UIIIilI pay '" belt. dlese _ will........ <br />10 my delIt 1O)'OlI wbidl is I<<1lnld by my m1_ and boute. 'c- dIlIl if YOll d<<ide 10 lolly i_ for me dial," do lIOl....lOolMia lIIIY~orlilllllltJ <br />iasurMce. <br />SALE OI'MY HOUSE: I promiso DOtIO oeU. __or&ive my boute 10 III)'<llIe until I have fully repaid my delIt lOyou, <br />DEFAULT: I will be ia deflUltuadorthis COIIInCl if: <br />I, \doa'I""apa~wbeadue;or <br />2, . break oy pnIIIlise I made \0 '" ia lllis COIltTICt; 01' <br />, claeli.w-o wilKn ~ yOUlDDiir_,njijij,i1'iifir~"lOjjiy you.. jiroiiIiiiQ; 01' <br />4, I defakOll III)' obli&aliOIlt for wbidll_..... my home.. co1laMal; or <br />5, 5DIMlIliIII happad 10 my boute wbidl....... yourriJltu, if any. in it, <br />D't AM IN DEF4tJLT: I ~ dial you have lhe ritht 10 fone""" lhe ~ I have Biven \0 you and ha.... my boue so1d 10 reply lIII)' _,_ '" if' <br />.... defak...... this __ a.r.. 111)' _oe is so1d, you will do every1hinJ!hit ihe law requires, If," hire o..-...y 10 uoiIt '" 10 lei! my...., or. ~-:'~ <br />or. 10 Jl"llIICI your ripIs. 1....10 pay you for your rNKlIlllblc auor.ys' fMs and for odIIr rd8tecl upe..- liUCb .. court COllI. lilIe.-dlla alIlI-r,.. <br />.pNlaCtmy......... if you_aJIeooM 10 collect liUCb_ by law. <br />0TBEIl RIGHTS: WCQIII~ DOt III cnfone lIIIY oflhe riJItu uador 1IIi. COIIII'IICl as ohm as we wanl widloullosins Ibem. Or. "'" caD dllayeaforclatllllYof"'riplI <br />willIout Iosins Ibem, We co aIso_oy riama!lOW or III.... ruwre law, <br />BELAYS: IIulow _ you wiII_ your bell dfolU 10 iIIIlaIl .... proclucu I _1lUIdIaIia& on my boute, but 1 also UIldcnlaIld dIlIl ill _1itVlIIionI,.,. IM)'- <br />dclays dIlIl"", cauood by 1Ilrika, ......... condiIions. cIcIay. you have in oblainiiItl-.w.. or for oIbcr -. dIlIl_ beyond your conaoI, ,........ dial '" will <br />IIOt be liable for -" delays. <br />AIlBI1'RATlON: If I haw a dispde or c1aim,wilII )'OlI ~.... quanIily. quality or performance oftbe pmduca.1 UllCImIad dIlIl my dispde, IM)'. 1IIlImillIlI. <br />lIIIlI.uJed ~ 10.... ~Jl"OIfUIl dial may have ~ ill my __;!y. 1 allOkJiow dIlIlllllY cIcciIion made by ..~.) -W... <br />lIIIlI ia.... court haVlllljuriaoliclioa ovw me alIlI you. <br />SALV4GE VALUE: I c- _.... wiadows, woodworlc:, and oIbcr.-;ala dIlIl have 10 be removed by you for this iIIIlaIlaIiOIl have . ~ vaIua, WbaII,.,. No <br />_lbem, you caD have Ibem for wbaIevcr purpooe you WanI, <br />IPECLU. 5n1JA nONS: 0lIc lO....lIIIiq1IcMu of....... of.... produo:1Ilhal you oeU. lllllClllmand dial ill opaclallitVlllionl dial f"!'" IletioMl omc.lM)' haft.___ <br />alIlI ~ chil COIIInCl. I aIIo UIldcnlaIld dIlIl this oaIe <<CUmd III my home _ dIlIl you_I may DOt have... all... comet iaformailoD~. 1IliI...... <br />__filIIcnipt; 1 live '" my CGllMfttIO comet lII)'obvious cnon dIlIl may ....<<CUmd wbeatbe blaaksialllil__ compIIted. <br />IlII\' ALII) I'IlOVI5lOl'fS: If lIIIY pIO'I'iIiOIl of this COIIInCl v~ ...Inr alIlI is ...llMf<xce.oble. ... rat of... _ will lie WIIId. If IIIIY flit of.. _ ~ <br />..,...of_ ..........IaW....,.....,.. willOllly haw.... ripe IOco1Iectrr.IIlI"'__of~wIliIII""''''',........ <br />COMft.I.I1IU....._.,..IlI...'S9r>.... u.t_.".! .ifWIII,.._I.....;...ttlIItl.- <br />TIle foIlow.....1IOIicc briap 10 my ............ ripe. dial I have even wbea chil romract is so1d 10. fiuDcial illllilution 01" billie, andllllould IIOIicc dIlIl...1mporl. <br />_oflllia pn>visioa.. SInlOtIOlI by icl appeanIlCC in ICn poUu. bold flCe type: <br />NOTICE R41 - OORR~tb, <br />TIde CNdIt connct tInInOIe . IIUfClhaN, All ..... rights which the IIuv- .. ....... .. 1M' <br />out of .... IfMlIIIlttan. ~ .... cIaIme and ......... Ire aIao ~ .., holder of .... <br />1M ...... to ...... IItOMJ from .. holder under .. pn:wIeIon Ie to tile amount paid ." the bu,er <br />under 1IlIe connct. <br />A ... .. . IefaIIY ".... ......, tor ~ tile ....... A ...... Ie . legally valid ......, for not ..... <br />tile ..... A holder .. anrone IIyIng to collect for tile .....--. <br />II'lIR&\NCEC.uiCZl.lATlON: If'llne~ iaavram:e ia;e' , 'may~ liUCb requeal for iaavram:e for allY _ widlia ftften (15). hm... <br />... of 1Ilia_ by IIIllif7UI& youer........ of 1IIia_ in . , I mow dIlIl....CG:CIIlIIioIi of my --. will be inaapd wilIIlhlI ~CIirlII(.)_ <br />. filii....... of.,. pNlIIiuIII(.) ......willllIlJ'IicabIen- cbarJII will cnddtd 10 this COIIInCl. <br />I'U.UE l'iIOft: If 1.....-- ___ ia 1IIillJU&'dlaM, I will recei.... wiIIIia IIIiny (30) days a certificaIe of inllaraace _ flIIIy Qncribiaa... ~ . <br />IIulow dial If...... is ~ COIlflkt ia .... ~ 01' tIIc __ of tbe certificaIe of insurance _ .... foIlowiaa NoIice of i'ropoIed' Intunmc:e lhat I _ cov.:= <br />.. _ tIaIad ia lIlc --. NoIice ofl'nlpiied ilIMIranCe, r aIIo c- dIaIllIave iasurMce.,.,... only if 11iR.... been charpcl for iI. <br />~ {; a a 0 0 NOTICE OF PROPORD IN8URAHCE <br />I....... dIlIleidl<<CIIIdic UfaorCllldic AccOdaRIlIIIlI Hea1Ih '--e. or bolb, wi1110e applicable 10 this SaIca C<InInct on .... .......;:~ I.... ciloMa <br />It..... .................___. Thio ___ will 0IIIy _...................... ""!I*tlll.... COOl fore<<h type ofinllaraaceshowa, ...--.-., <br />'" ihe ................,. lIlc ___ will ... eIIiIClIiw . of tnday alIlI will 0llIIIi-."" for die ....... of ..... aftior .... effective dale equal 10 .... ....... of <br />i_~~~~il~.'";t=i~~~':l.::J:.:,:;;c;:';=iaI~IIr:-..c~~g:~::.==::.-:=of-: <br />~ -lIIIY will lie 10.... 'TIle iaiIW _ofCllldil Ufa Intunmc:e is tbe_NqlIiNd 10 repay me ToIaI of~......., ...___ <br />__ by .... _of e<<h """'IlIIy..,..... on. sdIedulod 30 day bmiI, If I.... ioia1lY oblip5ICI OIl .... SaIca CoRnel willi. Co-lJuyer, and we ....1Iotll1ipld <br />.. ..........o.IiI LillI '--e............. will... ___only willi rapoct 10 tIIc lirit 0Ile ill llllOlIie, SlIbject 10 clIduoIont, cl1minatioM orwalliat ~ MiIlIad <br />ill.... ___policy <<......... CNdiC AQcidam and HialiIl Intunmc:e is for IhlI beMllt _ of I t30th of e<<h rnomh'. pa~ for-' day dIlIl r _tiiliaIlydllllllled <br />-.. iIIjlIryor.... .....I_.."...-_~; 1IIloo...- .1............ dial I haw Ie be ~ rr. woritinc _10 -' -.llIisUllity for_ iIIIIl four. <br />- (14) ~ days............ ___llHaIlt " _ belt 10'" fint day of my -.I diuIlility, ,_ __ tW'1_........,....--...]W If r <br />--..J"!IIII........i..I..--.....~-............_..,c..-........_"'-...wIIIIII.......,..- <br />-.........__.. -,.., DIIa......u-_of_.tIaIad ia ....iaavram:epolicy.l c-dIlIlllllY ....,.;.t_ia_oflllliasurancc <br />~ will .1IImI.... JllilLIf.... SaIca~. is I"'I\IIIid in full priot 10.... ....~dale,lIIIY __ iasurancc..-- willloe m\nldId 10.... iII...._ <br />-...--.. '" law, Widlmlhifty (:90) days, I wiII_1llc ~ of insurance _ fully ~ my iaavram:e cooaap, If.... ___ is lIOl-.,.d by <br />....-.-..,..,., IwiII........~of...__..--lhaw pM, <br />IIVYDI n.__,........--.......,... NlIIM Ie"''' pvenlily ...1O....flnMclaI iulilu!ilm0l' I!uk III oNtrfor it 10 lolly 1IIia~, <br /> <br />POltV~~~~::A~~==...,IO_ ~~ ~~_/ L~ <br />! 1Ill!t .,rlIl*.I6, alIlI ~OI:....... to~_ 5aI<o'c_.... ....illl II.... ."stifts It> __ ~~L. <br />~ 10 ~~.. ~..-.lIlC :t ScIlor "'1ImIIU MId....-; (I', hllu riJbllO IIlIko <br />M _1iIIoI ~ ill ~ ,_ "J<ftCt; I~) N. <_1 01'<.... from 1M boola fI40 oaIe <br />""........., - ~........; (41"" -" ~_ """"'" ia IIIil <_..... Y I*d by lIu._ Md I'" plOtt of Mill oo....!lII8)'_ _lOaMd </" <br />""""'" <If ~ by ~ ...1h)'OI'; I~) ~ ..,.. " . 61 'Illil.-t ~ ""'.... ..ill "'>> be ..rt>jOc! '" ""I cl..m, dot_, demartd '" OPt <br />of~. (1, ~ _ ""...c_l.... !IW_~ me......... iIId.... vWioolo I." ~, . "'....., i..., ~ll' 0, ode <'f ~ ....,..' <br />..tIIilhI<c fllfo1;!IW_IbalIbaI_....~.....___ , llI>a..<<!/........c~~~i=--.....~ <br />t=?=;~~~~~~~t:-i~~~~~~=,=:m::~, """* SeH.,,~ "U' ,....,_"..,.,.,., <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />\hj <br /> <br />ifi <br />..jI <br />'~ <br /> <br />F)-iJ;' <br />'Y;~Z <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />"K""; '-..!1'i""~1' '11"" p~" <br /> <br />PAC Fc;~,' <br /> <br />/. <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />... <br />